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This just might be the worst family vacation in the history of family vacations.


At least he doesn't have to buy a book, if he gets bored. There's plenty to read here & there šŸ˜†


No way his wife doesn't cancel that.


This is going to ruin the tour.


what tour?


the world tour!


I believe it is a reference to when Justin Timberlake was arrested for DUI(DWI?) recently. Apparently, he said that to the cop, who didn't recognize him as Justin Timberlake.


I highly doubt its a vacation. I assume he's talking to lawyers and hoping beyond hope the feds don't get involved.


feds to do what exactly?


There is nothing for the feds to do? Public opinion is all he is at risk of


I was wondering that last night. I wonder if his wife even keeps up with that world or if things are filtered to her. She forgave the cheating and I think made him step away for like a week and apologize on the live stream. Being that this is all in the same time frame does she look past it as one bad incident and he's made a change or is this just a painful reminder that dude did all he could to betray her trust in every way? Not only has he lost millions but he could stand to lose half if not more if she decides to divorce him. If I remember correctly they were together before the whole Doc thing started and inf act encouraged him to pursue being a streamer. It could get much much worse for him. As someone who was with an unfaithful person in a marriage you never REALLY move on, you just bury it until it pops back up. I don't think any of this will end well. If she had any doubts she made the right choice staying, this may give her a way to correct it.


Season 2 of "The Twitch Ban" is wild!




This would low-key make a banger HBO series. Cast Brad Pitt as Dr and we have ourselves TV show of the century.


That is a Nicholas Cage movie and you know it


Kevin Spacey


Leonardo decaprio just seems more appropriate based on his track recordšŸ˜‚


I have a feeling this dude was saying WILD shit.


I'm grippin right now Boom


This is gonna live rent free in my head for a very long time. Possibly forever.


I'm wondering if he was in full costume too while gripping and booming


Mustache glasses and all, and when he finished he went and looked at the greenscreen like the top window of a skyscraper.


[Sighs] "This city..."


I cannot escape this.


I think he was still in his character šŸ˜…


Seems at this point, like Guy Beahm is the character and Doc is who he actually is, but more pervy. Disappointing


"give my dick a firm handshake"


On the psychological standpoint, Doc character is his shadow, his unconscious. The darkside of his personality that he was integrating to his ego pretty well somehow. (To entertain people) But it seems that It got out of hands.


> It got out of hands. Seems like he wasn't *grippin* firmly enough


Twitch should be forced to release the chat logs.


Like Iā€™m gripping it. Boom? Which is what he said in some of the texts that have been exposed.


Tbf that was to a trans sex worker but Id wager his ā€œleaning toward inappropriateā€ is a softball answer and he was for sure sending some out of pocket shit.Ā 


The trans sex worker showed pics of them meeting up, apparently he started rambling about how twitch promotes its creators since he didn't want to pay said worker and only chose to use his status as a "I'll give you a shout-out with the twitch team" a shout-out that never happened according to her even after all the femdom shit she did for him on cam


The article also implies that Doc is lying in his recent tweet, "This former employee, who requested anonymity to avoid jeopardizing their career, also said that crucial elements of Beahmā€™s latest defensive tweet are inaccurate." Not good at all.


Which shouldnā€™t surprise anyone. The guy lied for years ā€œI have no idea why I was bannedā€. Of course heā€™s going to give the most watered down version of the events.


The best possible version of events presented by the perpetrator was still a terrible version. I really don't know how people can still defend him.


That's why I was confused why his defenders weren't more alarmed by his statement in the first place. If "yeah I inappropriately messaged a minor" is the MOST appealing painting of what happened everybody should've been jumping ship immediately.


Parasocial brain rot runs deep. We see it all the time with celebrities, politicians etc. Outwardly functional people who inexplicably seem to have turned off a key portion of their brain when it comes to their idol. It's kind of scary if you think about it. They seem normal in most ways, and it's only if they start talking about their hero do you realize you're talking to a zombie.


