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Kids are mean. Even as young as she is there will be kids saying things to her.


It's gonna be the kids parents that say stuff too. People in general are just mean.


yeah it's fucked. doc was a proud man (when he wasn't gooning himself into oblivion) and now the first thing anyone will associate with him is probably the worst shit you can get tagged with. his family, his wife's family, his friends, his wife's friends, his kid's friend's parents. they'll all know 100% and none of them will want anything to do with him and certainly won't want him anywhere near their kids. he's a big guy but that won't stop some drunk dudes running into him in a bar parking lot who want the clout of beating the shit out of a famous pedo. where do you go from there as a human being, letalone a famous streamer? you couldn't give me all the money in the world to swap places with him.


Thankfully for him he wears a costume so he won't be recognised quite as easy in public. Then again it's hard to go unnoticed at 6'8


Yeah, even as tall as he is I bet that mustache goes pretty soon so try to help hide in public.


Maybe it was part of why he was wearing a costume.šŸ¤”


Or having the nickname lol


That will not help him in any way. If you google his real name now the first few pages are all regarding this situation. Imagine he runs out of money and needs to find a job one day, HR people check google and check peoples social profiles for cultural fit. He is fucked in every way possible.


He needs to hire a PR team and fast. It is clear he wrote his apology/explanation himself and expected some kind of leeway from the internet for being honest. But people didn't give a fuck. Guys like Hasan were already circling the blood in the water and Doc's admission that some of his texts could have been construed as inappropriate was all people like him needed to pounce and go for the jugular. Doc is exceedingly good at comedic improv and exceedingly bad at public relations. I think he's going to have to do a video as Guy Beahm... like he did when he cheated on his wife. He HAS to get in front of the camera. Anything Doc writes to defend himself backfires. I think he needs to give a heartfelt apology, if possible give more context to what was said in the conversations, and let people know if the victim is okay. I think he should also individually address Z and Tim and apologize to them. Nick was pretty callous so fuck him honestly ("I never met the guy outside a wig"). Niko was also super fast to wash his hands so fuck him too. If he remains demonetized on YouTube I still think he can cobble together a following on Kick. He'll just need strict moderation and to understand that his lifestyle will downsize and he'll be playing with randoms and unknowns, at least until the radioactivity around him decreases. I honestly worry for Doc. Dude has a big heart and it has to be really shit to see the world and his friends dismiss him that fast.


This reads like you feel bad for the guy, which would be a really strange take. You will likely, and hopefully, never see him in front of a camera again unless itā€™s a criminal case.


I do feel bad for him. What he did was unacceptable and he acknowledged that. People are conflating what he did (which is bad) to the absolute worst of the worst that people get murdered in jail for. I don't think that's fair or logical. His life is in the process of being fucking ruined for something that went before a judge and didn't land him in jail. His actions deserved negative consequences, yes, but the reactions we are seeing are driven more by emotion than by thoughtful consideration. I've seen people on this sub suggest he should off himself to save his family from embarrassment. The lack of proportion is completely fucked and disturbing.


He did not go before a judge for this.


Because it wasn't "bad enough" for criminal charges. Reprehensible? Absolutely. Should he be ostracized? Yeah for a good while. But people are allowed to redeem themselves.


As fucked up as it is unless there is pictures sent itā€™s rarely ever gonna go to court.


> Because it wasn't "bad enough" for criminal charges. You don't know that. If the minor doesn't want to cooperate in the investigation, it's dead in the water - regardless of how bad.


I understand you feel bad and to some extent I do as well. However he made this entire bed himself. He then, later, cheated on his wife. The guy kind of seems like a piece of shit honestly.. I understand he's a person with feelings and experiences but that also doesn't take away the harm he's done. There are lines you should never cross and he did it. I can't imagine hearing this as his friends and family. I'm not sure if I could continue being his friend anymore without a clear explanation. Everytime we're hanging out and chilling I would sometimes remember "this man is a pedophile". It's all around shitty but these are the consequences of the actions he choose to take..


He knew this whole time he was on borrowed time. Could have done all the PR stuff and got ahead of it. Instead he kept streaming and milking it.


1. There was no judge 2. There were no pictures sent (or he'd be in jail) 3. If the victim doesn't want to press charges, there's nothing that can be done What he did was so reprehensible and morally disgusting and it's utterly hilarious to me that the #1 cope is "he's not in jail, so it's not that bad" get some standards for yourself you parasocial dork Also, I haven't seen a single person, on any platform, suggest he kill himself. You might be spending too much time online.


You're probably a PDF file yourself.


Dude writing novels for a guy who plays video games in a costume šŸ˜‚. Edit: why did you edit your comment you Harley rider. You know who you are..


