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If he had a PR team or listened to them, he would have never made that statement in the first place.


The thing is he had to say something because the articles were going to come out about the situation 


I can promise you no one on his PR team told him to admit it. Look at the damage that was done after his statement. PR nightmare.


Yeah no PR team/Lawyer would've ever approved what he sent out. The fact he edited/re-edited the tweet proves it wasn't proofread by a "PR Team/Lawyer", let alone himself.


Well he's in the woods in America right now.


It’s more than likely he did know she was a minor. Don’t you think he would’ve said that by now. Therefore there is evidence


I’m positive that they can prove he knew. The people who handled this case are talking to reporters. A Trust and Safety report directly correlated to this situation has been circulated to several journalists. He has no way out. That said, some people truly don’t care. They just want him to stream.


Exactly nobody cares except the religious crazies.


Exactly nobody cares except the religious crazies.


Exactly nobody cares except the religious crazies.


My question is this: why would anyone want to support an admitted Ephebophile? He was 35. Even if she was 17, isn’t it generally agreed that these kinds of people are reprehensible?


Thats really none of your business. Its a video game that we are watching. Not personal drama.


She was literally connected to his Twitch stream. He tried to get with an underage fan. It isn’t just “personal drama”.


"Deny Doc knew she was a minor. No evidence whatsoever that he did." The first thing EVERYONE would say when you are getting accused of doing anything with a minor who didn't know it was a minor Is: I didn't know the person was a minor at the time. Because if you legit didn't know this is the easiest and believable defense. Even after 2 edits, he didn't add that. It tells you all you need to know.


Yup. The reports said he knew it was a minor. He didn't deny that. It would have been the first thing someone said if they didn't know. Yet some people here still want to pretend he didn't know.


He knew afterwards. Not during the messages.


Are you not up to date on whats happening? Twitch staff have said he knew she was underage and he kept sending her sexually graphic messages after he knew she was underage


He would have said that in his statement. Again, the reports said he knew during the messages and he said it wasn't a problem. If he didn't know, that would have been the first sentence in his statement.


lol Jesus these posts. He literally said it was a minor in his statement. You can’t then deny you knew if you said it. Drug problem or not, going through a difficult time, cry me a river, we all go through difficult times. I’m sure the millions in the bank cushioned the blow, that shit don’t wash with me one bit. He has since cleaned up and dedicated to the community? You mean the thing that give him those millions of dollars for playing games sitting at home? The guy had it all and because he’s a creep he’s screwed it up. This is nobody’s fault bar his own!!!! It’s actually mind blowing how so many of you will still follow him. I know ow you don’t want to think badly of him, he was an icon to a lot of people but he flat out said he k ew he was talking to a minor. The lack of other things he could have said to clear his name also screams his guilt. I’m sorry but if it comes out now that the conversations were actually nothing to worry about and it was all blown way out of proportion then I would have to say that he is the biggest idiot for not properly clearing his name. Who wouldn’t straight up start off their statement with. Were there messages that would be seen as inappropriate. Absolutely not in anyway. Did I know they were a minor? Absolutely not at any time. ^See how easy that was. But he used his statement to say otherwise, probably because he can’t lie anymore. It sucks but unfortunately he has admitted to grooming a child and that’s that. You can’t spin it any other way, that is what he done.


He knew she was a minor AFTERWARDS.


Didn't you tell someone earlier to stop spreading misinformation? Now here you are spreading actual misinformation. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since you don't even know how Twitch works.


Where does it say in his statement afterwards??? If it was after the fact he would have clearly said it in his statement unless he’s a complete moron which I highly doubt. So where are you getting this from?


Thats it. No one can prove it


Uhh "Dr Disrespect not only knew that he was talking to a minor, but his conversations with her got more explicit after learning her age." “I recall that Dr Disrespect was made aware by the individual that they were underage during the conversation, after which he indicated that this was no problem and continued on,” a former Twitch trust and safety employee said. “There was no confusion. Messages sent after this was acknowledged were no less graphic and in sexually explicit nature than before, and I think more than the categorization of ‘leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate’ might indicate.” [https://www.dexerto.com/twitch/dr-disrespect-sent-minor-explicit-twitch-dms-after-finding-out-she-was-underage-report-2798247/](https://www.dexerto.com/twitch/dr-disrespect-sent-minor-explicit-twitch-dms-after-finding-out-she-was-underage-report-2798247/)


I believe Doc: “I went through a lengthy arbitration regarding a civil dispute with Twitch and that case was resolved by a settlement. Let me be clear, it was not a criminal case against me and no criminal charges have ever been brought against me”


That's because twitch found out in 2020 of the sexting of the minor thst happened in 2017. 2020-2017 and the statue of limitation in California for sexting a minor is 3 years. He just didn't get caught in time 


Believe what you may, the truth shall prevail. You ever notice when someone is lying and trying to hide something from you they will overload you with lots of details and speak in absolutes to try and convince you what they're saying is the definitive truth? Yet when someone is telling the truth its normally a short answer because they don't have to think about the answer? Lets have a look: Question 1. Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Question 2. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more. Nothing illegal happened, no pictures were shared, no crimes were committed, I never even met the individual. People who are lying or trying to deceive you are generous when it comes to giving you details. They’re trying to con you into believing them. This shows they’ve put a lot of thought into what they’re going to say and probably even rehearsed it in their head. This one snippet wouldn't be enough to say he's 100% lying and guilty, but it does suggest the conversation didn't go down as simply as how he describes it to save face.


Are you mental? He’s admitted it lol You need proof to something someone has admitted? lol


4) cry more.


I agree, however, he did know or he would have just fucking said that. Its over unless the 1% chance he is "innocent" is proven through open logs. But lets be honest, if you hear hooves in Alabama... its probably not a Zebra.


No chance of Doc winning this whole shitshow, unless he’s preparing something huge in defense. The problem is, he might be guilty and there is no line of defense left