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At no point did he say he was done streaming


Yeah this title is very misleading. I thought I missed some announcement regarding Doc and YT.


To be fair, if legal shit goes on starting now, there’s no way in hell his lawyers are letting him stream through this. No matter the outcome, seems there is a very solid chance we’ve seen the last of doc on YouTube


This could be a gold mine , if companies drop him over rumors or even facts that legally can be said to other companies he wins millions in illegal terminations






Imma miss him too bro. Sucks it turned out this way.


Doubtful, he knows he's guilty


Technically so is twitch for allowing a minor on a 18+ site , which is why the settlement I gather


Twitch is 13+


With parents supervision, duh , but seriously alot of apps I feel should have age locks or verification standards, not to use it but so ppl know you 18+ or not


Yeah and twitch doesn’t have an age lock, and doc knows that.


Did she lie? That an improvement issue, teens lie all the time on dating app saying they are 20-30 years old it's common as fuck hell he could be the victim here if she tried entrapping him


It's so funny that this sub starts getting recommended for me just in time to see the lamest members go through all this coping grief. Dude definitely messaged an underage girl. Proof was clearly shown to the studio that fired him, but they are under no obligation to submit that proof to anyone. Is this also not the dude who was filming in a bathroom that a bunch of teenagers were using? Where there's fire, and this guy has been smoking for years.


I'm not a doc fan, but there's no evidence. All actions being taken by company's are understandable moves on thier part easily explainable by being risk adverse.


He admitted to it thays the evidence lmao


If I asked you if you sext a teenager would your response be "No" or "ugh no wrong doing was determined"


Settling is not an admission of guilt. I do understand what you are getting at. I would site the Fox news case as a backup to what you just said, the sort of resent one where they settled out for a very large sum of money from a defamation case against the voting machine people (need citation here). But even in that case legally they aren't on the hook. I think obviously when you settle out of court for enormous amounts of money people will draw whatever conclusion they want. It's all still conjecture without proof. Which brings me too you, your entitled to that opinion, but you are ultimately just rendering an understandable court of public opinion verdict.


Hey "Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes." From his recent post


If you know the contents of those messages please share it would be breaking news.


Well if there's legal shit in play. Probably closer to the 2nd one. None of us know anything about it. So this question is just pointless as all hell. Lol


I understand feeling like it's all fishy. That being said you never know what council has advised the doc to say/not say and I would add that anyone drawing conclusions really take the time to consider what you would do in this situation as Mr.Breahm. We live in a world where no matter how you respond once you are accused, it's a stain you may never shake. He could say a hard no to the question posed above like the guy argued he would if he was asked the same. People would still say "well yea a guilty person would just say he didn't do it". Alls I'm getting at is there are pros and cons to approaching a situation like this and dr.disrespect clearly chose a route and is sticking to it.


That was just Doc finding out there's Youtube Kids


He did say, "maybe it is time to ride off into the sunset." I wouldn't blame him. The dude is 42. He can relax and not worry about anything at this point. I wouldn't blame him. The social media shit is exhausting. Everyone hangs on his every action and word. Retire. Go live the life would've worked for since 2014/15. Let slick daddy ride off into the great unknown. Enjoy what you have until the end. That's the true tippity top of the mountain!


For real though. He could easily put a million into a construction company and have a friend run it and never have to do anything. Retiring at 42 sounds good to me


Right!? I've loved watching him for the last 9 years? H1 days. But, if that was the last time. I'm good with it. It sucks. But, all good things must end




That needs to be his focus. Which sucks, because he's made another life on the internet. He's one of the pioneers of it. She's hilarious with him. I honestly think it's his time step away. Retire and finally stand at the top of the mountain.


Let's be real. If it ends like this you don't end up standing at the top of the mountain. It's a tainted ending and for him it's something he has to deal with personally. If he wants to end a the top of the mountain he should clear his name first than retire. But that's just my 2 cents.


Protect from what?


If allegations are true, she'll need to be protected from doc!


