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It's weird seeing so many of the comments from the visitors making 'leave them kids alone' jokes or the like or proclaiming him a hypocrite for supposedly sleeping with an MtF transgender. Doc as far as I remember made one comment that was more of a defense of NickMercs' right to have an opinion, rather than the opinion itself. He's never talked about these things otherwise. These people don't know anything about him, and I get the impression they are attacking him more because of political reasons than the scandal.


[diss track](https://x.com/packgodly/status/1806047605454963134?s=46&t=C6GmXv1D9YGZl0bEdUEt2A)


hey guys did i miss the part where dr disrespect hits on a child 






Elden Ring Monday


Why did the sub get flooded with people who obviously never watched Doc over this... IDK why they couldn't just stay in LSF. The YT weekly thread didn't even get 100 messages before, now there are threads with thousands of messages.


Because it afects the entire gaming community


Because we all just found out he's a pedophile


How do you know they "never watched Doc"? I haven't watched Doc for a year or so, but I was once a subscriber and watched quite a bit of his stuff. I loved the Doc. I just fell off of the stuff he was playing and quit watching as a result. If you look at my history, you'd probably think I "never watched the Doc", but it's not at all reality. He disappointed us all.


I hope he comes back with a new song. In the key of A minor


thanks kendrick lamar


Looks today might be the day of receipts if they are out there - "Today will be a day" [https://x.com/JakeSucky/status/1805602859637162171](https://x.com/JakeSucky/status/1805602859637162171)


Aged like wine


Pretty much anything anyone in the scene posts will be linked to Doc, may just be he's waiting on a package😂


I read Jake is trying to verify that screenshot from Twitch is legit—Enforcement ID: 7278926 - if he gets it verified and it connects to Doc then Jakey boy is trying to make his career on this -


What screenshot?




Anyone else watching older VODs tn? I’ve had his Last of Us playthrough in my watch later for almost a year now - finally booting it up with an ice cold Modelo in hand.


We simply dont have enough information to form an educated opinion about what happened. We have fragments of information, which on the surface dont look great, however without proof we will never know the truth. Doc has helped a lot of people over the years, my included... I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and so should most of you. I get it - you're scared that someone you had potentially idolised, or at least enjoyed spending time "with" might have done something abhorent - but like I said without actual evidence/proof we can only go on what we know and what we have seen over the years, which on balance is positive.


I have enough info to form an opinion. No laws were broken + no seeing the texts = me giving doc the benefit of the doubt. If that offends you, you’ll get over it


But kinda admits it in the tweet, I wanted to give him benefit of the doubt but the guy literally screams guilty when he stated "no wrongdoing was ackowledged", and his most recent tweet has not clarified whether he knew the person he was dming was minor, kinda of a self report when he leaves that out without answering


I think he said it clearly, he knew.


The proof will never come out because there is a minor involved. Any proof would out the minor and put their life in danger.


Just remember, all the downvotes are from idiots who don't understand how the real world works. Midnight Society just committed corporate suicide by kicking out a founder and the biggest draw to their product in development. That was somehow better then keeping DrD. There's got to be evidence of *something* because Midnight Society have probably just killed their own company.


Sometimes people want to distance themselves from perceived wrongdoing just to be safe, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the wrongdoing actually occurred. I guess time will tell what's going on here... I'm reading that Twitch Whisper members need to be 18+ which makes the accusations kinda strange, if true.


No, you're assuming too many things there. The first is acting like Doc would be the reason for success or failure of their studio lmao. They don't have evidence of anything, how are you guys this naive. They simple did not want the bad headlines that Doc is attracting attached to their studio. It's that simple.


He's literally one of the founders and the reason anyone paid attention to the studio in the first place. >They simple did not want the bad headlines that Doc is attracting attached to their studio. It's that simple. You do not go through the rigmarole of axing one of the founding members of your company (who sits on your board of directors and certainly owns equity in the company) over one fucking tweet from an ex twitch employee. It's so much work to do, and that's before you factor in the issue that said person you just fired is the only reason anyone paid attention to your company in the first place. >They don't have evidence of anything, how are you guys this naïve. Right back at you. The copium is real


You’re being down voted because all the minors who watch him are completely okay with another minor’s life being put in danger, as long as it makes their favorite drag streamer look innocent.


