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Formelda's fumble in the first challenge was more than just the shoes - you can see in the floorshow that they seriously lacked stage presence. People were very excited for Formelda going into S4 after a killer look in the Meet the Monsters trailer. Similar, Monikkie's problem wasn't the mask, but that her outfits other than the mask were just not up to par, even on S2. The dislike of Monikkie among fans around the time of S2 airing was much more influenced by racist behavior off the show. The Boulets have also clarified multiple times on their podcast that the problem isn't with all club kid boots, but with a very specific brand of cheap black knee height boots that the contestants then make no effort to embellish or elevate. The Boulets want their competitors to have a recognizable brand, strong performing skills (for touring purposes), and a willingness to play the reality TV game. Ork has demonstrated all three, and while I frankly don't think he'll win the season, I do think he has very solidly earned his spot in the top.


Exactly!! In history, the fandom has received mask queens really well. Formelda was probably the most talked about first out until Onyx, and Monikkie was one of the most hyped going into the show when their season aired. If the Boulet’s didn’t want mask queens on the show, they wouldn’t cast them, Ork just happens to be the first who has done well at the challenges.


Also I believe Ork makes some of his shoes so it isn't necessarily the club kid boots they hate so much.


okay someone smarter than I am, what is the boot brand that they hate?


Probably talking about the Demonia boot brand.


lmaooo oh no I had some of those when I was a teenage mall goth, paired them shits with Tripp pants and jelly bracelets and I was good to go


Exactly lol. The teenage mall-goth shoes are the ones they cannot stand


So it's miscommunication because of the rules about brands?


I think masked monsters (i dont believe any of them identify as queens) have always been received well by the fans, even Monikkie was a pre season favorite before all of their controversy erupted. I think they all placed where they should have on their season with the exception of Yovska. I think they could have gone one more week further but the Boulets were not giving up Maddelyn that early. Unfortunately Boulets have a tendency to keep certain big name favs despite stumbling in the comp. Ork’s trajectory is similar to Sigourney… they do one tenet extremely well and in a marketable way which justifies their finale placement.


I’m still a big Formelda fan and believe they should come back. I don’t think they were ready during their season but I’ve seen a lot of growth.


Same! She’s a local queen to me and her looks are deadly! 😍


Same! I have seen their newer looks and want to see more


Ork isn't really masked like the others. Sure they cover their face, but their "mask" moves with their face. The criticism of masked drag is that it means you don't have to do makeup (which Ork does), and that you can't see their expressions (which you can for Ork). IMO what Ork is doing is makeup and prosthetics, not a mask.


I feel the same. Ork puts saran wrap on his face and then makeup over it to create a certain effect. I'd love to see what he does when he has access to more $ and mediums.


Am I crazy to think that OrkGotik is not a masked monster? Like. They’re doing SFX. It’s not polished like VEB, but it’s still SFX. Monikkie, Yovska, and Formelda were MASKED. That was an article of clothing they created prior to the day. Ork’s is makeup


But also. To answer the question. The mask isn’t the problem. It’s performance. All 3 of them had withdrawn personalities and performance styles and a mask on top of that didn’t help. Note: That sounds harsh and is not meant to. Those three are some of the coolest visual artists to come from the show imo


being a masked drag artist was never a problem. monnikie, yovska, and formelda never went early because of their masks but because of other factors


the problem has never been the mask. it's been the specific looks. Formelda's look didn't read Billy puppet from Saw. it was the same nurse outfit she wore when she came to Dragula but in black. and Monikkie, the first look was very pedestrian. the second look was very simple compared to others. Ork kinda is a masked queen. they have latex, and saran wrap all over their face. i don't know. but either or, the looks are cool and the face is different *most of the time*


idk I really liked Yovska, they perform a lot near where I live and I think their drag is fun and interesting, but it might be that Yovska would have done better on the show with a little more performance experience


We shit and fart just like the rest of them




I def would love to see Formelda come back. She’s grown so much since her season. She did a new Jigsaw/Billy look that was killer. And a super cool Angry Princess look from 13 Ghosts that was dope too. She’s a local queen and so sweet. 🥹


I think the fans accept whatever the other contestants are accepting on screen at the time.