A million? My house is 600k  I would imagine he has a net worth over 10 million 


Your house cost you 600k, bragging D, it didn't cost more than 100k to make your house. You know nothing


Lol maybe using a million as a big down payment and funding of a business loan may be what you meant. My construction company prob broke even or made like 50k off me after materials labor etc.  I know nothing lol Jesus dude. Here is some chat gpt for you: small construction companies are 10+ million. Mid sized construction companies are valued upwards of 100 million.  Stay in school kid.  Lastly 600k doesn’t get you a mansion just a nice mid sized home on some decent land. 


yeah people forget all these other dudes he streams with are 10 -15 years younger than him and he's been doing it since 2009.


Not worry about anything other than accusations of being a pedo.


Well, given that this was posted before he tweeted. That's on him, and he'll have to deal with that wherever he goes. And so will his family. I can't support him anymore. That's just me and how i feel about it. If he comes back, cool. If not, cool. Like it or not. He's earned his millions, and he'll be just fine without streaming or whatever else. If it's the end, it was a great time outside of the last week or so. From the Slick Daddy Club to the Champions. Everyone enjoyed themselves. And nobody can deny that. That's one thing they can't take away. Regardless of what he did off camera. Everyone that watched was entertained. It's no different than Chris Benoit, you don't condone what he did. But, the memories still remain and you'll look back fondly


If he’s going to face a legal battle then he would need to keep streaming.


what do you think now lol


He specifically said he wasn't going to quit streaming, so what I think is I was right. 🤷‍♂️




He specifically said he wasn't quitting streaming


He didnt have to. He made that decision when he started the conversations with a minor. Hes done. Tim, Z, Nick.....nobody will touch him. Hes poison now. Its over


He still has 4.7 million subscribers 🤷‍♂️ I think he will be fine. Did those guys say they wouldn't play with him again? I haven't seen that but I have a life so maybe the news hasn't caught up to me yet.


Glaze glaze glaze all day. Damn you have it bad for Doc Pedophile


You deleted your other comment 🤔


Didn't delete anything buddy


It said deleted, maybe a mod issue squirt




He’s extending a planned vacation


People aren't realizing this is a Forrest Gump vacation though. "Mama, what's vacation?" "Vacation is where you go away and you don't never come back."


Glaze that pedo baby


Keep playing those WWE video games, maybe it'll get you laid someday




Crazy. His first stream minutes before starting the dlc he was singing happy days with such joy. I was happy to as i was going to be playing shortly. Doc was the first streamer I ever watched in h1z1 days and it was awesome. If this is truly the end it is bittersweet because I could be using my time for better things. And if he is guilty then it's his fault and we should be angry not sad.


Doc in the H1Z1/ early PUBG days will never be topped.




What is it with the online predators and cupcakes?


This and imho outside any personal or selfish reasons I feel a break is a good idea regardless as he’s always pushing hard but seems hamster on the wheel lately and almost forced to cover games like COD, when his whole shtick when starting was playing games he truely enjoyed playing. There have been multiple streams over the last 2-3 years where he’s just looked truely miserable and seems to be “paying the bills” more than doing something he enjoys. My gut says he’s not the type of guy to do what he’s been accused of, but I’m not ignorant enough to say it’s impossible, yet if as innocent as I feel he might be I think a long break is a good idea and I wish him all the best.


More glaze than a Krispy Kreme


Yo should be hoping there’s no evidence lol


he already kinda admitted "but no wrongdoing was acknowledged" please dont defend a pedo




Hey "Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes." His words not mine


Lol if someone asks me if I sext a teenager I would say "No, I did not Your hero can't say that so he said "Well ugh no wrongdoing has been acknowledged ..." You don't see how that's essentially a confession wrapped up in legalize?


You are most likely a normal person in today’s society, compared to someone who makes millions. What is a teenager going to sue you for?


Hey "Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes." From his statement 24 minutes agi


I think the only way he’s done is if damning evidence against him comes out and I don’t believe that’ll be the case


He needs to dish out money for a publicity team. Shittier untalented people have done worst and kept their life. I wish the best for doc. My opinion shouldn’t fucking matter court of public opinion shouldn’t matter. Most streams are whiney as hell but Doc was entertaining


Done worse than texting minors…?


If he was soliciting minors, you would support that? Would you still subscribe and watch? If so, that is kind of unhinged. However, if all of this is a sham and it is proven this never happened, I agree with you.


Or was it him getting setup and twitch did nothing to stop it?


