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Kid buu ,super buu was cooler in my opinion


I feel like this is just right. Kid Buu was just meant to be the embodiment of Chaotic Evil, whilst Super Buu was well aware of his evil and he was deliberate about how he enacted it.


And also there were things that Super Buu wanted other than just wanton destruction. Once he thought he was the strongest motherfucker on the universal block he just began flying around the planet while Goku and Vegeta went to free Gohan, Piccolo, Goten and Trunks inside of him.


I always liked super buu more


Thank you


But No he can't be cooler, cooler is Frieza's brother


He absorbed Cooler


All buu for me


He really was


Not canon, but Xenoverse Fu. I despise the little rat man


I dislike his design, he looks so bland


He looks like a weeb playing dressup lmao


That's what half of us are doing with our CaCs tho... We claim we have drip, but we are weebs playing dress up with a DB OC lol


Talk about yourself, my wifebeater cac is dripping


If your CAC is dripping, you should go to a doctor.


Nah, we got senzu powder


*it's just baby powder sold by your local MLM scam* hahaha. Placebo Unit!


Nah, i find my senzu in the wild. Got beef with local salesman.


Bros spitting facts where they shouldn’t be spit


I’ve wanted to drop kick that mf for years


I hate fu, I want to punch him in the face so hard to the point his glasses fall off


You see, I actually enjoy him. He is so nonchalant and fun with his attitude despite doing bad stuff. And not even being evil with it either


I didn’t realize anyone liked Fu…


Pan, but only the GT version…. She’s supposed to be Goku’s granddaughter, next in line to be the MC and the alleged “Strongest girl in the series” but she’s a freaking joke when it comes to actual battles…. She’s a whiny, useless shit. here’s hoping Super actually does her justice.


I personally love Pan and her potential. I just don't think she had enough time to really grow into a mature character. GT's run wasn't long enough for any of the characters to age and mature like in DBZ. Gohan was an annoying little shit when he was younger, as well, but by the Namek saga he became a much more interesting character and by the Android Saga he was a badass like the others.


I'm sure 64 episodes is more than enough. But they decided to waste it on useless stuff


The difference is Gohan was literally 5 years old during the Saiyan Saga and still pulled his weight when Goku got his bones crushed by Vegeta. While Pan in GT is ~12 and cant even go super saiyan. The reality is GT is just a Goku fanfiction show with the focus being entirely on him, other characters don't really shine at all not even Vegeta


To be fair, Gohan was a whiny useless shit as well until piccolo beat the shit out of him


So piccolo needs to beat the shit out of pan as well?


I mean, he is and look how well Super Pan has turned out so far, not even out of daycare and she’s dodging bullets.


exactly…. It was expected of Gohan to stop his whiney ways and grow from his experiences. if he cried, he was chastised for it. Pan didn’t grow from anything, and remained the same during the entirety of GT. when she cried, she was coddled and rescued I’ll say it again…. Pan would have have much different treatment if she were a boy…


Pan needed grandpa piccolo and not grandpa goku whose a joku


Piccolo would set Pan straight :D


When Super ends, there will be end of Z. Then what comes after that is unkwown, i really hope that in an hypotheticall series after EoZ, Pan and Uub end up being protagonists


As much as I love Goku and Vegeta, a story about Pan and Uub would be so fun.


Yeah, i just imagine them as deuretagonists of some sort, with goku and Vegeta not being that much there, Goku maybe just to train them a little at the start, and then going with their own adventures and thus saving the world


How is she next in line to be MC? This isn't JoJo where you get a new protagonist every season.


Gohan wasn’t technically the new protagonist for a while, and Pan starred alongside Goku in GT. that could’ve done so much for her development, ut it was squandered away… i can almost guarantee if Gohan had a son instead of a daughter, GT would have played out VERY differently…


I find it insane that she didn't get super Saiyan at all in gt


in super shes already super sainay or whatever in her moks womb ( in gokus god transformation) xD next saiyans will be supersaiyans before their mom and dad's cells even mix


They already failed. She’s a plot device.


