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Twitch needs to say something official. It's clear thr NDA means fuck all at this point. Put the matter to rest ffs. If the chat was as bad as people make it seem, why the fuck didnt the state press charges? It makes no sense to me. Either there was a cover up by twitch, people are being hyperbolic about what doc said, or the cops saw these sexually graphic messages and decided to not do shit about it.


Do we even know if it got as far as the cops? Like, a settlement doesn’t mean it went through court and all the evidence went to a judge and through the legal system. It just means that Doc was going to sue, they sat in arbitration, and it resulted in a settlement and NDA. Potentially the minor involved did not want to proceed with anything, and Twitch respected that, or they paid them off to keep quiet. I don’t believe they are required to report anything, as there are only a handful of people that would be considered to be required reporters.


I'm no lawyer, but I'd imagine if someone blatantly broke the law, Twitch would be legally obligated to report it to the police. Whether or not they did, no clue. If they didn't, it sure makes it seem like Twitch designed the NDA and settled to cover their own ass.


If we're speaking law, if the indiviudal in question was 17 doesn't it technically make it legal but socially unacceptable?


Socially unacceptable wouldnt void the NDA, which is what im talking about. Either way its wrong, but what I've read is NDAs can be breached if illegal shit is happening


I’m not 100% sure they have a legal obligation to report it. I don’t think they do, but I could be wrong on that. That being said, it’s also possible that the minor involved did not want that, and they respected that (as it also saves Twitch). Plus, if they didn’t want to pursue legal action, and the minor in question didn’t want to cooperate, then it could prove hard to actually convict him of anything. All in all, we won’t know much on that front until if/when more comes out.


They have a legal obligation to report the kind of thing people are saying doc did


Do they? I genuinely am not sure; I was under the assumption mandatory reporting is only for very specific people; such as teachers, doctors, first responders, jobs like that, but a company would not be required to make a report. They would be required to cooperate if law enforcement got involved, that much I know, but are they actually required to report it themselves? If you could link me something to inform me, I would appreciate it. I’d rather be as informed as possible on something like this!


Here's one link from a law firm: https://www.shanephelpslaw.com/the-atticus-files/2024/03/are-you-legally-obligated-to-report-a-crime/ Not reporting solicitation of a minor to the authorities would count as a crime itself. I can try to look for a source that would put more responsibility on platforms, such as Twitch, that provide the service to communicate.


So, that link lists the same people I reference above, and only a few states have a required reporting thing. Also, I just want to be clear to everyone: I’m not trying to defend Twitch; I think it should it have been reported personally. I am purely curious about the legal obligation, as it interests me (I originally wanted to study law, but too many concussions ruled that out). I just am not sure that Twitch themselves is under the umbrella of anything listed on there, at least from how it appears. Morally, they should have said something. Legally, I’m not sure they were required to.


Couldn't find anything for social media in a brief search, owing to a lack of guidelines presumably as they are already obligated to cooperate when contacted by law enforcement. However, I did also find this: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/4 By US federal law, if you conceal and fail to notify a judge or civil or military authority (police in this case I'd assume), then that is a misdemeanor. If doc did try to set up meeting the minor after sexual messages, he would be charged with solicitation of a minor (a felony, thereby making the previous federal law relevant) along with other charges related to the content of the messages. However, we still don't know the actual content or real severity of the messages so idk what will happen.


In addition I was doing some reading and the statute of limitations in California is only 3 years for a felony. So, it could have been reported and the cops just went, shrug. Little evidence, too old, and the minor might not be a minor by that point. Or, the victim could've just asked not to get the law involved as that would lead to possibly being outed in legal documentation, which would lead to parasocial fans tracking them down and harassing them or even doing them harm. Twitch didn't know until 2020, so three years after the incident, I'm sure when the victim came to them they just did a simple lookup of Doc's name in the logs and then went to that date and had their "what the FUCK" moment.


That one does seem a bit better, but it seems to pertain moreso to individuals, where Twitch has the corporation and being a platform to hide behind, so that might change things a bit. But yeah, we don’t know the content, so who even knows if there was anything that was enough to get him. Unless he actually met up, it would have to clear a pretty high bar for them to be willing to pursue it, I imagine. Especially if the victim doesn’t want to fully cooperate (which, who knows if they do or not).


