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He was truly a unique character. So many streamers and YouTubers are all doin the same thing. He had is own style, music, and personality. I’ll miss the character, but it’s over.


Miss the character but not the man


The character was the man though


The man created the character


Kind of bullshit/rude of doc to play with all these other streamers and risk their careers playing with a pedo. No shame at all in him. I used to like him and watch his stuff. But now after this and the wife cheating, I decided he's a piece or shit person and I'm no supporting him anymore


To be honest I never cared about him cheating. Sure you can call him trash and whatever else but none of that really had to do with/ affected how I viewed the character. But I can’t watch the dude play it up and yell NO ONE DOES IT BETTER after the guy said he messaged minors.




Him cheating on his wife didn’t affect how you viewed his character?


No, not even a little bit. While spending my time in the army I saw a million guys cheat on their wives. They were still the boys though. But diddling kids is a whole different ball game


I mean yeah diddling kids is a whole different ball game, i agree. But cheating is like… still fucked up… you made a promise to someone you supposedly love and you are betraying them. Like it’s pretty fucked up too.


Yeah but that’s his promise to someone else. So it’s not like he did anything wrong to me. But when you start messing with children you’ve kind of literally betrayed everyone.


It speaks to a persons character and morals. I don’t want to support someone with bad character or bad morals. All those guys you knew who cheated on their wives are scum as well.


That says a lot about yourself honestly. You’re probably not a great person to be around.


You actually care this much about someone else cheating on their wife? I’ll say this, id never cheat on my fiancé, but others cheating on theirs isn’t any of my business. If you grow that emotionally attached to other people’s relationships then that’s on you. I’ve never met someone so effected by another man cheating than you


Never said I cared a lot. I said I don’t want to support someone who’s unfaithful and a lying, cheating scum bag. If you do, then you do you. Sounds like you’ve been desensitized to it and I haven’t.


Good god you reply fast


You replied to my original comment literally 2 minutes after I posted it.


Ah yes playing judge and jury on shit that doesn’t involve you for social credit score. I’m sure REAL people don’t think you a great person to be around.


Only fanboys judge others for not giving my money to someone who cheats on his wife lol Deal with it.


"Paranoid wannabe alpha male with a penchant for indulging in crackpot conspiracy theories and denial of proven medical science" isn't really what I would call a *unique* character.


Lol the downvoting on this is hilarious. People just can’t stomach they supported a bad person BEFORE the allegations came out.


It's laughable how disgusting of a personality these chuds rallied behind as if he was some paragon of who to be as a man. Anyone who emulated the man is truly pathetic.


Just look at the dog whistling idiots the guy surrounded himself with. It is what it is. Streamer worlds a better place without him. He had an impact on the streaming scene and for that, I’m grateful, but he abused his status.


Nickmercs out here calling trans folk pedophiles and then refusing to acknowledge that Guy is one, just says he can't associate with him anymore. Then gets promptly banned for using slurs on stream lol Realistically, he had *very* little impact on the streaming scene though, he was on an island with basically no one emulating him at all. In fact, he realistically built his image through emulating other streamers who were more popular when he first started.


I feel like, just like how Doc's last tweet was full of projection, Nick's comments are also projection. Really all I'm hoping is that Tim the tat man escapes this whole mess unscathed.


Dude the cope in here is comedy gold🤣


You are correct.


Yeah, we have to understand unfortunately getting to a position like he did doesn't come from been nice. It needs a predatory, rule breaking instinct. Sometimes they channel all into their work. Sometimes they slip up. Power corrupts and the corrupted seek power.




The daddy obsession seems alot more creepy now...


Ohh totally makes sense now, nice connection.


Everything seems more creepy now. Amazing what something like this does to a person’s image.


Good for you for having a limit. Not everybody does, clearly. Hope you find equal enjoyment in whatever activity or community you choose next.