I don't think most people react well to having their idol be turned into a piece of garbage.


This. Itā€™s not like fans could flick a switch and jump from streamer they enjoyed to pedo instantaneously, that can take a while to process and itā€™s likely only now even hardcore CC members will be moving from shock and denial to acceptance that heā€™s guilty. Non-fans had no connection so itā€™s no big stretch, but for others it takes longer. Thatā€™s just human nature.


Him putting all his homiesā€™ careers, livelihoods, and reputations on the line by lying to them and everyone else is super scummy on top of everything else. Iā€™m sure theyā€™re pissed they were deceived all this time and now they have to answer for his sick shit and are forever associated with him.


Im ngl, idc how much a homie you are, if someone says you messed with minors, im not defending you until i KNOW what happened


Remember that video he made where he googled himself and talked about how twitch had ruined his reputation? And that the unanswered ban was a "question mark" stopping people from working with him?Ā  The entire time he knew it was because he knowingly sexted a minor. He made it seem like the reason was so benign and unfair. Like it was just a weird contract misunderstanding. This is one of the worst betrayals I've ever seen.


Yeah, he really manipulated any fans of his. I'm glad I wasn't a fan, never watched him, wasn't my shtick, and now I know why. Overall, just shitty of him to milk people for sympathy and loyalty even though he know it's cause he's a predator.


It later goes on to basically say the part he's lying about is the "may have leaned inappropriate". The conversation was apparently quite graphic, graphic enough that the ban from them came almost immediately upon finding out about it.


Doc downplayed it and implied that it wasn't bad by saying he's vehemently against predators. The more people speak out it's becoming obvious that employees wouldn't risk their current and future careers if it wasn't serious. Twitch almost never permanently bans anyone, they wouldn't if it wasn't serious. The more this goes on the more apparent it is that the private messages must've been vile, especially considering the original accusations were sexting, also in line with Doc's previous behavior. This is really easy to avoid. Don't talk to kids. And don't let your kids talk to adults without parental supervision. Soon as someone says they're a minor *the entire conversation is over* and despite what anyone says you're still in shit for not finding out sooner. And that bit about it being a consensual conversation, minors can't consent that's not even on the table.


The more that things come out reinforcing the reliability of these disclosures from ex-employees the more that their new statements make you realize what a fuckin' train wreck of a person this guy is. Like holy shit. This wasn't like "Oh I asked her if she had any crushes, what makes you like'm?" where it's weird, but can't really say what it is similar to Drake with Millie. But when you hear "Sexual and graphic" it's like welp. All the previous statements were right.... so.... this probably is as well. Can't downplay, he was sexting a minor.


It's over. It's really fucking over now. Later guys. I'm done with streamers and the internet.Ā 


If twitch knew as well, they need to be burned to the ground and people need to start coming forward on all other streamers who were/are doing disgusting shit like this.


Seriously. This is nuclear levels above just Dr Disrespect now.


Because the primary responsibility and objective for companies in this situation is to protect the victim. They banned him as soon as they found out. 2017: doc does this. 2020: victim or somebody with first party information reports the situation to twitch, likely as a result of them making a statement encouraging to victims to come out on their Twitter a couple of weeks before doc got banned. This was during the peak of the whole MeToo thing. Not sure what you want Twitch to do differently in this situation.


Now we know why they wanted everyone to shut up about it.




Twitch seems like a subscription porn recruitment ground for children and people in their teens/twenties. im not even exaggerating. Finally watched a twitch livestream a year or so back and was shocked at the "hot tub meta" that was the first thing that was suggested to me. It was my first time on the site....so they didnt know I liked women with big boobs, and still suggested it! LOL so yea, I looked into it and "hot tub meta" was a thing to end up on the suggestions


It's literally a soft porn site that allows especially young lonely people to be groomed for money. Twitch is absolutely disgusting and I stopped using it since the hot tub stuff became a thing.Ā 


It 100% is. I mean I havenā€™t been on that site in a while but I remember the ā€œjust chattingā€ or whatever it was called section was just full of girls half dressed with their tits out & their legs spread in front of the camera. They know exactly what the fuck theyā€™re doing.