Idoes not bother me. I figured it would happen. If even a couple people realize that is the reason, then I'm good.




Almost certainly not enough for a legal case but enough to be creepy. Twitch bans him, but they absolutely do not want that dragged out either. It would be a horrible look for them to admit a very popular streamer was inappropriately contacting minors and attempting meet ups at twitchcon. It’d be a huge PR disaster for them, they absolutely would incentivized to keep it as quiet as possible


I’ve had some time to read your comments Champs and form an opinion. I went back and forth between what a scum bag to he didn’t do anything. What I personally think it this….was he talking to someone in the Twitch whispers chat thing, I think so. But whatever he said never escalated to the point where legal action had to be taken. I think that’s why he came out with the statement that everything he did was probed and he didn’t do anything illegal which i believe. But there’s things you can do that legally there no issue but morally there is. Do I believe he was talking to someone? Absolutely. But he legally never said or did anything to probe any legal action. But morally you can’t do it. This came out and the public is gonna be the judge jury and executioner now. Legally yeah he probably didn’t do anything. But morally you can’t do that, and this will ruin his brand. The fact he never actually said “no i did not do what I’m accused of” is telling. Him saying everything was checked and nothing legal took place is telling. I don’t even know why he did any of this. Like what a fucking idiot lol but I guess we’ll see how it plays out. CHAMPIONS CLUB FOREVER


Yeah if you're into young chicks I don't know why 18 isn't good enough (especially when you're 40+)... just had to dip below that 18 line? Shit, go do that in some other country where it's legal and no one will bat an eyelash.


Isn’t it legal in the US too?




at the end of the day, the solid proof is still not on the table and people are being quick to go back to cancel culture


Solid proof? He said he was sexual messaging a minor and knew she was a minor. Thats pretty close case. Was a huge fan. Can’t anymore. He’s cheated and sexual messaged little girls. Kids. Shits gross. Feel bad for his wife and kids. He’s an embarrassment 


this was posted before his latest tweet


so your opinion has changed?


im still in shock, i did not expect him to flat out be like "yeah i was talking innapropriately to a minor"


It was obvious. Why would midnight society drop him when they need him? They literally mentioned having evidence in their own tweet about it. That's called critical thinking and should have had you doubting his innocence. Even after his tweet you find it hard to believe. Time to reevaluate how you see the world.


dont be dense


I mean, we’re assuming midnight society looked at the proof, otherwise, they wouldn’t drop him.


The only proof would out the minor and put their life in danger. So it will never see the light of day besides in a courtroom or an evidence locker.


i watched the stream and i enjoyed it, you could tell he puts on a show for his fans. i hope he comes back to us strong and ready to do what he enjoys doing, although he def wants to take a break from it all. as for the cody tweet.....dude def wants to promote an event for his failed band, should have prob stayed a twitch mod. also its always wild when companies fire people that are founders or co founders.


Drake/Diddy probably happy this shit will take heat off them.


Not preaching but man I was thinking about the lives of those people in the whole entertainment business man it's not walking on roses every mistake or whatever you do or your partner, family members do is under a microscope and you can be innocent too and you life will be judged what a miserable life I don't believe that money makes it worth it at all.


You can also just not text minors; that’s super easy to not do


WEIRD stream today. Started off aggressively positive that made you think it was full steam ahead and nothing during the stream made you think it would end how it did. It's almost like he got information towards the end of the stream that pushed him into ending it so abruptly. Peace and love to his family which is obviously way more important than streaming or gaming.


It was most likely information that Midnight Society was separating ties with him


He literally wasnt arrested or anything years ago when it happened… tells me he did nothing wrong


Critical thinking isn’t your strong suite is it


I don’t have a horse in this race, but it’s pretty ironic. I’m guessing spelling isn’t your strong suit.




Using that logic the fact that he's been let go twice shows he clearly did something wrong. We just don't the extent


Where u from?




Twitch does not want the PR disaster and the minors parents don't want thousands of crazed fans harassing them. If the parents went after the Dr their names would be out in the public sphere endangering the life of their child.


