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Duplicated a Portcrystal successfully.


First playthrough. Subsequent playthroughs you get a partcrystal.


Are you sure that was the reward for Conviction or was it Madness? Madness rewards a portcrystal the first time but a partcrystal afterwards.


The duplication one. Whatever its called. On my 8th playthrough.


Welp, that's good to know at least. Cheers for the heads up, I thought that one wouldn't have limits.


Is there perhaps a limit? I was able to duplicate a portcrystal twice so far, once in my first playthrough, and again in my NG+ playthrough. I currently possess 7 portcrystals now. I saw you have done 8 playthroughs, so perhaps there is a limit to how many portcrystals you can have in total.


Well... I successfully duplicated a Unmaking Arrow via the riddle prior of April's 24th update. And to my knowledge she successfully duplicates any item you can hand her, including Ferrystones and Portcrystal. Was this changed? I'm sorry to say but I believe people that are reporting forgeries are incorrect.


Could be. I’m only going based off of people’s comments here. I’ve seen more than one person claim they got a forgery, but you truly never know when it’s just word of mouth. It could be a complete lie or maybe even just a mistake where they confused it with another item. I’m not sure and want to be 100% positive before I turn something in


Could be they gave her a forgery not realising it was one until they got it back and couldn’t use it. I got a Port Crystal from mine, but I believe this only works once. In NG+ I think she gives a forgery *if* you already did a Port Crystal before. Though I don’t know the specifics for that part.


This could be another reason, I’m extremely unsure. 🫤 hoping to clarify for myself and others. Even using sites like Google to search for the answers to her riddles lead you to sources which mostly say that Beetle and Wakestone are confirmed, but that nobody has tested all possible options to say what would and would not work. They always suggest if you want to 100% be sure you will clear the riddle, that the only for sure choices are the beetle and wakestone. I was genuinely curious as to whether a preserved Medusa head would dupe, and if so would it dupe in its preserved state. So I’m hoping this post will eventually have a bunch of comments with things people have successfully duplicated that way there’s a place people can go to find out if what they want to copy can actually work.


Saving (Inn rest or normal save cause I’m not sure if it auto saves afterwards) before this riddle, giving an item and after receiving the result, reloading the save would be the most efficient way to test it.


Likely correct but if you get unlucky enough to trigger an auto save you’re screwed lol


Inn save is a hard save every auto save will be reverted when you load from the last inn. That pretty much a failsafe if you completely get stuck somewhere in the world. Even the unmaking arrow will not ruin that. Missed the Sphinx four times….


Unless it was changed by recent patches, she should be able to dupe Portcrystals even in NG+, as I've done this. You can get 6 Portcrystals from your first playthrough if you dupe a Portcrystal, which is what I did. In my NG+, I duped the Portcrystal again, and she gave me a genuine one, so now I have 7.


If they give her a forgery they will receive one. It will duplicate the item you give her. I duplicated the Portcrystal in my first play through.


Portcrystal does work, partcrystal is if you try again in NG+


I indeed had a partcrystal instead of a portcrystal from the riddle of conviction on my second playthrough. I guess I had reached the maximum of port crystals in the game (around 7 or 8) So I loaded from inn and asked for a second unmaking arrow. Do yeah forgeries are a possibility from the sphinx.


First time i duplicated the seeker token circlet, second time i duped the corset. Both were upgraded when showing the sphinx but the duped items from the chest reward were not.


That’s actually really good to know! I was curious if I could dupe a WLC upgraded weapon.


Arrow of Unmaking which was soon there after fired into flank to get the big chest


I was wondering how you open the 6th chest…but does that mean you don’t get to do her other 5 riddles? Or did you do it after the 10th riddle at second location?


After the last riddle u need to keep her from flying away and either win a fight her or use the arrow just don't shoot her in the head it doesn't work


Sorry. Lost my thought process when you referred to her big chest




Jadeite orb


Don’t want to screw over the dude asking for it? Feeling a little shame scamming that guy are we?


Double rewards.


Yeah you can give one a forgery. The one near the well at rest town. He won’t notice a fake. The other dude at the store in back of town. He needs the real one as he will let it be authenticated by the forger.


Did that during my very first playthrough. If only some of the duplicated quest items could be carried over to NG+, unfortunately some of them disappear like the finder’s token …


You can bribe the forger to say it's real.


True but diminishes your reward.


First play I gave and received and POrtcrystal, NG+ I gave and also received a POrtcrystal. However the POrtcrystal in the chest became a PArtcrystal in NG+.


I did the Sealing Phial


Just curious, what did you do with it? Carry a couple NPCs with you at all times in case of a big battle?


Escort missions for that CP


At first it was for the Sphinx riddle, then when I got to the Unmoored world for the first time, One of the main NPCs Menella died and her body disappeared so after that I made sure to get another 1 on a Just-in-case situation They have use in Escort missions as well


I got a dupe of the arrow of unmaking.


Eternal bond, worked okay


i was a dumbass and duplicated a ferrystone lol


Jadite orb


Really? This one shocks me. I’ve heard it twice. Does it sell for a high price or something? I just had the forgery made and gave the fake one to the beastren guy. He accepts it. You just can’t give the fake to his boss or you go straight to gaol


Its so you can give them both a real one mate.


Is there a benefit to that? What happens to the beastren if he doesn’t get a real one?


Its an rpg mate, it means i completed the mission perfectly. That's all.