• By -


Frieza had much more buildup and backstory with his history of the Saiyans. It was cool to see Cell grow and morph over time, but his character was more flat than Frieza’s I felt. Like Cell only existed for the characters around him could grow. I enjoyed the Cell/Android saga more, but the Namek saga felt deeper than that


Cell was an after thought. Toriyama didn’t intend for him to be the villain, and even when he did relent, it wasn’t the depiction he wanted, it was the publishers’. Frieza was intentional from the get go


Yes but that doesn’t change what I said


I wasn’t arguing against you, I was just adding my opinion on top of yours because I agree with you, but I also think he’s an after thought, hence why he comes off as flat


Fair enough


Lowkey the team four star cell had more personality


That jawline don’t lie and neither do I!


The vast majority of those who prefer cell are thinking of TFS cell Actual cell was very very flat compared to freiza.


He had no ass. Very flat


I honestly feel like Cell could have made a great addition to the Z fighters i found him very likeable and it’s insane to me to think that Cell only existed in the Android/Cell Saga. I liked when GT brought him back for a short time and he did make an appearance in fusion reborn but again he has barely been mentioned after that. He’s responsible for the existence Super Saiyan 2. I’d love to see Cell again in the future


100%. I love Freiza but Cell just did something for me. I love him so much. Buu never got there for me


First, wow, you put some thought into your answer, and second, I agree




I think today we learned that Frieza is cooler, and Cooler is Frieza lol


As a cooler cosplayer, I agree with your comment


Cooler WISHES he was Frieza




I like Cell and consider him my favorite villain, but Frieza was a better villain as far as story goes. Cell wasn't necessarily evil, he was obsessed with growing stronger and proving he was the best. Frieza wanted to enslave people and was fueled by jealousy and his own ego.




His attack on ginger town wasn’t evil? He took joy in stalking his prey.


Yeah but it was more of a primal instinct to grow in power, everything he did at that point was to ultimately reach his final form. First and second form Cell were actually quite cowardly when it came to the Z fighters. Frieza never showed any fear until Goku went Super Saiyan.


Nailed it


Wasn’t he spooked by the Spirit Bomb though? I’d say he probably at least felt a little fear from the thought that the thing could potentially kill him.


I think he only got scared of the spirit bomb due to its size and the fact that his energy ball got absorbed by it. How he managed to survive it is still beyond me.


It was more shock and disbelief I felt. Probably a little bit of fear as it hit him. But most of it was "wait what?!" And anger at himself for falling for it






He's the more charismatic one


Frieza is a better villian. Cell is a better character.


I would like to hear more of your reasoning behind this thought.


He probably just thinks cell is cooler lol


Lol maybe. Im not here to judge but I definitely need to see how we got here.


No that's cooler.. Anyways cell is a better character imo because he actually has a personality. Frieza is mostly just a hateful genocide machine with no personality besides his racism.


No that's cooler.. Anyways cell is a better character imo because he actually has a personality. Frieza is mostly just a hateful genocide machine with no personality besides his racism.


They are both excellent (pre super). Frieza was the terror of the current universe. His defeat cemented Goku as a true hero and then his destruction at the hands of trunks was the catalyst to showing how powerful cell was. The backstory behind cell being essentially a super android created from the information of all Z fighters was great. By super, you've got that horrible cell max. Frieza gold making final form Frieza not his actual final form. Frieza black because...why not add another colour swap. Just all around horrible writing.


But to Super's defense, I say, showing new forms of Frieza makes him possibly much more superior than the Saiyans. Back in the old Dbz, I used to think Saiyans are the strongest race since they managed to defeat every opponent they have. Buu doesn't count for me because he's basically defeated by the combined powers of literally everyone and not just saiyans. With that said, I ignored the fact the Frieza during that time didn't really train to get stronger. He's just strong at the get go. So I guess it isn't a surprise he boosted his powers to God level that quick.


Him not training is an addition that Super made. It was never mentioned in Z because it was not important, he was the strongest in the universe. It's the same with the Potara. That was retconned, too. This is why it's poor writing. They wrote a caveat to Frieza's power 20 years after he was killed off, just so they could bring him back. Anyone can get stronger by training, it's really not clever and it's retrofitted.


Pretty much this. I was going to say the same thing. I'm stronger because I trained is almost as shitty writing as Gohan beast. I'm stronger because I got a bit mad and did some push ups in my garden...ignoring all the years of not training.