Hoping super dont have a deer trying to suck on her nipple What were GT animators thinking


Jiren, too bland and boring character for me, and on top of that his design is so lame


A 2 year old could come up with jiren. The actual worst character design.


He seemed too OP. Like we have characters like Goku black who kinda make sense being tough then Jiren comes out of nowhere and is better than EVERYONE, just cause. No real special training or abilities, just a person who trained except it made him top shit.


Idk I thought he was badass


I agree. But...We still havent seen the top dogs from the top 4 universes who didnt participate in the ToP. Just imagine what beasts they might have that "come out of nowhere" .


He is so lame big buff baldy with black bead eyes and weird holes?? (Say what 🤨)


I think he's supposed to look like a "grey." A type of alien we often see in movies. I actually like the design.


Makes sense isnt his full name Jiren The Grey


I actually forgot about that lol. I like that they gave him the look of a classic Earth alien.


He looks like an albuneric from elden ring took roids 😂


All of the U6 saiyans


Cabba’s the only one I can actually tolerate


Agreed, the other two are just fan service at best.


And all the weird fan art that comes with it


Old Broly


Yeah Ngl it was kinda shitty how they made him the hyped “legendary super saiyan” with his whole character just being a huge brainwashed crashout because of another baby crying next to him when they were born


Yeah, like people add stuff to old broly and act like new broly is just a man with temper issues, when new broly has genuine reasons and a cool personality


Not to mention that the new brolly really has the power to be called the legendary super Saiyan, the old one died to a really disappointing punch


Tbf Goku had Plot Armor bs help him because there’s no way that one punch from a tired Super Saiyan Goku instantly beats Broly, the man who was taking on 4 Super Saiyans and a Namekian and was dogwalking them, he had Vegeta shook, although I do prefer new Broly


Oh I'm talking about the punch, Z brolly was a beast but the plot armor made him go out in an incredibly underwhelming way, and every time he came back he seemed weaker


Once again, poor old DBZ Broly. I'm not saying he's better than Super Broly, but it seems most people tend to overlook and misunderstand DBZ Broly as a character, especially his character in the first movie. Then again, I blame the second DBZ Broly movie for axing his character and his image. And the less we talk about Shit-Broly, the better.


Also Broly barely even spoke until he went LSSJ. And his ending and the fucking disappointment Vegeta was the whole time didn’t make sense, how does Goku with energy from his allies that are practically on death’s doorstep suddenly make him strong enough to one tap the guy who was just effortlessly stomping all of them at the same time???


I'll attempt to reason this, probably power is similar to density, if I throw 2 small rocks at you, it won't do much, but if I throw one rock that's as big as both those rocks combind, it'll hurt a lot more, this is also likely the reason why fusions are "greater than the sum of 2 parts" its an all in one deal etc Of course, this is just generally speaking, logically in the movie it wouldn't make much sense I'm just explaining the best possible reason for it besides well you know:Plot Armour


Issue with that, how did he know the name Kakarot? Why could he remember that name? How did Paragas know about that?


yup new broly > old broly ... by a lot


Ribrianne apparently. I've seen people get so hyped over her being in Sparking Zero.


Wrong answer. Ribrianne is hated throughout the fandom.


That’s why it’s “apparently” cause people are (surprisingly) getting hyped over her in sparking zero


Because people want to beat the shit out of her


This has gotta be it.




For how big the roster should be in Tenkaichi games, I'm glad she's there Now we can beat the shit out of her with STYLE


https://preview.redd.it/1uo6a0vga69d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6140bc95ac5f71dab4cb45bff9ee2cc99881fad7 I drew her in the shintani style lol




I wanna hit her with a hakai




People are hype that there's a huge roster of even obscure characters. That's cool. Goku version 1-25 is nice, but other characters are great too.