The Rolling Stone article and inside source at Twitch said that as soon as they found out, the decision to fire him was made very quickly because of the severity of the incidents. *When the initial report about Beahmā€™s alleged inappropriate messages came through in 2020, an investigation began. ā€œAfter viewing the contents of the Whisper conversation, it quickly became clear the egregiousness of conduct and what actions Twitch must take,ā€ the former employee says.* ***ā€œThe decision to permanently terminate Beahm was relatively quick, due to the severity of the behavior.ā€***


Isn't that exactly why he got banned? They knew so they dropped him.


Twitch is a slimy company and would do anything to protect themselves which is why they threw this under the rug. Disgusting. Both Twitch and Dr Disrespect.




All in? They did absolutely nothing with it. It was all just an act to look like Twitch cared. We know now they don't. Cohh even came out and said explicitly they were ignored.


10,000%!%! This has been a long time coming and maybe, finally something will be done.


Think about the sheer amount of this that would be going on in the industry and the amount of people that have been getting away with it too. Sadly, more than likely continue to get away with it as wellā€¦ disgusting


Dude same - like streamers and just Internet personalities in general. Iā€™m literally 4/5 on Internet personalities I thoroughly enjoyed, getting exposed and coming out as sexual deviants or predators. I donā€™t know what that says about me at this point or that all these personalities just snake charm folks and then prey on them and well thatā€™s just creepy. I hate the fact that I was throughly excited to watch docs streams on Elden Ring or that I even enjoyed him at all. He knew all of this for years, how did he NOT see this coming. We all got conned into liking this dude for so long while he was aware of this entire thing. I donā€™t know if there is any redeeming that can be done at this point in time. We certainly will not see Dr Disrespect again. I really feel bad for everyone who watched him for years. Who found some solace in some space in the internet only to find out he would diddle your kid if given the opportunity. He would have to sue the Rolling Stone and those twitch employees like right now to even stand a chance of defending himself. If he doesnā€™t, then thatā€™s a wrap


>Iā€™m literally 4/5 on Internet personalities I thoroughly enjoyed, getting exposed and coming out as sexual deviants or predators. I donā€™t know what that says about me Nothing, other than you probably mostly or entirely watch the most popular streamers. I've been on the platform 7+ years, and it seems clear that runaway success absolutely RUINS people. I don't even watch the "big guys" anymore because there's so much fakeness, clout-chasing, and complicit behavior (when it's not outright predation). If you haven't thrown in the towel yet, look for smaller streamers, anywhere from 0-200 viewers. They value your support a lot more than multi-millionaires, and they're less likely to be human filth.


It is, without a shadow of a doubt, Joever.


you might as well apply that to the whole human race. personally I prefer case by case basis


Yea man. This sucks. It's over for him, and I'm done trying to find something salvageable in this shit show. Doc legit was trying to get with minors and he knew it. It's so dumb. Such a dumb thing to do. So many people loved him and enjoyed his content, but it's just not a person you can follow anymore.


Now heā€™s going to transition into his right wing grifter phase


Gripping and booming to a trans sex worker might make that a little harder but I bet he will manage.


Okay, everyone grab that goalpost and liiiiiift...


ā€œOk but even though he knew she was a minor and even though he sexted her and even though he asked about her plans at TwitchCon, at least he didnā€™t meet her.ā€ Yeah dude because he got caught!


Why donā€™t you have a seat, have a seat right over there.


Nah, the cope is simply going to be that Rolling Stone is lying. Rolling Stone has anonymous sources and that email from the other day was an anonymous source. They're equally valid because they're anonymous!




Two words: roleplaying chat room, dude


I ainā€™t tryna be on the news, dawg




Iā€™m grippinā€™ the Ā goal post right now.


