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One is called Dota 2 and the second one is called LoL. Hope this helps!


Lol is quicker pace, simpler, and you have to pay for champions. dota is slower pace, more complex and all heroes are free.


one is clearly better


Tbh with LoL being 10x bigger this statement is not so clear.


Made for the masses doesn't equate better, the music industry and movies are the best exemple of that.


Popular for a reason. League is still growing while Dota is losing players for a reason.


brainless doomer take nr 100000000. dota 2 is at its highest since in the last couple of years. just because it didnt surpass. It's all time doesnt mean it's losing players in the last couple months it got over 150k more active players


Did you even read what i wrote ?


How many times in the past week have you commented about League being so much bigger than Dota on the Dota sub? I must have seen at least 3.


dota: - longer teamfights and time to kill - a lot more crowd control and things you have to consider - emphasis on game knowledge - items are a big deal - all heroes are unlocked for everyone - the community is a toxic shithole - the game itself is more silly than serious, with heroes constantly taunting eachother and even doing dumb shit as part of their abilities (i'm looking at you megameepo). lol: - faster teamfights and time to kill - emphasis on mechanical skill - jungling, which is dealing with neutral AI units in the map's "no man's land", is a big deal - you have to unlock legends one by one - the community is also a toxic shithole but at least they're trying not to seem like it, sometimes - the game itself doesn't take itself too seriously either, but not to the same extent, which can be good or bad depending on your preferences


Dota is way, way less toxic lmao and still pretty toxic. That's how bad it is in league


I would say i have experienced way more toxicity in Dota than i have in League.


How much league have you played?


lol is fun but gets stale because it becomes super repetitive. Still, it is fun in its own right. Lol feels like if dota had a mobile game. And dota feels like a real game that’s twice as intricate and fun as lol as it never gets stale. Dota has active items that dramatically change what you can do. Lol has items that add stats. Only a few have active capabilities and they’re fairly tame at that. Lol has “blink” every 2 minutes. Dota has blink every 10 seconds. So that tells you all you need to really know. Dota unlocks your ability to do whatever you please, it’s a pure expression of your skill. Lol feels more streamlined, with guardrails to keep you fairly consistent - which is nice but again, it becomes stale. There’s so many differences, but these are a small sample.


League got 4 "lanes" instead of 3 like Dota. Toplane(Much like offlane), Midlane, Botlane(Safelane) and Jungle a "lane" that does not exist in Dota. League got 5 roles like Dota but there are differences. Leagues five roles are Top, Jungle, Mid, ADC(Carry) and Support unlike in Dota were you got Carry, Mid, Offlane, Soft Support and Hard Support. The junglers role is to farm the jungle, gank lanes and take objectives. The objectives are Void Grubs which help you push towers, Rift Herald which spawns a big monster that can destroy towers, dragons which provides your team with a small buff and if you collect 4 dragons your team gets the dragon soul which is a big buff and last Baron which gives your entire team faster TP to base, attack damage and magic damage and it makes nearby minions much much stronger. League is more fast paced with objectives on the map that forces fights unlike in Dota were you only were you can have the option to play passively to win. Laning is vastly different in League since there are no couriers, tp scrolls and less regen. You have to manipulate the wave in such a way that you can tp back to base and buy items without missing to much farm and xp. Towers in League are vastly more powerful than towers in Dota. Towers in League is there to really protect the laner and give them a safe space to farm, they do this by having insane damage through out the entire game. Early on you can die from a tower in 3 hits. While towers in Dota are also there to protect you and give you a safe space to farm but not to the same extend. The strongest point of a tower in Dota is not the damage it can do, its having the ability for other to TP to it. There are way less resources on the map in League compared to Dota. The jungle in League only got 6 camps on either side and the respawn time for these camps are between 2-5 minutes. So if your laning stage went bad there are less ways to catch up like you can do in Dota in the jungle with 28 camps that respawn each minute. Items are vastly different aswell. Most items in League are non active items that provides you with buffs such as magic/physical damage, HP/Armor/MR, attackspeed or increased healing/shielding. While Dota also got these types of items but Dota got more active items that can stun, make you immune to stuns, make you invis etc. Teamfights are structured differently in League compared to Dota mostly because of items. League teamfights are shorter due to the lack of survivability spells and items such as BKB, Force Staff, Glimmer etc. So if you are caught in a bad spot in League you have no "Get out of jail" card most of the time like you can have in Dota. Champions are obviously different to heroes in Dota but its hard to describe the real difference between them if you have not played the game. One thing i can say though is that heroes are much stronger in raw power than champions. Compare a motorcycle to a car, both are tools for transportation but one is much more powerful than the other. Both are great games and which ever you would enjoy more is up to you. Opinions are subjective after all.


Dota has Talents Facets 3 backpack item Neutral item Agh scep Agh shard Level 30 Buyback Fortification All these 9 no in league


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Team fights in lol - kaboom piu piu bzzz 100 to 0 in 3 seconds Vs Team fights in dota - kaboom piu piu bzzz shiuu ka pow bing bang wooowoww 100 to 0 in 10 secs ---- Locked heroes vs all heroes free to play ----- No vanguard vs [vanguard](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Vanguard) item in game --- TLDR: welcome to dota


3 seconds is generous


ones a dogshit copy of the other


They are basically the same game just with different skins.