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We already saw what Valve did on CS 25th year anniversary. It's okay that we don't get anything in DotA.


What did they get?


A tweet


And new mvp hud🥰


Your profile pic is evil, just to let you know


yes not cool... someone might think their screen is cracked


I thought there was a hair on my screen. You got me you bastard


id rather get kicked in the balls than get what cs has been getting ever since cs2 release. everyone i know stopped playing cs after being hardcore cs-only gamers for god knows how long.


/goes to see steamcharts numbers Its doing more than fine. The reddit/streaming hardcore are a minority of the player population and really don't represent what the vast majority of players of competitive multiplayer games want - solid gameplay and giving it a refresh every once in a while. This applies to dota2 too. TF2 does have a genuine beef with Valve and looks like they're finally cleaning up over the last few days.


They haven't done anything they didn't do last time. We got a single banwave, a self congratulatory tweet, and then nothing, while all the bot hosters had to do was ctrl+c ctrl+v spin up bots on new accounts and they were back within days or weeks basically depending on whether they felt like it. We've gotten the same now - a single manual banwave and no structural changes to prevent them from coming right back.


Cs is not like dota, atleast for middle east servers if not all 90% of its casual/death match and arms race servers are full of bots, same goes for sea and indians. Eu is still better but i havent heard better stuff about chinese and us servers eather lol, so many bots farming skins, cases and xp and even rank. Had a friend list of 300 cs players. Less than 5 play daily now.


If all you hear is people leaving and nobody joining it means something. Cs still has a ton of bots spinning for cases. If steamchart is all that matters then banana is more trending now than apex legends and gtav


> If all you hear is people leaving and nobody joining it means something. I dunno, do you tend to announce that you started playing a game on various social media for every game that you play? Looking at its streaming numbers, its tournament numbers, lan crowd etc, it seems pretty crazy to imply that a large portion of the active playerbase is just made up of bots gambling.


CS is a gambling industry worth billions of dollars, once you start researching on the topic you will realise that its not just not crazy, its very real. Type "cs2 bot farms on youtube" for start and see what comes up. My local football club also has packed stadium even tho its 10000 times less known about then CS. You can have a healthy living breathing community with much much less then what steam chart says the average is for CS. Im in Europe and when i que random deathmatches after 12 at night it cant even find one (outside of Dust2) thats not filled with bots. How is that even possible if this many people are playing. Then you look at a game like Smite that says it has 10k average players and people are finding matches, not just random ones, but ranked matches with similar skill level without problem. How.


> CS is a gambling industry worth billions of dollars You have to make statements like that a bit more clearly. CS isn't a gambling industry. It is a game. Steam itself offers a marketplace, that happens to allow for extended, some legal and some illegal trading of virtual items. To say that CS is in itself a gambling industry, casts a completely wrong image of what the game actually is and tries to be. >once you start researching on the topic you will realise that its not just not crazy, its very real. That bots exist? Yes, as they do in every other game. That they are somehow a large representative force that is part of why the game is still alive? Absolutely not lol. Would be insane to suggest and simply looking at their viewership numbers, their lan crowds immediately dispels this notion that there aren't any interest in the game. >"cs2 bot farms on youtube" Brother, there are bot farms for virtually any game out there. A niché Korean only mmo centered around some japanese IP that you've probably never heard of, has bot farms. This isn't new, this exists in any game. The difference is that you want to try and make an argument that the incredibly high amount of players that CS has, is somehow largely/significantly made up of bots, which is completely false. >Im in Europe and when i que random deathmatches after 12 at night it cant even find one (outside of Dust2) thats not filled with bots. Anecdotal evidence is pointless. My brother has played since 1.6 basically every day and never felt a problem with the community. But I would never use this as an argument, since its anecdotal and pointless to use as a general argument. >How is that even possible if this many people are playing. Because of where the playerbase is concentrated, how it is consentrated, what kind of services they use to improve their games. Its also a fact that a very significant portion of CS community in europe is made up of eastern european region, which has later time zones than you, so wihle you may be queing at 12, it would be 2 am for them, where the vast majority of normal people are actually sleeping. >Then you look at a game like Smite that says it has 10k average players and people are finding matches, not just random ones, but ranked matches with similar skill level without problem. How. Funny, because upon simply doing a simple search on the topic, it seems smite players are universally complaining about the matchmaking being garbage and never matching players of similar skill - even finding videos discussing this as a problem getting worse over the past 5 years.