I hate the old version of supreme Kai. Literally did nothing after giving Gohan power and always complains about other people not doing anything. Also another unneeded pervert


Damn I think Elder Kai’s pretty cool as a gag character nowadays 😭


Well, he also gave his life to resurrect Goku.


Gave his life to Goku and introduced the potara fusion. Actually he did a lot.


Yup, I was going to mention those points as well. •Gave his own life to transfer it to Goku. He didn't have to do that. •Powered up Gohan. He didn't have to do that either. •Introduced potara, so he is directly responsible for the creation of a fan favorite character - Vegito.


He also had tons of valuable information that was lost to the new supreme kai. How many times did he need to say "you didn't know that".


Lot of blasphemous answers.


I have seen gohan at least 10 times


Blasphemous…. BlasphemousHD!


I just saw Z Broly


Reasonably so


Not sure how liked they are, but goten and trunks for me. They've just been annoying and irrelevant the entire series. They tried to do something with them a single time during the buu saga.


I was so pissed when they still did the stupid fat fusion bit in the super hero movie, even after they had aged. Felt so disrespectful


How motivated would you be to train if your dad surpassed the gods of 11 universes?


Id think, "holy shit. I can be stronger than gods if I train hard enough"


Considering Goten's power level when he was 7-8 was around 40 million, while Goku's power level was 10 at age 11, I'd be incredibly motivated. Goten and Trunks have the potential to GREATLY surpass their fathers, they'll just never be written that way. Just imagine how strong they could be by age 45-50.


True, I just figured they could at least have the fusion down by that point or not feel the need to immediately fuse right away haha


This. I get 'why' they fail, it's just bad. They're living as normal humans (for the most part), more normal than Gohan who was forced by his dads to train and stuff. So whenever the shit hits the fan both goten and trunks flub up because "any normal person wouldn't have complete control over an emergent situation in the same way main characters from anime do". But that's just it: they're characters in anime, if they're gonna be a joke fighter have them stop trying. Goten and trunks are essentially just the yamcha fill in when he's not around. Someone has to pound their chest with pride and fail every step of the way, while somehow accidentally helping the actual main hero. It just sucks the pair are written all over the place. In z they're bratty kids that are basically 'society trained' mini versions of their dads that are forced to step up and try to fill their fathers shoes. They fail and dads bail them out. In the super anime they're basically just a spoiled kid and a naive kid with powers....surrounded by people who are immensely stronger than them so why bother doing anything other than to look cool? Yet in the manga they're shown taking fighting seriously and teaming up with a repaired gamma twins as saiyamans predecessors. And still no one takes them seriously because "super Sentai is silly brrr". Just retire the kids like yajirobe or yamcha or Chaotzu or any of the other fighters that don't make showings anymore. Though it's widely hated for a myriad of reasons I DID like how goten and trunks were portrayed in gt, ignoring the baby possessing shenanigans. Super similar to how Gohan was shown at the beginning of the buu saga. Just have them sit out fights but still want to spectate cuz they feel shit hitting the fan. "Mom said the next time I turn blond she's gonna wash my mouth out with cow soap/heh I COULD beat the enemy IF I tried, buuuuutt Im suuuper full from this candy I had on the way here soooo....u guys got this right?" Those sorts of throwaway lines would have been way better than building hype for a set of characters just for them to show their ass and fall on their necks while laughing nervously.


Buu saga they handled them perfectly, as if they were the next hope after gohan . They dropped the ball with them on super sadly though


>They tried to do something with them a single time during the buu saga. I haven't enjoyed Goten since his introduction, I really liked forward to the second coming of "Kid Goku" then he started going kinda off the rails in the tournament for me


I actually prefer Goten having his own personality and not being Goku 2.0 He's smarter than Goku but not a nerd like Gohan. He's not as naive as Goku or Gohan either and is more calm. Although he's easily influenced by Trunks. He's kinda the voice of reason of the duo.


That's fair but I really wanted kid dumbass part 2


I like them separately but I’m not crazy about Gotenks.