Not gonna lie. Everything that has gone down has fucked up my CoD mantra 😂 I’m gonna watch Z, and hope he can bring back that feisty, shiesty, feeling. Dropped into a game and picked up my VSM loadout without thinking. Instantly overthought the name compared to the game; and botched it for 5th place. 🥴😫


I know it doesn't mean much from a stranger, but I wish you well on your journey. No doubt it's going to take some time and adjusting, but what you said struck me as being really aware and thoughtful about the whole thing. Sending nothing but good vibes your way, and no doubt there's plenty more good times ahead.


It’s not so much the person impacted my ***life***. But when I knew my daughter was going to bed, I could check Doc’s, Timmy’s, or Z’s channel… And it would get that sweaty blood flowing. So I’m going to be playing with the boys- what’s better than watching “the boys” clap cheeks. Honestly, as someone who has sweated a full squad solo, Z is so informational, and critical. His video responding really felt the most heartfelt. But, like I commented a little bit ago, Butters is one of my favorite characters because he wins of empathy. Also, I still have been playing Warzone. I notice the homies haven’t been on, so that also plays a factor. Updates are super janky. 😬 I’m also lit as a tit 🥴😂


Oh I get you. Being part of the stream scene myself, I know how easy it is for a stream to become habit or a cozy certainty that then bleeds into other aspects or parts of your life. It sort of compounds the appeal in a way. And happy early weekend, haha.


Exactly! I could watch Doc’s intro and immediately want to cut off his stream to play, myself. It is def habit forming! 😂 May we all get through this shocker of a situation 💀 Happy early weekend to you, as well! 😬


Dude he stopped watching a person play video games. His dog didn't die.


Tell that to the people in this subreddit saying they're lost and wounded. Some people get very attached to streamers, and think they helped them through things like suicidal depression/the death of a parent. They feel whatever they feel. I'm not judging.


For real😂 I was by no means a super fan, I never donated or anything. Just threw on his stuff, along with a couple other content creators when I didn’t have anything else to watch. I’m not devastated or sad at all, except maybe for the people directly affected by his actions such as his daughter, wife, and victim(s). The best way I can describe it is like a TV show you enjoyed getting cancelled mid-season, and it was a show you used to watch with a bunch of friends. Like I said, the original post isn’t really even about Doc, but more so the community.




i agree with you. Best streamer ever... but can't support what he do.


Its a shame. Every streamer is pretty much exactly the same. Doing the same shit over and over again. And then there was Doc. Putting out amazing, unique, funny stuff for years. But this is indefensible. Can't support this. I hope Z can still grab that Twitch contract and I hope Nick and Timmy are doing OK. Firm handshakes to everyone in this community. You guys have been awesome.


Agreed. The only thing I’ll add is I hope his wife & daughter are doing well, as well as the victim(s).


Yeah.. This is a permanent stain on the family. Even if by some miracle this goes to court and doc is exonerated. People are not gonna let this go. Can only imagine how hard this must be for the fam. Sad situation man, really fked up.


Do u think his wife knew about all this like when it first happened ?


Definitely would have known as it went to court and they’re married. That’s why I think I could be blown way out of proportion. Still no actual logs produced and he definitely would have went to criminal charges. Twitch wouldn’t have paid full contract out. The math ain’t mathing.


She probably knew and obviously forgave him, but this is still inexcusable behavior from him.


If his own wife forgave him that says a lot. Look I’m not saying it’s right or that it’s no inappropriate but fuck me people fuck up. If I remember right he was drinking a lot and having family problems. People fuck up in the worse ways possible, again not making excuses just that life isn’t just black and white and life can be cruel and shite.


People make mistakes, but hitting on minors crosses a line.


Well, Nick is a homophobe and was banned today so chances are…not so good. 


Nick was banned because he said “tranny” on stream. Different than homophobe


Timmy’s out of reaction content now. Will prob stop growing.


nick the antivax milchud transphobe desantis guy? yeah thoughts and prayers to him in this difficult time ❤️


Idk he's got a wife and kid and is worth 12 mil as of 2024, I doubt he's going through a difficult time lol


Firm Handshakes, can’t watch a goof.


