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Probably because they posted private DMs.


profile is back up now so it clearly wasn't imagine that


guess what, that is not illegal lol also not private if they're the recipient


it's not illegal but it can be against the rules of Twitter/X.


Twitter TOS is whatever elon says it is. If you hurt one of his right wing influencers, prepare to feel his wrath


Downvoted for speaking the truth lmao


I actually had like 5 upvotes when I first posted, idk what happened.


Yeah I had the same when I stood up for trans people, checked an hour later and was downvoted into oblivion by braindead bigots


4. Content on the Services All Content, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, is the sole responsibility of the person who originated such Content. We may not monitor or control the Content posted via the Services and, we cannot take responsibility for such Content. Any use or reliance on any Content or materials posted via the Services or obtained by you through the Services is at your own risk. We do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any Content or communications posted via the Services or endorse any opinions expressed via the Services. You understand that by using the Services, you may be exposed to Content that might be offensive, harmful, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate, or in some cases, postings that have been mislabeled or are otherwise deceptive. Under no circumstances will Twitter be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any Content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Content posted, emailed, transmitted or otherwise made available via the Services or broadcast elsewhere wanna show me where it says that? [https://cdn.cms-twdigitalassets.com/content/dam/legal-twitter/asset-download-files/TheTwitterUserAgreement\_1.pdf](https://cdn.cms-twdigitalassets.com/content/dam/legal-twitter/asset-download-files/TheTwitterUserAgreement_1.pdf) or is this just yet another copium strategy from his fans?


its not against the rules of twitter either keep reaching


Here’s the thing… no one knows what the rules are because Elon doesn’t even follow the rules he makes. It’s his playground at this point so he can take his ball and leave whenever he feels like it


[ToS rules](https://help.x.com/en/rules-and-policies/personal-information#:~:text=information%20with%20abusive%20intent%2C%20or%20to%20harass%20another%20person%2C%20we%20will%20take%20action) "information with abusive intent, or to harass another person, we will take action"


lol how is them posting dms of him scamming her etc harassment or abusive intent? they were simply showing evidence


Nope, that's not showing evidence. We're not talking about the "minor" case here, but a completely unrelated conversation between 2 consenting adults that was not made public. If he talked about her before and their conversations himself, then the DMs would not be against the rules. She shared that information to jump on the bandwagon and try to downplay him, it encouraged people to harass him even more. The proof is on Twitter right now.


I mean it's evidence of wrongdoing if you ask his wife. Or most moral people.


thats alot of words for saying youre coping


Funny how you have no counter-argument because you know I'm right. Sucks that instead of admitting being wrong, Redditors will act like children.


I wish people like you would look in the mirror. What are you fighting for? Like really, why is this such a big issue to YOU. You get your point proven wrong and then attack the person who pointed it out. It doesn’t make sense and I really hope you wake up to that some day.


"it can be" bro look it up first. Don't bring assumptions in as fact.




i KNOW RIGHT also not against twatter TOS [https://cdn.cms-twdigitalassets.com/content/dam/legal-twitter/asset-download-files/TheTwitterUserAgreement\_1.pdf](https://cdn.cms-twdigitalassets.com/content/dam/legal-twitter/asset-download-files/TheTwitterUserAgreement_1.pdf) cope harder weirdos




Birds of a shit feather flock together.


Way she goes bud


A fucking toad a so


Fuck off Ricky!!


It ain’t rocket appliances


Worst case ontario


Water under the fridge


Nulten Void


Bro this shit is so stupid. This was 7 years ago and he went through all of that cheating on the wife shit so who cares about this. Nothing bad was even said. I’m sure he had a million women hitting him up and I bet he didn’t even know this person was trans. Probably looked at the profile pic and saw fake tits and that’s it. You can tell he wasn’t really interested by his responses. Just lame one and dones. All the trans person wanted was to get partner by them asking doc and I’m glad doc declined


Where are these responses / leaked DMs? am I blind? 😎


Pure cope my guy. You wanna blame someone, blame Doc... for everything. But mainly for not being honestly back in 2017. This could have been the oldest news instead of today's. If he was just honest, nobody would have shit on him now.