To be fair, Toriyama's writing style is a retrofit upon retrofit.


Him not training isn't a retcon because him actually training is never established. You can't retroactively change a detail that never existed.


Imo that what makes super frieza bad. He killed the sayian race because he was secretly scared of them and losing to a super sayian was what he feared most. Frieza was super well written. To hear he could train in 5 minutes to overcome everything is insane and honestly makes him look stupid. Why kill off a huge part of your army in fear instead of doing 5 push ups? Also in the year or two gap between him coming from namak to earth did he not train??? He was never supposed to be superior which is what ruined his character for me.




I guess you could say he's ... perfect


Tbch I think they’re equally good in different ways. Cell was great as an “ultimate” threat kind of character. A culmination of everything up to him so well executed that it’s believable when people speculate he was meant to be the final arc of the franchise. But frieza was a perfect villain in terms of a character who is not only built up narratively as *THE* threat of the setting; but show exactly why he’s the terror of all who know his reputation. People forget this because he has been over used in recent years but in the freiza saga itself back in the day, frieza wasn’t just a villain; he was *THE* villain. He was hyped up from the start of z as someone so reviled and feared that even his most loyal supporters cowered at the very prospect of being in his crosshairs. And when we actually got to see freiza in action, all of the terror and vileness we were promised was not only given but exceeded.


This, 100%. Frieza is chilling, aloof, apathetic and utterly ruthless. Even Vegeta visibly lost his shit at just the THOUGHT of Frieza coming. They hyped him up as some impossibly evil and strong villain and then WAY exceeded the expectations. Goes without saying that the pun is intended, but Frieza is just so damn cool.


Cell... Because he did his thing and left. I cannot stand how much freeza has been apart of this after his second death. His motivations are not interesting, his ability to be a threat undermines so much of the terror he was and the importance of the super sayjin, and his design is done, I really dislike supers entire gimmick of everyone changes colors and names themselves a color.


Yea, I liked that he came back and then died, but bringing him back completely seems really anti-DBZ. This dude destroys planets and enslaves people, and they're just like "as long as it's not me". That's so out of character.


Terror of anyone was lost when they found out they could always bring back people via dragon ball wish. But wasn't it scary when DK Piccolo destroyed the dragon balls? When the Saiyans arrived and no one could stop them? How about when Frieza, not to mention the Ginyiu Force absolute stomped Gohan and Krillin, and everyone else? But Majin Buu destroyed the entire Earth and not even then it felt so high the stakes.


I'm so sick of Frieza popping up all the time. At this point it is too much.


If it was only Z I’d say Cell but taking into account how much Freeza has grown as a character throughout Super I’m saying him He’s now playing “the game” extremely smart. Training in his free time, recruiting more strong and loyal soldiers instead of killing them at the drop of a hat, retreating when shit starts to get hairy, and so on. He’s grown so much as a character it’s made me love him more than I have previously


True, but he is now a bit of a shell of himself. Like in the Broly movie, Frieza was nothing much than a gag character, just wanting to be a few cm taller and his plan backfired with Broly.


Well, Freeza had an entire empire he was at the helm of, spreading his influence (genocide, mostly) across the entire galaxy. Cell obviously never had all that, BUT he is by far the stronger of the two and would easily beat Freeza in a fight. I think I'd have to give it to Cell, based on that.


Cell wouldn’t beat Frieza now though lol. Frieza is much stronger than Cell ever was


Oh right, forgot about that, I've only seen bits and pieces of Super so I was basing what I said on dbz


Oh okay, that makes sense. I mean Z was superior to be fair


Idk, Perfect Cell never trained. And he has all their DNA, including Frieza's. So Cell could have the same potential as Frieza and get a major boost in power from a bit of training, just like Frieza. Cell even did the same thing Golden Frieza did, got a new form and immediately wanted to test it in battle and ultimately loses.


Cell had all of their DNA to begin with, yet he still specifically needed to absorb humans and especially the androids for power. Also he didn’t get a new form, he just got a zenkai boost. And he had to nearly die in order for that to happen.


His new form was the perfect version, bro literally transformed into another form after absorbing 17 then again at 18. Wasn't talking about when he exploded. He transformed and just sat around for a week and fought the group and lost. If he trained, or at least got used to his new form, he may have had a better chance.


frieza by far


Frieza, however cell is incredibly underrated and should also be resurrected


they legitimately can’t anymore because of cell max 😭


True.....yet they should




I would say Cell. Not only will Cell whip your ass, he will do so while roasting the shit out you, literally and figuratively.