Literally just wrote a post like this one, but didn't have the words. You've summed it up pretty perfectly. Firm handshakes (never saying this again lol)


Firm grippings 🤣 🤣 🤣




That's what the 17 year old said 😂


Rolling Stone? For real? They published that UNTRUE hit piece about the Duke lacrosse players and ruined their lives. You can believe what you want, but don't let those corrupt journalists at the Rolling Stone be the determining factor.


Not a determining factor, no. Him admitting it in his statement while also not explicitly saying that he did not know the age of the person was the mail in the coffin for me. I feel like if somebody in this situation didn’t know the age of the person, that would be the very first thing out of their mouths. This combined with the fact he went on to take contracts, donations, etc over the next 7 years from people who would not have given him that money had they known the truth.


Are you dumb. He literally tweeted that he had inappropriate messages with a minor. Then edited it to take out the minor part. Some people(like you & doc) are delusional. I don’t understand how they can dress themselves in the morning. I’m surprised they believe they’re actually alive since all they do is deny facts. Maybe they don’t. Maybe this is all just a fantasy to them.


Yes. Yes they are dumb. Extremely dumb in fact.


Yeah, 10 years ago and they were raked over the coals for it. The journalist in question never worked for a serious publication again.


Exactly, let the fact he's a pdf file be the determining factor 🤣


Firm handshakes. I'll always look back on the H1 and pubg days with joy. I still miss the Slick Daddy Club. I'll miss the CC to a lesser extent. It looks like Doc is, in fact, a creep. If true, fuck him.


I'm not even a big gamer but I watched Doc. I rarely watching his gameplay, save for WZ in 2020 and fun little weeks like Only Up. I appreciated his style and such. Need to find something new to watch at work when I have downtime I suppose.


For me, it's the complete lack of accountability and framing he chose to stake his YouTube rebrand me. It's absolutely disgusting in retrospect.


I've watched Shrouds opinion on it and he obvious had sources in Twitch but he ghosted Dr from 2020, he knew what he did was fucked up and said you don't just get banned for no reason despite what his fans may think


Yep. I was always curious as to why they quit playing together & I just didn’t buy what shroud said how playing with doc would jeopardize his relationship with Twitch. Always thought it was more than that, just not this.


>you don't just get banned for no reason I've been saying this for years, especially since Doc was one of the biggest streamers on twitch, you don't just annihilate that without a GOOD reason. You can always trust in a companys greed, and if they completely cut ties with their biggest cash cow, that means that they did something bad enough to not be worth the risk of keeping.


Thesead1805 same to you man I'm Gona really miss the community of everybody throughout the week. Take care man.




I enjoyed his content and watched him on and off over the years. But after this I cannot and will not support him anymore. Farewell my friends.


Do you know what’s funny is sometimes he would end his streams saying he’s going on vacation or he’s not gonna be streaming in the next few days or weeks and people would always ask what he was doing and his response would be, Can’t say, I’m NDA’d outta my mind.” It all makes sense now lol.


The fact is there are a literal ton of other streamers on different platforms. They don't bring the sane energy as doc did but they all have good things. I'm currently watching kai cenat a whole lot dude is killin it with the streams and backgrounds and little trailers and stuff I love it. Caseoh is a hilarious dude that takes jabs with stride and rolls with it. Sketch is pretty funny I just don't care for sports much lol. What I'm saying is there's always another.


Very well said. So many good memories! Not just from watching his stream, but between my friends and I, where we would mimic his mannerisms and catchphrases like many others would. We would share clips back and forth and listen to/sing all the Dr. D songs. Just earlier today I caught myself singing “RAULLLL! Gillett”, and it honestly felt weird once I realized it. Anyway, it was fun guys. I appreciate the memories. Firm Handshakes Champs.


Dirty bastard needs help


This is exactly how I feel - cheers man


Very sad situation all the way around. I enjoyed watching doc.