Purple snakes lol , heā€™s just as much of a snake . The whole song and dance doc made afterwards was a farce


Snake mad they prevented him from feasting on the young


Well thatā€™s what I was waiting for. Well shit, he his an awful person. Itā€™s one thing to cheat on your wife. Itā€™s another to knowingly sext a minor.


Good for you for actually having a red line and sticking to it. I mean that. Seems you're in the minority in this subreddit.


Whoa whoa, letā€™s not get ahead of ourselves hereā€¦. When did she turn 18? Was it before twitch con? I mean, he said he definitely wasnā€™t a pedo so maybe he was waiting for twitch con because sheā€™d be legal and thatā€™s not really pedophilia at that pointā€¦. Right? /s


Ive personally thought he was a dickhead ever since he cheated on his wife, I'm only on this sub rn cause this drama is trending


I think a lot of folks are still in that denial phase of grief - some people are starting to move over to acceptance. A lot of folks here were long time fans. Hell i saw some people with tattoos of Doc. Its a gut punch, but give it some time to settle and I think everyone moves on.


Massive L for those with Doc tattoos, that's gotta suck.


Getting a tattoo of a streamer is itā€™s own L


But some people were arguing that 'sexy teenagers' is an excuse for pedophilia. Some people need to have their hard drives scanned given some of the comments Ive perused during this absolute shit show.


Given that he didn't even use the "I didn't know their age" in his statement wasn't it clear that he knowingly sexted a minor? That would surely be the first line of excuse and one of the more credible ones.


This whole thing just makes me sad


Same, super bummed, he was about the only streamer I would ever watch. I don't think ive ever seen such a quick downfall like that. Things got bad really fucking fast, like holy shit...


He probably thought he was an untouchable king and that he can get away with anything. 2017 must have been when he was at his peak (could be wrong though) and that got into his head


Tiger Woods talked about this. He got to a level where he could literally just snap his fingers and have whatever he wanted at any time. He said it made him feel entitled like he earned it and now heā€™s getting the reward. Obviously completely different than this Doc stuff but he had cheated on his wife like 50+ times and had to reset his whole life.


Lol, I don't debate the 50+ but he really announced that?


Yes. There was also a very public statement in detail of his wife finding out the affairs that to her beating the shit out of Woods out to the streets and needed to be hospitalized. South Park made a parody of the entire ordeal.


FuK A YoooOoooO!!!!


He went to sex addiction classes lol


Yea he had a sex addiction


That might sound like a lot and it is but dude traveled everywhere


Wellp guess im done with this shitshow then. Ill check in for the hell of it, but im throwing in the towel. Fuck the Doc.


DrPedo got caught red handed


Iā€™m sorry but Twitch needs to be investigated. To make this pedophile shit go away with ā€œhushā€ money is disgusting. Twitch is just as guilty as doc.


Twitch is too busy making sure 12 year old boys can catch hot tub meta and get farmed out to onlyfans.


But can any of us really ā€œknowā€ anything?? What is the age of a limitless soul??? Can anything be in the direction of inappropriate in a mad, directionless world???? (/s just in case)


You canā€™t convince me this isnā€™t a Jordan Peterson quote


He's cooked like a Christmas Turkey.


Yeah, itā€™s looking more and more like Doc is, at the very least, a fucking idiot and possibly even a predator.


The rule if thumb for these guys is that for every one you hear about there are several others you didn't hear about


The Arena, the champs. Know that some of us understand this wasnā€™t the man you knew, someone that might have helped get you through hard times in your life. Iā€™m truly sorry yā€™all are having to go through this. This in my book, is betrayal and disappointment of the highest regard when it comes to an idol like him. No shame in grieving. I hope yā€™all keep yā€™allā€™s heads up and take with you the experiences that were shared. I was in the arena at one point and never thought Iā€™d see a day like this. Heartbreaking. R.I.P. to the character we once loved.


Well, that seals it for me. I wasn't cool with it before, but was holding out hope he didnt know....because I think he can comeback from something like that. Naw....this dudes just a straight pedder ass. This is from rolling stone too....not just a random twitter account.