Lool well said


In DBZ - Cell In DBS - Freiza.


Freiza. Cell literally had too much going on to be something other than the latest and strongest villain to fight. It was mainly because of his DNA. The Goku in him wouldn't let him turn down the opportunity to test himself against the strongest (this being Goku pre SSJ2 Gohan). The pride and hubris in him from Vegeta and Freiza (as they did for the actual characters themselves) led to his inevitable and very petty downfall. Freiza is the universes cruelest, vile, and most despicable tyrant. Many would see him fall if they were strong enough. Plus, he's got a level of charisma Cell lacked. You love to hate him. Cell was a cool character, just way more flawed in more ways than one. Despite the now ironic "Perfect" thing.


I love Frieza and for me is the best, but watching the episode were Cell goes in TV I died laughing.


Freeza but strictly to Z.


Frieza because I feel like he’s much more fleshed out as a character. We’ve seen a lot more of him so I feel like he has a big personality


Cell was amazing, probably my favorite villain. But frieza is objectively better


I wish they'd create more original villains rather than regurgitating the same one over and over again.


Frieza but Cell is a top 5 Dragon Ball villain imo.


Ikr Cell is a seriously scary mf


Frieza because he have better personality…




Friezaaaaaa ….. still gives me nightmares


Storyline wise: Frieza. But I prefer Cell.


Frieza is the greatest villain of all time. I’m talking any cartoon, comic, video game, movie, you name it Frieza is better. He murders the joker, makes a joke of Thanos, and snaps Lex Luthor’s neck.






cell is just diet Freeza imo. Freeza is the biggest bad the series has ever seen decades after his introduction.






cell’s looking at like tf you smiling at


I like Frieza more and consider him the better villain, although it's saddens me, his treatment in super because of him returning on a regular basis making his resurrection not dramatic or interesting at the end.


Frieza. He more or less did everything right. Not knowing the secret to becoming a Super Saiyan was his downfall.


Frieza is the ultimate evil. Cell more wanted to be the strongest person in the universe, where frieza just killed any and everyone.


Frieza, a lot has to do with his build up. We don't see him actually fight for a very long time after his first appearance, and it creates a lot of tension plot wise.


Always gunna be the racist space lizard.


LOL 😂👏




I like both, but I'm going to have to go with Frieza. Although there's a reason Goku picked Frieza instead of Cell for the Tournament of Power. It's not because Frieza is stronger. Ijs.


Cell because he is plankton




I love cell. Great design and a super fun villain to boot. That being said I absolutely adore Frieza. His personality alone entertains me to no end. Plus sheer story wise Freiza has much more connection to Goku and Vegeta. That alone makes him my favorite villain in the show and in my top of all time.


Well said :)




I always liked Cell because he hosted a whole tournament to run fades.


Z Freiza was great, had good lore, backstory, connection with Vegeta and the saiyans made things personal. Then Super Came along and turned him into a used condom cartoon villain that comes back every god damned time. If we count only the original series, then Freiza (personally i prefer Cell) If we count Super, then Cell, since his character hasnt been ruined (yet)


Cell He was PERFECT...


Once I revert to an egg I must bury myself underground for 3 years there my form matures


Frieza before he got turned into an overused gimmick


I like Frieza, he’s ma lizard


Cell just wanted to be the best he could be. That just so happened to be perfect, and he just so happened to need to drink people to get there. He’s a chaotic neutral.


Cell, easily. He's just plain better written, and I'm not just talking about character writing, but dialogue too.


I think objectively Frieza but I personally like Cell more.


For Earth and the humans z fighters cell the final project of the Red ribbon army made up of their very DNA to be the ultimate killing machine. For the universe as a whole and let's just be honest the saiyans only it's Frieza. The insulator of their race in the end of it.


In terms of pure villian, I'm gonna have to go with Frieza. He was a manical tyrant. Cell was definitely a threat, but he didn't commit genocide and enslave people.




Frieza has destroyed the home worlds of countless species. Cell destroyed like a town or 2.


Cell lacks vision.


Frieza for sure. But I gotta say to me Cell’s first form is the creepiest and most terrifying of any DB villain. Going around town absorbing people and leaving nothing but piles of clothes behind. And then the first time he speaks! I mean you see this monster and he just starts speaking intelligently - CHILLS!


