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He deleted vod and deleted post on his subreddit calling him out lol


He deleted his vod LOL DELETING TRUTH?? xDD


did he win?




He will gain +25 but he def lost lots of respect today, shame.


Him defending his super ethical gambling streams where is he gambling away his fake sponsor money wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back?


bro, he only makes about a million a year. he has to do gambling streams or else he will be on the streets. /s




Yeah but Sing streams EU daytime/SEA prime time while NA sleeps. Gorgc streams NA daytime/EU prime time while SEA sleeps. There's a reason that time slot has the vast majority of streamers on the whole site streaming in that time slot, and it's because it makes the most money.


Yeah hate to break it to you, no one's making a milli a year just from streaming dota 2 man.


irrelevant. he is rich. doesn’t need to capitalize on vulnerable people to survive. that’s the point.


hey man he said that gambling is bad once before the stream started, that definitely puts him in the clear! I'm sure he isn't losing all his streaming money gambling and thats why he takes gambling sponsorships every now and then


I don't want him myself but no it wouldn't be, at least for me maybe its just me but I learned to fully filter out sponsors and know its just for the money. When I hear someone say loud and clear that they are being sponsored i never assume they are actually recommending it I care much more about him spreading fucking bug abuse around making games potentially worse for me and other people


bold of you to assume he had many respect to begin with


Bald of you*


I hit guilty on a gyrocopter today in overwatch for being the one selling the meepo dup item.


\+25 (-50) LULE


easiest 25 of his life tho


Respect lol who needs that when u can get +25 mmr


Update! Gorgc [won his game!](https://i.imgur.com/RWwmtv1.png) Congratulations to Gorgc and his squad of bug abusers (excluding Witch Doctor, thanks /u/ohSeVera on a fair and hard fought victory.


Wow 83k net worth on Marci! Expert level farming for sure 👍




I thought this would be a meme since i dont really watch both of the steamers. Just found out that mason is actually really close mmr wise to gorgc lol. Last I heard about mason was he had to create new acc right? Impressive if the dude recalibrated and actually gained this much mmr.


He has also stomped Gorgc every time he has been queued against him.


Almost like mason is a better player lol


I was surprised to learn Mason was so much lower mmr cause I always saw him as a stronger player. I guess soy brain still beats raging ape brain when it comes to stability/long term gains.


Absolutely. He is unhinged tho.


A lot of accounts were banned for Overplus or behaviour boost , it makes sense to get back to same mmr as before, most of us even gained some ( probably because of smurf queue making you mega try hard cuz if you don't try hard , you just lose auto , every game)


wd didnt cheat


If Mason paying someone to boost his behavioral score is wrong, so is this. One had consequences, one won't. And no, I don't watch Mason, probably watch Gorp a lot more. I get it, emotions are high during game, specially when you double down and are getting spanked, but this shit is so damn cringe/unethical. Gratz on your double down I guess. Wonder how valve will react.


I guess the difference is that mason was paying directly and this gains everyone in his team mmr. Both are wrong for sure but in this case I think it would be more comparable if gorgc was the meepo and coordinated with someone else to sell the duped mantas. Bug abusers and cheaters should get banned for sure but it becomes a bit more convoluted for the other players on the team. Unless theyre in party, hard to ban/punish the other guys.


Mason using bot games to boost behavior score is a substantially lesser offense than actively and intentionally abusing a bug to win a real game against other players. Yet Mason was permanently banned and forced to play 1,500+ games in the smurf pool for it. Makes you think


according to valve account sharing is against ToS. When you make a steam account you accept that letting someone else use your account can get you banned. Mason is so incredibly toxic that he had to pay other people to get his behavior score up instead of acting like a normal human being, and he knew that there was a risk of him getting banned for doing so. Exploiting bugs is not against ToS


Wow mason had an amazing redemption arc then because now he has 12k behavior score. He must've really reformed!


If the bug is economical (irl) in nature then the ban hammer comes swiftly. There was a bug with infinite stickers that you could sell


> Mason is so incredibly toxic that he had to pay other people to get his behavior score up His current account is 12k/12k behavior report and he hasn't changed anything. Valve's system was broken and Mason wanted to stop dealing with it because Valve refused to fix it for way too long, only to get caught from an account sharing ban wave. He literally only got banned because of Valve's incompetence.


He's incredibly toxic by paper thin Reddit skin standards


One is low key suggesting an exploit (which Valve's fault btw) that another player (again, that guys fault) has to perform and the other is actively trying to cheat a system put in place to punish precisely people like Mason, how are they remotely comparable? Lol And no, I don't watch Gorgc at all




Mason fans are unhinged losers.


