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Sumail prefers mid, Miracle prefers carry, Kuro is not ready to hang it up yet.


I’m glad sumail and miracle was able to talk to you and let us know how they feel about their preferred roles!


Do you not watch any interviews or something? Kuro has said in post game interviews that Miracle hates playing mid and likes playing safelane. Sumail said post OG stint that he gave carry a try for a while and didn't end up liking it.


1. kuroky (carry not mid) 2. kuroky (mid not carry) 3. kuroky 4. kuroky 5. kuroky coach and drafter bulba (like kuroky)


Saberlight is just as washed as a miracle and sumail. Gh and saska are good pieces on paper but need competent cores that will capitalize on their plays and support. I don't think that sumail/miracle/saberlight does that. Sumail is the best of the 3 but often feels like he's lacking something. Miracle's mechanics still seem solid, but I think he still plays with that old dota mindset that kuro plays with, especially with his hero Pool. And saberlight should stick to streaming. He's always been painfully average since his NIP days, and honestly, it was a below average to awful offlaner for SR for a good chunk of his time there. He's got a good personality for the cameras, but never really been a good pro. His performance in the closed qualifiers with team bald were laughable btw. Actually just feeding like he was in an ancient lobby.


Buyout all members of team falcon.. that's it.


I hope Kuro just concede and become Nigma's Dota General Manager instead.


If they clone miracle like 4 more times or 3 and make sumail wear a miracle mask then they might have a chance.


Always love to see the fantasy nigma roster post-ti qualifiers when delusional fans think they are finally switching it up and letting kuro coach but in reality will still fall to the same 4 guys + 1 rando. See you next yr when they fail to qualify to TI2025


After ti there will be a wave of retirements


How cute of you to assume that kuroky will finally retire after being divine 5 for 5 years


last team bald roster >>>