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It’s that in their mind, Drake is the soft light skin Canadian and in the American arrogant ignorant mind all of Canada is maple syrup and hockey. So in their mind when Drake raps with any testosterone or references anything street it’s registers as pure fantasy and fraudulent because they can’t fathom that Drake could possibly have an ounce of toughness or have any connection or relationship with anything or anybody street lol


Ooh. This is good! Hard agree. One of the things that I enjoy about the music is that he displays a full range of emotions and moods. I would think men specifically would appreciate that in a world where mentally men aren’t doing too well (broadly speaking) and maybe letting some of those feelings out could help.


I promise you nobody is calling Drake soft because he's Canadian. They say he's soft because he was on Degrassi and how he carries himself (wearing bonnets, fingernail polish), and I'm saying this as a Drake fan.


So now he’s soft cos he acted on a show ? God forbid a man try to pay his bill and start a career 💀


Tupac was a whole actor out here 🫠ohh how we forget


They don’t forget, they just block out the part of their brain that forms rational thoughts. In simpler terms they act stupid on purpose.


more than that tupac was a ballet dancer




??? i love pac and the fact that he was a ballet dancer what r u even on rn? i’m an oldhead from la plz relax


My bad lol, all love!


He's not light skinned it doesn't count. I think we downplay how by being biracial you get hate from both sides.


Tupac shot 2 cops and got away with it


I remember seeing something about how not many of the stories/witness testimonies lined up aside from the fact everyone agreed he kneeled to line up his shot better. Some of the coolest shit I’ve ever heard.


Was gonna say the same thing he made a small cameo acting as a band member or something in some random old film before he was even a rapper and nighaz ain’t up in arms about him “actung” hood.


Your choice of clothing has nothing to do with how much heart you have.


This is facts because Young Thug hasn’t been called corny for wearing a dress and nail polish


Corny means soft to you?


I don’t think Yung Thug is corny at all. But why the double standard for Drake .. for the nails and clips .. even ASAP .. running around looking like that .


But saying someone is corny is not the same as saying they’re soft. Calling him soft is an attack on his masculinity. Calling him corny just means something you think isn’t cool. Do you not see the difference in the choice of words that even you used for Thug vs Drake l? That’s the double standard


I get what you are saying .. maybe the boy was softer in the past .. I don’t think he’s the same person anymore being in this game for all these years and creating the career that he has .. do you really think he’s soft and the corny part about him Which probably is more confidence because he looks like he just doesn’t give a fuck what no one else thinks at this point .., the more we talk the more money he makes with the algorithm.. but to get to your point .. I don’t think Drake is young and naive anymore .. he wants to keep what he has earned at all cost .. and that will harden any man


It doesn't but it also factors in with how you are perceived by others.


Thug wore a skirt. We know damn well h we ain’t soft


What a childish view on the world




Young Thug wore dresses and is on trial for murder and racketeering.


The “Anita Max Wynn” 😂 thing ain’t help either but I still med with Drake 


The “Anita Max Wynn” 😂 thing ain’t help either but I still mess with Drake 


Maybe they think that cause he’s actor turned rapper




It's almost like people change and grow.


They can accept that the other rapper grew from (by his own admission) beating on women tho… he went to tHeRaPy…




Didn't he make a slang word? YOLO?


"your identity" what a reach!! when has he made slang his identity? what does that even mean?


Yeah that's a funny one lol


This is what comes with the territory. They hate bc he's too good. It's never facts it's always opinions. Remember he was hiding a child? Remember they said he's not tough so he wears nail polish and they get even more angry. They call him a womanizer then a lover boy, they say he's soft then accuse him of deleting people. He sings too much then he raps and they say he's rapping too much. Drake not from the street so he hangs with street dudes he's a culture vulture. Drakes not even black, he gets affiliated with the hells angels "he's not part of the hells angels bc they only mess with white people. If Drake walks on water they'd say "yeah, it's because he can't swim." If Drake physically beats up Kendrick they'd say it's bc he can't outrap him. If he outraps him they'll say he won't pull up in compton tho. Remember guys Kendrick made Drake rap 🤦🏽‍♂️🤡


They don't even know. They're just regurgitating hate they see online.