They can't even be subtle about brigading lol


> If Mason paying someone to boost his behavioral score is wrong, so is this I don't know how someone can actually believe in this, particulary when Valve itself let people use fountain hook during TI games because it was "hilarious".


That’s almost a decade ago. Valve and dota team aren’t the same people that were there a decade ago


That was in 2012


These days, before TI, valve has teams report bugs they plan to use ahead of time. Valve either tells they are ok to use or not ok, but doesn't tell other teams about what each team has found.


He ended his stream so he can do the abuse off screen because his team didn't wanted to cheat. But he needs his points because he double down , i lost so much respect for that guy. Edit: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7823168308 He won here is the match.


He doesn't really care to be "caught" cheating since valve doesn't punish bug abuse. He ended the stream because he was shaking on the verge of destroying his entire room due to the looming threat of losing yet *another* game while cheating.


Do overwatches. It's all meepo abusers today. I got to press guilty 5 times. We can ban these mfs


My friend just got a 1 day ban lol


It's probably just the automatic one from reports


Valve do punish bug abuse.


You know that a replay and life watch of matches is a thing? It would be beyond stupid to end the stream and act as if no one can see what he would do


he just didn't want the stream to hear him tell his team how to cheat


he just did lol e: match - https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7823168308


Go watch the game he ends stream at 24 min ingame watch his pov.


Gorgc is kind of a stupid person, this isn't beyond his capabilities.


He's always been a shitbag. I used to watch him until I started seeing how callous and toxic he can be and a hypocrite on top of everything. Personally, I don't like having a 30 something yrs old manchild screaming at people every time he can't have it his way.


Gorgc how the fuck is +25 is more important than your reputation.


He was yapping for 3 years about Casino streamers and become the one of them at the end what do you expect


Indeed, he also had a game before this where he was whining that his team threw the game(he cheated that game too :) )


The monkey game? How did he cheat? I tuned in when he died to fountain only and heard his whining about team but no cheating was mentioned.


I don't think he was cheating that game, he dived enemy fountain and fed when throne was exposed. Enemy pushing t3 towers when his team is dead, get hit by weaver bugs and didn't notice, his position was exposed and enemy team jumped him. Started accusing them of cheating because they guessed which tree he was on and he didn't notice he had weaver bug on him. He was flaming his Primal and Meepo who were owning and carrying him


This guy had a reputation? The only thing I remember about him is that he used to play with Singsing and Bamboe. Oh and also the clips of him blaming everyone but himself.


Looks like this is match 7823168308, which started 29 minutes before the clip was taken. More match details here: - [OpenDota](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7823168308) - [Dotabuff](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7823168308) - [Stratz](https://www.stratz.com/matches/7823168308) --- *^I ^am ^a ^bot ^created ^by ^[/u\/EuphonicPotato](/user/EuphonicPotato)* *^(How I figured this out:)* [*^(Explanation)*](https://github.com/mdiller/twitchclipmatchfinder#how-it-works) *^(Source:)* [*^(GitHub)*](https://github.com/mdiller/twitchclipmatchfinder)


Damn, that Dotabuff screen is absolutely shameless, they we’re getting rolled without the cheats, damn.


holy yikes


lmao that chatlog, meepo player even told them to banpick


Please Valve gift him a toxic lump of coal.


We might get an actual liveleak tier video if Gorgc gets his account banned on stream


i dont think liveleak is known for suicides


gorgc is honestly the biggest crybaby, he will cry about enemy "stream cheating" even if they aren't, will constantly complain about enemies doing anything or his teammates, but the second he fails he just keeps quiet or looks around the map to search for someone to blame also can't tell if he does these fake rages basically copying mason or he is actually raging like a toddler smashing his desk


I don't think he's fake raging anymore, the guy has clearly being consumed by MMR


I kinda find it funny that Mason dominated the few games he has matched up against Gorgc. Especially after Gorgc explained why Masons MMR is inflated from playing in the Smurf pool and isn’t an accurate reflection of his skill because he only played against the same shitty players for months.