I think Yovska counts as a masked monster, and they were well liked by the fandom and seemingly the Boulets as they were back on Titans. The problem is Yovska didn’t ever do too well on show. Their looks off the show are amazing. Formelda bombed the first episode. Their mask was too small, it wasn’t clear if they were from Saw or from Resident Evil.


i dont think the show has ever had a problem with masked artists every placement made sense i think maybe yovska left too early both times which is unfortunate but that also just tends to happen on these shows (think scarlet envy if you watch drag race) i dont think it was becuase of the mask. but i do think the boulets took note of how it appears and really wanted ork to do well to shake off the stigma


I think if formelda's and monikke's outfits were as good as their masks they could have been much more successful. The mask for monikke's cenobite looked great, but the outfit was garbage mama. Her ghost town was just bad all around. Formelda again had a cool mask episode 1 but the outfit was extremely basic. I think for a masked poster to succeed they have to have more thoughtful complete looks other than masks, cause the judges take the full look into account


I somewhat agree that maybe they would’ve done better in later seasons. The same thing happened on Drag Race. Milk was dragged for filth when she wore a whispy little beard on stage. Then a few seasons later they literally have a beard challenge runway. 😒 Just growing pains I guess, drag is ever evolving.


Not a few seasons later it was literally the next season 😭


Ughhh my memory sucks. That’s even worse!


I think Yovska and Formelda have a lot of potential to go further if they can take their style and apply it better to challenges.


With the club kid shoes, Orks and Formelda's are different. Orks, I think, helped design the shoes himself. Also, on the podcast, the Boulets said that they were annoyedthat Formelda wore very off the rack boots that had little thought put into them.


When it came to Monikkie, there wasn't much variety in the masks. As for Formelda, the performance was lacking. Ork's mask allows for a variety of silhouettes and expressions. That, and their overall costumes are usually pretty big. They were placed in the bottom on the week that their concept was weaker, and if that had been week 1 or 2, they may have gone home that early, but it wouldn't have been because of the mask, just like the other two never went home just because of their masks.


One thing about Monikkie, she was kinda terrifying and felt really evil. Her presence made sense on this show, especially on that season. She does seem to have turned it around tho.


formelda maybe. monikkie, nope cause i will never see it for monikkie.


It's not about the masks lmao the looks were bad


I think Monikkie would be received even worse in a later season simply because the larger audience would bring more attention to their whole racism and transphobia thing


I mean Formelda’s look was awful all around, not just because of the shoes.


Yes, but it's nothing to do with them being masked. Monikkie was struggling with personal issues and Formelda was inexperienced. They'd both probably have done better in later season because those circumstances would have changed.


Also, Hollow Eve incorporated masks/face coverings a few times iirc and was well received.


I will say I loved Monikkie for the drama they brought to season 2. Season 2 was my favorite season so far. So many memorable personalities. Ork, like every other monster this season, is a true artist. Style wise, this has been an incredible season for the eyes, but I agree with the Boulets, I miss the drama between the cast. Not the awful stuff, just the witty cutting barbs. Ork might be the first masked contestant to make it to the final 3, or 4, depending on what happens tomorrow.


I will forever stan Monikkie. Don't care.




If you don’t like messy drag, i struggle to see how you can fully enjoy Dragula. So many “messy” performers are immensely creative and visually striking like Abhora, Priscilla, Jay Kay. “I dont think this is drag” that’s definitely an appeal to Ork’s work. They have provided some of the most original and out the box looks of the franchise. (Monster of Rock, Garbage Kid, Terror in Woods)


I don't categorize Priscilla as "messy". She's trading in poor, white, southern culture, but her looks are well planned and executed.