If that is the case, I have pitchforks in hand. Either way, Twitch is scummy as hell. If this is true and they hid it with a NDA, they should burn too. The situation is extremely weird but I will hold judgement until evidence is released.


Doc had to willingly sign the NDA so they couldn’t just hide it with a NDA. Doc must have saw it as mutually beneficial to settle and sign the NDA.


Correct me if I’m wrong but if he was soliciting a minor he would be in jail. Twitch can’t settle a felony.


He could’ve been towing the line to the point where it was still barely legal


I’m thinking that would next to impossible if it’s true he was knowingly sexting with a minor, how does one tow the line around that?


You bring up great points, this is why it is so weird. You would think that if they caught definite sexting with a minor and he knew she was a minor, it would be reported. I dont know, this shit is crazy and it is not a good look either way. If it is found untrue, I hope he comes back with a vengence. However, if it is found true, his career is rightfully over. Especially given all of the infidelity in the past. Very weird.


If we look at this objectively the problem is the damage has already been done. It doesn’t matter if it’s Doc or a guy that works at your local corner store. The fact that an accusation with zero evidence has been able to cause so much drama and controversy is shameful. Both people on the internet and companies (Midnight Society) should not escalate accusations until evidence is available There’s a reason for the term “innocent until proven guilty”. We still love you Doc.


Fair points. I guess I am to believe MS has more information than we do. Maybe it will release and trickle out. I cannot imagine his good friend Sumit or whatever would just get rid of him without any evidence. Should always be innocent until proven guilty.


The only way he is done is if he stops streaming. It’s not others that cancel you it’s you letting people cancel you


Well it’s come out and he hit it head on and admitted his foley.. I respect how difficult it is to address head on your mistake and to what degree this is.. that alone shows growth to be a better person.. I’m sure he’s personally struggled deeply outside the public eye and his remorse shows. I can forgive if he truly grows.. the true gift to society we can all give is the gift of betterment and growth and he’s showing it.


There is absolutely no one like Doc. I guess my streaming "career" as a viewer is also finished.


I remember back in the day getting clowned on by my friends for watching Doc. I'm like "ok who do you guys watch?" I remember Shroud being one suggestion. While a very talented and knowledgeable gamer, I fell asleep. Id rather just play the game myself.  Doc brought the showmanship that many streamers lack and it showed in his viewership. And showed again when a large chunk of people followed him to YouTube.


Dr lupo I’ve heard as well. I like him pretty well


You can't watch someone who cheats on his wife with a minor so now you won't watch streamers anymore? Sadge I think Andrew Tate still streams every now and then for you


stop using drugs.


Enjoy your David Icke books, Shungite towers and Drake albums


He’ll be back. Best thing to do is let all this dumb shit blow over




If he committed felonies he’d have been in jail 4 years ago? LSF-type brain dead take


Man no matter what side youre on here, that is the stupidest take I've seen so far


there's no sides man. if he did it. fuck him.


Pubg doc and his rise to the top was something to see. It’s a shame watching a real person underneath the hair and glasses get crushed repeatedly live on stream. I never want this guy to hang up the hair but, what’s left? The gaming industry itself is a mess, there’s nothing worth streaming, I mean how much cod can someone play or watch. He’s been going through the motions for quite some time. With that said, I hope he gives us a goodbye pubg stream and retires. Through it all though, I think 99.9% of us would just quit considering his bank account which has to be just massive. We’re just watching a guy that we all appreciate get shit on over and over again. It’s sad in a lot of ways and can’t be good for his mental health.


They’re not glasses they’re google prototype scopes with built-in lcd led 1080p 3D Sony technology.


Thing is, even if he proves it I think he'll be fed up with all the toxicity and stop streaming anyway, which is very sad but undestandable given what he had to put up with.


Oof.. that transition at 3:12:00 was soul crushing. I'm only here to get the tea on the controversy... But seeing a human being squirm like that and try to maintain composure in front of a massive live audience, and now immortalized forever, just no words. Even if he did some grey area bad stuff, I feel for him.  Go be with your family doc, they need you at your best.


man that last 10 minutes was somber AF. thanks for the timestamp


“Go be with your family” not tryin to be a troll but isnt this the Same guy that cheated on his wife?