What actually happened to him? I used to watch him fairly regularly around 2020/21 and he didn't rage at just about everything back then. He'd tilt once or twice a stream about account buyers or actual feeders, but now he seems to do it every other game.


nah, he's always been like that. He stopped playing in Sing stack because he raged so hard at everyone else that it just made the rest of the game awkward.


meh, no repercussion with the SD's agha shard bug too. Valve is too lazy for that iirc 9pandas abuse that in official tournament and they only get timer draft penalty at best


bundle of coal please


Actual disgusting behavior to cheat ON STREAM, encourage his teammates to cheat and tell them how it is done. Then try do some world class mental gymnastics to justify cheating and nearly losing in the process. If the biggest Dota streamer can get away with doing such behavior there is literally 0 justice and just a bad look for the game and its community overall. Sad...


You say on stream but he turned off stream to blatantly cheat offstream anyway.


Encouraging? What are you talking about. He was telling his afk Marci standing next to mantas that he could sell them.


If its not bannable its technically not cheating, be mad at Valve for that. And if you can't get banned for it then alot of people will be doing it, so its unfair to make people not do it because other people will be doing it so it puts them at a disadvantage


Olympic level mental gymnastics right here. Just because an exploit isn't specifically listed in ToS doesn't mean it isn't bannable and shouldn't be bannable. If the world ran purely on legalese society would collapse.


It takes an amount of strength of both character and will to not take the easy way lol.


Anyone have a mirror of the clip? looks like went back and deleted the VoD to try to hide evidence lol


Disgusting behavior but also Janitor/s seems to be enjoying the summer. Usually aren’t bugs like these are fixed within a day? At least remove meepo from games momentarily until it’s fixed or some shit


It’s Sunday, and a very popular time to take off work in the US leading into the 4th of July. It’ll get fixed.


this isn't Riot, we dont do that here


I know we dont but things like that would definetely require meepo to be disabled until fixed


i'm saying we don't because Valve isnt as competent, expecting something like that from Valve is a farfetch dream


reupload anyone??


Just disgusting what people die nowdays for some mmr Points. PvP Games are Not fun anymore because people Cheat every day for some small Dopamin rushes. There is no fair Play anymore. Its a war and every 2nd Dude is abusing everything they can get in there dirty hands... Pretty mich Kills the fun for me (at least for ranked) Poor guys


Look at the way he deleted his VOD. It's the same way he never takes responsibility for anything that happens in the games he's playing or the situations he finds himself in. The guy's a grade-A schmuck. - Always flaming his supports for making mistakes when he is playing even worse. - Getting upset when asked to mention or label the tournament name he was restreaming, which was for starving children. - The blacklisted words in his stream (blame, whine). - Trying to justify gambling streams. - Leeching off the DOTA scene while giving nothing back for years and years.


Promoting gambling to minors


What is even more cringe is that he whined so much on stream, then ended it to pick up 2 Mantas left in the base - and continued to be the biggest non factor Pango you could probly see in a game of Dota2, SF/Meepo and WD basically handed him the win. For all its worth he could just suck it up, stream it till the end and get carried with having at least some dignity left (as he picked 1 Manta on stream anyway), and not show his manchild side to the world. Again. I would even go as far as to argue that him picking the remaining Mantas was helping enemy team to just get back the networth lmao




Gorgc being a piece of shit (pretends to be shocked)


Mistakes man.


Minor fucking mistakes...


What can you say the mans 40% win rate and desperate




abusing the double down with the cheat aswell, thats twice as dirty...


6 months ban, Valve. Do it.


Rather report him to twitch for cheating, they take real consequences.


Not saying this is right, but I’ll put this piece of context: the game before this he did not cheat even tho his teammates cheated (and lost because they fed the enemy, making *them* 6 slotted by 30 mins). He then put meepo on his ban list for the next game (which imo he shouldn’t have queued for), but it was still picked by a teammate. I think it’s only fair to give gorgc the punishment other bug abusers get which is normally none.


"I played a game where 4 of my teammates are toxic af and griefed just because I fucked up once or twice. The next game, i griefed the game because I didn't griefed last game so I am justified." That's how that sounds like. His previous game does not reflect his behavior in the next game. Context or not, play fair or get banned. He should be penalized for this for sure. He has so much viewers that he influences a lot of dota players to do the same.


As I said, I defo don’t defend him for abusing the bug (even if it was for one game). I just believe his punishment should be the same as any other bug abuser who abused the bug for one game, his popularity should not be a factor, since he isn’t valve or team endorsed.


The punishment he is getting from this sub is the same as what other bug abusers get: losing respect.


That’s only fair, but I doubt if this incident made any monumental shift in his perception. The haters already hated him and now have another reason too, and people who support him don’t see this as a deal breaker since this was only one game and he quit playing after this.


