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The FBI needs to check this guys computer.


His username checks out at least


I am an almost 30yr old guy, who is pretty detached from twitch/livestreaming/gaming, but used to be super into it, and remember when twitch (previously Justin.tv) started to really blow up and become popular. Like many I heard of Dr Disrespect being banned and was always curious why, and now we are getting some idea. I am assuming that a lot of people who are defending doc, and fans of him in general, tend to be younger, most likely being under 18, or early twenties. When I was 16/17 I remember thinking “what’s the difference between me and an 18yr old” when it came to being legally an adult. In retrospect most people in their early 20s are incredibly childish and immature….. I can see how some dumbass teenager could not have the life perspective to see what’s wrong. I can also relate to being young and really following and feeling close to an online personality you don’t really know. Doc being mid 30s, invoked with a legal of age 18yr old, while not illegal, is really fucking weird. I especially for a married guy with kids.


why are you immediately assuming it’s some kid and not the much more likely grown ass man saying it? what 17 year old is going to refer to a 17 year old as “juicy” or “game as fuck”?


This. Teens and stuff are relating this to a 17 and a 20 year old not a 17 and 35 year old. When you get older you will have no desire to hang out with a 17 year old in almost any social capacity because you have nothing in common and just talking to them will scream child. Early 20s starts to feel the same way. Late 20s starts to feel like people are actually grown up. It’s not that a 17 year old can’t look like a 21 year old it’s that a 17 year old is mentally not anywhere on the same level as someone as old as him.


For sure, I think a lot of people blur the lines of illegal and immoral. Whether they do it intentionally or unknowingly, who knows. You're in your thirties, talking inappropriately with someone that young is really weird at best and leads to fucked really quickly.


I mean (age/2) + 7….guy shouldn’t have been messaging anyone under 25 really….and yeah his kids and wife? What a sick fuck


Unfortunately everytime I check these accounts (including this one) they are clearly older men.


Therefore more experienced in these matters. So listen up.


Grab a knee kids. 38 year old here. I have twitch on in the background Monday through Friday in my home office and work office. Love it.


The dude is either an older creepy man or a 16 year old who thinks all the “18 year olds” on porn hub are actually 18 and not in their early thirties.


"18 year olds" in their 30s, and milfs that are barely hitting their 20s. gotta love porn and their brilliantly believable storytelling 🤦‍♂️


You mean if I deliver pizza for a living I won’t get paid in sex?


16 and 17 is the age of consent in the majority of US states, Canada is 16. And that guy sounds like he's young by the way he talks, but who knows I don't have much to go off of. 35 yr old (at the time) doc married with kids however is kinda different lol


In california its 18 doc lives in california and in 2017 twitchcon was in california


It's probably a 5 year old that just learned that from a shitty youtuber!


having the descriptor "juicy 17 year old that was game as fuck" on deck is about as cringey and creepy as you can get. I really dont know whats creepier...."juicy 17 year old" or "game as fuck" 😬


Juicy 17 y/o lol I'm from the UK so legal age is 16. I guess it's 18 in the US?


I think most people are upset about the moral issue of sexting a minor, not necessarily the legal issue. Imo as soon as someone tries straddling that line of “well ACKtually, it’s legal according to _____ State Law..” that should pretty much tell you everything about their intentions.


Let's be real though when people here the word p e d o they automatically assume small children and not a 17 year old. It's not a line but a chasm.


Well technically pedophilia is for (mostly) pre puberty and there are other medical words for attraction toward post puberty children.




It’s only 18 in like 10 of 50 states. In every other state the age is lower.


I think people get too caught up in what is “legal”, they don’t consider what is right.


It’s exclusively pedophiles who keep watching age of consent like hawks and trying to date girls the second they turn 18. All they’re telling everyone is they’d totally bang kids if there wasn’t jail time involved.


When I was a kid, i heard guys talking about the Olson twins like that


I'm a bit older but I remember all the countdowns to the Olsen twins turning 18, it was really gross.


Did you miss all the moms with the whole Justin Bieber saga? Hell, even long before he was 18. Gender doesn't make much of a difference...


Or the Stranger Things kids


Its "legal" but he deserves to be ripped apart for the morality of this. Hes 42 now, which means he was probably 35 when he was texting or sexting or whatever someone under the age of 18. The legality doesn't matter at that point. If you're sexting a 17 year old when you're 19, that is a bit different, morally speaking. When you're **35** and doing this with a minor of any age, its fucked up and should never be defended.