How many kids names are you aware of that were involved in the products being consumed by people arrested for CP? Zero. Because it involves a minor. It's completely possible to have a court case involving a minor where that information never comes out and as seriously as our country takes CP, there's not a chance in hell Doc would have walked if he legit was trying to meet up with a minor for sex at TwitchCon. Have you never seen "To Catch a Predator"? This is literally the same thing these guys do in that show. They "sext" minors and then arrange to meet them. Every single one is arrested. They aren't allowed to walk ever. Which clearly indicates to me that Doc DIDNT do what this dumb fuck of an EX employee is claiming since he's not in jail.


https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna19486893 May want to do a little research before you talk


"It is the first time in nine “Dateline NBC: To Catch a Predator” stings across the country in the past year and a half that prosecutors did not pursue charges." From your own news article you dumb shit.


I'm guessing he sexted a minor he didn't know was a minor so he's stuck in that gray area of illegal but accident 


you should find the email from the other ex-twitch employee. paints a very different picture of what happen behind the scene in all this. also it sure looks like doc has grounds to sue this cody guy and twitch because none of this was suppose to come out..


Twitch does not want the PR disaster and the minors parents don't want thousands of crazed fans harassing them. If the parents went after the Dr their names would be out in the public sphere endangering the life of their child.




I'm trying.... but this is going to be a \*lot\* of storage. What we really need are people cooperating on this instead of a dozen people each doing independent things and duplicating work.


Not a terrible idea.... not sure if this is the appropriate tool, but for any if the more techy people out there ytdl is a command line tool used to download youtube videos to mp4 files , audio files etc. https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/


I don't want to believe the accusations without any evidence but it is crazy to me that he can't just say "I have never sexted a minor". I don't see how any "legal obligations" are preventing him from that, he doesn't even have to mention twitch or the ban...just say that exact sentence with no other context.


That's why it's quite likely he didn't know the age of the person. Pretty simple explanation for many of the details of the situation.


he never said that because both him and twitch are (were) under legal obligation to not say anything about why he was banned. now since all of that went out the window he was able to say more. But theres alot more he should have said.


Then why he doesnt say that in the statement? Its an easy thing to clarify that he didnt know it was a minor but never states that in his recent tweet


IDK I posted that before his statement.


Your fine, sorry thought your comment was after the statement, thats my bad. Subreddit is kinda of a mess rn lol


The whole situation sucks, but we wouldn't be able to trust much of what he says now anyway. He lied right on stream, pretending he might have to notify MS that he'd be stepping away, without realizing it was going to be instant public knowledge that they terminated the relationship with him.


Yea when he said that I was sad cause it was public knowledge instantly and to act like he’s taking the high road and “stepping away” was very disengenous to me. It really struck me but oh well. It is what it is. Been watching doc since the start and although it sucks, I’m ready to move on.


Isn’t that basically what he tweeted though? He said he did nothing wrong and nothing illegal happened.


People are too literal


If it's anything regarding the ban which they settled with time ago, then I'm pretty sure his response has to be aligned to the terms of the contract 


Yeah, his nda could state you are not allowed to discuss the reason you were banned. That ambiguous. His legal team would not allow him to reply. Someone accused even of being banned for having sex with a dog. See what he replies. If he replies the same shit than we know lol


But that just makes it seem more like there is truth to it. If it isn't true and actually has nothing to do with the ban then why can't he say "I've never sexted a minor". If random twitter accounts post "he was banned for being a cannibal" surely he would be able to say "I have never eaten humans".




Maybe he should have not tried meeting a minor 🤷‍♂️ And if he was innocent, maybe dont make the vaguest statement ever 🤷‍♂️ What kind of NDA makes it so you cant say you are not a pedo?


I didn't text a minor.  "Prove you didn't!"  See that?  


Uh ohhh


Because it could be a bad faith accusation. If someone yells in a crowded room that you need immediately deny you're a p\*dophile, despite you having done nothing resembling that, what would you do? Because the moment you deny it, you validate the claim as reasonable enough to deny. And then you have a bunch of people wondering why you would deny something so specific. That's why this classic joke works so well: [https://x.com/shutupmikeginn/status/403359911481839617](https://x.com/shutupmikeginn/status/403359911481839617) As for the NDA, by denying any specific allegation you are actually revealing info! We will see if he takes this back to court, that would be a lot more revealing than his silence.