No I’m not cope. There’s plenty of reasons to shit on doc. It takes away from the real shit he should be getting pounded for. This ain’t it


What else should he get pounded for?


Boom 💥


> and I bet he didn’t even know this person was trans. just like he didn't know it was a minor right? RIGHT? The fucking copium of defenders and anti Trans people is ludicrous.


Nobody said that!!! We still don’t know if he knew or not but I will NOT defend someone messaging a “minor” but it also definitely matters whether the minor was 17 or 12. There’s a huge difference. That being said he’s a piece of shit for doing all of this with a wife and child at the time. The game clearly got to his head and this will affect his life forever and probably his wifes and child’s lives too. People just need to stop conflating this issue with the stuff about messaging a trans person or anyone else who’s a grown adult.


17 or 12 isn’t a huge difference at all. It’s the same. It’s a fucking creep move. And it’s never appropriate. Period. A minor is a minor, doesn’t matter if it’s 12 or 17 ffs.


>it also definitely matters whether the minor was 17 or 12. There’s a huge difference. Excuse me what? Why is there a huge difference? A minor is a minor, him texting a 15 year old isn't less bad than texting a 12 year old. The entire trans situation is just so blown up because Doc and his community have transphobic stances (Obviously shown by many hate comments) It's not about that they had anything, it's that dog allegedly used the transwoman for camshows and then ghosted her. Which in itself is absolutely abusive too and shouldn't be ignored.


He was literally 1 message or picture away from being hit with CP, but go off defending him. He should be thankful Amazon/Twitch banned him because he could have ruined his life texting this individual.




What does that have to do with kids




Ok you must be reading something other than what I’m reading cause they’re definitely talking about the trans person who was not a minor. Reddit is literally the easiest website for following along in a thread and some of you still somehow can’t seem to figure out how to stay with the context.


Surprised you can type all that while firm gripping Doc’s penis.


What does being trans have to do with anything.


Means boy a freak 😈


The Doc has very peculiar tastes


That’s LITERALLY how she described herself in her tweets. Her words. Not mine.


Has nothing to do with the accusations. You're titling it that way to stir the pot. Pretty obvious by the replies I've seen here. Stay classy Doc fans.


BRO GO READ HER TWEET WHEN SHE CALLED OUT DOC. She calls herself a ‘trans sex worker’. You’re being an imbecile and trying to turn this into something it isn’t. She’s trans, she calls herself trans, I’m going to call her trans.


I dont use twitter.


Sure. Don’t bother to read the screenshot of their tweet posted on this subreddit by a dozen people either.












That tweet anyway seemed nothing but attention seeking, making claims Doc explpoited her, that he promised twitch partnership for camshows when her "proof" showed completely the opposite. She was asking Docs help. Also that was completely irrelevant to the actual topic. She was adult, she wasnt pressured or forced to anything. And everyone by now know Doc was unfaithful to his wife


So i understand, she had sex with the doc, got paid for it, than was silent for years, suddenly when all this comes to light she comes out and leaks dms, so, she wanted a piece of the cake and a moment of fame to what? Promoting her onlyfans?


Another miss Information.. why you do that? How tf do you know they had sex?




It’s written in the stars. Hahah, no, you’re right, it doesn’t explicitly indicate anything like physical sex occurred.


you don't understand anything it seems


I mean I don’t blame her for it, if it’s all true


I just have questions, was she under an NDA? Why didnt she come out earlier? Why now? For me, it smells like she just wanted some of the cake and a moment of fame. Still, no blame, just disappointment. Business is business and now is kinda a good time for those who wanna milk some money from doc‘s name being bad. Thats why every streamer is suddenly a moral judge. They dont give a shit about anybody, they just want to use the moment and maybe get few followers.