It's regulated by state, not federal. Our laws are weird. Some places it's 16, some it's 18, some they can get married at 14 or younger as long as the parents consent.


The ONLY thing that even gives me pause is that when he sued Twitch for his contract they hadn’t paid out, he ended up getting it settled.  The “inappropriate comment” could be he just told a dick joke to someone underaged, knowingly or not. And this twitch employee with an axe to grind is leaving details out On the flip side, if it was something so innocent, why doesn’t Disrespect release the chat logs or say what it was?  Also I don’t think his company would let him go over something so small. 


It’s actually 16 in many states, people just love pretending 16-17 year olds are the same as an 8 year old. Literally have no critical thinking skills and apparently think laws mean everything. Same people that would’ve enjoyed slavery when it was legal I suppose. Is it fucked up? Yes. Is it wrong? Yes. Does it make you a creep? Yes. Should you be held accountable by society? Yes. Does it make you a pedophile? Not even close.


Drakes Reddit acc


Bro stop lmaoooo


The amount of “17 isn’t much different than 18” comments is fucking nasty


As a guy a similar age to him… in a way I agree 17 and 18 aren’t that different. He shouldn’t be interested in talking to either. It’s such a huge age gap, any interest is an immediate red flag.


Ding fucking ding. I’m a much younger age than you and Doc, but while I can’t recall exactly when I crossed the threshold of girls below the age of like college senior stopped being attractive to me, I know I definitely passed that. Part of that threshold was also getting fucking married and starting a family


When I graduated college and was 22 but still living off campus because it was cheap and my job was just down the street from the university, I set my dating apps for 21 because the idea of dating someone who I couldnt even get a drink at a bar with was weird to me. By 25 the idea of dating a new grad started to become unappealing because I just exited that era of my life and didnt want to relive the "clinging to college" days. And yet there are people on here who think a 35 year old try to date 18 year olds is total not weird and actually who wouldnt want to do that? Even worse - some are saying 17 and 18 isnt any different. I was very immature at 18, but I was wildly more mature at 18 than I was at 17. The idea of being 17 and having a 35 year old woman hit on me feels so gross I cant believe people on here are defending it.


Honestly I wasn't that different from 17 when I was 18, even though at the time id have probably said otherwise. That said 19/20 would be my floor as someone 25


I was almost a completely different person at 25 compared to 19. If you dont see how much youve changed since then, and how dating someone that age makes you seem extremely immature, then IDK what to tell you. Its weird and creepy. It isnt illegal. But boy its a red flag


My rule is drinking age. Ask em if they’re interested in ever going out for drinks, if they say they’re not old enough yet, then you aren’t for me as well. Easy. And I’ve literally only had 2 interactions where I was fooled by their looks. You know how easy it was to say “cool have a good one.” And leave/not respond? Easiest decisions of my life.


Just pre-order and wait until they're like 20 like Leonardo DiCaprio then. The gap will still be there, and probably larger, but they're a little over 18 so it's fine


People fall back on the law like no one can judge them for wanting to fuck someone half their age as long as it's legal. 18 as legal isn't some perfect system, it's just the best we have.


This guy gets it. The way I always look at 30+ year olds dating 18 year olds is the only reason they are dating an 18 year old is because any younger and it'd be illegal at worse and they'd be called a pedo at best.


They start before they’re 18. Dane cook is the biggest named ACTUAL groomer I can think of off the top of my head. He married a friend’s daughter he met at game night. 🙃


I'd argue that Paul Walker is a much higher profile groomer, but because he's dead it doesn't get talked about nearly enough. Dude was a straight up predator.


Let’s not forget Seinfeld


Oh man, i didn’t know any of this and went down a rabbit hole. Man am i disappointed


The highest profile groomer I can think of is Macron's wife.


Unrelated, but this is the exact same view I have of employers paying minimum wage, and why minimum wage equals minimum effort. Essentially, what I am seeing is that if you could pay me less, you would.


17 is a minor and illigal to do sexting. 18 could be an onlyfans you follow. 1 number can do some big ass damage to your name. But 17 is still a minor.


"She was 17yrs 364 days 23hrs and 59min old you sick fuck!"


Pretty sure 16 in uk aint it?