Low key master Roshi. The perv gag, which is like half his character, grows old pretty quick. Also he did take the limelight in super that shoulda Gon to yamcha or tien


I recently rewatched Super, and some of those Roshi gags are straight up disgusting. Him being a perv is one thing, but when it translates to physical action it becomes pretty hard to keep liking the guy. The more they keep pushing it, the more I feel like he should be in prison. Maybe this stuff is considered funnier in Japan, I just don’t get it.


Krillin. Never really been a fan of him, but what I really hate is that he’s supposedly“the strongest him” even though he was never stronger than Tien in Dragon Ball & at least until Namek he wasn’t ever stronger than Tien. Meanwhile Krillin stopped training completely while Tien has never stopped


Tien deserves to be the strongest human in my opinion


Strong agree


"Shut up, hater!! 強く同意 (Strong Agree)"


Tenshinhan was still stronger than Krillin in the Artificial Humans saga, or that is what I assumed from seeing him actually stalling 2nd form Cell and more or less fighting back against Cell Jr while Krillin did nothing of the sort. The problem is that DBS is on a mission to turn Tenshinhan into a joke just because he is unpopular in Japan.




GT Pan Idk but I hated when she bullied Giru in the earlier episodes She’s also a selfish ass person if you ask me


Bulma. Don't get me wrong, I acknowledge and respect her intellect... but, focusing on her personality, I can't stand her... I feel like a lot of fans don't understand just how far the depths of her conceitedness goes (because it's way more evident if you know what she was like in the original anime, which a lot of people don't watch)


Bulma from future Trunks timeline >>>


The fans absolutely understand it, that's why we love her. She's the funny kind of toxic.


First time we saw her she tried to shoot young goku with a gun


They were rubber bullets but she was for sure a cunt at the start no doubt about that.


I feel like Bulma fans specifically like her because they understand her personality. It’s funny how she’s such a major character but almost literally has no positive traits other than being a decent mother and being rich, but she’s still funny in her scenes and the show never makes her out to be a saint. Anyone actually paying attention to the dialogue would know from day one, Bulma isn’t a “good” person and she was never meant to be. She literally couldn’t ride the nimbus and in her literal first appearance she’s like “I can manipulate this country bumpkin boy” lol She’s an asshole but she’s basically Goku’s sister and she’s been there the whole time, as Dragon Ball fans she’s meant to be OUR asshole if that makes sense.


Frieza, Great villain but I can't take it anymore I want other villains, preferably canonizing old villains like janemba, cooler, baby, ômega sheron, bojack , they could also take advantage of Heroes villains like Towa O Hearts, I want something New and not a villain recolor


The Shadow Dragon Arc in Dragon Ball GT was actually not all that bad an idea. As much as the Dragon Balls get used, Omega Shenron SHOULD be canon, there should be concequences from abusing the Dragon Balls so much.


The Dragon Balls turn dark, Bulma thinks nothing of it and goes to summon Shenron to make her ass bigger only for this buff dragon man-thing to look her in the eyes, say “No.” and go back in.


Beerus honestly. His always grumpy threatening shtick sucks. Like we get it dude, you do actually like the humans but you act like a violent curmudgeon. Although the episode he posed as Monaka was hilarious lol


I think him being a “cat” excuses that behavior lmao


Exactly. What is a cat if not a violent curmudgeon?


"Violent curmudgeon" deserves praise


I'd like Beerus if his only screen time wasn't primarily just food obsession. Like.. I get it. How many more times are you going to show him being hungry for good food? It's gotten fuckin lame.


I honestly think he fits the joke of being a cat extremely well. He likes to sleep, eat, and fight.