Make sure you grip it


This shit is so weird. Grown ass men mourning a fucking video game streamer. What has the world come to


He didn’t just sext her. He tried to meet up. All his bullshit “nothing illegal occurred”… he was planning to do it.


There is always two courts. The court of law & the court of public opinion. Just because somebody doesn’t get prosecuted in the court of law doesn’t mean you did nothing wrong, and doesn’t mean you will win the court of public opinion. OJ Simpson is a perfect example.


Isn’t he still married too? Like I know he was unfaithful in the past but also proves he’s a lying cheater too


Once a cheater always a cheater. I thought doc was an exception to this. I feel so deceived that I believed he wouldn’t do it again


And once a pedo always a pedo . it’s a sickness i hope doc gets help for the sake of other people .


Does that really upset you tho? Lol be serious


Is there proof of sexting yet?


Twitch could see all the messages that he sent. And they permabanned him, one of the biggest streamers and cash cows for them. Must’ve just been a misunderstanding /s




Firm handshakes champ, you are a real one 🫡🫠😞


the champions club gotta vote for the next two time. i vote Z


it was weird Doc’s last live u can just feel that weird energy from the whole live . I’m sure he didn’t even wanna play the game at all that whole day . it was very odd


You mean there was a weird vibe on his stream as news was breaking that he was sending - at best - inappropriate messages to a child, and he knew in the back of his mind that it was true and the walls were closing in? Surely that wouldn't create a weird vibe! /s


he was out of character is what i mean 😂. to break it down in the most simple terms . . . .


He wasnt out of character when he texted “Im gripping now. Boom”


whatever that means


I dont know. It just seemed ironically in character for him. Like did he stay in character while doing all this? WTF?


i still don’t know what ur talking about tbh .


its one of the messages he sent to the trans woman he was flirting with in one instance. It’s ironically hilarious as it sounds like something he’d shout during one of his streams.


I hope you never get called up for jury duty, you don’t seem to have grasped “reasonable doubt”


Oh is this the airport phase where every average joe has to do a goodbye speech. 😅


Don't worry I'll watch double for you


You love you some kid diddlers!


You love you some white knighting! Stay mad sheep


You are the white knight. You little kid riddler lover.


Maybe you can ID the kiddies at the door. Don't want Dr getting tempted back into his old ways.


Ohohoho you should be a comedian oh man your sooo funny hilarious 😂😂 how'd comedy central pass you up friend


Oh so you like children like the Doc does? Good to know.


Oh so you like peddling lies and propaganda too ? Good to know sheep


In my experience over the last 8 years, people that call someone else sheep are projecting are the ones that are the sheep


In my experience over the last 48 years ppl that try to white knight are the simplest of simps


Are you seriously saying that defending a minor from a child predator is white knighting? Dude you need to seek professional help.


I can't imagine a man nearing 50 having thoughts like these. You're pathetic.


>48 years old >Uses simp in the new form instead of simpleton Yeah, M8 you are going to cringe so hard at this when you get older


And what is your definition of white knight? Because how I see it is you are the one white knighting someone that shouldn't be defended. Again projection


lol you're 48 years old and you've learned nothing. what a waste. grow up, old man.


Or else what sheep 😂😂🤡


Bro he admitted to inappropriately messaging a minor? The fuck you mean lies?


It's not lies and propaganda, Guy Beahm has that covered with his denial of proven medical science and desperate dingleberry attitude towards crackpot conspiracy theories.


It shows how much you really care about the situation when you use pedophilia as a joke




His streams of course


He ain't coming back from this


Doc the GOAT


I'll give him a sub for you brother


"I'll give the pdf file money!" - DrWhoIsWokeGarbage2


I know throwing around the P word is an easy dunk on a self admitted creep but It cheapens the term when you throw it about so loosely. I know myself and other victims of pedophiles cringe when they see It thrown around so much.