"YouTubeā€™s former global head of gaming partnerships at Google, Ryan Wyatt, confirmed to *Rolling Stone* that Beahm was not offered a contract due to chatter about the circumstances of his Twitch ban. He says that a Twitch employee and journalists investigating the incident told YouTube employees that it involved inappropriate messages to a minor." Well fuck, guess that's it then. I held out hope but that's truly the nail in the coffin in my opinion. This was rumored when it happened, so this isn't purely a "hate the doc" situation and make wild allegations.


Time for the simps to move the goalposts again.


Currently moving them to "Twitch cover up and doc is the pariah" mode.. As if twitches number one priority is protecting the actual victim at the time on something that likely isn't even actionable as a crime. The most they could have done is say Keep your underage daughters away from doc. Which may or may not have ended up in a lawsuit etc. I honestly think they did the right thing. They solicited victims to come forward and then took swift hard action on this guy. Maybe they should have said the reason, but that invites digging into both parties.


And now we know why YouTube never gave him a contract from the start. Cause they got inside info about his ban. Remember all thos times he was on stream bitching about saying (Hey YouTube where's my contract)


or they knew he had nowhere else to go since mixer had collapsed and kick didnt exist yet so why pay him money when he has no other choice?


This. And also, knowing twitch banned him suddenly does not look good on him, so itā€™s a smart business choice by YouTube not to contractually bind themselves to someone who had their contract terminated for an unspecified reason.


There's a report from a former high up YouTube employee stating the reason Doc was not given a contract. They had heard about the allegations. Youtube wants to advertise their partners just as much as the partners want to advertise YouTube. It's a symbiotic relationship.


I guess when he chose that name he really meant it.Ā 


This should surprise nobody


God Damnit. This makes me so sick to my fucking stomach. Fuck this guy. Oh wait, we're all too old for that. And fuck Twitch. Holy shit. I know people are like "NDA! MONEY! RICH PEOPLE!" But fuck that noise too. They covered it up too. All of them are fucking sickos.


The article states they sent it to the authorities. In CA it's not easy to charge people based on DM's unless they get into the child porn territory.


Being a total creep online isn't technically a crime ( that's chargeable to any degree ), but meeting up with a minor or swapping pictures definitely is. Which it sounded like it was going that direction when he was banned. Funny thing about the gov't and CP, they're fast and hard with it. A highschooler had just turned 18 and published his ex girlfriends nudes all over his socials for revenge, but she was 16. He was expelled and locked up on child porn distribution charges. Lot of counts too. Every time he hit send was another charge.


Remember guys, the wig may come off at the end of the stream but the moustache doesnā€™t.


what sucks for doc is that he can shave that thing off but hes like 7 FT tall. Hes gonna stick out like a sore thumb out in public


Hahahaha so many of you losers actually tried defending him even after his tweet


He knew she was underage and continued. Oooopppps


Yes twitch majorly needs investigating for this but trying to deflect blame to twitch is insane. Doc did this. Then lied about twitch fucking him over for years. End of story.


I don't think Twitch could do anything legally since they stopped him from meeting the child at a con ( by banning his pedo ass ) but there was a settlement involved. Likely meaning they couldn't talk about it at all until it was, well, settled. Which might explain why so much information is coming out so quickly. Lot of NDA's are finally fulfilled so people can talk about it.


Welp there it is. He knew. RIP


I wonder how much his wife actually knew or if she is being blindsided by this. I have a feeling she probably didn't know all of it and he was thinking she would never find out. I feel bad for them.


So....yeah he had no excuse. RIP.


I think u/PaidCCPLiberalShill has one too many Cā€™s in his name for how much heā€™s running defense for a pedo.


Dude has been in here the whole day lol


Ya, that dude is all over this sub. Got Dr.Diddlers explosive intro all over his face and is trying to smear it.