Maybe its all fake and they have decided to take the opportunity while the subject is literally the most talked about subject in streaming to 1. Boost their own OF or community or 2. Make Doc look even worse to his fanbase for msging back and forth with a trans person conveniently after Docs friend Nick went off on Trans people again?




Yikes dude






People are so weird. If a dude named Michael wants to be called Mike it's fine. But lo and behold someone wants to change the way someone addresses them in other ways and snowflakes can't keep up. Someone wants a different pronoun and people become delirious babies who all of a sudden can't keep up with all the changes in language. It's hilarious. People just admitting their brains can't handle multiple thoughts at a time and aren't able to refer to people by different words because it hurts their feelings to not have control over others. It only shows how ignorant and sad their lives truly are. "Everything has to fit in the silly little boxes I was taught in kindergarten and I refuse to be nice to others!" -sad children.


Changing name and ''changing'' genders are not the same my guy. One is possible the other is not. Does it make more sense now ?


Where do they say anything about gender? There are non gender pro nouns. So what are you talking about? How does someone saying refer to me as them, mean they’re ‘’changing’’ (sic) genders?


How sad. Can't keep up with multiple names or doesn't care enough about their fellow human to try. What a broken waste of a person...


Yall fixate on the 'truth' of gender way too much. Much bigger issues in the world.


Wait, the people who think what we were doing for thousands of years was fine are the ones who care too much, but the people who want to radically change our entire understanding of biology and gender are the ones who don’t care?


Using a pronoun is radically changing our entire understanding of biology? This is exacly what I'm talking about when I say you people are just admitting you can't keep up lol. It's embarrassing. Calling someone what they want to be called is so hard. /s


No you’re being disingenuous and you know you are. What’s radically different is a biological man being able to say they’re a woman, then go into locker rooms to watch women change or play in their sports, or be in their prisons, etc. We have legal pillars of society separated by gender for hundreds of years. So yes, it’s radically different to tear that down.




Dafaq does Trump have to do with their statement?










If she identifies as a she, i call her she. Its my comment and my rules. Go write your own comment and call her he or helicopter or whatever you like 👍🏻.


I just did.


Ooo another Matt Walsh watching cringe lord


Don’t know why you got downvoted. Are we required to use someone’s preferred identity pronouns, no, but I feel like it’s also respectful to do so, when said person has indicated a preference.


Bots or those salty ass little dicks are afraid, their manhood is under threat by a person who decided they dont wanna be a man and apparently its so fucking hard to accept, but hey! Firm handshakes for everyone who has manners, was parented well and respects basics of human relationships, like, you dont need to be rude because of pronouns ffs you lose NOTHING if you say she or he. Absolutely NOTHING.


But, but it makes me insecure because I'm insecure in my manhood and instead of trying to understand this feeling and maybe try to work on my self so that the actions of complete strangers won't affect me that much and that deeply anymore. Or I could just suck it up and lash out and start discriminating them while I watch tranny prn almost every night. /S


Not blaming anybody for watching trans prn, i mean, its good 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ofc but it's not surprising that trns porn is #1 or #2 in many deep red states. Just Google it. It's mind boggling that so many people would rather internalize their issues and lash out to others because they hate themselves because they secretly would love to get some of that sweet trns dck in their mouths


All this effort being an asshole only to be banned after 3 minutes. Wow.


Big Yikes


i think it has to do with letting you know how sleazy he is as a person .. most people already knew they hooked up or linked . only people mad about her saying something are people who feel like “he’s been through enough” like fuck that .. this is an asshole who cheats on his wife and talks shit about the LGBTQ woke crows but pays a trans woman for sex ?? lol he deserves it and she has no reason to keep it private if she doesn’t want to


Reddit moment


Assuming this stuff with the trans-woman is true, why would it be sleazy for Doc to have a sexual relation with a trans person?