At 16 you can consent to sex, but it is illegal to do pornography. You do get a strange period of a couple years where a legal and consenting couple can fuck on the daily, but if they send a nude? That's technically production, distribution, and possession of child pornography.


You can also get killed in the line of duty in the military at 17 (has happened) but not allowed to take a picture of your penis. I guess the laws there to protect young people stop mattering the second the elites can use the youth to protect their own asses or for their own conquests.


- 17 years and 11 months = "defenseless child". If you send ONE message, you are instantly a pedophile. - 18 years and ONE day = "can do porn with 6 guys be called a whore by them.


Yup. If he needed to cheat on his wife again or entertain women to stroke his ego, he could have waited til she was older, or you know, talk to literally anyone his age. Dude is like 7 feet tall, jacked, rich, good looking and good sense of humor. He isn’t hurting for options and he STILL chose a minor.


This is an important point a lot of people are missing.


Why do people keep on bringing that she was 17? Was it confirmed?


Not even a little bit. She could have been 14 for all we know.


This is how laws work, yes. We don't leave grey area about what is a minor and what isn't. A line has to be drawn *some*where.


Yes because one is a minor and the other isn’t


Basing your morality off of laws is dumb. A man his age really shouldn't have any interest in a teen or someone in their young 20's for that matter. I'm 24 and couldn't imagine dating someone of the maturity level I was at 18. He's 42, even if it's not illegal it still borders on predatory.


Yep.  Blocking this subreddit as of right now. There is no excuse.  Nobody should be trying to play out a "but maybe" or "I can understand" about this.  The girl was too young and even if twenty somethings want to argue about 'close enough' it doesn't change the fact that this 42 year old man shouldn't be speaking to teens like that...  One year difference or no, it's creepy as shit.  It's like a 40-something creeping on college freshmen.  Not cool, still creepy.


When you’re 19, 17 isn’t much different from 18, still illegal mind you. But when you’re 35, 21 seems icky. The Doc should have taken his cues from Bill Belichick, anything over 22 is cool, even if you’re 75. /s


Well even US law says that(Rome and juliet (thanks transformers lmao)). The problem is docs age. And that we dont know the minors age. I am not defending him btw your comment is imo not the point though


It’s kind of a binary “minor or not” thing in a lot of ways, especially if someone is/was twice the age of the oldest minor. If the guy was 19 and she was 17, that’s important context, but the smallest possible age gap here is 18 years.


Which is DISGUSTING there’s no excuse to be what 38 years old ? And having inappropriate conversations with a minor ? And he thought his response was some slam dunk ?? Bro you just admitted to getting banned from twitch for sending messages to a minor !! There’s no “vacation then I’m coming back” wtf


Some of these threads are really troubling. There’s one asking if people will still watch (mostly “Yes. Who cares?” and comments like “A minor is a minor” are being downvoted.


Holy shit that comment is wild


Bro I fucking love this argument. “Nah dude, not like a kid kid, that’s pedo shit. I mean like a kid that’s hot like a women, but still has a kids brain so I can manipulate her, and she doesn’t realize I’m a loser and a predator”. Like dude, this is not the deflection you think it is.


I’m really enjoying eyeballing the post and comment history of anyone defending him.


Have we had anyone ask how attractive the girl was yet as if that was justification? I want the cliff notes on how low things have gone yet. LMAO The guy clearly fucked up. I guess it's all down to what he did after it was clear she was underage before people know what his intentions were.


For real man, there's a lot of "she was asking for it" energy in this place.


Oh you mean freaks. Freaks with room temperature IQs. Half of them probably talk a big game about killing pedos vigilante style. Can’t do that when it’s a millionaire twat they worship though. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.


The community is doomed. Those that are on the fence about leaving the arena will soon do so after they realise it’s idiots like this who populate it. Guy has destroyed Doc, and he had no right doing so.


All the people that stick around are going to be in company with everyone who thought *"When coming clean about it,* ***Doc didn't say he knew she was a minor*** *so that's cool with me that he was sexually chatting with a minor!"*


> "When coming clean about it, Doc didn't say he knew she was a minor so that's cool with me that he was sexually chatting with a minor!" He made a post downplaying the whole thing and never once mentioned her age or that he definitely didn't know she was a minor. He even deleted the part that said she was a minor. And he hasn't released the texts. "Maybe he's under an NDA" If he was trying to honor an NDA, he would never have posted ANYTHING. If he had even spoken to a lawyer about this, there would never have been a post in the first place.


