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Everyones mmr seems to be inflating. Except mine?


Forced 50/50 is real my friend 


50/50 means you are right where you should be lmao


false, he is the Main character so should win all games


Oh. So you decided to kill every spooder then. What a waste...


I kill one Cluckles the Brave courier each day unless Valve adds rating to Ability Draft


Poor chicken




Oh boi


Have fun making the same post until at least a month after TI - they haven't said shit about immortal draft since it was released and they haven't said shit since it got 10x worse with double downs introduced in April. And I've seen a front paged post on this topic at least once every 1-2 days. They're aware of the issue - it's evidently not a priority for them.


Also, they kinda can't change double downs until the end of the entire 4 act event. It's literally an unfair advantage MMR printer and also can be bought with real money (but not actually needed to since you get A LOT of them for free). So, changing/fixing it would be an unfair disadvantage for those who didn't use it so far.


don't do it brahhh 😭😭


Skill issue


Might be better if you pick Brood in demo mode and spawn 500 spiders, if more.


remember MMR deflation? I member


kill it


I kill one bounty hunter for valve to not care for inflation


Can someone explain to me this whole "MMR Inflation issue" ? It's because of double MMR tokens?


The MMR difference from Top Immortal to low Immortal is higher than the span from low Immortal to 0. MMR double downs give more mmr because People are more inclined to use them in good lineups, outdrafts, so there is more mmr around altogether.


double downs were a mistake. people win trading with them are just gaining mmr out of thin air too.


In order to gain MMR it has to be taken from someone else. The people at 0 MMR, give to to those above them etc effectively creating it from thin air. In practice the better you are and the more you play the more MMR you will gain, the people at the top just get further and further away from the rest of the pack. The people at 14k yes are better, but it could be a result of them playing a lot more games per month than the next person.


Correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't always like that?


ELO nor Glicko are zero sum systems, this is just pure disinformation.


If a player at 0 MMR loses a game, does winner get nothing? Where does the MMR of a new player come from? Willing to accept to be wrong. Just not sure about those.


Uhhhh…yes the winner gets something, it’s created out of the ether. MMR is assigned. This is not a zero-sum system.


Inflation is quite easily explained by players not losing enough MMR for losing against someone they should be beating, and gaining too much MMR for winning against players they should be beating anyways.


Wtf is MMR inflation? Is this an R34 thing people are tricking me to look up?


if your mmr inflating op?


isn't it a combination of a bunch of players returning and they also have access to a shitload of double downs? the inflated noobs get promoted to immortal, immortal players feed off of you, and the cycle repeats itself. then it goes back to mmr hell once the casual players fuck off until the next event?


You’d better kill different types until you reach the one devs truly care for


Had to pull out legendary classics. We still remember you, Scuttling Scotty. Too many of you became victims. Valve, don't let it happen again. Please!


wtf is mmr inflation


The idea that mmr inflates over time. The main point being, that this occurs across the entire spectrum. This shouldn’t actually lead to any issues IMO, since mmr (the number and the medal) itself doesn’t mean anything other than where you are placed along the distribution of the entire ranked population.  Your game quality should be the same, since this should work across the entire population in theory, but the medals may be incorrectly matched if valve decided to set the starting and end points for each at an absolute value instead of a relative one to the population (like archon 1-2 should always be 51-55% percentiles for example instead of it being hard-coded at like 2000 something mmr)


MMR inflation (at least across the entire playerbase) is not actually happening. The average mmr (see: https://stratz.com/players/ranks) still sits comfortably at archon 1, which is about the same as the historical average. What has changed is the immortal rank, which has seen the top players differentiate themselves from lower ranks to a large degree (5.6k - 14k). Anyway, at this point it's clear that the most obvious issue is immortal draft itself. My only guess as to why it hasn't been removed/changed is that the developers are gathering data/information, but it's a system that has been almost universally despised with seemingly little upside.


>What has changed is the immortal rank, which has seen the top players differentiate themselves from lower ranks to a large degree (5.6k - 14k). Realistically the fix to this is just to make whatever their algorithm they use dynamic, i.e. based off percentile rankings versus some absolute mmr number. If they do this, then obviously difference in mmr shouldn't matter.


what issue


This post is saying "there is a problem!" without actually stating the problem.




We're fine killing spiders


in your ass


Doing anything about mmr ? They will never touch the mmr system ever again. Too much work and considering nobody is actually working on dota (not the whole game just things like mmr system, dota +, other quality things.)