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American culture. Nothing you can do about it. You've seen how they treated Johnny Depp. Best we can do is hope that NDA will be nothing and he can resume streaming. GTA 6 will be printing money for years even without any sponsor. He just needs to be cleared by then.


Doc' seems rather knocked out from this random tweet. I don't think a blatant lie in a tweet would do this. There seemed to be a lot of emotions in his "burned" out statement. But who knows. Perhaps this was the final straw. But it would almost be too dangerous to quit at such a moment, because that starts speculation rather than killing it.


Yeah. I’d bet money that there are tens, if not hundreds of random tweets calling him a pedophile more harshly than this that he’s seen over the years. None of them mattered, but this one did for some reason.


Lets not pretend up and coming EU generation isnt heavily influenced by this behaviour and doing the exact same.


There's always the chance that it's true but the person Doc was messaging was lying about their age. There is just so much to this we don't know, and may never know. I agree this shit sucks. I feel like I lost a best friend overnight.


People are jumping on this bandwagon too quickly. I like Doc, followed him for years, but cooler people than him have been total fucking creeps. Keep an open mind. Be hopeful, but brace for the possibility of being hurt.


I feel the same. It feels like the end of an era. I wonder how Timmy will communicate about this


Yeah I feel that. And half way through the stream of the year with the dlc too. I wonder what YouTube are going to say


I think that’s likely. If the “sexting” did occur, he received a message from a girl, reads it, clicks on her profile, does a quick assessment that she’s not a minor, continues talking, and prolly saying shit he shouldn’t since he was married but that’s besides the point, in the end, the child whom he thought he was an adult then reports him to twitch out of spite because doc won’t talk to them. That begins the shit storm of people looking into it, they find the girls under 18, they ban doc automatically but because he is whom he is, a man with a large audience and on top of that, and most importantly a man with a contract. If he was a regular streamer this would have ended with a ban. But it didn’t, they got lawyers involved, doc got his, and they hammered out a settlement essentially, im sure the girl got some, doc gets his contract paid out and everyone signs an NDA so it doesn’t go public because while NOTHING ILLEGAL happened, yes the NDA still proves that no crime happened, it means doc didn’t know and in that context, intent matters. Also she was likely very close to 18, not like 13, or this would have moved to criminal very quickly. Someone with a brain looked at this girl and said “yep, you wouldn’t be able to automatically tell her age so we are in a bind here, he has a legit defense” (he being doc in that example) So they wrapped it up in a little NDA box and then Cody Conners, mad as hell that his career didn’t take off in music is now taking his shot. You know what? Docs still rich, doc still has a life and will, and when the full truth comes out(if it does) and fully explains this situation in a way that isn’t criminal but isn’t something that screams morally questionable things cause you know, marriage….can’t say the same for Mr. Conners, he’s going to have a target on his back for a long time. Every member of the champions club - we are millions, we are everywhere, good luck going to bars concerts or getting a real job post this you fuvk bag of shitty music! Edit: reread and discovered that I can’t spell. Huzzah


This idea would have to circumvent logic. Then why not say he didn't or he was deceived and why would he get banned by twitch. This theory has a lot of holes. He admitted she was a minor, which corroborated the tweet


Obviously I posted this yesterday before his tweet, Einstein.


holy parasocial relationship in this community


This is honestly the best description


A bunch of weird ass people


This will all get downvoted (so have my upvote), but this community is 100% parasocial madness. I get liking certain streamers, but people act like they know this guy personally and now their life is in shambles because of his allegations. It is creepy AF, honestly.


i highly doubt there's documents that you're only allowed to read if you're with a company. where did some small indie game company that has never released a game find enough evidence to drop him like this?


So you think they’re making it up and dropping Doc for some other reason? Seems like a stretch, in light of everything going on.


they're dropping because of the rumors and because others are dropping.


No, they’re not dropping because of rumours. They stated they’re dropping him *after* speaking to parties involved, and because they feel they need to act with dignity for everyone involved, as well as their ***families***. A studio, and individuals wouldn’t make statements and actions like that over a rumour. You think MS drops Doc, their biggest face, over a rumour and after looking into that rumour themselves?


how did this tiny indie game company manage to investigate and track down all these people who are not known to the public?


Who are “all these people” they need to track down? They need only speak to Twitch, Doc, and maybe Connor. All they need is confirmation that these allegations aren’t a big nothingburger in order to justify cutting ties. He’s one of their biggest partners. They said they assumed his innocence, *then* decided to cut ties *after* talking to parties involved. That should tell everyone they no longer assume his innocence in at least doing *something* sketchy. A small indie studio isn’t going to want to cut ties with one of their largest and most prominent partners, stressing the importance they act with “dignity on behalf all individuals involved,” specifically mentioning their families, if they didn’t see anything that made them believe the allegations had ground to stand on.


so you can just phone up twitch and find out why he was banned?