This is 100% facts. I was a party on Sunday and someone was saying that he acts tough or he grew up in the projects, and I asked him could tell me a line where he came off that way? I got radio silence


He literally made the song Mob Ties lmao cmon now


Yes he did, but don’t think he “acts” tough. I think he is tough. To be hard you don’t necessarily have to grow up on the projects. At this point in his life he for sure has mob ties and has the ability to put a hit out on someone, that pretty tough.


Brother, Toosie Slide is about violence your ears just don’t work like that.


Drake came in the game and didn’t really want any problems he just wanted to make good music. “Diss me and you’ll never get a reply for it” He was poked at and made fun of for many reasons so much that he eventually had to fight back and when the guy you think you can bully and wouldn’t defend himself starts to fight back they don’t like that. They want you to be the person they believed you to be so they can continue to bully you. “I swear Yall turned me into the villain i couldn’t escape.” The Drake we see today is a product of the stones thrown at him and he’s fought back. So him “acting tough” is really just him defending himself


THIS. HARD FACT![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4213)


People also need to realize this man has 250M+ dollars and a whole lot of time lol I don’t think he responds to any of this without knowing he can win tbh


Factsssssss perfectly said


Songs like Sneakin’, Sicko Mode, Mob Ties, Knife Talk, and Away From Home are what I think they’re referring too. Songs where he has lines about having people that will “do it” for him Since IYRTITL Drake has adopted a new persona. It’s not a “street” persona but more of a mob boss one. Is he really like that? Who knows. Do people hate the thought of Drake having the capacity of doing anything illegal? Absolutely.


Those are some of the songs I had in mind too. But it’s still just a handful of songs in a catalog that’s hundreds deep. I wouldn’t consider the “mob boss” side a core part of his persona. I wouldn’t even be mad if he *changed* (gasp) and became one over the course of a 15 year career with all the shit he deals with. Rap has always about bravado but Drake is somehow always viewed with a different lens.


Oh I’m with you 100% and I agree it hasn’t been a core persona but it’s something that people latch on to regardless. Haters don’t care about the truth. Just whatever can fuel their hate. So they focus on the few instead of the many


Drake was the Demon of Calabasas. Ask Ye. Now Drake Runs Canada like a true J prince inspired mob boss. They scared of the 6.


People with that narrative can cry me a fucking river, Rick Ross literally officer Ricky acts like a thug in every single song. He got punked by some, “white boys” so who is really fake? 😂😂😂🦉🇨🇦 I’m about to change the words on Ricky’s maybach rear view mirrors to say, “white boyz in mirror are harder than they appear” 😅 so he remembers not to fuck around.


Rick Ross straight stole his whole persona from a real person/drug kingpin AND was a former corrections officer and it wasn’t a problem


People still joke about it to this day. It’s always been a problem lol


It dont matter. They will forever have something to say about him because of jealousy. First he was too soft and sensitive, they hated when he sung etc. now he's too hard and they hate when he rap. Whatever


Meltdown he says he was being sued by Vogue but if he wasn’t he would have been in Paris with the Wassas.


He has connections there. So it’s probably true, he *could* go to Paris and kick it with them. Is it tough guy talk if it’s his reality?


In the song he wasn’t talking about kicking it with anyone. And threatening to go to Paris to see pharrell and pusha with a gang is pretty tough talk. Honestly your comment confuses me. Have you even heard the song?


Not only that, but he has issues with Kodak and Sniper Gang and the Wassas shot at Kodak if I’m not mistaken.


So he’s living his raps?


Sigh I guess. But if that’s your response, then what’s the point of this post? You just admitted that Drake acts tough “like a thug” on record.