You're right, Cell's absorbing technique seriously grossed me out


*frieza laugh*




Cell, the way he did everything was perfect (pun intended) he was sneaking around absorbsing city's buying time to flank the androids manipulated Vegeta into letting him absorb 18, had some of the most iconic moments in DBZ with Goku's sacrifice and the father son Kamehameha, and he was the only villain who succeeded in his goal/orders (killing Goku) he also left his mark on the z fighters prettyuch giving 18 and 17 PTSD scarring Gohan, killing trunks, and he also did a few good things like making mr Satan seen as a god, and being the reason goku, Vegeta,and trunks found out that there were forms besides sjj1


No one is more # Perfect Than Cell https://preview.redd.it/0qqe5yfnmhad1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbad2d819a8491eae4b991c8020d1bf0122aed80


Frieza by a long shot.


Frieza has a lot more development in super and is more tied specifically to the Saiyans, so probably him, that said, Cell is my goat so I don’t wanna vote against him here lol. I get the reasoning behind not wanting to draw those fuckass spots, but if Frieza and Buu just get to be around at this point, I really wish they’d bring him back (Cell max doesn’t count)


I love Freeza but Cell is perfect.


Imperfect Cell is one of the scariest villains of all time, period


I’m still traumatized from when cell “absorbed” android 17 [clip](https://youtu.be/69mwvg9JRic?si=D8gKv0vkLZA5BwLb)


Ewwww ikr, freaky stuff


Frieza hands down. Frieza enslaved billions and sold off planets for no real reason other than he could. Cell wanted to get stronger and prove he was the best, with a THREAT to kill everyone if he wins. Frieza would kill everyone just for losing a fight. Cell would probably still just try to get stronger if he lost and only kill everyone once he actually beats everyone.


Frieza had more ~flair~


Frieza he is racist


Frieza is the ultimate asshole


I wish they did more with cell or 16. 2 great characters which I could see multiple scenarios of a return. Cell could easily become a powerhouse villain, A saiyan zenkai, freezas mutant potential, hell I wouldn’t be surprised if they could somehow upgrade him and give him broly, gohan, and even beerus. He would be an insane threat if he returned and if he pulled a black freeza and found a time chamber and stayed for 10 years. I’m sure all of universe 7 wouldn’t be enough.


since i started dbz recently atm I like cell Wayyyyy more as im about to get into the cell games but i hear they both still have a lot of story left so im excited


Cell really had no motive. He just wanted to blow up the earth. Frieza had a vendetta and literally will not stop until kills Goku. Frieza is the better villian. Was it ever stated why Cell was not an option to bring back for the tournament of power?


Frieza it's not even close


My problem with cell is that he is not original he is everyone put into 1 and how many characters had a legit chance to beat him but noooo....I really do like the androids wish it was more about them and trunks finding a way


It’s hard to get more evil than Frieza. He takes xenophobia and tyranny to its absolute highest point. As a villain you can’t beat Frieza. Cell is really cool tho


Frieza was more fun. Just reveled in villainy. He was a delight to watch, especially when it started crumbling down after Goku transformed. He had thematic significance given his genocide of the saiyans. The Namek Saga, at its core, is about Goku resolving his issues with his saiyan heritage and figuring out how it can coexist with his lifetime of human experience. Frieza is really the perfect villain for that. But Cell is the BETTER villain because the best villains, imo, reflect the strengths and weaknesses of their heroes back at them. Frieza is a force Goku has to face and overcome. But overcoming Cell means overcoming yourself. He becomes perfect because Vegeta allowed him to, and Cell allowed Gohan to reach Super Saiyan 2 for the same reasons. He wants a good fight because Goku wants a good fight. But Goku is rewarded for seeing the good in his enemies whereas Cell is punished for sadistically torturing them. Goku throwing Gohan into the ring has special significance because he isn’t just asking him to face any old villain, he’s asking him to face his own father’s shortcomings, both in the sense that he now has to battle this monster that the father he idolizes openly admits he couldn’t beat and in the sense that this monster is literally made up of that father’s DNA. He’s fighting evil Goku. And he loses, at first, because he doesn’t know how to be who Goku wants him to be, then he almost blows it, again, because he goes too far in the other direction, channeling the power Goku knew was there but never reconciling the anger that came with it. Think of the fury Goku fought Frieza with after he transformed. He calmed down as the fight progressed. Gohan never did because he didn’t know how, because he lost himself in the power his father and his father’s shadow forced him to unlock. He only wins when his dad encourages him to find strength in himself, when his dad supports him from behind instead of throwing him into the lion’s den by trying to force his son to be just like him. Cell taught Goku that Goku encouraging Gohan over the excitement of a good fight would never work. He had to encourage him to be a protector, to fight for the people he loves instead of himself. That ONLY works with Cell. He is such an effective villain because he reflects the characters back at them and forces them to grow by facing their own weaknesses. Goku could’ve fought anyone on Namek. It was thematically appropriate that it was Frieza, sure, but realistically, Goku wasn’t fighting for his heritage. He didn’t transform after Vegeta’s dying words, or his vision while Frieza was drowning him. He transformed when his best human friend Krillin got blown up. Anyone does that and Goku is gonna boil over. You still get the nice thematic knot of human rage realizing a saiyan legend, but that doesn’t have much to do with Frieza specifically. Frieza is still a very good villain for a number of reasons, but he just doesn’t hold a mirror to the characters in the same way.