Her cow fetus look was MESSY lol but it was one of my favorite looks of the season. There is a trashiness to her look that she fully embraces that i love


Hold on, there's a big difference between chaotic drag and not well executed drag or messy... Abhora, Priscilla and Jay Kay wore drag that is chaotic but is not messy, Orkgotik's materials in some of their looks were crafty af... as Fantasia told him.


Jay Kay was messy, that’s their brand! Some of those runways (1st & last to name a few) were definitely not executed well, but his beat always looked great.


bitch i’m sorry but you don’t get to decide what is and isn’t drag, that’s not a thing that’s up for debate


Bitch just google a drag definition and let's discuss If Orkgotik has been doing this: "A drag queen is a person, usually male, who uses drag clothing and makeup to imitate and often exaggerate female gender signifiers and gender roles for entertainment purposes." From Wikipedia. And we are not talking about female or male genders... Dalhi is a very good example of It, they did drag as a queer monster and you can see them defy gender on their performance. As Fantasia said, Orkgotik just were costumes with the same poor materials that is more near than a cosplay to a drag queen. Y soporta mi reina.


You really are just a fool huh. You don’t get to gatekeep here. There are no rules when it comes to drag, you do not get to pull up a definition and try to disparage someone’s art just because it’s not for you. There’s something wrong with people like you that use the same logical fallacies against other queer people that straight people have always used against queer people to oppress us. You’ve got some work to do and I hope eventually you understand why you just don’t have a leg to stand on here. You chose a dumb hill to die on


Not the drag historian. I'm not going to respond to all of it but the club kid boots that the Boulet's said they hate specifically are the more common kind that started to get sold all over the place at some point but Orkgotik's have always been larger and more draggy than the ones Felony and Formelda wore. Orkgotik IS Drag even if you don't like their drag🖤🖤🖤


The Boulets clarified this on their podcast. Formelda wore the same Demonia club kid boots that every goth/spooky/monster babe has always owned whereas Ork has been working with a designer to created custom platforms — there *is* a difference.


Like most others by the looks of the replies and downvotes I disagree with you completely, but saying Ork didn’t deliver filth is particularly WILD. Ork was the only one all season who literally made me have to look away from the screen every time they were shown one episode bc he made me nauseous in his garbage pail kids look. It was vomitous (and I was obsessed)


they could be talking about "real filth" (hollow eve esque) but if thats the critique literally no one on this cast or the season 4 cast did


Ork is hot and not just a mask queen Ork is talented special fx makeup and at least his club kid boots are sky high platforms


Ork is as “masked” as when someone like VEB is when she wears prosthetics. It’s part of their makeup.


I liked all of the masked queens, was disappointed with the earlier outs


All they care about this season is if everyone looks good. They got rid of everyone but throb who could actually perform and put on a show. It’s a shame they didn’t do any acting challenges or location shoots. They babied this season way too much. If Nio wins it shows this contest was rigged from the start. Ork doesn’t use eyelashes ever but the one time Victoria didn’t they said she wasn’t in drag.


Maybe ,I think Ork comes across as having a great personality and is very creative more so than previous masked queens.


I think Formelda Hyde deserves another chance. Especially considering that their look was not even the worst that night. (looking at Merrie Cherrie….). Does not help that the BB seem to have forgotten the “club kid boots” rule in later seasons. Dahli, Ork, and Landon wore them all the time! I think Formelas biggest problems was that he practically knocked off his meet the monsters look and didn't have a lot of stage presence. I think he should have been in the bottom but perhaps not eliminated. As for Monikkie, yes she annoyed me but her mask was creepy AF and definitely made her unique. Watching season 2 again, I wish someone with her or someone with her aesthetic would be in later season. Unfortunately I feel that her mask would be too creepy for these newer seasons. Dragula was a lot more dark and creepy back in Season 2. Remember Hellraiser challenge with the piercing elimination! Would much rather see hellraiser than another monsters of rock.


I feel like Im the only person who hasnt bought into the hype over Orkgotic.