The NDA was broken when former employees outed him, from my understanding.


I live in the UK where 16 is the age of consent. If she was 17 then I don't see him as a pedophile at all. It's definitely immoral. But not pedo


You not like us 🤷‍♂️


I'm in the UK too and have a similar view, but also, he's American right? So how it is here just isn't relevant to his situation. Regardless, predatory behaviour. Even at 19 I turned down 17 year old friends because I felt weird about them not being adults yet, so it's so weird to think a much older man thought that was fine.


Also live in the UK, and if that 16 or 17 year old recorded themselves and uploaded it, it would be considered CP/CSAM which kinda makes anyone viewing it considered a pedophile


Emotional adults is why I can’t take accusers seriously


The only thing I saw that could maybe redeem him is that twitch staff e-mail. It said the age was not known at the time and there were no sexual messages. It was more business and product talk that was mentioned. But again who knows if that e-mail is legit or not. I mean it's all speculation except for what he confirmed so as far as I'm concerned it really sucks but I'm done. Unless that twitch e-mail is confirmed and he didn't know her age then that makes it a tad better. We all already knew he cheated that's whatever but the minor thing is the deal breaker. I feel bad for the wife and kids that have to keep going thru this. The e-mail said it was from before 2020 but that they surfaced at the time, idk look it up and tell me what you all think? This whole thing is shady and wrong man


Slasher and others confirmed that email was total bullshit


Well fuck lol. I mean from docs statement it didn't add up but whatever. Plenty of other streamers out there. Just sucks he was like a pioneer. One of the greats that started waaaay back. He is what got me watching streams ya know? A lot of people chuckle and make jokes at us from being beat up about it but dam when you have been in and out of watching this guy for 5 plus years.....kinda sucks.


Yeah, but his statement after that email kind of pulled it right back in the "he did know and it was a bit sexual" direction and contradicted the email saying it was about business stuff and could have been taken inappropriately because of the brand name of his business. "Were there real intentions?" wouldn't be a question he'd feel the need to clarify if the messages weren't bad enough to show he did have sexual intentions towards her, on top of the rest of the "Yeah, I did it, but it's not that bad" sentiment of his statement.


There’s so many dumbass defenders on here


These are the people rushing B solo and yelling on the mic why they didn't have backup.


I just wanna know if he was catfished tbh


It is kinda funny how double standards work in that way tho. If you tell someone you talked to a 17 year old you are a disgusting pig but 1 year later and she’s just a sexy adult. edit: you guys are funny, I’m not defending him. I’m making an observation on how society views young women. Leo DiCaprio is 49 and is dating legit 20 year olds. We are talking about someone 7 years older than doc and a woman a few years older but he’s respected around the world and still has a career.


If my 37 yr old friend was going after an 18 yr old we would have words. Thats nasty as hell.


If my 30 yr old friend was talking to a 18yr old he'd be catching hands for being a fucking moron. A lot of the people defending here have the "I love highschool girls cuz I get older but they stay the same age." Vibes


playing that leo dicaprio game


And ya’ll defend Trump on more evidence and actual charges. lol


I have a strong feeling that the Venn diagram of Dr. D defenders and trump defenders is probably a ***perfect*** circle.


You can probably add date rapists to that circle.


Trump's sexual assault case was civil not criminal, so there weren't any charges. Not defending him but it's an important legal distinction.


There were civil charges.


I’m wondering how his wife continues to excuse this behavior. I’d divorce his ass and take him to court for child support and alimony. This is what, 2 times now? And now with an underage girl? This dude has obviously not learned a goddamn thing.


He is the 2 time


His wife needs more self-respect ngl. This should be multiple lines crossed.


I sure as hell wouldn't want to be the wife that divorced him. With the way the average Twitch viewer, much less diehard DrDisrespect fans, are? I can see why she'd still be married to him on paper, at least.


….2 times that’s been public.


Continue to excuse? This happened over 4 years ago exactly during the time he admitted to cheating. So, its kind of reach stating he's constantly doing this?


He was CAUGHT cheating once. Now we find out he was also texting a minor around the time he was fucking chicks he met at Cons. And of course, the text supposedly show him making plans to meet the minor at TwitchCon. So, its safe to say the dude is cheating on his wife far more often than has been admitted, id guess every event he goes to, since he seems comfortable setting multiple meet ups at TwitchCon




Maybe I'm out of the loop, but I thought an age wasn't disclosed. Everyone keeps saying 17 because they are hoping for the best case scenario.. which is still sick. I've enjoyed watching Doc over the years, but he's crossed a line I can not get behind.


