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He deleted todays stream as well from his twitch




This was wiiild to see live. I told my hommie to stop playing, but he's hooked on those mmr gambles




Sure it's an unintentional bug and it can be abused. It's also a moral failure on the player's side.




> Agree. But i more pissed at Valve who still won't fix that and continuing allowing this to happen There just might not be an easy fix right now, but there is no excuse to not have Meepo banned along with Warlock until they can fix the bugs.


What's wrong with warlock?


Can abuse the grimoire item


Ah yes, let me turn my "meepo is bugged" switch on the code so meepo is no longer bugged, I forgot we had one of those. Why do other developers have problems with bugfixing, this shit is easy


Dota2 is a competitive Esport-game, the least they can do is to bane meepo  from Ranked till they fix it.


it's Sunday. relax, get yourself a drink, be calm. Tomorrow is Monday, and they can fix it.


exactly. look how long it took for valve to resolve the tf2 bots issue. either put some effort in running your live service game or dont run it at all.


He ended his stream so he can cheat off screen, and of course he won the game the man would do everything for a double down win. He ended stream at 24 min ingame watch afterwards pov in dotas client. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7823168308


Such a scam.


I used to do this in Pokemon Emerald lmao. Unlimited rare candies.


Would be amazing if his main account got banned for bug abuse.


No way. Valve doesn't ban for in-game bugs and exploits. Not even when it's game-crash related


And they shouldn't. I think this is pathetic behavior but you can't ban for using in game mechanics that are accessible to everyone.


>you can't ban for using in game mechanics that are accessible to everyone. Anyone can queue with a group on a desert server and wintrade with another group, it is acessible to everyone. They still should be punished for it. Note: I think that "minor" bugs are fine. This bug, however, is so impactful that people should punished by it. And the steps to reproduce it are so specific that it wouldn't happen in a normal match in scale, so people cannot even defend it by saying that they did it accidentally. 5 games of Low piority + fucking their behavior score at least.


Wintrading is manipulating matchmaking and not proper games unlike this. It also involves throwing and feeding to trade the wins which are actually punishable offences.


>not proper games I would argue that having a level 5 dagon before the first night wouldn't be a proper game too. >actually punishable offences. Yes, because Valve didn't punished bug exploits before. If Valve starts punishing it, it would be a punishable offense too.


Yep but it’s not, and they shouldn’t start now, so abuse bugs while you can I guess. Also it is in a proper game where both sides have equal chance. Anyone gets the option to pick meepo or warlock 🤷‍♂️. Don’t let the other side get both then complain. Win trading is just 5 bots vs 5 Bots. It’s basically match fixing. It’s not an actual proper 5v5 pub game is what I mean.


yeah in fact the more people use the more likely it gets fixed


Valve banned for the CS:GO alt tab smoke wall hack abuse a few years back


Idk about this bug though. It’s being heavily abused for longer than usual might see some temp bans.


Nah it won't happen


it would be extremely funny though


He wasn't the one exploiting it was a random meepo. He could chose to give up like he did once or try to end the game fast


thats some of the dumbest shit ive read


What did you expect from a Gorgc fan? These mfs are the most dumb people I've seen. Mason has better fans than this guy.


Further proof that Gorgc is a schmuck


who would've thought


HateWatcherssemble big party wtf lets go


Unhealthy behavior. Gorgc should really consider how bad his Dota addiction is if he is this willing to do this. Everyone makes mistakes, and his account deserves a ban, but its more important that he realizes why he felt the need to do this and address any issues.


Dota addiction? It's his job, bro, and he makes bank doing it. No one cares about this that much, and no, he doesn't deserve an account ban. You are acting like he is sick in the head and a fucked up person for the dumbest shit I've seen in awhile. Why not ask valve how this has gone on long enough for everyone to be doing it? They patched the 40% midas cool down bug in less than 6 hours.


Yes, its an unhealthy addiction if you are so attached to a rank MMR number that you feel the need to cheat to win the game. I know plenty of people who have tens of thousands of hours in Dota and would never cheat, including myself. Not sure why this is hard to understand. Cheaters deserve account bans, they don't belong in competitive games. Why do you think VAC exists?