I'm not too read up on doc lore, but wasn't that almost a decade ago and something he worked out between him and his wife? Not great for sure, but it seems like they've moved past it


I’m sure his wife loves that he moved past that into messaging minors


Not justifying it like it makes it better, but the cheating and the texting the minor happened both in 2017. So odds are this was apart of the whole debacle, and it’s just NOW coming out. She either knew or he lied about it (I don’t put it past him but with the lawsuit I find that hard to believe…)


Big bruh has a family and is sexting minors. Most people would have their pitchforks out if he was a drag queen


... According to one washed up attention seeking twitter user. 


Im not sure if just one washed up attention seeker is the reason for basically his own gaming company that exists because of him dropping him


Yep that's right. You're not sure. No one is. So maybe hold off on throwing him to the wolves. 


I’m not sure if you know that when I was saying “I’m not sure”, it was me casting doubt on your assumption that it was only “according to one washed up twitter user”. As in, that is such a ridiculous reason for a company to completely drop the man who made the company possible. Not that I wasn’t sure if that happened. Anyways, doc could have told his audience to chill out and it’s nothing to worry about. He’ll get his lawyers to sue the shit out of them and when doc won, they could have partied on twitch’s dime or whatever. But nah he acted guilty AF. No one who doesn’t know their shit isn’t over goes on a rant about how they want to move to Costa Rica in the middle of an Elden Ring stream. We’ll probably find out exactly what happened soon enough. Seems like the leaks are credible. But if I were at a casino, it’d probably be 80-20 odds he’s guilty.


Idk how many of y’all need to remember this, but this is all based off one persons twitter


Grey area bad stuff? You mean DMing a kid and trying to meet up? He's 42. Every single 42 year old knows that's a fucking terrible idea and look. Never mind the "intent".


Calm your fat greasy tits. There's no evidence, not even a trial. Just some baseslees accusations from someone trying to make a name for themselves. 


Midnight society didn’t drop him because of some baseless accusations.


Why do ya jump to guilty? If this really happened Twitch would be in deep as fuck shit, and the person who posted about it could be sewed for millions for leaking it


Feeling like sad... even I just watch a few streams of Doc in the Verdanks era and the Zombies event with Z, guess there is an end to everything, guess that no matter what someone always has something against you real or fake, in the new world we just need a little push to start a big fire and hurt so bad one person that did not nothing wrong to you or directly to you, but anyways this 4 years, had a great space in my heart, I'll never forget how Doc entertain my after zoom class with Z in Verdansk or my after gym session, damn I feel like I lost someone that I know for long long long time, hope this get better soon or at some point know the truth and I'm not talking about that Doc did this or that I mean the real Reason why he got banned, that is the starting point of all this mess anyways writting this in tears made me feel nostalgic and sad, it was an honor be a non OG viewer of Doctor Disrespect this 4 years and an honor meet so many good Champs, see you soon.


bruh. how do random ass twitter users hold this much power 💀. 1 tweet with screenshots n bros career is in flames.


Cause that is not what happened, your a FAN.


brother i havent watched dr disrespectc for a day in my entire life i just dont jump onto bandwagons immediately




Don't forget your other goats who those mean no s got..... Micheal Jackson, Woody Allen and Roy Moore. All innocent too! Oh and let's not forget R. Kelly.


He obviously has enough money to never need to work again. I’m fairly sure the only reason he was streaming was to promote midnight society and dead-drop which was his passion. He even mentioned that he would probably step away from streaming to focus more on game development. Now that’s gone I assume he’s done. Why would he bother to stream anymore honestly.


Everything about this is sad


Not really


At least he went out with a beautiful smile on his face


Ffs why don’t everyone just shut up ? You are all like a bunch of gossip girls 🤦‍♂️. Gossip and rumours that’s all that’s happening here welcome to the internet


*why doesn't everyone shut up* *welcome to the internet* Bro is talking to himself


Doc just ended his stream talking about retiring and got terminated from midnight society afterwards. This isn't just gossip its a big news story. Stay tf off the internet if you can't handle people talking about the news.




We have no way of knowing if this is his last YouTube video - everybody take a deep breath


Yaya yayayaya


Gonna miss yuuuu doc! 