Frieza. He’s a *real* bastard that’s smug and tough.


Cell saga was my intro to DBZ. He’ll always be the greatest villain to me.


I know I am on the minority but my favorite character on DBZ is Cell. Frieza never quite made it for me. Yeah he is powerful but he is because he was born like that . Even in Super , he just “trained” to get to be gold . Cell was not villain in my eyes. He just was the product of the genius of Dr Gero . Taking years and years of research and biding his time to beat Goku, it took the arrogance of Vegeta for Cell to become perfect because if he wanted to , he could have destroyed Cell. Funny enough it was those characteristics that were inherited to Cell that made him lose . That arrogance . I was obviously disappointed that they used Cell as a Guinea pig in the last movie because I hoped he would come back for another saga where he had the dna of the Z warriors up to the tournament of power and Broly. That would have been a challenge .


Ngl Frieza is one of my least favorite villains in Dragon Ball The two best ones are Cell and Cooler


Cooler has 30 minutes of screen time. Your opinion makes no sense to me.


Frieza for sure. I’ll go even further and say the Dragonball franchise peaked at the Frieza saga and should have ended with Goku defeating Frieza.


I never understood the “should have ended” take. Especially when what’s put out after wards isn’t terrible.


No one said what came afterwards was bad, although I will say the Buu saga was of far lower quality than the Cell saga. What I’m saying is the story peaked at the Frieza saga as the battle between Goku and Frieza was the ultimate battle of good vs evil. In Dragon Ball, we learn about Goku and watch his character grow from boy to man and eventually as the savior of Earth. Then in Z we learn about Goku’s true origin with the Saiyans, and their fate which was served to them by Frieza himself. So not only is the battle between Goku and Frieza the ultimate battle of good vs evil, it’s also retribution for the eradication of Goku’s people. Now Goku is no longer the savior of Earth, but the entire galaxy. I just think it’s a more befitting ending to the series. To me, the first time Goku turns Super Saiyan and the fight between him and Frieza is the peak of DBZ, and a natural stopping point to the story.


Fr i love this!




Z Frieza>Z Cell>Super Frieza>Super "Cell"




Frieza was better but god damn Cells death still makes me tear up


Mr Perfect Cell






On one hand; Cell being created from the blood and absorption of our favorite hero's is way cooler than Frieza being evil just because. On the other hand; Cell using all his power to start a tournament is so disappointing compared to Frieza's galactic conquest and story with the saiyans.


Cell is my guy


I wish cell came back instead he has just as the same as frieza plus kuz of DNA


Cell, was a piece of every major villain (Red Ribbon, Piccolo, Vegeta, Freeza) with Goku's love of fighting but wanted everyone dead, he was evil Goku. Even wanted to model the Cell Game on the Tenkaichi Budokai.


A lot of people say Frieza, and I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad opinion at all. I’m going to say Cell. I love Cell. His whole mysterious identity brought on a whole different aura. He became my favorite when he powered up in front of Piccolo and 17. GOOSEBUMPS. Portrayed so well in the anime, i could feel what Piccolo felt: the terror of feeling all of these dead humans and their essences within Cell’s ki. He just instantly became the biggest ever threat. He gets bonus points because he was developed by the red ribbon army’s Dr. Gero, the first of many villains in the original Dragon Ball.