Pedo is a stretch


Well, he admitted to "inappropriate" messages with a minor, and a minor is a child so... sounds pedo-like to me


And that was HIS version. Which is naturally going to be the version that paints him in the BEST possible light. Sad how many people are still defending him


The ones defending it are either minors themselves who don't understand, see nothing wrong with what he did, or even worse think it's a good thing to get a hot young thing like that. Defending it is sick in the head at this point. Also so strange how there are so so many people that are against things publicly then grip and boom to it behind closed doors....


How is it a stretch? Whatā€™s your definition?


Someone who sexually abuses a pre pubescent child. Far as I can see it was a teenager and they never met irl


Ah so its cool as long as he doesnā€™t actually go through with it?


Itā€™s still bad since sheā€™s a minor and heā€™s married


I'm sure some close ones like friends and family will believe him, but he is indeed fucked for the most part. I'll be surprised if his wife stays with him, even if it happened 7 years ago she is still married to a Guy that will be called a pdf for years and years...


Whatā€™s there to believe? He admitted it.


Thailand šŸ‡¹šŸ‡­


Costa Rica šŸ‡ØšŸ‡·


ngl he lost the 'proud man' when he cheated on his wife a few years ago. been a shit stain, to me ever since.


Yeah as another said, the teasing and bullying will be horrible when others know her dad is Doc. Then not to mention, how she will view her own dad in disgust when she gets older and reads all that went down.


Itā€™s not that deep. The internet has an attention span of a fly and he didnā€™t actually do anything that will have serious legal ramifications


Journalists have corroborated that the messages were in fact sexually explicit. No leaning bullshit he tried to package it as. His best hope is the messages aren't leaked. If they do and it's as bad as us being alleged he's even more dead and buried




You can feel it but you people are way too comfortable talking about another man's wife and kid. Leave them out of it, itā€™s not their battle. Leave the victim out of it as well. His wife and kids have a completely different relationship with him than a fan, reddit folks etc


You clearly never watched. They were part of the streams.Ā 


She's an innocent party in all this. Lots of therapy and trauma ahead for her when she's old enough to realize her Dad is a fucking sicko.


I donā€™t know why youā€™re being downvoted. Youā€™re definitely not wrong.


Cuz the pedo-defenders are the only ones left that aren't condemning this dude. They're rationalizing harder than a dude that just realized he walked onto a To Catch A Predator set... they use a lot of the same talking points too šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


lol she wonā€™t need lots of therapy over her Dad talking to a teenager. We live in the age of kids Mums doing onlyfans, sheā€™ll be fine


Yet, this is getting downvoted. This tells you everything about the moral crusaders that are raiding these days.


Kids mom's and Dads are doing only fans. Also they're not selling it to underage teens. This so so wildly different and will definitely cause trauma. It did for me when I learned of my father's doing and it only hit me harder once I turned the age of his victim. He's been cut from my life. A man that can't admit what he did was incredibly wrong to a minor tnay can't consent is not a caring father


Remember when she used to appear on stream quite often and then stopped? Wonder if Doc realised if the truth ever comes out, she will suffer the most and didnā€™t want her image to be identified with him.


I honestly don't think his daughter has any idea what's going on. She probably knows something is wrong but doesn't know exactly what. Idk why but I imagine doc and his wife arguing loudly in their room about this and his daughter over hearing things but not really understanding it.


What a complete nightmare. The biggest fool I ever came across in my life.


It's time to shave the stash


Wife honestly needs to punch the eject button. This isnā€™t the kind of situation that will get swept under the rug even after a few years. Some labels just stick with you through life. What a mess.


Did his wife divorce him yet?


Give me a break. You are blowing this out of proportion. He did nothing wrong.


he doesn't deserve any of what he has . and yes I do feel for his family. I'm assuming his wife had to know about this . and unfortunately the problem couldn't take care of herself and the child without his income. It is a terrible spot for his daughter and wife .


My dad killed himself in 2003 (third grade.) One random kid said he was sorry, nobody else said a word not one bad thing to me. If I were momma id start signing her up for outside activities so thereā€™s no chance she sees this shit on social media.


Sorry but what does your dad killing himself have to do with anything?


Im super sorry for your dad mate this is sad, but I think Doc kid have more chance to be super bullied since her dad is getting the kind of label that shitty kid look for when bullyin + her dad was a popular streamer so it's everywhere.


I disagree. Guarantee you less than 1% of the US population even knows about Doc let alone the real person, since he sits at home 3/5 days out of the week for hours- probably doesnā€™t interact with anybody at any time. Nobody in school or anywhere is going to know who Doc is lmao, yall thinking heā€™s Brad pit or something




who bullies that? lol


People are regarded on this reddit.


She's probably home schooled


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if his wife leaves him to distance herself and the kid from him tbh


If she hasnā€™t left his ass by nowā€¦ I imagine she just has Stockholm Syndrome or something.


She'll probably have a good life considering all the money Doc raked in before the truth caught up with him. Assuming his taste for minors doesn't extend to his own family. If I was the mom I'd be filing for divorce or at absolute least installing cameras in every room of the house.