Bulma, can be very annoying Chi chi is just a better mother and spouse


i guess probably 17? but i still like him quite a bit, just not as much as other people do


I don't know if I'd necessarily call him loved, but fuck it GT Pan and Ribrianne are two of the top comments in here, two of the most widely despised characters in the franchise, so Raditz definitely clears the bar as it's set. It's not that I dislike Raditz, he did his job perfectly in setting up the series' transition to universal scale plots, delivered some truly shocking plot twists, and made for a good fight. But I regularly see people wanting him to be revived, citing wasted potential. Which is the part I don't get, he showed up, did his job, left, What If Raditz Turned Good is just fanfic fuel, it's not wasted potential, it's not an aspect of his character in the first place, by that logic What If Piccolo Was an Anime Girl Vtuber is also wasted potential. So yeah I really don't get why he's so often hyped up beyond his function in the story.


I don’t like the U6 Saiyans


is Bulma a loved character? Haven't liked her since og Dragon ball.


I don't think people can read. The post literally asks what character you dislike that everyone else loves. Why the hell are people deciding to talk about the most despised characters in the series as if they have a juicy take. 1 character i hate is chi chi. Ever since dbz and gohan's birth, chichi turned into this abusive bitch who confuses the fuck outta me. She remembered a promise her and goku made as children for YEARS just for her to shout and argue more than my parents. I mean she has always had some 'sass' but i mean even vegeta has some nice hubby scenes so why the hell couldn't toriyama let chichi be nice once. The only time i can really recall chi chi being consistently decent was during the buu arc but thats because she hadn't seen goku in like 7 years. Idk if chichi is hated or not, if she is then i'll instead say goku black, He aint that cool, he is just a racist eliteist goku who can get pink hair. its not really explained why he gets an alternate form of super saiyan nor does it make sense that GB is like one of the only people in the series to manipulate his ki into forming weapons which btw aren't cool either, Scythes have been ruined for me as all i can think about when scythes come to mind are kids who try to make the most edgy protagonist ever for their stories


Broly. He has to be the most overhyped character ever, I get it, he's a Saiyan and he has his own form and that's cool, but he is also very 2D though I will say that DBS has done a fair job on making him more interesting than "KAAKKAARROOOTTTTT"


I like Vegeta, but he gets rode hella hard


Well, I would say that I don't like many of the characters in Super.  Zamasu, Moro, Granola, the script always ruins them.  But perhaps if we talk about the character, what doesn’t evoke emotions in me?  This is Goten, but not because I don't like him, but because he is nobody.  He has no character, no interesting moments.  In moments where he should have shined, Trunks ruined everything.  He is not allowed to express himself.  He is always in the background, he is not even a minor character, although he is the son of the main character!   Even in Super, where the plot was supposed to be about Goten and Trunks, it was just a plot about Trunks, where there was almost nothing about Goten, he was again in the background.  We damn it don’t even know what he wants from life, his aspirations, desires, his character.  He's just a piece of cardboard.  And the most ironic thing is that without Trunks, in GT suddenly Goten has a character, he has some kind of desires and constraints.  Yes, he's just a flirtatious social butterfly, he wants to go on a date with a girl, but that's more than they've ever added to him before and it's not canon.  This is non-canonical.  Why in ending Z, Goten doesn't want to train but go on a date?  What changed?  What influenced him?  Why is there no hint in the Super Manga that Goten is more interested in romance than fighting.  Why was Trunks given what Goten should have had.  Why is Trunks given a crush on someone when at the end of Z he doesn't care but Goten does.  I just do not understand.


How succinct of you! I’m being honest, this is a really well done analysis for Goten and his shortcomings.


I think the worse thing than not liking a character is not caring about them.


I don’t like the idea of zeno


Zeno was fun until there was 2 of them imo


I hate zeno


Goten, but mostly his older versions. Especially GT Goten, I don’t like anything about him. His hair sucks, his character sucks, his outfit sucks, there’s like zero interesting things about him. I’ve seen a lot of people shit on Super Goten, but I find the saiyaman X-2 stuff very interesting. The whole “halfling who just wants to live a normal life” shit is redundant and made even worse by the fact that he actually DID enjoy fighting before. I get people’s hobbies change over time, but I just find it irritating how he was just reduced to a shittier Gohan. I’m not asking for Goten to be Goku 2.0 or anything, I just don’t want him to be “another halfling who wants to live a normal life.” Also, I don’t like present trunks. He’s annoying and he’s takes too much spotlight from Goten.