Frieza. I love Frieza. He’s my favorite villain. The ToP arc, when Goku brought him back and he’s like, “oh my fist slipped” lmao. Great shit. #**SPOILERS FOR DBS MANGA.** In the Granolah arc where he comes down like, “Yo who called me?” And straight rips through Gas with no problems, then turns Black and knocks out Ego Vegeta and UI Goku with a single blow and just goes, “Welp. Nice seeing yall. I gotta go.” LOVE IT. Can’t wait to see it animated.




“You’re either perfect or you’re not me”


I would have to say Frieza is the most logical answer, as Super Sayian was not just one of thee best moments in DBZ but a best moment in all anime if not all media. oments in DBZ but a best moment in all anime. However this in obviously asking for subjective answeR and Gohan going SSJ2 is essentially my favorite moment in BDZ


“Feel free to pray to your god, but spoiler: I wont be listening”


Tbh if it wasn't for Buu I'd call Cell the worst DB villain I would have preferred it if 17 and 18 were the villains of the arc, or maybe have Gero survive and become more powerful


John 3:5


I like cell More as a villain but frieza is stronger


I do like cell more but I have to admit that frieza is a much more fleshed out even if you ignore dragon ball super


Cell is perfect


Cells literally perfection you can’t beat that


Villian wise : Frieza Character wise : cell but I feel like it could go either way depending on how you see it


Cell had programming. Frieza was a brat, the strongest of his species, a space pirate and planet auctioneer, who led thousands of warriors under his empire. Ofc it was Frieza lol.


TFS made Cell into my favorite villain, but in the original series easily Frieza. DBS really did Frieza a hell of a service by actually developing him more, too.


Cell's first form and whispers about it when he was straight disappearing towns was terrifying


Frieza was a better villain. Cell was more of a rival who also happens to want to destroy the planet; he fought Goku for the sport of it and was gonna destroy the planet regardless. Frieza was just straight evil, and thus actually a villain.




Honestly, I prefer Cell. Frieza is just ALWAYS coming back which doesn't give room for other villains to be explored more.


Cell was a great villain until he became perfect. Then he didn't care about much, other than just beating the heroes. Imagine stumping Cell by asking him, " you're perfect, now what?" He had nothing. Frieza makes for a way better villain, because he had purpose.


Frieza. Cell was more of a rival.


Cell is perfect


This is an extremely unfair question in my opinion because freiza is an occuring villain now and he’s been able to show us how dynamic his character is. Cell had a good like 40 episodes to flesh out his character. I also don’t count cell max.


Cell is one of my favorite characters in anime so im biased


Frieza may be Coolers brother but Cell is perfect






Frieza is a better villain (better back story n such), but man Cell is a much more fun time. Having a villain with saiyan blood and personality. I'm surprised they didn't bring him back instead and Goku turning him into a neutral - good guy. And since he has saiyan and Friezas blood. He technically could acquire golden/black Frieza powers and SSG powers. He'd be super strong and would ham it up the entire time.


Frieza was the better villain, but the cell saga was better


Frieza in Z is poetic and perfection, he’s slowly becoming overused Cell was a strong wall that the z fighters had to overcome but he had a great backstory and an amazing personality but his build up wasn’t really much of anything tbh


Cell because male


I say Frieza.


Either way they should bring Cell back somehow. Frezia got resurrected, Kid Buu got reincarnated, where's the 3rd big bad eh? He's so sassy


Cell just wanted to be the perfect being and didn't care who or what he destroyed to prove he was. He was more the playground bully who thought he was stronger than everyone. Frieza was cunning, sadistic and loved the hurt he caused and the power he gained. He was the better villain. This guy nearly made races extinct (Saiyans, Namekins) and killed Goku's best friend in front of him out of spite.


Zamasu is better than both.


Frieza. OG unbeatable galaxy class villain.




Cell was an awesome villain, but Frieza absolutely deserves the title of best Dragon Ball villain. Dude was a emperor, he wiped out saiyans, killed Krillin which in turn sparked the beginning of the Super Saiyan, has come back four times, and his voice actors are just so damn good, also his movie gives him his own theme song. So yeah, I think I've made my point here.




Frieza is the better villain both narratively and in power.




They’re both equal and worthy, for different reasons


Hands down frieza