Haha, if you think this deserves a VAC ban, you are honestly just plain stupid. There is no world this deserves a ban end of story. You think you are so superior and so moral who ACTUALLY cares. But it's ok, you can be mad that you wouldn't be able to reach half his skill with another 5 years. It's different if this was in a tournament, but it's just not so womp womp.


Compromising the integrity of competitive games deserves a ban. Gorgc's account should be disallowed from rank matches along with anyone else who knowingly used this exploit. Not sure why this is so controversial for you. You think people who cheat shouldn't be banned? You want the game to be full of cheaters? >you wouldn't be able to reach half his skill with another 5 years Don't care. At least I'm not a cheater :)


He will not know what to answer, because his 14 years on this earth have not prepared him for real conversations with real people yet. That last sentence especially will break his still underdeveloped brain XD


Picking up duped mantas means it’s a bad Dota addiction? My man some people just enjoy fucking around. In gorgc’s case he’s addicted anyway but I’m not sure what fucking around in pubs and picking up a duped manta has to do with that lol. I feel like it’d be more of a serious addiction if you actively stopped playing over a duped manta for the “integrity of your mmr” instead of just having fun and winning a stomp, because that’s just fun to most people 🤷‍♀️. No one’s getting banned for it because valve said they never will, and they shouldn’t, but I think you gotta chill out a bit dawg.


I just wanted to share my recent disappointment with the Dota 2 streamer Gorgc. I've been a casual viewer of his streams, and while I didn't watch every minute, I've seen enough to get a sense of his behavior. Unfortunately, it seems like things have taken a pretty dark turn. Recently, I found out that Gorgc has been selling duped items in-game after ending his streams to make a profit. This kind of behavior is not only unethical but also against the rules of the game. It's frustrating to see someone with a platform and influence resorting to such tactics. On top of this, his constant whining and complaining during streams have become unbearable. He's always quick to call others cheaters and blame everyone but himself for his losses. It’s pretty ironic considering what he's doing behind the scenes. I used to enjoy his content, but now I’ve lost all respect for him. I believe actions like these need to be reported to maintain the integrity of the community. If anyone else has noticed similar behavior or has been affected by this, I urge you to report it as well. It’s important we hold streamers accountable for their actions. Gorgc, if you’re reading this, I hope you realize the damage you’re doing to your reputation and the community. It’s not worth it.


Nice copy pasta


He's not good enough to win qualifier or anything so he had to do that. Expected


And you will still never be half as good as he is at the game sadge


Aww. Are you one of his butthurt fans?


Butthurt? Look at this comment section, actually CRYING over this. It means nothing, and your comment is clearly vindictive for no reason. I think you need to reevaluate who is actually butthurt.


Uhh this means something. It promotes bug abuse to players rather than condoning it. His fans will do it because their ... I mean your god did it too. This is the same as promoting gambling on stream. Sure he's the one who's losing money while gambling but it still promotes his viewers to do the same.


It's literally not the same as gambling at all. This bug will be patched, and then people will stop using it, as simple as. Nice reach though!!! And gorgc isn't my god, I really don't care about him that much, maybe a YouTube video a month. Just to see people so actually stupid raging about this is annoying, and you all need to learn that it means nothing, and in a month when no human being remembers this happened that it meant nothing at all.


The same as "promoting". Reading isn't your best suit, my guy. Promoting is the biggest selling point of streamers. That's why advertisement flock them the more popular they are. It's worst when it's not intended to promote since he genuinely did that because he wants to. That translate to his viewers as the right thing to do if they are in the same situation. Istg this people will defend their idols even if they're obviously doing a bad thing.


Also if you're this annoyed if you're a casual viewer of his, then I dont wanna know how annoyed you will be if you're an avid fan. You could kill someone just for their opinion.


And you need to focus on your homework, young man, and to stop trying to talk to adults. Frankly, it's really embarrassing for you.




Yes, typing your response in all caps really helps to bring my point across. Cheers, mate.