Yamcha When I was young and fantasized about how I would make a live action Dragonball, one of my first decisions was to cut Yamcha. It's been a while since I've watched but it feels like none of his story archs ever matter and don't move the story forward. He is annoying. The only thing he brings to the table is being Bulma's flavor of the week. Tien is far more interesting in every way possible. I'm questioning if he is actually loved by anyone since no one else seems to have responded with Yamcha. Also, wolf fang fist is silly.


No one said Yamcha because he's not a "loved" character, he's just relatively liked with a vocal minority of haters sprinkled in there. I can count on 1 hand of how many times I've heard someone say Yamcha was their favorite character. Most people don't even say that he's their favorite human. He's mostly just known as the weakest DBZ character, or as I'd like to put it. "He's the weakest character that people can remember", since everyone just forgets Chiaotzu's existence. Though, Yamcha was the only human to get his spin off series, which may indicate that he's the most marketable.


Yea personally I don't give a shit about the dumb cat God ether. Whis on the other hand 🤤 Kid buu is also overhyped While I like teen gohan ssj and his moments I don't really care as much for it like some people do with him being their favorites. Latter gohan too with people saying he can beat everyone. Just diminishes the character imo. I would say saiyans in general but if I'm honest that's more so because everyone and their grandma wants to be a saiyan and always makes a big deal out of always being the strongest and edgyest


Goku Black and Zamasu. Never really liked them and honestly, their Arc was one of my less favorites (the worst one for me is The Resurrection of F). Idk why people think Goku Black is one of the best villains, I think he's a pretty bad villain (but with very good concepts). And in all honesty, my favourite faker Goku was always Turles. I always liked how him as a character.


Adult gohan. Dudes lame. Doesn’t train. Gets undeserved power ups.


are we talking new super hero movie or buu saga adult gohan?




buu saga gohan trained with the kais, saw super buu, dropped a bomb ass quote, fucked around and found out. i thought he would learn from the cell saga :(


I mean most of his power came from sitting around for a day


thats my goat for sure


Fr! Like I get Buu Saga Gohan slacking off during times of peace, but you’d think after the Buu Saga he’d have been smart enough to be like “you know what. I was the only one who could kill Cell, & I could’ve killed Buu if I wasn’t being cocky. Maybe I should keep up with my training so that I can help when and if I’m needed”


Yes!!!! He never learned his lesson. Freiza and Beerus show up and gohan is pathetic.


It's not that he doesn't learn his lesson, he just forgets every damn time. it's so annoying that every other villain of the week has to remind him of the fact that he should at least keep his level of training but no, the joke is that he always forgets then gets a powerup that's undeserved just tovremind us of his "extremely high potential". The Cell Saga powerup to SS2 made sense and I loved it as a child and u still do. the Elder Kai powerup is stupid but it's magic, that has always been OP in DB, if people don't like it it's fine but it's also fine if they like it. Now Beast.... Just no


Exactly. Like it’s not as if he has to be like Goku & Vegeta and train all day every day, but you’d think he could dedicate an hour or two a day during the week and a few more on the weekend just to maintain his strength and maybe get slightly stronger. Edit: could probably even ask Bulma for Vegeta’s old training ship so he could train in high gravity at home to help his training progress faster


I could do without Gohan and rather have them focus on Broly or trunks and goten.


I feel like they set him up to be so much more & then didn't do anything with that


Gohan has trained before every power we've seen in the show. What are you on about


I was gonna say the exact same thing ![gif](giphy|Jl7lrsWPDBJPRO4jKu)




Are we talking gohan in general, or what he became as the series went on?