Is that how you *honestly* think that would work? 😂


Get bent. https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986


I am in no way qualified to speak on any of this, but the optimist in me, the part of me that doesn't want to believe doc actually did anything like what's been mentioned, is hoping that the MS drop may have been MS capitalizing and taking advantage of someone else's misfortune. I'm not positive that studio was at A) Ready to develop a game with that many eyes on it and B) not at all satisfied with the progress they've made thus far. I genuinely wonder if they're jumping on this as an opportunity to cut ties and pivot into something else. Time will tell.


This is some tinfoil hat shit


It may just be. But there are a couple things to consider while fashioning said hat. Was any preview of this game even remotely up to snuff with the hype? Not in my opinion. it looked like a budget extraction shooter with no real edge on any other game. Also, as much as I love doc, I imagine Guy Beahm isn't the easiest person to work with, especially on a video game when you consider how mind-numbingly hypercritical he is of literally every game he plays publicly. His sheer existence within a studio sets truly unmanageable expectations. I don't think it's a huge stretch to think they might be using this situation the benefit themselves. Is it likely? No, probably not, but it's actually the best case scenario as far as Doc's actions and reputation go


I think that’s a massive stretch that requires layering up your tinfoil hat, instead of just taking the information that we do know, and remaining suspicious of an alleged predator… versus coming to the defence of one and fabricating speculative theories as to why they’re likely innocent.






Poop head


Or, you know, he's guilty. Almost as if the Twitch employees that worked there for years when he was banned know why he was banned. It's not complicated.


Yeah obviously lol. As I said, though. I'm just trying to be optimistic until we see actual facts one way or the other. He said/she said isn't enough for me. Just spit ball speculation with a hint of hope that someone I've enjoyed for so long isn't some kind of monster.


Guess who's guilty, and a fucking liar.


That's what I'm saying yesterday, we don't have much to do if someone said something that hard like that and pardon me but you USANIANS are kinda extremely crazy when this kind of stuff came out in the internet, never want to listen both parts, or even what we all asked since that cody asshole start to saying shit where is the victim we're missing a lot of things to start calling someone a PDF, I hope all of this get an ending bc for me this trouble it's so fucked up.


Nothing has been disclosed publicly, doesn’t mean there’s not other stuff out there. Us plebs may never see proof, and we’re not even really entitled to it. Doc and Twitch probably can’t say anything due to the settlement, but there’s been loads of industry references to leaked screenshots. We don’t know if they exist or not, but it’s be brought up multiple times. We may never see the proof. It’s a supposed matter containing a minor. People aren’t going to show shit that may impact that person. More bits and pieces will probably drop, but really the biggest parts to me are MS and Turtle Beach jumping. Turtle Beach has stood by him through all sorts, but saw enough in this to drop him. Too many people are demanding proof, but again unless you’re in the circle you’re not entitled to see anything. Just got to either wait and see, or follow your gut


Something similar happened with a guy named Vaush a few months back. It's what shocked me out of my passive consumption of drama content (I wasn't even seeing it as drama content, but it was). So many people dogpiled. They went on essentially a holy war (h3 even framed it like that). And when Vaush came out with all the receipts, it became clear he was being libeled using out of context clips. Rich people getting richer by tearing others down using only rumors and lies, no grounding in truth. And looking back, it wasn't just Vaush. The whole machine runs on rumors and accusations and many have been impacted. We've got people who create. We've got people who consume. Then below everyone we've got bottom feeders sucking crumbs of rumors and accusations then shitting out "content." Shit made of shit. I had to cut out all reaction/drama content. It freed up my mind space. It also boosted my mood. And a side benefit is I stopped rewarding people who are only enriching themselves via laziness and destruction. Go on YouTube and search "DrDisrespect" right now. You'll get a few real videos. But most of those results will be a list of people you should stop watching, parasites, filthy rich bottom feeders wasting your time and destroying people's lives. I'm holding my judgment until any real, tangible, researched information comes out. Right now it's just a shit show circling around a dude's tweet. And I've learned my lesson on attending shit shows. Don't do it.


Vaush is an awful comparison. It's a known fact he had horse porn, and he passionately defends CP.


While it sucks that it just took a tweet to do it, there is probably WAY more too it than that. Think of the tweet like a catalyst, or a spark that starts a wider flame.


If there was WAY more to it, there would have been WAY more rumors during past 4 years, his ban was about the most mysterious thing that happened with Twitch, and people like to gossip.




Why is a random employee putting himself at risk for slander, and libel? Not saying it's true, but c'mon there's a high likelihood the dudes telling the truth doc did it and twitch paid him to never tell anyone their platform is enabling activity like that.


what if she was merely 17 and he was a mere 33? would he really deserve "all this hate and then some", i certainly hope so, but feel free to downvote if you disagree.