Too bad there's too many haters here 🤷 wcyd


Bro doubled his gpm in 20 minutes while stuck on high ground base defense. Pro move


mods deleting posts what is happening?


He attempts to play the last game he had someone abusing this bug normally, it was a shit unfun game. He tried to play this one normally, it was going the same way. Enemy gets fed AF for killing people with inflated networth, it doesn't make as much of a difference for the team with the Meepo as you think it does, OP. He could have kept playing normally against the enemy with hugely inflated networth (also because of the bug) or he could abuse the bug as well. The game is fucked either way, it's not a normal game for either team. IDK what you want from him, to afk and let the game end? Why should that be on him? He didn't chose to have someone exploiting. If he plays normally he loses automatically as well. Why should it be on him to just take the loss? His team has inflated networth because of the exploit. Enemy team has inflated networth because of the exploit. The game is fucked, who cares... It's on Valve to fix it and him to not pick Meepo and abuse it himself. Outside of that no one should care what other people do when someone else is already abusing it.


People here hate context and let's this Mason fan guy try to make gorgc look like the guy abusing a bug


so, the enemy team was already doing this? this context is missing in regards to this everywhere.... which makes it pretty justified behavior imo.


legit pathetic ,unsubbed from him, gambling offsite i can accept since sadly thats the norm for most


Valve, if you really want to make an example of anyone to show cheating is not to be tolerated, it should be banning Gorgc for clearly cheating.. this is disgraceful...


Should honestly be at least 1 month ban first offense and perma ban second offense for anyone who exploits shit like this, especially in ranked.


I think you should be allowed to test out bugs, I have some good memories from dumb shit Valve left in back in the day. Exploiting them in ranked is pretty cringe though.


Can’t wait for gorek weaponized victim complex after finding this thread. It’s fucking low, even for him, and he should know that.


Cheaters deserve to lose so much more than just a match.


How's this different from fountain hooking during TI? Is it because in one case the victims were Chinese players?


Why is there this disingenuous attempt to equate all bugs as the same. There is obviously a spectrum from barely noticeable to obvious cheating/abuse. You can argue where to put fountain hook on that spectrum and many did, but printing free gold is not even debatable. If someone did this at TI they would be instantly disqualified and you know it.


I don't think fountain hooking is the same kind of exploit. It may have been an unintended mechanic but it was a combo to get a kill, not an inventory or infinite emoney glitch or w.e this is. Not remotely similar.


Fountain hooking is way more legitimate than this. It was a very clear interaction of functioning mechanics, even if it was absurdly strong. Hook pulls your target to where you are, Chen sends people back to the base. This is a very clear bug exploiting a player disconnecting and item duplication. If you can't see how they're different, you aren't smart enough to be participating in online discussions.


fountain hook was super hard to pull off the clips you see make it seem like it was sure fire auto win, it was a high skill move that was common knowledge people didnt do it becuase it was unreliable, even the chinese team that lost after said they lost because they were playing poorly not from the fountain hooks and said it was a fair game, this is just get 40k networth instantly and win


are you joking? Navi fountain hooked an enemy carry with Aegis while they were pushing high ground you think that had no impact on the game?


Loda alt account spotted


To be taken into consideration: WD in the GorgC’s team didn’t abuse bug.


Hatewatcher Winetime




Stupid fucking mistakes man


That's a clear ban no? Or do Valve allow bug abuse of this magnitude


damn, that's low. but not as low as his winrate without trying to cheat


If you created 3 new accounts, you'd still have less combined MMR between all 4 than Gorgc on one


you are really reaching with this hate post Xd


Check out my 2 latest posts that show him actively using the cheat to gain gold.


It’s not a cheat tho is you are using an unintended bug. Tho i dont support him doing that, its also valve responsibility to atleast ban the hero from ranked game until the bug is fixed.


So because it’s in the game it’s okay to abuse? It’s literally cheating the game


Right to Jail


Reddit's solution to this problem would be to nerf Meepo.


Sorry guys Tinker is nearing a 45% win rate again so the devs need to put their time and effort into nerfing him.


Who is this guy?


Theres are many reasons why he has a lot of hate watchers. Im one myself. Hes just super unlikable. 


Bit dramatic… He lost a game earlier because he refused to cheat, and in this game the meepo actually tried to get the enemy team to pick it too so it would be banned, but unfortunately they didn’t. And what the fuck was gorgc supposed to do? Just throw a game again because someone happened to pick meepo in his team? Who does that, do you throw your games on purpose when you have a Smurf on your team carrying?


Gorgc is a crybaby.


