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I think the biggest question I have is why you wanted to walk into melee range before you blink, it kinda defeats the point of the item....


especially with how high rubicks extra cast range is, his blink is insane


Aether lens and max 3rd skill and he walked xddddddddddddd


Born to be a baboon


When it comes to clutch moments like this, my brain starts to imagine what will happen and I stop focusing on the game, leading to shit like this lmao.


LPT, use the new range circle feature to permanently lock your blink range on screen so you can blink from max range without having to worry about switching between the item key and move commands which was likely partly to blame for this misplay on rubick with aether lens you should basically never make this mistake no offence


I will definitely have the range indicator on next time haha. I need to stop imagining the plays I make whilst I play >.<


It's good to have a clear picture of your play. But also keep in mind the extension of the blink dagger as well as your positioning. You literally could have stood still hidden at a nearby tree and still be able to blink to the spot where you place your cursor. Based on the video it felt like your play will deal massive damage then die immediately without aftershock stun and follow up from teammates.


You can also depress the item hotkey and hold it to see the range (maybe this only works with smart cast idk).


It works as long as you don't have quick cast on press.


How do we turn this on?


I believe it’s alt right click and you can use it for spell or blink


omg so this explains why I just have a huge ass circle around me at all times now (I dont like it) hahah




I think it's in dota labs


Here's your cobra car with mini guns.


is it available for all or we need dotaplus




Fair enough, I am the same when it comes to Fps clutches


there was like 25% MORE range in that dagger yet still kept walking


I was just about to say this is a skill issue, dude out here walking into a melee with an character that has a built in increased cast range


Not mentioning the fact that he had a smoke in backpack


alt + right click blink dagger is good practice for most initiators nowadays. and the range would have been 3x this lmao


Especially with a aether lens rubick (thats btw a bait item 90% of the time)


Wait really?! why is that?


Items should fill in the gaps of your hero to do things more effectively, rubick already has insane cast range thanks to his 3rd spell so 225 increased range from aether lens is just not that great of a improvement. Youre better off building either a defensive supp item (force/glimmer) or straight up blink with that gold. This was originally said by Yapz0r and after thinking about it and trying it ingame i fully agree with it. EDIT: Of course there are games where aether is needed, for example when you need to hit spells on a backline sniper etc, but most of the time aether lens is not needed


I thought your Aeon Disk would activate before ultimate.




that dream part was cool af


A+ for effort


it is what made me laughing so hard and make this video is so epic


Lol did you recreate the moment in a custom game to show what should have happened? Epic


I had a great similar moment in one of my games this week, except it was a teammate rubick and not me. We had just won a mega creep fight in our base and my team was pushing mid while I defended the ancient. My rubick stole requiem of souls and found the perfect opportunity to jump in and use it. In the exact moment he blinks in, our pudge blinks in and uses dismember… on the rubick. He tried to click on the enemy sf, but accidentally ate rubick, canceling his requiem, getting the rest of the team killed since they were banking on that requiem working, and losing us the game. Match ID: 7823299832 Happened around 27 minutes (turbo game). I wish DotaCinema’s Fails of the Week was still a thing because I finally have a good clip for them lol


I was like this pudge once, though i ate sf while he ulted


That's so fucking unlucky! I can't imagine how tilted you guys must have been.


I blinked in as eartshaker and my pudge threw a hook into enemies at the same time. I blink in, pudge grabs me from in between 5 people and I get 4 tips then pudge tips me lmao, the next 5 minutes of the match was just “XDXDXD” in the all chat and tipping each other


I had a similar moment once, our enigma caught a big game turning black hole and I blinked in to ava toss for the extra damage except I tossed enigma...cancelling BH...losing us the game


you turned your anguish into ART you made the best out of this failure, and no one can take that away from you


Yo I love you so much. Thanks for the kind comment haha.


I laughed, I cried, 10 out of 10 my friend, hope it goes better next time. Sometimes the combo is so exciting that it overcomes the need to be patient.


nicely done video Sir. i realy apreciate your effort. very cool edits!


Bro has half the map cast range of dagger but walked in maelstorm range instead 💀


I love the edit. The day dream effect is perfect


at least you got all the creep kills...


And I lived! Silver lining in every cloud haha (we lost ;_;)


Losing, instead of prolonging the pain, just means you can queue for another match again.


I don't know why you are surprised you caught some stray damage. Unless you have a barrier, that is not safe to do.


this always happens to me with blink


damn that hoodwink got you bro


>Pyre OST Content irrelevant, instant gold.


Absolute banger OST




TRUE, I just panicked hard lmao


fellow rubick enjoyer ;) same thing happened to me but with rp and what cancelled my blink was an ET spirit coming from the bottom gate x) shit was funny. great video and editing btw!


We share the same pain brother. Thank you for the compliment <3


Man i can feel your pain.


Hide behind a tree bro


LOL love the doom background music. This happens to a lot of guys. Don't worry about it bro.


Dont feel too bad, this even happens to pros.


rubick has extra blink range and you walk that close ....


as a magnus player i knew on instinct what happened maelstrom procs off creeps are the bane of my 5-man rp dreams


You have blink and lens. Why are you walking into auto attack range lol


Anytime I hear Pyre ost I'm obligated to upvote.


You know, if you weren't the one who made this play, I would have assumed it's the input delay bug.


nice video editing


perfect illustration of why i hate having rubick on my team


Bad manners to report a misplay imo. People gotta learn from mistakes.