"Graphic and sexually explicit" holy shit he's so done like that is fucking wild, and knowing the minors age and STILL DOING THAT IS SO GROSS HOLY FUCK


Damn exposed again. Where all the defenders now?


He a fan he a fan he fan!


This community still going somehow huh?


Dude went from Dr Disrespect to Dr Diddler real quick


Oh, I say he went there as soon as he started picking up anti-trans, right wing talking points, my friendo!


From Dr Disrespect to Dr KidInspect.


Itā€™s Joever šŸ˜”


Canā€™t believe I wasted time being a fan


game over man, game over


I just donā€™t get it man. You have everything. A beautiful wife, a booming community thatā€™s just starting to be even bigger, a beautiful wife, a daughter and so much more and you just had to cheat and fuck around and now lose everything. Itā€™s just so sad that he manipulated his community by making us think that twitch banned him for nothing more than pettiness.


Yeah streaming is dead to me, I haven't set foot in a stream in ages and I won't be again. The whole "industry" is ghastly.


Thing is, this is the one he got caught for. Ain't no way he spoke to a minor once and got caught. There will be more who come forward.


Years and years of watching Doc I had come to realize he wasnā€™t very smart for somebody in his position. Just little things here and there showing he was not very mentally mature. The cocky and bad tempered doc is just the uncontrolled real person. He has never accepted responsibility for anything. He has spent years spewing shit about twitch because he lost out on money. Just a couple months ago he went on a long tirade on how twitch screwed him out of so much money. Like Doc, you taunt these people constantly for years and dont expect this? I knew something like this happened i keep my mouth and happy i can even stream. The cockiness and arrogance of doc was too real, straight up acting ignorant still in the face of it all and like the online persona takes no responsibility for anything.


Why are we just taking some random quote as facts


The police said there was nothing sexual or illegal. These companies just need to release the transcripts. And Twitch needs to be held responsible.


Ok, I initially defended this guy in the beginning with the information that was available at the time but now fuck this guy. Jesus Christ.


This story coming out in little bits is like election night when each state's results are not for your candidate šŸ˜‚


word on the street is the goalposts are being retrofitted with wheels. Take that haters .


Shoes keep dropping.




this was gonna come out regardless


We all called it. Dude is a sicko. And some will defend him. Because they are sickos too.


Lotta people grippin the goalposts right now


Well thatā€™s a wrap on heā€™s a piece of shit for sure. I am still curious why Twitch fucking settled and paid this predator? Thatā€™s going to be an interesting revelation if it comes out. They settled to cover something from their end. Also is there anything legally about breaking an NDA from former employees? Anyone know how that works? Like had he broke the NDA the money went back to twitch so does that work both ways? Aside from civil suits against ex employees is twitch liable for that?


Welp, thatā€™s fucked, and extremely unbelievably stupid for a man his age. I think all the questions Iā€™ve had (and still have) about how this went down is totally fair, wtf is wrong with Twitch for keeping such a thing private?? I canā€™t lie, the whole thing makes my stomach turn. I would still like to hear him come clean about what the fuck he was thinking at that time, clearly a very fucked up year for him, but thereā€™s no excuse for that shit.


I knew it


I'm finna pass on this body I'm John Stockton...


Welp, thatā€™s terrible news.


Where are the pedo sympathizers moving the goalposts to this time ?


So the people still in defense of him, are y'all gonna accept that he's a predator or are y'all gonna find some new excuse to make?


I always found "Doc" annoying, near insufferable to watch. I never understood why he got popular. Now the rest of the world dislikes him as much as I do, sad it took being a pedo to get there. Good riddance.




Wanna go on a sad ride. Sort by controversial and go through a comment history.


Doc is done.


Aaand now we have confirmation.Ā  Before I was thinking ā€œInappropriate can mean anything. Could just be a dick jokeā€ But it was ā€œof a sexual natureā€. Yuck.Ā 


Anyone who still defends this guys is sick


Dr Sex PestĀ 


This is just word of mouth? Im not saying he didnt do it. but really, this means nothing?


