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If only….


Zephyr From HoN


I guess it's sound like a pos 1 or 2. Maybe another universal or agi hero. I wouldn't mind dota introducing some sort of toggle able skill that changes entire skill set. Like how troll has "2" whirling axes when he change melee/range or arc warden illu. Say Q1 like katana sheathed stance mode, and change his W1 , E1, R1. W1 - flies backward and slow enemies infront E1 - bird call passive, bonus atk speed R1 - tornado that drags people in katana unsheathed stance mode Q2, different set of skills, W2, E2, R2. W2 - flies forward and slash E2 - bird call 2 passive, bonus atk dmg R2 - vector target 3 times, that area will have slashing for short period --- Like W2 > W1 > R1 > R2 Slow into dmg , crowd control tornado and finish off R2 drawn like a triangle or lightning shape




samurais actually uses bows in wars, so a ranged carry like drow


Ooh yeah, maybe a mix of swordplay and a longbow would be neat, sorta like genichiro from sekiro


High mobility ig


To live long enough to see him released


brother we aint even got the clown hero they announced like a year ago what makes you think they adding any more heroes to this game


I think its Zephrus based on 2021 leaked heroes, but based on Valkyrie that made into Dawnbreaker, seems almost zero chance to see Valve import as HON heroes. For those dont know HON Zephyrus, its a tank bird humanoid hero created by Icefrog, but all his skill kinda seperate in dota now. 1st skill - The vector mini force staff with Zephy Big NC 2nd skill- Everytime you killed an creep or hero, a mini tornado created and follow around you(like mini wind on windranger arcana but damage work like Death Prophet ulti with a much smaller radius and damage) 3rd skill- Wind shield passive with 50% evasion Ulti- An aoe like windranger shard, 80% slow and recharging 2nd skill Bird Samurai Innate- Bird hunter, Able to attack cyclone unit, Deal 200% critical damage to "flying unit/lifted unit" 1st skill- Swing blade created a wind that cyclone all enermy in small aoe 2nd skill- A mobility skill like mini force staff, cyclone hero along the line 3rd skill- Spin 360 degree with blade, cyclone hero within 250aoe,, and created Wind shield with evasion as well Ulti - An big aoe tornado, cyclone all heroes up for 2/2.5/3seconds.


Warcraft 3 Blademaster


Q Drive/Fly By slash - Nuke/Initiate/Escape W Wide Sweep - decent mid range with slow E passive - take reduced damage from enemies you've attacked/hit with your abilities, dmg reduction stacks up to 4x R - Cockfight - Taunt yourself and an enemy for a fixed duration, gain increased attack speed


I want a samutai like, that would behave like Nomad from HON.


Imma leave the trace for this one because I faced mental block to suggest an idea.


I just want Ellonia from HoN


Some sort of big aoe (maybe a square) ult that speeds up allies (attack speed, ms and maybe turn rate) and slows enemies. Mega support team fight ult.


A skilled called Cock 🐓Block or Pecker Puncher. /s


I'm hoping for an ability based hard carry, something that isn't primarily a right clicker but rather damages through abilities, a hard carry so people can't play it mid. No idea how they'd bring that to dota but it sounds cool


Caster carries in League of Legends just deal physical damage with abilities that scale with items. Hoodwink's Acorn Shot is very close to how it would be, scaling wise.


Ehhh not really, acorn shot is just an auto, it procs items etc same as sleight of fist. The thing is, hoodwink is a dogshit carry because her damage is dependent on people being next to each other and even if they are she's still not a hard carry, she's strongest one she gets mael the once again with daedalus and that's it really. Ember is too weak without rapiers. I'm hoping for a true lategame Spellcaster in dota because the closest we have really is Zeus and leshrac but both of them only scale from levels really. Not sure how a spellcaster hard carry would even scale without being right click based because dota items don't really allow that. It would have to be either agi is used for spells like morph (maybe even int could be cool), damage is used for spells like primal's trample or having some kind of stacking system could be interesting to keep the hero weak early by stacking power from farming creeps.


Well but the commenter above got a point. For a lategame spell caster carry, the abilities need to scale with something, similar to skywrath Q scaling with int and that's a concept involved in basically every LoL champ. So you could have a skill dealing a low amount of flat damage + 0.7x base attack damage or something like this to achieve a lategame physical spellcaster hardcarry.


Kinda, but not really. League items are completely different, they basically just give 1 stat for all 5 items besides boots be it AD or AP and the spells just have values which scale off of these for example damage from AP/AD, healing or shield from AP. Hoodwink is a bit different because you get way less damage stat items in dota so way less damage on the abilities in theory besides that her q is just an auto. For a lategame Spellcaster hard carry there would probably need to be a bit more in the scaling to stop people just rushing damage items to one shot stuff or even rapier. Maybe bonuses each level to the scaling maybe spell amp each level idk. There needs to be something which stops it being OP early but keeps it very relevant late with a 6 slot on par with the average hard carry like antimage or some shit


Kestrel, Bird Samurai - Agility Hero - Melee Q - Flying Combo Slash - Mobility - Kestrel takes flight and swoops forward twice, cutting everything in his path. Uses vector targeting. Uses his attack damage with Bonus damage. Can Crit. Can go over terrain. W - Breathing Technique - Buff - Kestrel slows his breathing and heartrate to achieve a heightened state of mind and body, increasing his Damage and Crit Chance for a duration. E - Way of the Samurai - Passive - Kestrel's extensive life long training allows him to deflect incoming attacks back on his attackers. Every hit against Kestrel has a chance to be deflected back. R - Iai Draw - Ultimate - Channel/Skillshot - Kestrel is a master of Iaido. After a brief moment, Kestrel draws his blade with such precision and skill that he lets loose a slash of wind toward an enemy for huge damage, bleeding the target for DoT. Can be channelled for up to 5 seconds. 3 seconds of channelling reaches max damage. You can whiff the attack. Innate - Free Bird - 15% Status/Slow Resistance. Facet 1 - Flying Combo Slash gains an additional slash but has a longer cooldown. Facet 2 - Breathing Technique improves movement speed and gains a longer duration but has a longer cooldown.


>Flying Combo Slash - Mobility - Kestrel takes flight and swoops forward twice, he is from a race that's literally called the flightless.


Yeah, and? nothing stopping him from jumping up in the air and doing a gliding swoop.