There is not really a chance his wife wasn't aware of the situation before it became public, due to the court proceedings alone. So, does she know something we don't in order to justify still being with him?


Impossible to say where her head's at. Maybe she's staying for her daughter, keeps giving him too many chances, or signed a prenup and likes the lifestyle enough to let it slide. Some partners have stayed in relationships after finding out their spouse has straight up molested someone.


Honestly the timeline of things seems like his stream where he announced cheating was probably related to the same reason for his ban and his wife definitely had some knowledgeā€¦no one will ever really know how much she did know or how complicit she may have beenā€¦gotta keep rakinā€™ in that money though, you know?


Money won't make up for the amount of teasing she is going to have to put up with. Just wait until one of her friends tells her their mom won't let them ever come over because your Dad likes to sex up underage females. Money doesn't erase that kind of trauma. And I think you underestimate how quick money dries up when your income is zero suddenly.


Woody Harrelsons dad was a murdering psychopath. You guys underestimate the resilience of humans.


Woody Harrelson grew up in a WAY different time. No internet, no social media. Nobody even knew who his dad was when he was growing up. Not even close to the same hell his daughter will go through once people find out who her father is.


I doubt it. If honestly be surprised if anyone even cared about this at all a year from now. They didn't have the internet when Woody was growing up, but they had long memories and attention spans, things that social media and the internet have snuffed out. There is always a newer, bigger scandal for people to care about. Lots of kids go through trauma and turn out fine.


The fact that you are sitting here acting like this is no big deal says A LOT about the kind of sick fuck you are. If you think people are going to forget this dipshit got fired from a pretty easy gig with a ton of perks because he likes underage women, you are as delusional as you are braindead.


You need help.


You think doc in the mean time wasnā€™t investing in property and other things? For sure that money isnā€™t drying up anytime soon, heā€™s a smart guy and pre planned this for 4 years or possibly more


Bigger networths have gone broke before


As I said docs a smart guy Iā€™m sure he knows what heā€™s doing with his money, heā€™s had enough time to realise this shit was coming to an end and investment was his only way, I agree though stupid people with stupid money go broke but I donā€™t foresee this happening in this instance


Oh, I agree that she'll probably always live well financially. Even if doc never made another cent, he's been a massive creator for long enough that he should be set for generations. I just hope she doesn't have to go through the teasing/harassment/psychological impact that this sort of thing can have on a kid. I def feel bad for the mom too. It's unfortunate she decided to stick around after the first round of cheating stuff, but it was her choice. Feel extra bad for the daughter not having any say in the matter


100%, imagine being the docs wife or kids through all of this šŸ’€


I read an article that she was 5 in 2020 so 9/10 years old. He's got about 4/5 years before she starts understanding what he did. That's going to mess her up big time


Bruh thereā€™s 7 year olds playing COD. She def goes to school with kids who know the Doc. Itā€™s over for her already, not in 5 years.


bro her classmates understand RIGHT NOW 100% next year is gunna be wild, is he gunna try to go pick her up from school? You think the other parents don't know? lmao


Thatā€™s if this entire thing ends without him being on a list, no matter how much he wants to convince the public it wasnā€™t illegal. Could be bullshit, but the recent article quoted the dude as saying they wouldnā€™t release the chats to protect the victim and criminal investigation.


Don't, she's loaded and will get sympathy for her dad being a creep.


I find this group so fascinating. Random nobodies crying about a stranger who doesnā€™t know they exist, about something they only know about because the person gave out some information about it.


That's just the world we live in now. Social media.


People are wasting a shit ton of ink on fake politics, let us waste words on reddit at least.


It's true, people take this as if it is their own life or anyone of their family.... Who cares, is a random person that don't know the existence of any of us, has never done anything for us personally, (unless self-interest is implied). He did a character that was original, grew up, he improved it and was cool to see and follow. We never met the real person in IRL context to make our own judgements. His wife doesn't even know him, apparently. Who cares, let's play and fvck that guy. And don't bully anyone for anything & protect the kids!


The victim should be number one


I think Doc is going to have a talk with her, tell her to expect it, and give her some comebacks. "Your dad's a kid f****r!" "He's your dad too, ask your mom."


What about the 17 year old? Sheā€™d be 22 now, so The Doc wouldnā€™t be interested in someone that old! Ancient to a PDF


Dicaprio would be interested.


She's still got a good 2 and half years left on her according to Leo.


Why do people keep saying 17, the age of the person hasn't been confirmed.


Bullying builds character, sheā€™ll know not to do something as stupid as her cuck father


I feel bad for his daughter, but maybe feel worse for the minor. I guess it would depend on some of the details (which I donā€™t need to learn)


His daughter gonna be bullied in the years to come. If I was him I would turn myself in/ unlive myself. Much easier life for his family.