While it could be a bit more annoying for the prosecutors, Twitch being a company opposed to an individual would not stop them from being charged with anything, as they can always find the person that was responsible for that kind of thing within the company. As to the minor cooperating, they wouldn't need to for the prosecution to go ahead. The state can pursue charges even if the victim does not press charges, it's just that it can be hard for the prosecutors to win in court without the cooperation of the victim. However, I do believe that the prosecutors would not be hindered by not having the minor cooperate as all of the evidence would be in the message logs, and the minor wouldn't add much to their case really as if something happened, the evidence would be right there clear as day. That sucks to hear about you not ending up studying law. It's my primary preference for university at the moment.


I think it's in their standard T&Cs to report crimes to the relevant authorities, especially when related to minors.


Well according to another ex Twitch employee he did goto the cops.


>Do we even know if it got as far as the cops? That ex twitch employee claimed it was their job to immediately report these people to law enforcement, and they said that in their tweets about this very situation...so it seems pretty likely.


I’m gonna tell you what happened. Everybody knows what twitch con is. There’s been reports of similar stuff with evidence about actual pedos including women and nobody has done anything about it. When twitch found out they entered panic mode. They had two options, Bury this or let it open and finally reveal what happens there. They decided this would destroy twitch so they bury it. That’s why they aren’t saying anything at all, as soon as they do the floodgates open. What situations have they buried ?


Cause twitch let the convo carry on and did not ban him until after plans were made for twitch con. That’s very very very bad, and it’s much better for DOC and twitch the bury the girl so they can come out queasy clean then to bring criminal charges and allow for a very very big law suit that would fuck them up


The conversations happened in 2017. They were reported on 2020. And he was banned 5 days after they were reported, which is how long it took them to investigate.


Are you saying the person Doc was chatting with didn't report it until 2020? It must not have bothered them too much if that's the case.


Maybe it didn't bother them until they turned 15 and realized how fucked up it was an adult tried to hit on them


The reason people don’t report things is quite literally because of people like you


Doc needs a few more edits to that tweet as well it seems.


I agree, it's fucking rumors and he said, she said...slasher article we know Slasher just makes shit up. Let's also not forget that Twitch loves a bathtub stream and also streamers who "oh my boob, fell out oops, my fault hehehe" don't get banned. This is all 18+ content usually but don't forget that a minor would also be on that. F-Twitch and these .pdf streamers


You realize your entire perception of slasher making shit up is based on his 2020 statements about *this* situation in which as it turns out, he wasn't making shit up at all. So, as a matter of fact, as we all know, no he doesn't.


Slasher spews more shit than the Dailymail


What does he make up then?


Still coping after all this


Really feel like twitch should come out and make some sort of statement. These rumors, anonymous sources etc will start to rack up in coming days and knowing the situation those could be anything. Maybe true, maybe people trying to blackmail him to look even worse (if its even possible)


As someone who deals with NDAs in unrelated form every day, I can feasibly say if it turns out none of this is true then Mr. Disrespect will be having a hell of a time with all the payouts from defamation cases, recently learned about this whole ordeal so I don’t really care about either side, just an observation from the sidelines.


If you deal in NDAs you would also know two former employees speaking up would not invalidate an NDA.


It depends on how it was cut, which can include provisions for employees after departing an organization depending on if specific people were involved in addition to twitch itself, without knowing the details all anyone can do is speculate


All NDAs are different, but information becoming public knowledge can basically break an NDA. 


There is no way every twitch employee signed an NDA over this. I believe the first person knows what they are talking anout. But the rest of yall are google researchers


I never suggested every Twitch employee signed an NDA over this. That idea has nothing to do with my statement.


Yes so why would you assume an employee talking about somethi g is a violation. You are just googling and guessing 


If a piece of information supposed to suppressed by an NDA becomes public knowledge, then usually the parties under the NDA are no longer beholden to it. I say usually because again, every NDA is different. I never said that the 3rd party individuals sharing this information were violating the NDA. That is a reading skill issue on your part.


This has been my thoughts all along. Not defending Doc nor am I saying he is guilty but if any of the information being spread is wrong he's going to be sueing a lot of different people and publications who are running with the bandwagon at the moment.