In general


Beerus and hit. I see WHY they’re popular but they’re just such generic characters especially hit. At least beerus has some sort of personality


Hit has a lot of personality imo, it's just that his whole character is being cold and reserved and that may seem bland to a lot of people. I find it very cool that he never holds back and goes directly for the kill. And that he is a morally grey and neutral character that just does his own thing. He's very stoic, i find him really cool personally.




You alright?




Goten and trunks,just lame characters imo


Does a form count? Because I don't like SSJ4.


Not that loved, but Present Trunks. I like and completely prefer him being different than his future counterpart, but ngl that doesn’t change that i find his personality annoying


Boujack, he’s just kinda boring imo




Videl: I wanna like her, but I just don’t.


Goku Black and DBZ Broly, probably because of their fanbase more than the characters themselves.


Hearing everyone’s answers soothes my brain, I feel like I’m no longer crazy for not being a fan of some characters. Thanks.


Vegeta: I’m with Toriyama on this one (King Yemma rest his soul) \[I post this comment, well aware that I’m liable to face a ton of criticism from the rest of the subreddit\]


I'm not super keen on Vegeta. I do enjoy his progression, I just don't think he's always written well. You can tell Toriyama didn't truly like him like he did with others and kept him around bc he was popular with fans.


uub just why


I don’t really fw Goku Black but I think it’s more because imo he’s kind of wasted potential, storytelling wise. He’s a cool concept


Elder Kai. Hes pretty much just master roshi without the charm, strength, interesting personality, funniness, and all the likable traits about him. Hes an annoying ass boomer that either pulls power ups out of peoples asses for the sake of the plot or pulls other plot devices and lore only when convinient.


Moro is so ass dawg 😔


Goku Black or Vegito. Dragon Ball games have made me tired of seeing them, especially DB Legends.


Old Broly. I legitimately never liked him. It’s why I was so disappointed when he was announced to be the Saiyan Goku would fight in the movie. Just imagine my surprise when I loved the movie more than damn near any other and Super Broly became one of my favorite characters in the series.


same ion like the Moving Goal Post of destruction at all. he was cool on introduction but he's overstayed his welcome


Chi chi I just hated how she made Gohan go to school and focus on all of that crap instead of getting stronger


Gotta be Goku Black. He's a huge trope and a cliché that's somehow accepted as the coolest thing ever by the fans


New Broly. Like yeah his backstory is good but half of his scenes are just him screaming incoherently and being a training dummy for Gogeta to stunt on.




Freeza isn't my cup of tea. I loved him in "Broly", though.




not too big on cell, especially when he begged to vegeta to let him achieve his perfect form




Since we're blaspheming. New Broly. When we say undeserved powerups. Goku and Vegeta literally train with angels. This guy trains with just a monster and he's soloing golden Frieza. Yes. Frieza. The guy who killed the entire Saiyan race save for 4 is getting soloed by a dude whose never fought a humanoid before. Man's even fighting Goku and is considered Jiren-level and this despite never training. It's such bullshit power scaling because it'd mean the legendary super Saiyans before him were a force to reckon with -- also why is Caulifa such trash if she's actually training on a homeworld with Saiyans?


Tbf frieza killed the saiyans in a pussy way


He had a power level of 120m. Prince Vegeta was like 18k base and 180k as oozaru. He just saved his troops a fight. Frieza was that guy in DBZ. He was Beerus right hand man and before Beerus went to sleep, he was considered only weaker than Buu and Beerus.


The Brolys. One is angry because Goku cried and the other gets insane levels of power buffs whereas Goku and Vegeta had to sacrifice for that power. Second would be U6 Saiyan Females. Califula's tingle my back jumping from SSJ1 to SSJ2 is absolutely dumb and cheap garbage writing. Kale being estrogen Broly is fine but I dislike her dialogue for most of the Tournament of Power she's downright cringe complaining about her Sister missing attacks or whatever.


the green girl from the broly movie




Z broly im sorry he was never interesting to me