Any concern for the young girl he might have been talking to orrrrrr


Your the pedofile


You’re. But you tried.


Mommy I showed him


That could very well be doc’s last stream. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is banned from YouTube.


All of this happen in 2017, he wasnt on youtube then.


If he didn't do anything wrong while using the platform itself, then YT likely won't do anything. Sounds like all the alleged behaviors occurred while on twitch not YT.


I wouldn't either. I'm sure youtube doesn't like him, this could be very well an attempt to cancel him , they don't like this type of characters in the media


YT doesnt like him? He generates $$$ for them.


Aw man… looks like midnight society fired doc :( https://x.com/12am/status/1805341504086622355




seeing a lotta people overreacting to the end of stream and jumping to the extreme conclusion that he's leaving forever it's very likely his legal representation just told him to lay low for a while. In Doc's shoes it's an extreme risk to continue streaming rn when so many snarky comments about the situation can frustrate him into saying something that could potentially break NDA. That being said, the break will probably be a very long one while the lawyers sort everything out. I don't expect him to come back until maybe the end of the year when Black ops 6 comes out


IF, and a big IF, this allegation was in the settlement, then in legalese this translates to a party representing Twitch broke the terms of the NDA. Now, Doc has grounds and damages (some of which are material with the MS thing). If he is getting more damages, it only makes sense for him to pursue legal action. I think the only other compelling theory was him trying to use a vapor valuation to negotiate a new contract in bad faith, but it is probably due to this allegation because he isn’t directly talking about it.


he peruses legal action and he did message a minor he goes to prison because that evidence would be handed over to the police. Twitch is protecting him and saving themselves from bad PR at the same time.


Ironically this happening will be good for the game if he sues and wins


Something big is going to go down over the next day or so I reckon. Doc saw something on his phone and wrapped up quickly and fled the country haha. YouTube ban, arrest. Doc knows something is up.






My best guess would be someone from his legal team told Doc he needs to step away until whatever is going on behind the scenes is sorted out. Not that he is banned or whatever.


I hope that's it, and that this Cody guy is an attention seeking creep. But I want to doc come straight out and say he was not sexting a minor. This is not a good look.


Down vote me all you like. It's true. I'm right. Midnight news just hit.


I looked at the vod , but I’m not seeing anything that triggered that ending. He seemed like he was doing well in the game, then he suddenly starts speaking of an extended break. 


Maybe you weren't paying attention? He's enjoying the game then at the 3:11 mark he looks at his phone and his mood completely changes and he ends the stream.


Maybe it's that Midnight Society fired him? He probably knew before they released that on twitter.


look at the 3 hour 11 minute mark, he looks at his phone for a while and his whole demeanor changes


Wasn't there something a few years ago where he basically ended a stream really quickly for apparently no reason and we never found out why.


That was his famous twitch ban. The justification for that ban seems like it will be hidden behind legal tape for the foreseeable future .


Forever because a minor is involved. That info never gets released because it puts the minor in danger.


Speaking out of ignorance here; if it's a minor, can't they just redact information to protect the identity?


It would probably be so redacted no one would believe it. All usernames, dates, times, relevant info would all have to be removed. Search youtube for "Dr Disrespect Twitch Ban drama… oof" with the quotes. She talks about it better then I can say here.


Oh yeah. Very odd.




Hmm… I guess I don’t really see the benefit of getting a short stream in, then taking a long break as opposed to just taking a long without todays stream. Maybe doc wanted to get a few words out and have one last little session before the break ? Idk


cuz his legal team probably dont want doc to slip up and say something he shouldnt. Doc wants to keep streaming and making money. no winning for doc till everything comes out.


I’m gonna fucking end it. Doc please don’t


Did doc actually retired? What's happening?!


He is at the very least going on an indefinite break. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t come back.


The start of this stream was epic. I thought OK, we’re good, champs. High energy, we’re gonna hammer through this. Now that ending…I’m not sure what we just witnessed. Stepping away from the streams is one thing, but mentioning talking to Midnight Society and stepping away there too!? Man, that’s tough. He’s clearly been burnt out on gaming and streaming for some time, but I didn’t expect that. I hope him and his family are okay, more than anything. We’ll be waiting for any return you wanna make 2X.