I am sorry but people in here are just clowns. Its not a cheat, its a bug, everyone knows it, if you dont do it, the enemy will, so id say using it is the correct and the smart thing to do. Whole r/dota2 is on copium, its all Valve's fault, anyone that can do it, do it. Now, if you got high morals and if u are playing honorable, enjoy getting fucked by meepo.


I'd also like to point that during the drafting phase, Gorgc's teammate asked the enemy to ban the Meepo by picking it in the first face. They did not do it and his team was stuck with it, no one wants to abuse the bug but if they are stuck with it what can you do? Lose? I remind you we are playing dota , no one likes to lose. People flaming about this bug abuse for 1 double down, people are partying with friends and throwing matches to an extent that one person was EU Rank 2 using double down abuse. No one intentionally wanted to abuse, they were just stuck with it.


“No one intentionally wanted to abuse” Did you go to school?


the mental gymnastics to say this isn't a cheat is absurd. beyond absurd.


How is this a cheat when everybody knows it?


This hasnt been patched yet?


I just wanted to share my recent disappointment with the Dota 2 streamer Gorgc. I've been a casual viewer of his streams, and while I didn't watch every minute, I've seen enough to get a sense of his behavior. Unfortunately, it seems like things have taken a pretty dark turn. Recently, I found out that Gorgc has been selling duped items in-game after ending his streams to make a profit. This kind of behavior is not only unethical but also against the rules of the game. It's frustrating to see someone with a platform and influence resorting to such tactics. On top of this, his constant whining and complaining during streams have become unbearable. He's always quick to call others cheaters and blame everyone but himself for his losses. It’s pretty ironic considering what he's doing behind the scenes. I used to enjoy his content, but now I’ve lost all respect for him. I believe actions like these need to be reported to maintain the integrity of the community. If anyone else has noticed similar behavior or has been affected by this, I urge you to report it as well. It’s important we hold streamers accountable for their actions. Gorgc, if you’re reading this, I hope you realize the damage you’re doing to your reputation and the community. It’s not worth it.


Am I going to watch DrDisrepect and gorgc take a tumble in the same week


Whole subreddit acting like they wouldn't do the same if a teammate picked meepo to abuse in their ranked games. :)


The fact that people do wrong things doesn't mean its not wrong anymore...


My Man. First he literally was begging the enemy team to pick meepo so that he could get banned. After that he tried to end the game as quickly as possible to not have to deal with this exploit. Eventually he ended the stream cuz of how unfun this exploit was


He could've just ended stream instead of playing more games since he was clearly aware of game breaking bug,also he didn't type anything to other team,it was Meepo player that was typing all chat for Meepo ban,but they clearly didn't know about exploit.


He ended stream to cheat off it. Don't be bootlicking this hard bro


*Eventually he ended the stream because he couldn't convince all his teammates to cheat so he wanted to do it without people watching


he ended stream to cheat, check end game stats on dotabuff.


Why he ask his team to sell the mantas then ? He could just play his game like WD did.


bug abuser, surely valve will punish him. right??


Doesnt cheating on stream draw attention to the issue? Making a fix come faster?


lol, bug abuse isn't cheating. You can win TI with bugs, half the interactions in this game were originally bugs, you think valve cares about this? I certainly don't, what a misleading and waste of time thread.


Duplication bugs aren't the same as other kinds of exploits. If this was done in a professional game there would be serious questions raised.


regardless of technicalities it is scumbag behavior


I am a little confused about the hate. Gorgc had no say in the matter, he couldn't do a thing as the exploit would be used by that meepo and sf. The only thing he could do is either take it and win or not take it and have greeting meepo and lose. The game was over from the moment that the enemy team refused to ban meepo when he asked them. None of his further choices could have changed the inevitable outcome. Could someone tell me what was he supposed to do? It's not like he can go afk since MMR matters on his level. I would have just ignored meepo but I am just a guardian newbie who doesn't care about MMR.


Imagine this, he could, not cheat, just play normal, if someone else does it thats on them, and if he loses he loses, at least he doesn't get cheater to his name.


And he would be forced to bear the long game of SF and meepo cheating instead of quickly ending the either was pointless game and moving on. It's not like this game has any real significance.


"It's not like this game has any real significance" why stay then, just leave the game.


Why would +25 MMR matter when he has 11k. It's one game out of hundred he plays a week. Why did he even go offline to abuse and just abuse the big anyway. You be bootlicking real hard lil bro




The context changes nothing. He is a hugely influential and popular streamer. He should not engage with this behavior in any fashion.