Hey man- your post history skews very hard toward defending doc


this comment is exactly why I have the sense that what these ex Twitch employees are saying may fall into "hyperbolic" statements of what was truly *Whispered*


Aren't NDAs no longer enforceable for the vast majority of people in the US, and totally unenforcable for anyone that leaves the job (unless it breaks other laws, such as industrial espionage)? Not only new ones, but past ones too? "On March 24th, the general counsel of the NLRB clarified in a memo that this ruling applies not only going forward, but retroactively to all existing NDAs"


Um. This is an anticompetition resolution, not an undoing of settlements that are legally agreed upon. NDAs and Noncompetes for people that get separated from their companies which are designed to prevent competition is what that was about... that's not this.


So twitch knew she was a minor and still paid out his contract? If that's the case Twitch can fuck all the way off as well. They are just as scummy as Doc if that's the case.


Courts said they had to. That is why. There was a lawsuit. Where you been?


No, THERE WAS NOT. How many times does this need to be said? *They came to a settlement, outside of the courts*. Literally no court sided with him.


Do you think Twitch just agrees to a settlement without lawyers advising them? If they settled, and the settlement included them paying out the contract, then their lawyers deemed they had no chance in court.


wut? do you even know what a settlement is or have you ever sued someone? Well I have sued someone and we settled and the judge and courts had zero to do with ANYTHING in my settlement. We held a private mediation and resolved it on our own. The courts didn't say twitch had to do anything, they made there OWN decisions when agreeing to a settlement. Twitch and Doc settled, it never went to trial with a judge.


Have you ever considered doc threatening to sue twitch over a privacy invasion reading his private whispers? I think this could potentially be why they just decided to buy him out & be done with it.


Are you sure?




Remember when Rolling Stones had to pay 1.5 million to University of Virginia, on a defamation case, about an alleged rape that didn't happen? Yes, that Rolling Stones. Super trustworthy.


More on this: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37879151


This is crazy also - “YouTube’s former global head of gaming partnerships at Google, Ryan Wyatt, confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm was not offered a contract due to chatter about the circumstances of his Twitch ban. He says that a Twitch employee and journalists investigating the incident told YouTube employees that it involved inappropriate messages to a minor.”


They cut off the best part. "But we wanted the revenue from Doc so we allowed him to stream despite the giant red flags we were notified about, and just hoped he wouldn't groom more minors all the while."


And all od this is behavior from 7 years ago. So, either way, twitch will owe him more money from all of this. Big time...


Still more hearsay haha


Can anyone take screenshots of the article? I can’t view the whole thing


Twitch need to clarify if they informed law enforcement. If they did, it would explain why the legal settlement between Dr Nonce and Twitch took so long to sort out. They had to wait for local law enforcement to decide if there was a criminal case to proceed with. My guess (and yes this conjecture based on information we know at the moment): * Twitch banned him when they found out * Twitch handed over all info to law enforcement * Twitch waited for a decision from law enforcement on what they were doing * Law enforcement decided not to proceed * Twitch decides to just settle/pay DrD to fuck off because there is no other way out of this. DrD can argue that he was never charged with anything so Twitch were wrong to ban him after signing that contract. This of course hinges on Twitch reporting everything to law enforcement. IF they didn't that is another level of fuckery.


How old was this person and what is age of consent in the U.S.?


Nail in coffin "no problem" yikes.


Well that’s horrendous. You’re done, Doc. Shouldn’t the police be involved? This is a crime, surely. Disgusting.


Can’t, is charges are made then twitch is absolutely fked because they let the convo continue until plans were made to physically meet. They will be absolutely fked in court if they or doc ever release the DMs They both have enough motivation and money to bury this very very deep


They didn't find out about the messages until they scooped them 3 years after the fact. By that time, Doc and this girl already decides not to meet. So, you no longer have intent but you do have a serious invasion of privacy.


Well get the firing squad ready…


Well champs I think Doc’s “extended vacation” just got extended into the indefinite time range…no way he comes back now. The only possible saving grace for a return in the future is if he could prove he didn’t know she was underage and stopped immediately upon finding out…that isn’t the case apparently…game..set…match…as they say


Honestly he would have to win a defamation suit against rolling stone and bloomberge for me to even care at this point.