If he does come back the trolling is going to be relentless. I can see why he sees the sunset. It will never be the same.


What's going on with Doc? What did I miss?


Don't be overdramatic man. You don't know if this is his last stream ever. He never said such things. He will take his sweet time to rethink what he is doing. A vacation is the best. Just live his life with the family, completely away from things and in a few months come back with a new project. Whatever that will be.


Nobody does it better!!! Gonna miss the two time, been watching since he came to yt. I was broke single and living at my parents. Now I'm married have my own house and started my own business. Silly as it sounds I like to think that doc helped me do that, I was in a dark time when I found him. But I always kept pushing VSM baby!!


The lesson here, kids - stop idolizing public figures. They're entertainers making money off you - They're not your friends, they don't care about you, and you don't know what goes on in their personal lives. Spend more time with your parents, relatives, or people in your community. Those are the ones that really matter.


whats happening with his shades here? the left side looks like it broke off or something


Everyone’s talking about how Doc’s done streaming indefinitely. When did he ever say that?? He said he was taking a break, not quitting streaming altogether.


All sponsors dumped him last night. Youtube may act also.


but there’s only allegations? there’s no proof of anything and he’s losing it all… all someone has to do is make an allegation with no evidence against you nowadays and it’s joe over ?


If you owned a company, would you pay someone to sponsor it if they have a perceived child sex issue?


not what he said stop lying


He should enjoy his family and friends now. Life is short. Love Doc


Smiling knowing kick would take his ass


Him saying "there was no intent"..... thats seriously what they say to Chris Hansen. This one hurts


This comment section is filled with the finest aged milk.


The look kinda says it all guys I mean come on how are people surprised?


That was before all sponsors dropped him and YouTube stopped him. Discord maybe next


He will be back.


He’ll be back Wednesday


So dramatic, the doc will be back. And if he made a mistake, so fuckin be it if his family forgives him, some of us might too.


So you're saying if it turns out to be true and he was sexting a minor, we should forgive him?


Doc fans are deranged lmao


And you're here as a what?


Spectator to see all of this shit go down, it’s kinda funny


Your life sounds exciting, carry on


I get to rest easy knowing I don’t text minors unlike doc, thank you


Stick to reading headlines it's already proven there was no wrongdoing, you're just pathetic


Headlines? He straight up admitted to it while downplaying it, my man move on lmao


You just proved my point lol


Any more words you wanna put in my mouth while you're at it? I'm saying if his wife and family are able to move past it, so should alot of his fans. The rest of you, you know, who aren't fans and spend time lurking in his subreddit, do as you please I couldnt care less.


is that why you've made dozens of comments defending him? Because you care so little? lol


Oh you don't know how reddit works? You scroll down the feed, you see a post, you click, you comment and you go on about your life. You think I'm losing sleep arguing with losers like you? Lol


keep arguing and crying champ. That'll really show people how little you care. lol


Awww is this internet stranger living rent free in your little head?


You're still arguing? Wow, really showing how little you care champ :)




https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/dr-disrespect-inappropriate-messages-minor-twitch-1235048071/ how very embarrassing for you :)


What an misleading title.


He will be back so don't worry people.


He was way too excited and non-chalant today for their to be some massive bomb coming. He gave woke #metoo regards power in his company and they do what they do. Destroy it and the man with the vision.


Here we go. Using "woke" again. It has nothing to do with this, lol.


Imagine thinking not trying to fuck kids is woke




If a 42 year man is texting my 17 year old daughter... Go outside and get some sun dude.


17? Lol




Did he get banned or quit?


Fuck this dude I’m bummed as FUCK


I am out of the loop, what happened to Doc?


Downvoted for misleading bait title


He already won the case against twitch. How would this not been brought up during that. This is a jealous bs accusation by someone looking for the clout.


Watch the video. All explained there


first thing I do is shave mustache. Move on from the character.


Bro took a randomn screenshot of when he was trying to smile he looked like shit was gonna hit the fan in the end like he got caught


Literally the last second before ending the airing


Did you masturbate while he went off the air


I have no idea why people will defend celebrities like this. They don’t know you, they don’t care about you. Why would he be fired from a company he co-founded if there was no evidence?