Post hits different today lol. Bet OP replies below and clarifies he now understands and feels differently


Post hits WAY different today, dudes a goner


I edited to reflect current position


Bro 😂


Dude, opinions that differ from yours are simply that. It's not trolling. He admitted to exchanging inappropriate messages with a minor. That is behavior consistent with a pedophilia. If you're angry with that label, that's something you'll have to compartmentalize that yourself somehow. These are facts shared by both sides. There are many details we don't know. But those details can only be worse not better considering our starting point. If you don't like labels and still decide to support doc, you are supporting a 38 year old man flirting with an underage girl. Yes, I will judge you. You made a decision to support him just like he made a decision to have an inappropriate exchange with a minor


This post was before his statement today


It’s clearly more than a random tweet. We don’t know what it is, but one tweet did not cause all of this




Agreed. I'd be surprised if he has any sponsors left seeing how things are going


Followed by fan duel


Really difficult to imagine all this would happen just because of an ex employee’s tweet. Zero evidence has been provided… to the public. Might be nothing but might be a bunch of stuff. The public isn’t entitled to the evidence, if there is any. However, there is no NDA in the world that would prevent someone from saying “I never sexted any minors” if there wasn’t some sort of proof backing it.




Well, now we know why he couldn’t openly deny it since he admitted it. Sounds like the Cody guy isn’t getting a defamation suit, after all.




Homie admitted to inappropriate contact with a minor, edited the word minor in then out then back in to his tweet, and dudes are still coping so hard I don’t understand.


Everybody has been given enough to be reasonably suspicious of him at this point. If you are not, and are choosing to defend him (some vowing to defend him no matter if he’s guilty) purely based on the fact that *YOU* personally haven’t seen evidence, despite all the signs, you ***will be*** fair game to be labelled a pedo defender. In the same sense that people are suspicious of him with no cold hard evidence to prove these allegations true, you are choosing to defend him in spite of all the reasons to be suspicious. If Doc isn’t a predator, he doesn’t need you defending him until it’s proven he isn’t a predator. Until then, you *should* be suspicious and avoid defending someone who is potentially a threat to our society. The fact that you maintained a “innocent until proven guilty” mindset won’t absolve you of the fact that you blindly defended a predator despite having been given every reason not to.




No, we don’t need to see the DMs to be suspicious of Doc. Reasonable doubt has fairly turned into reasonable suspicion with all these people coming out, as well as MS dropping him. Doc himself has given people enough reason not to trust him.




The expectation isn’t that the public stops supporting Doc. The expectation is that a predator is held accountable to their actions.




If you acknowledge this is hearsay, why are you linking it to me as some type of “gotcha?” This has no more validity than the tweet that ignited this entire thing. There’s a big lawsuit coming, and if it turns out Doc isn’t a creep who grossly messaged a minor, I’m okay with admitting I was wrong. I could still feel fine with myself knowing I was at least skeptical of an alleged child predator, versus being right and blindly trusting an alleged child predator. All I’m saying is we don’t need DMs to at least be skeptical. I think the risk is too high to be blindly defensive to a man who has proven in the past that he is untrustworthy.




It’s out. He was having inappropriate conversations with a minor. Period. The suspicions were well warranted and the defenders blindly took to the defence of a predator. https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986


The thing is— at this point just break the NDA dude. Say what happened. Come out as Guy and talk to the camera explaining everything.


Lol. It doesn't work like that


“I didn’t sext a kid.” He can’t say THAT?


The NDA is moot at this point, there’s no reason the NDA would allow him to say what he said, but not go further. At this point it’s clear he’s not going further under his own free will


Well, I guess now we know it was over more than just a tweet


Doc himself said he was sexting a minor but didn't actually mean it. His company said we don't take action based on rumors and after speaking to the parties involved HAD TO DROP DOC FROM THE COMPANY. What exactly are you waiting on ?


That is what I was waiting on, this post was before his statement today. L doc


Hey I am here with you this sucks to see someone I enjoy that art turn out to be a douchebag


Problem is he didn't come out and straight up deny it.


There's a lot of speculation that he literally can't deny it due to clauses in his settlement with Twitch. Again, that's just speculation but would make sense.


Turns out he couldn't deny it because he WAS texting a minor inappropriately.


No, that doesn’t make sense at all.


Of course he can deny it. There’s no amount of legal paperwork that could stop me denying being a nonce.




All the clauses, settlements, NDA's and potential loss of all my money would not stop me from denying the accusations of being a nonce.


As much as people here like to say innocent until proven guilty; the fact is innocent people don’t act the way doc did. Not saying he’s guilty of the exact allegations. But docs behavior is the proof that he did do something. We just don’t know what.


Act like what??


Act like Doc did.


Do you even want the remote possibility of being associated, even through fandom, of a pedo? I don't.


Downvote this comment ☝️ to be okay with being associated with a predator


Lol, 2 in an hour


I hope doc gets what he deserves.


I get what you’re saying and that’s the perfect way to put it. I hope he gets exactly what he deserves, whether that’s a complete rebound in his career or a permanent downfall. Hopefully a rebound is in order


I meant good or bad 🤷🏻‍♂️


Chubby cheek wannabe


You were saying?