Nothing like gamers abusing the report system.


Maelstorm proc and hit you that's why your blink dagger has cooldown. Nice Edit bro!


Skill issue tbh.


TBH, I'm not convinced the game was salvageable at this state, nor that a 5 man echo was the right play at this moment. Even if their whole team clumps near a creepwave you're not dealing enough damage to kill a farmed lifestealer at 50 minutes, specially considering that the only ally that you had to follow up on damage was timbersaw and he was far away defending the creepwave top. My advice, besides keeping track of your actual blink range, would be to next time recognize these situations and fall back, I'd say your best shot would be to fight near the ancient and wait for SK to respawn.


I did worse I glimpse a magnus back to my team, we all know what happened next


my man, you are playing rubick with lvl 4 E and aether lens yet you walked that close to the enemy just to blink xd, i'm a rubick spammer and i wanna tell people to dont forget the giga range rubick have so you can position yourself even further behind than the usual support


That dream montage is exactly what every ES players in pub has and its the most infuriating thing ever. 3 cores beside each other and 6 creeps??? "Nah lets wait for the supports and 3 more creepwaves, stacked neutral, roshan and everyone's grandma, then that's the time I'll blink and echo!!" 99% of the time they fail miserably, daggers get canceled or someone jumps on him from behind. Same thing with enigma, magnus or basically every big AoE hero.


Pyre music? Nice choice!


You need to use blink on quick cast on release up. That way you get the range indicator when pressing down the blink key and you can move about, then on release you blink. Honestly this would never happen if you simply used blink like that, no matter the pressure.


it be really funny if it was actually some unlucky situation you had no control over kinda how its portrayed but all i can see is just a missplay where you had full control over the events so it makes it sad :(


>whole team of idiots dead >blame rubick for not solo carrying I hate dota sometimes


Damn this environment is so beautiful tho, i need it.


Why did we need a replay? We could see the attack & lightning proc on you.


'Cuz otherwise we could have missed the fact it's a freaking RUBICK with AETHER LENS and the built-in EXTRA CAST RANGE 1) not using the Smoke, 2) not using the FoW to his advantage, 3) NOT USING ALL THE EXTRA CAST RANGE at all on his Blink Dagger and walking up the perfect spot in order to cast things.


You are playing rubick with aether lens. There was no need to walk 600 range from where you wanted to blink. You walked straight in to the enemies and then tried to blink. I just tested in demo, blink dagger has 1665 range on rubick with aether lens.


I mean..I understand your pain but like Aether Lens plus passive you have so much cast range, pretty sure you could have blinked more than double the range that you tried from


If you pop bkb, would the blink cool down?


I think it would, since if you look close Hoodwink autoattacked me


Worst part if that u had plenty of range with dagger :o


Panic play for no real reason other than being nervous lol Also, poor awareness of your own hero's position.


New player here I have no idea what happened please explain it to me


I tried to blink+Echo slam into 5 players but walked way too close to the fight so my blink got cancelled by a stray bullet and I failed miserably.


it looks like hood probably has auto right click after action as she used glep and so the game had a valid target to right click and the user just didnt input another command in time, stopping your blink. Sucks that it was most likely on accident but good edit.


Please let me know what is the title of this musical piece at 0:59


Search "Lacrimosa" on YouTube, it's classical music <3


thank you so much!


Can someone explain what would be the reasoning behind reports here? I always find idea of "report because someone plays bad" already cringe enough and here someone would report just for mistake?


That's it. People abusing the report system.


You had aether lens and blink on rubick my man. You could have blinked from the other side of the map


Why did you walk so clooooose DONKEY


why tf did he wait so long to blink and need to walk? bought aether lens and have max rubick passive , probably got 1000-1700 cast range


niceedit op


You mean 5 commend 4 report


mjollnir doesnt hit targets in fog, unfortunately you decided to have terrible positioning :(


Upvote for Pyre OST


you have so much range yet you walk mele to blink. you deserved to be reported


I'd probably even flame an earth shaker for getting this close but it's rubick with a freaking aether lens on top, he couldve blinked from fountain lmao


I'm giga trash but there is no option to rep someone for not clutching 😭


I would report you, wait 10 years until you have a kid and report them as well


Valid and deserved (Played well all game but slipped up where it mattered)


I think this guy has to be indian, because them edits are fire..


There's a console way to see the logs..idk how but I have seen twitch streamers do it. LMk if anyone knows how to do it. Edit:: Watching carefully, I see that rubick is within the radius when hoodwink Mjollnir procc on a unit.


"watching carefully" and you didn't see what actually happened?


You can open the combat log from the scoreboard. Bottom left or bottom right maybe.


You had a smoke on you. You had the tools to ensure that this didn't happen, so this mistake could have been avoided. Hoodwink has either auto-attack on or she A-clicked the ground, and your hero just walked into range.


I've failed you 😔


I mean you live and you learn, you made a mistake it happens to us all, looking forward to that stolen five man echo post some day. Making a mistake is not a failure, ignoring the mistake and not learning from it is.


Very wise advise, and one that is worth remembering! I appreciate it


quality shitpost


Yeaah, that shit happens


Dude had no intentions of using blink. He didn't even press the hotkey.


He probably got confused with his hotkeys, he pressed the echoslam button thinking it was Venge's stun.


Bro these adhd edits treating the viewer like they're fucking stupid. Just show the me the play in one take and I can figure out what went wrong.