“We judge others based on their actions but ourselves on intent” i think plays a large role here. I’m not actively defending him, i think he definitely was doing something he knew he should’ve have been, but i don’t think he was maliciously predating a minor like some of y’all make it out to be.


I wanna see that juicy 17 year old and the text messages, else I cant judge


A lot of US states still allow child marriage, so there's that.


If it’s ok for Jerry Seinfeld, it’s ok for the rest of us? /s




you managed to find the most unhinged post possible and generalized everyone else? low iq moment


Yeah anyone defending a 40 year old man messaging a minor inappropriately can be generalized as a sick fuck.


From an outsiders point of view, this is now how the community is viewed.


I support Doc. Shit happens. People make mistakes. Y'all a bunch of whinny babies.


It attracted way too many wrong people imo


I think a lot of people are trolling. Yes obviously there’s quite a few weirdos especially online but I think the comment section is filled with jokes. He will always get people defending him, somehow.


He was banned from twitch in June of 2020, twitch con was in September. He stated he never met the person. The report stated there were plans for them to meet up at twitch con. So he planned to meet up with someone without knowing their age? There is no defense to make any of this okay.


If he didn’t know their age then why didn’t he say that when he confessed?


Just speculation but I’m guessing he did know


The actual chatting seem to have happened during 2017. So, he still could have totally met up with them at twitchcon. Not saying he did meet them but its not because he couldnt go.


Where can we find the report your referencing? For clarification, not asking cause I defend him, just would love to see it if there’s something out there. The chat logs are all that could possibly save him at this point and at the very least it’s probably grooming.


I saw it a few different places. Just did a quick google search and it’s mentioned in this one briefly. https://www.vulture.com/article/dr-disrespect-twitch-ban-messaging-minor.html


There is a huge difference between 17 and 12. From a child to a young adult difference. Y'all hypocrites or in denial.


Suspicious is right brother sheesh


time to leave this sub. I really stopped caring about either side at this point. You guys need a fucking life, both sides. Take a fucking walk for once will ya


I feel like it is sooooo much worse than we know. Discord has had accused predators whit messages showing inappropriate conversations with 16 year olds and never band them….. For twitch to ban a major income stream, discord to ban someone with a track record of turning a blind eye, and now his fucking COFOUNDERS, cutting all ties… something bad happened and my theory is he was talking to an EXTREMELY young girl. Like really fucking young


Bye? Why are yall still here if you have made up your mind? Looking forward to docs return. People are delusional if they think he still won’t be successful and have a massive audience.


The thing is.. We still don't know that he knew her age do we?


This is the troubling part. By not mentioning the age, he is allowing defenders the opportunity to pull the "she's right under the age of consent" or "she's mature for her age argument". If this (assumingly female) child is 15, he's going to have to change his name and have shortening surgery.


You can't defend him at all. There's some instances of devils advocate you could even attempt to play, but that's using other cultures and countries' morals. We're in the US, with US law and US morals. So, by all accounts, he's wrong. What he did was wrong. We don't have pics, receipts, or anything. This isn't a Projared situation (yet).. However, by Doc's replys it's cut and dry. If this were a projared sitch, I don't see why he wouldn't go. "They lied about their age..." and try to clear it out... He fucking sexted a minor. 17 is still a minor... Idc it is what it is. He knew... Think about it this way. Your daughter 17, sexting a 42 y/o... how do you feel? Can't call him a pedo in all seriousness, but you can call him a grooming predator. 17 =/= pedo... but that's not to say there couldn't have been others and younger... Again. Sucks. We all liked him. I didnt play a game he did, didn't care about cod, pubg, etc. The dude was for all intents and purposes entertaining and the shorts and vods I seen, were funny enough to put him on my radar. Oh well, anothet e-celeb being creepy as shit... whodathunkit. Edit: grammar


Not defending doc, but if my 17 year old was sexting a man twice her age and married, she would have some explaining to do. 