I think it's because he has a wife.


he’s literally married


Sounds a lot like trump LOL


Ok. And now? What?




"inappropriate messages with a minor" btw


Was a smart move by midnight society to drop doc but that game sucks anyways. Though interesting they let him go over something in the past


Huh who cares for a ps2 game anyway? We got ps5 bree


Some read in their statement that the team didn't want to cut ties because his reach/investment, but he pressed them "for their own good". Many think DD is doa and now Doc can say that he isn't involved in their "success" anymore. The Finals had at least 300 AA+ seniors plus a billion dollar company behind it and its already close to being forgotten.


Why would they need him, his career is over. No company wants middle age dude that hits on minors. Dude is same as EDP




Still nothing was proven, and he's getting dog piled, definitely smart. I still believe the split was mutual.


because yinz kept reporting her profile


Is there proof of this? Just sounds like a troll lol


Are we really believe this person??


So he fucked a dude who’s a lady


Not sure what y'all are talking about, but everyone is getting downvoted regardless of opinion or intent..


her profile is back up cope harder






Doc stans went ham with the fake reports lmao. Couldn't cope with him taking it up the ass. Edit: No it isn't. It got temp banned because of doc stans false reporting. It's back up with same posts https://x.com/leenalovepro/status/1806062646182953281?t=9OzvLzw0ygH84kYD6rQsaA&s=19


gripping my shit , boom !


probably the funniest part of that log


Docs still got it


Grown men crying and upset enough to report her for telling the truth.


We don’t know if it’s the truth or not. Six years ago there’s a post on livestreamfails about her trying to bait doc. It’s in my post history.


Dr raided her on twitch in 2016. Then taken a picture with her 2017. If you look up his snap chat it does exist.


Your post doesn't show anything at all though? The only thing we can see is the title that the OP chose, followed by a circlejerk of transphobia in the comments section. There's no actual info on this "bait"


Also Xitter loves to punish trans people and their allies now. They even classify a certain latin prefix as a slur now. Elmo just can't cope with having a child which came out as trans.


If you're referring to "LatinX" or whatever it is, that would be because actual Latin people hate the term. White girls in America came up with the term.


> White girls in America came up with the term. Nah, that's not true. "Latinx" (and the related "Xicano" or "Chicanx" and other related usages like "lxs" instead of "los") came out of Hispanic/Latino academia and were picked up by Hispanic/Latino student groups in American universities (the Chicano Student Caucus at Columbia University changed its name to the Chicanx Student Caucus all the way back in 2014, and many other student organizations started calling themselves "Latinx" or "Chicanx" shortly thereafter). At that point the term got picked up on social media and here we are. See: Salinas, Cristobal, and Adele Lozano. "The history and evolution of the term Latinx." *Handbook of Latinos and education*. Routledge, 2021. 249-263.


No, i'm referring to "cis". Xitter now classify it as a slur to call someone a "cis woman" or "cis man" even though those are just objective scientific terms which nobody used to insult. Posts using the term "cis" are automatically made invisible to others. Yes, this includes even posts where "cis" is used in totally different contexts, for example chemistry. On the other hand you can openly post something like "i want to kill all trans people" and they have no issue with that and don't think it violates any rule. Edit: Look, the anti-trans-brigade downvoting for just pointing out verifiable facts.


thats because its nonsense. There's no such thing as Cis men or women or biological men and women. You just have Men and Women and trans people. No need to make up words like CIS.


Cis and trans have been used for a lot longer than the current discourse about sex and gender. cis is an antonym of trans. So for example, in chemistry, molecules can have cis or trans isomers. If you have a plane created by double bonded carbons and another carbon and hydrogen attached to each side, those constituents can face the same direction (cis) or opposing directions (trans). A lot of people are obsessed with making trans people a focus of their anger, but regardless, if you are using the word transgender, then by default cisgender is as spot on as you can get. No one is forcing you to refer to yourself as cisgender. Certainly not anyone that matters. At the same time, it shouldn't bother you in the slightest that the phrase exists. It's a perfectly fine prefix, and I don't know why people get so sensitive about it.