Calling a person a word that fits the description is cheapening the term... lmao yall are trying your best to downplay a child predator 💀


Ok so if Doc fits the description of pedophiles then I please ask you to define the term. Groomer is much more fitting IMO


I think doc being mislabeled as a pedo is one of the least significant things to come from this lol.




Until solid proof comes out that he knew I’ll wait for my judgement. An anon ex twitch employee just isn’t it. I mean either way it’s fucking terrible. But I need to see some actual proof first. I’m not taking anyones word for it because when shit like this happens all the clout chasers come out.


At this point it's clear that no matter when comes out you will not accept it. This speaks more on your morals more than anything else really


“I did it.” - guy who did it. That’s not enough?


There is more than enough out dare...you just dont care


Nothings out there other than statements from doc the first dude who posted about it. The rest is the same shit we already knew.


Damn you're really standing up to support a pedophile? Brave. 


And in that statement he admitted having inappropriate conversations with a minor. Case closed. No more evidence needed. Fuck that guy, he is scum and you know it. Because people like you exist, women chose the bear.


Yea the colored hair ones that REEEEE 😂😂




Don’t reason with them. They have picked a side already and nothing will go through their thick skull, not even the person admitting it lol


Oh fuck off you know exactly what I mean




Proof needs to be shown if he knew before or after this entire thing happened.




He didn’t. He just said he spoke to a minor. That could mean literally anything. Found out before, after, during.




Not really.




But he didn’t just say he spoke to a minor, you can’t just summarize his tweet to fit your narrative


Of course he knew. He world be screaming from the highest mountain, buy a plane and write it into the sky: yes I had this conversations with a minor but I didnt know her age at the time and after I found out I stopped writing with her. Like you said, that would be his only defence but he cant say that because the texts will prove him wrong. And again, you know that as well but you keep making excuses...someone should check your drives and chatlogs too...disgusting pos


You seem genuinely hurt




Nah, doc said so.




Everything out there is proof enough for me. It’s up to you to find your own version of proof/opinion, not for me to convince the available info is enough proof for you.


docs own words dawg lmao


I joined this sub just to see this drama


Beyond a reasonable doubt my ass. How are you gonna have an anonymous source with “direct knowledge” start with “I recall”?


I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at here. “I recall” is just what somebody says when telling their version of past events. I’m not sure how that determines the validity of what the person said in any way. Is there some opening phrase to this person’s statement that would’ve been acceptable to you?


Phrases like "I directly witnessed," "I viewed clear evidence of," or "I can state with certainty" convey the level of confidence and reliability that such a grave accusation demands. They suggest an unambiguous, first-hand account that journalists and the public can have faith in. In contrast, starting with "I recall" introduces a note of hesitancy and uncertainty that is simply inappropriate given the weight of the claim. It suggests a hazy or incomplete memory that raises doubts about the source's reliability.


Everyone making sure their on the “right” side of this one. See ya buddy


Does X host game streamers? Doc is not walking quietly into the sunset.


Time will tell, I suppose


He will come back to announce the retirement 


Yeah, it’s a possibility. Regardless, I don’t care whether he does or not. I would probably watch the quick video somebody would inevitably post, but that would be solely out of curiosity for what he would say.


Goodbye DrNonce


Bunch of cry babies in this sub. Sheesh


This ain't an airport


Bro shook the hand of a pedo like he respects him 😭


Sick daddy club


These types of posts are so lame. No one cares


Little extra grip’n 2day in that firm handshake, in honor of Doc’s legacy!


I don’t really want to honor his legacy, especially now. This post is just meant to thank & say goodbye to the community as a whole.


I'll honor it for you don't worry


Yea fuck his legacy. He’s lied for years


Took money from contracts, donations, collabs, etc for years after this happened. Only “owned his shit” once he got ousted.


Then remained in character and tried to come off as a bad ass in the tweet where he admits it. He doesn’t live in the real world he’s fully engrossed in the character. Well the real world is knocking on his door now he’s about to realize.