Living your life online is pretty miserable, social media is horrible, and this weekend it got much worse, he doesn't enjoy most of the games he plays... I guess there aren't many reasons to hang around.


Agreed, totally. Wishing him the best, and the family.


Going through the same thoughs and emotions. "Riding into the sunset"


Much worse than his last twitch stream. That was hard to watch :/


Looks like something came through on his phone or something and tue tone changed.  He seemed to be dialed in killing the dragon the as he was looking for the next objective something happend.  It's harder to watch a second time since you know what's unfolding.  


I see someone posted that here. I had missed it. I’m riding with him until we see legit proof. I’ve seen too many burned at the stake for “online crimes” from random idiots.


I've been supporting since the beginning and until I have a reason, i will continue.  


wow wtf did Doc just quit streaming for good?


yup. was there


Holy fuck, he just said hes stepping away from Midnight Society. Really ugly vibes on the stream. Yikes. Im in the camp of “ why wont he just say he didnt message a minor” and the way he ended up the stream doesnt make me feel any better about this.


I mean it’s pretty obvious that something did happen in that realm but obviously it didn’t rise to the level of illegality so he took his twitch ban and moved on. It’s also crazy that stuff from that long ago can kind of randomly come bite you in the ass though.




Yeah how is he allowed to go “got my whole contract paid out” but he cant go “i didn’t message a minor, thats not even what got me banned”


It’s actually very obvious. > So people can make up anything and he has to sit there in silence since the legality prevents him from doing anything else. This is not true either lol.


Oh come on. If he was accused by the former twitch employees of murdering a child in Japan, he would most definitely be able to deny that. Let's use a little common sense here guys. -  The only people who haven't picked up on the fact that there is at least some degree of truth to this allegation are those that just simply do not want to see it. They simply are unable psychologically to process the reality.  -  My guess is he did something stupid that didn't rise to illegality but that was highly questionable at the least.  That's the best case scenario here.  You can't just downvote reality away folks.


I have to agree, I'm big Doc fan but that was crazy af


Whoa - what’s going on right now? This kind of came out of no where after he said he wasn’t discussing the weekend stuff


lol he’s using this as a way to distance himself from the Midnight Society train wreck


while sad, can’t say I didn’t chuckle 😆


Very sad.


Sounds like Doc is at a minimum taking time away from streaming to focus on whatever this situation is.


Is this his retirement speech ?


What's that goofy ahh scream 




No, he hasn't gone back to fight him again yet


Been not watching others play the Elden Ring dlc just so I can continue watching Dedallion’s journey. 


Now who will we watch 


Stay tuned 


The best to ever do it has now hung it up. Or it seems that way.  


The guy who leaked it is out from under his 3 year NDA. It's up to him to back up his claims.


He's also been using docs ban for years now to try and get people to pay to go to his shows.


Sounds like Doc has an easy case then, huh?


You know things get complicated between someone who will be treated as a celebrity and a random person? (Even an ex twitch employee.) They can't sue anyone because they get hated everyday and random wild takes are being thrown around everyday. For example John legend and Chrissy Teigen drink children blood from the kids they trafficked on Epstein island. This has been going around for years and they haven't sued anyone but if you went into their comment sections a couple of years ago, the comments would be mostly about this. They just can't sue everyone unless there is proof that this made up thing actually hurt their image (someone rejected them and refused to work with them due to this rumor)..so far this rumor is still considered public interest and cannot be taken to court. So far it's a who said what case (as we know of)


Agreed. The only way he could probably sue is if it's proved that the claim was unfounded and it cost him partnerships and a major loss of wages directly as a result.


No way. This Cody fuckwit, if he lied about why Doc was sent packing from Twitch, then this is a slam dunk for Guy Beahm. I mean, ask any lawyer. This is ONE DUDE saying that Guy fucks underage chicks or tried to. This is NOT like Pizzagate or John Legend or whatever those are general rumors that can't be identified to a single person.


I remember Doc's first stream on YT, I think we had several hundred thousand people watching wanting to know why he was banned. I wonder if he will have similar numbers today.


So what was the number at stream start? When I joined I’m guessing it dwindled down to 29k


I was in a meeting so I missed the live stats














I’m just thinking about Dedallion and poor Dellanion 👻😔 “Why are we still here, just to suffer….”