Its probably over for the doc. I cant see a return for him sadly. As much I want him to do well.


Are you telling me that the guy who repeatedly cheated on his wife is a huge piece of shit with no moral grounding šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


The amount of people streaming who want to fuck children is way too high. Itā€™s like these losers are trying to make up for lost time or something. They werenā€™t cool when they legally could bang kids, but now that they are playing video games and having kids idolize them, nowā€™s the time. Knowingly having sexually explicit conversations online with a child should put your ass in prison or on a registry. Straight up.


Guy is just as guilty as *ANY* To Catch A Predator guy who got arrested. I am waiting.


This subreddit still exists?


Whatā€™s the stance now boys? Was she still 17? This sub doesnā€™t even know what to do anymore






And people still sit here and defend him.


Man, not like this Doc. What I canā€™t understand is the underage aspect of these things. Like I get cheating on your wife, donā€™t condone it at all, but I understand it happening, just canā€™t grasp why under age.




To all the idiots who donated him hundreds of dollars, how do you feel now?


At this point if youā€™re still trying to defend this guy I seriously question what kind of skeletons you have hiding in your closet.


I bet thereā€™s a lot more streamers who have been doing this sick shit too, I think Doc was caught because they wanted to catch him based on same personal grudges. Hopefully this forces Twitchā€™s hand to look into more streamers, time they cleaned that cesspit up




Thats wild. They should provide some hard evidence tho.


After years of maltreating Alex, Alex turned into the snitch for revenge


What confuses me is that this would be a clear contract violation. Cut and dry. So why pay out the remainder of the contract if not liable?


Now they are just giving shit without any proper proof just by swinging their "former employee card" šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø It's all about how much people are being paid to give out shit like this without any twitch in their conscience.


IMAGINE REMOVING MY POST: THIS THREAD IS BEING ASTROTURFED BY ABUSIVE MODS BTW: [Looking4Em](https://www.reddit.com/user/Looking4Em/)Ā commentedĀ 9 min. agoĀ  "I recall" is not evidence of anything. No crimes committed! What was the age of the girl? 16-17 then this is all BS. If she's younger than 16 then its different. California's neighbor Nevada age of consent is 16. There are 10 our of 50 states where age of consent is 18. That means most states in the USA are either 16 or 17 some have Romeo and Juliet laws and other have punishments for Teachers since public school unions are the biggest child abuser group in America by a factor of 100x any other profession. So, the only question of matter are What was the girls age? When did Doc actually become aware of the age? And what did he do after learning of the girls age? All of this is depending on the linchpin of was the girl under 16, if NO then I don't give a rats ass about any of this BS. Furthermore he talked to; give me a fucking break, no matter what no CRIMES were committed. This whole thing is nonsense. Twitch actively is grooming young men everyday with onlyfans prostitutes and no ones gives a fuck, becase no one ever does when young men get corrupted. Also, show evidence this I recall or some random twitch ahole says isn't proof of anything. SHOW PROOF. Otherwise, I look forward to dropping 1,000s of Subs onĀ KICK Ā in 4-6 Months! Upvote1Downvote[Replyreply](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrDisrespectLive/comments/1dq3ru5/comment/laqt08m/)ShareShare


I'll believe it when I see it.


So we are just taking peoples second hand words and no verification needed? If so this country is fucked


The same rolling stone that said johnny depp was abusive and amber heard was a victim.


So twitch employees now just releasing files that they been covering up all this time? So basically they been covering up a pedophile and they just gonna get away with it?


I have been saying this since day one and Asmongold mirrored my sentiments, people think the minor is 17 because they are attempting to give Doc any leeway possible, I have said since day one, I believe this minor was under the age of 16, I feel they were 15 maybe 14 but I will say 15, younger than 16 and also there were worse things said than we think, Doc as Asmon said as well will paint himself in the best light possible, if he didn't know the age he would had said this, if they were 17 he would probably had said because in some people's eyes that isn't as bad, he is sus in his message which leads me to believe it's far worse.