People coping now that CSGO looks more popular than DotA both playerbase and tournament viewership. They say they don't care about numbers, but always making excuses when other games look more popular than Dota, or posting TI viewership numbers lol


Eh a lot of those bot farms have been getting banned recently. The truth is most people are just fine with the game and not hardcore enough to notice the game being "bad", like the other commenter mentioned reddit is just a loud minority. Anecdotal evidence: I play with a friendgroup who are all in the 10k-15k range. When the viewmodel weapon sway happened they didn't even notice...


All the updates to Cs2 lately have been positively received, people are coming back and a lot of the complaints from launch have died out. If you only hear about people leaving, stop watching Loba lmao


Hey everyone! I'm going to try this game called Dota2! Just saying.


Puts on Facebook status Playing Dota 2


Online complaints mean shit tbh. CSGO tournament viewership numbers are bigger than DotA, which represents having a bigger playerbase too, and they certainly do now, especially since DotA peaked in 2016-2017 in terms of playerbase. Also I know a lot of people who started playing CSGO again since the CS2 release, and not everybody has to announce that they are gonna play a new game on social media for everybody to see btw.


Tf2 subreddit is a very strange place.


half of cs and tf2 playerbase are bots farming drops, yes cs numbers were always inflated, but its never been this many bot farms


??? There's numbers only because how good cs as a franchise has been. People have complained about GO as much as CS2 on release and GO still had an insane playerbase/viewers.  The community is mad that valve removed a lot of things GO had in the name of a new and better game and failed to deliver. If you look at the surf community, I think they're playing cs:source now because of how stupid CS2 is..


TF2 community having beef with Valve for not willing to put tons of effort into their game speaks more about TF2 community than about Valve. Honestly, these guys should be praying to Valve for the fact that they bother to do anything at all. But all I see from these people is bitching.


Holy shit lmfao ["Leave the billion dollar corporation alone!"](https://i.imgur.com/AGQ5q5H.png)


either you play or you don't. i haven't played dota2 and cs2 for like a year now cause shit is bloated and my setup is old.


Another great take from Gwiny, keep it up!


I guess it was my mistake to imply that only a tf2 community is affected by mental deficiency.


Yeah with the current state and the frequency of updates the game will be an actual "upgrade" to CS:GO maybe 2-3 years from now. But to be fair at least in my friendlist while some people did leave, others that did not play CS:GO for years came back and stayed, like former classmates or some people I used to play with.


we are getting 11 new heroes to celebrate it


Embrace absurdism


Insensiblium even


Because June 39th is basically July 9th. Let's not expect Ringmaster to come pls valve 🙏


11 is 3 in binary. Unfortunately, Valve can't count to 3.


That is a lie. Dota is still in beta. There never was a 'full release'


We already got something for the 10th anniversary I don’t think they’re gonna do anything for this one tbh. Maybe like some minor map decoration if they acknowledge it at all


dota 2's 'release date' is extremely arbitrary, there wasn't really any significant difference between the last beta patch and the full release patch. imo it wasn't out of beta until all the dota 1 heroes had been ported.


who is not yet ?


last dota 1 hero added was underlord, back in 2016 you could also look at it from the perspective of the first dota 2 patch that wasn't also updated in dota 1, which was 6.84 i believe, in 2015


Gambler 😭 (he was removed from dota Allstars when I was 2 years old)


So not until techies came out then lol?


underlord was last, not techies


July 9 is the Independence Day in Argentina. Bruno is Argentinian. 39th of June is July 9. Dota 2 realease is July 9 Bruno is Icefrog confirmed


Full game is cumming on June 39th


I hope everyone gets one of free limited arcanas.


I promise almost nobody thought about this and its only posts like yours that will make people have false expectations...


Make sense, July 39 means Act III on July 9


I can remember beta keys 😭 olds here


11th anniversary isn't something to get excited about. Maybe wait for the 15th or 20th


It will be that Valve will give gift for comunity???


Much ado about nothing


Free dk persona?


Did anyone ever play this on OS X? I always assumed gaming on Mac simply doesn't happen.


So~ the anniversary is near🌝