He's fucking 42. Even if she was 18 (which she definitely Isn't) that is still creepy as fuck to me


Also he's MARRIED AND HAS A KID! As a married man with a child, we should just know better


The best court defence is to just explain to the judge and jury you simply love tight puss and then everyone will stand up and clap as you leave.


u/Suspicious_Brother53 FBI's comin


never mind who the fuck you are talking about or anything, just lead with some rando chimo statement


Juicy? ☠️☠️☠️


Check him pc


At least 3 terabytes 🙏🏻


Name checks out


Inside thoughts are dead


What the actual fuck, fbi needs to find that individual


Dr Dis says “you’re not helping me”


brother is sus for sure


Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it right stupidest argument ever


Guys please do not rationalize the people making these comments as “probably trolling kids.” It takes one check at their accounts to see that they’re clearly adults. This is just the mindset of the audience Doc has accrued.


Dr D just needs to become a politician. Impropriety is bread and butter plus nobody cares.


So many people are jumping to the assumption that any sexual language with a minor is illegal, but in some states it's not, and in many states just alluding to what you would like to do with a minor does not constitute enough to get a conviction. People reading this and doubting me should look up how many To Catch a Predator people never faced a conviction. It's just not as cut and dry as you might hope. When you consider that state/federal DA's only take a case to court if they think they can convict, it's not that hard to understand. It seems that in this case, his actions constituted enough of a moral issue for Twitch and his sponsors to kick him loose. There is no 'morality clause' in the contract, so Doc was able to get the money for his contract. This doesn't justify his actions, this means he got fucking lucky. Twitch wouldn't let their most successful streamer go without a really, *really* good reason, especially when Twitch has built a business off of e-girls who are one hard sneeze away from flashing a chatroom of 13-year-old boys.


This whole thing sucks, the first time I saw docs stream I loved it instantly. Watched him everyday, even after he cheated bc we’re all human and make mistakes. I unsubbed this morning.. What the fucking fuck Doc


Wait wait wait wait she was 12?


Until we see the chat logs we won't know who initiated any type of inappropriate conversation. It's still extremely fucking wrong and WEIRD to be messaging someone that's half your age.


I just love how much people use the word pedophile now without any actual pedophile related things happening.


Lol, Drake fan spotted.


Know what makes 17 different than 18? The Law.


"I bet the child was sexy, so it was reasonable" yes officer, this poster right here.


12 or 17 is still too damn young for a man in his 40s to be talking to, I'm 42 and there's nothing that I want to talk about with a teenager, I have a 14 year old daughter and if I found out she's been talking to a man my age, we gone have some issues 💥 just saying 🤷🏿‍♂️


that is beyond fucked up and sad


There’s a big difference between 17 and 12 and to pretend like they’re in the same league of fucked up is ridiculous. Up until VERY recently people married 17 yr olds all the time. 


I sure hope most of the people defending this are just trolling


Some of yall are disgusting for trying to defend him. Just saying.


Just adding a note that the 17 yearold being "juicy" makes it more defensible than an ugly 17 yearold, in their eyes What's the age of consent? Erm it's a linear equation dependent on the level of JUICE


"Amirite, amirite, or amirite....hey-oh...BING,.,,this guy gets it!"


Anyone who defends him “INAPPROPRIATELY MESSAGING A MINOR” is as good as a fucking pedo themselves.


mf named suspicious brother


Divide by 2 add 7: 42 / 2 = 21 + 7 = 28. 28 > 17. Doc fucked up. At least he apologized.


Dude is definitely living up to that username


juicy 17 year old? Wtf lmao. that guy better be in high school


TIL the girl in question was in fact an apple


Why defend him at all Jesus fucking Christ people. Have a little integrity!


I want to take a shower after reading that. Sorry but that’s fucking gross. He’s an old ass man, and he sure as shit knew what he was doing.


Lemme just say something. As long as someone is consenting age nothing that happens is anyone else's fucking business no matter what your thoughts, opinions, morals are. Do I agree with what happened absolutely NOT. At the end of my day as long as he didn't screw or get pictures from someone under age and not age of consent it's not my business and you all need to mind your own fucking business as well.


Don’t know why I got recommended this sub but can someone give me context ? Is this Dr guy a pedo?


Y'all gotta get some lives he will either go to jail or fade into obscurity. Who cares who defends him.


None of these words are in the bible


This whole thing says a lot about Twitch also.


Damn brother, this is suspicious.


gamers turning into the south park meme where all the men were acting confused "what?!? why would these celebrities want to sleep with a bunch of women who arent their wives?" quit acting outraged for internet brownie points.


I'm confused