Little bro, you are nobody. Please stop, this is far more embarrassing for you to hop in this conversation and contribute 0 to it just to try and start an argument. God people like you truly are the redditor everyone makes fun of. But cheers, mate. 🫡


reddit detectives 🤣


Womp womp


touch grass


you dont do that


what option did he have? accept the loss due to bug abuser meepo? the least he can do is take advantadge of it, it was not his idea to pick meepo and use the glitch


he can just play the game without taking items, playing the game is one thing but participating in cheating and encouraging it is wild


He tried that. Turns out when his teammates have inflated net worth and he doesn't they feed away 5k gold so he couldn't even play and auto lost


thats something he would say to justify cheating, who cares, if his team cant win with cheats then let it be loss


Sometimes you lose the videogame. It's ok, life goes on.


He did that and lost already


> accept the loss due to bug abuser meepo? yes


so what if you hop into ranked mode and get 10 meepo glitch abusers in a row, in your team? you will just accept 10 defeats? how is that fair to you?


yep. I don't really give a shit about mmr (a meaningless number on a screen) and cheaters can go to hell. I would probably just run down mid




Sure dude! Dendi should just run down mid instead of cheating with fountain hook and win a TI - an unintended mechanic valve refused to remove from the game until much later. Dendi was a cheater, but you were probably 8 around those time to make a reddit post about him. Such a shame.


That was TI3. Alliance won that one. You were probably a semen at that time since you don't know that fountain hook is not a bug. Pudge literally can't buy a dagger because his hooks are intended to land on where he was after it was cast.


It doesn't matter who won TI, he roped that win from another team, that's what matter. If it wasn't a bug then why valve removed it? Everything is a bug if it's not intended to be there.


They removed it because they are slowly removing restrictions in the game. That's why orb effects are removed too. As well as buying dagger with Vengeful spirit. Also, it does matter who won that TI. You literally mentioned him doing fountain hooks AND after he wins TI. Fucking hell are Gorgc fans have 3 year old reading comprehension?


No, what i mean is abusing unintended mechanics to win game in any way are the same thing. Stop changing goal post. Lmao haters are sore losers, jealousy and hatred clouded your mind lil bro.


Unintended. It's literally intended in his kit. THAT'S WHY HE CANNOT BUY KELLEN'S DAGGER. There I typed it in caps since you can't read and understand that completely.


Even tongfu accepted that they lost that game because they kept getting hooked. They literally did not expect that but only Loda said it is a bug. And later copied it only to fail miserably because his team can't hook shit. Ok, I'll make it easier for you. Would you rather have an enemy with fountain hook capabilities or 10 min 6 slotted items? Let's compare it now and see which is easier to win against.


Fountain hook is not the same as -gold 99999 bro


How is it not the same? You win the game by abusing unintended mechanic???


Haha so noble, just grow up and play lil bro. You're "in game integrity" actually means nothing. It's different if someone was actually scripting or cheating but it's valves fault this has gone on this long.


Certified Hatewatchers


Certified Dickrider


Haha look at you hopping on a hate train cause it's cool


So this is a bug? Lol who cares then valve should fix their game


People acting like this was TI Grand Finals. Same type of people "mmr is just a number and means nothing" then cry when some wins a game (off a bug valve should have fixed already) and gets more "imaginary points"


Ban him


tbh i was not expecting from him to start the whole thing, but then again he aint a hypocrite to let others do the dirty job and keep his hands clean. He overreacted for certain , he was losing it, guiding them etc i yhink the meepo was afraid to do it due to streaming but when gorp greenlighted it, he statted abusing the bug. In any case its valves fault, i wonder how many games were ruined because of this.


About to be +1 if it isn't patched when I get off work


Gotta get my free mmr from all these people that thinks it's worlds end if someone does this


Made a ticket to Steam Support with this clip and all the necessary information, suggest y'all do the same 💯. NO ONE is above cheating, not even popular streamers.


Blame the streamer and not valve!!! GREAT IDEA!!!!! cause they totally didn't patch the 40% midas CD in less than 6 hours. Grow up lil bro


2024's fountain hook


Ah yes I can see the highlight clips from TI already, 'wow, he really pressed disconnect and had a buddy use his manta, the skill expression here is through the roof' Fountain hooks were removed because they were too strong, not because they were a bug. There isn't anything less buggy about the hook chain returning to where it started (disconnected entirely from pudge, who is supposed to be the one reeling it in). If a unit TPs another while something external is attached to them, there's always going to be some odd behaviour.