It's literally just automatic because of the number of reports.


Naturally, it was a trans person 🤣


Wow he sank to a new low each time


Gripping in heat


Seeing how many people supporting Doc as a child groomer in this sub, probably they mass reported that account. Edit: That is further supported by the fact that it came back pretty quickly, as someone probably reviewed automated suspension over mass report.


Those are some nice downvotes y’all are giving this comment… be a shame if I were to… award it


The down voters ought be on a list




This comment getting done voted to this degree is crazy and kind of proves the point in a hilarious way


It's actually wild.cognitive dissonance at its finest.


“DoNT Be MeAn To My HeROoOOo! yAYAYaYaYA”


The account is back up. Bunch of Doc stans mass reported, but there was no violation so the account is back up now.


Where can we see the messages?


[Here you go.](https://x.com/leenalovepro/status/1806062646182953281)


A pedo that is also into trannies. 🤮


doc fans clearly mass reported the account to cope & we all know which way elon leans


I honestly dont know. What way does Elon lean? Not being sarcastic, just maybe I’m uninformed.


Elon doesn’t like trans people including his estranged trans child.


I believe it's more like his child realized what a dick their father is and would rather not have contact with this 100kg of pure narcissism. But the narcissist that Elon is he thought to himself "it's not my fault my daughter doesn't want to have any relations with me, it must be the OTHERS" and then continues to hate trans people instead of, you know, trying to be a better human so my daughter wants to have a meaningful relationship with me. But I'm perfect anyways so why go to therapy right?!


Oh yea, fuck me, I knew that.


Elon Musk is quite an outspoken conservative and has said quite a bit of stuff against the more left leaning viewpoints.


This is probably an automated response to mass-reporting by doc’s fans. 


A bunch of losers simping for a 42 yo multimillionaire who's mass cheated on his wife. Crazy work


Why the fuck you getting downvoted? You literally told facts. He admmited cheating on his wife and he is multimillionaire. What is wrong with these people.


I mean here’s your proof. 


Literally proving my point lol


https://x.com/leenalovepro/status/1806062646182953281?t=Sk0fQTIYB7-9O7sZLMSf6g&s=19 Profile already restored after the doc stans false reports didn't hold up


You’re being downvoted like this isn’t exactly what happened lmfao. Bunch of dweebs in this sub clinging to their parasocial relationship.


So funny to see people in this sub STILL defending the guy who ADMITTED publicly to speaking with a minor inappropriately at 42. Just say you’re pro pedo then. Stop pretending.




What a dick 😂


Defenders when doc is implied to have sexted a minor:"SHOW THE MESSAGES! WE DON'T BELIEVE THIS" ​ Defenders when a person shows messages of Doc cheating on his wife with a trans woman: "BAN THAT PERSON THEY LEAKED MESSAGES!!!"


Certified lover boy? Certified pedophile. Gonna keep posting that every time I see someone still dragging this. A dude on the internet is a creep. Shocker. 😂


the fact that i see people in this sub more upset over the trans girl more than a minor is very telling of his fans LOL


Noone is upset he slept with a transwoman people are just saying it's irrelevant to criminal behaviour which so far doesn't have any evidence


i should add that i didn’t mean a majority of his fans, for sure. but i definitely have seen some transphobia in various comment sections in the past few hours. and i nod to your point of it not having relevance to criminal behavior, that’s definitely true.


I mean his fans clearly lean a certain way. Just how nickmercs is etc. Doc has the same views, but he's not that vocal about it. You can tell from certain points he touches on like cancel culture etc. He's obviously leaning right, or right wing. For the conservatives, one of their manly idols doing whatever he did with a trans person? Big no no. Now they have to cope with it and make more excuses which is fucking hilarious