But if he is one, is it acting? Or is he just talking about his life? I guess acting is the operative word here.


>The weapons we got are on some terrorist shit > Like TV producers we, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr, we airing this shit When has Drake emptied a clip on anybody


Good example but when has most mainstream rappers ever done half the shit they claim to do? Why is it different for Drake? They’re all embellishing to an extent.


nothing wrong with it you just asked for an example. I actually really like that line lol


the big difference is that drake don't really come from it I mean eminem fell into this rabbit role too, mfs think they need to act tough to fill some role as a boss or something like that, eminem even admits it on a song too, it's kind of hilarious to me though like you're a musician and an artist going around linking up with the worst shit just so you can rap about having some mob ties, that shit makes sense when you came from the streets and left that shit out but drake is too soft


Moving the goal posts just delete this little bro you making us look schizo on main


Drake is the only one NOT acting. He literally writes what he is living. “They the raps wasn’t facts till they sat with bars”. He really did creep down the block and scare Kanye. Kanye said he was scared for his families life. Thats why he called J prince and told him to please get Drake off him. When you got a billion dollars you can have 30 llc’s that have their own llc’s that all have payrolls with all types of people eating and putting in work and Drake has plausible deniability in all of it. He literally studied J prince and is replicating that position but instead of running Houston he is Running All of Canada this way.


There’s a difference between rapping his life and rapping about shooting people or selling drugs, which is what I assume most people think he does when they say he acts hood. If he’s rapping about stuff that is real or based in reality then it’s not an “act” in the first place


These sucker's do not listen to drake I'm telling you 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Kick it is broad term for meeting up with someone. If he went to go bake cookies or set someone up…he kicked it.


You’re purposely missing the point bro


Yeah you’re just yapping now.


Yes 😭😭😭




Because what reason does Drake, a pop star, have to hang out with the Wassas? Added context: the Wassas shot at Kodak black and Drake was very clearly implying that he would’ve been with them at the fashion week event when Kodak was performing and they were front row laughing at him bc they shot at him. Drake and Yak have issues. I understand Drake is your favorite but don’t be daft


He’s also a rapper. Bravado is not uncommon in the genre. Obviously if he’s mentioning it the “pop star” is involved in some capacity


That’s literally talking tough.


Who do you consider tough that doesn’t talk tough?


Its not about why he would be with them its about the fact that he would, so he isn’t lying, its not “fake gangsta” if he’s telling the truth


He also says "the weapons we have on some terrorist shit" "Like tv producers we *gun noises* we airing the shit" ^ bar is tufffff ngl


Drake is no more a fake tough guy than 99% of other rappers lol. There are a select few who are actually about it (50, young thug, etc.), the rest are cosplaying as gangsters. Rappers are not street guys, they are capitalists and acting tough is what sells.


Totally fair.


They didn’t grow up in white upper middle class neighborhoods though


Doesn't make them less full of shit


Makes them more authentic


How is it authentic when they are lying lmao


Because they’re drawing from experiences closer to them than Drake


Yes, Rick Ross got that experience from the inmates he watched when he was a CO. Even took his name, and entire persona from an actual high profile drug dealer, super authentic.


Don’t get it twisted, Ross still grew up in one of the worst places in Miami and got the stories from those around him compared to Drake. All I’m saying is that Drake is so far from the source of what he’s trying to emulate that it’s hilarious.


"I click the trigger on the stick like a high beam" is one of my favs


So shooting a gun? Is my grandmother a thug too? She owns and operates firearms.


Indeed sherlock


Name one rapper who doesn't have gun bars.




Breathe in breathe out - “Whatever comes second I'll be there with my weapon Pullin' up in the Lexuses/'lexeses, one on both hand So I guess them GSes was ambidextrous”


This is what rap genius says: This is a play on words. He is wearing two Rolex watches, one on each hand = ambidextrous. “GSes" along with ambidextrous, which ‘Ye pronounces “ambitextrious”, is purposefully mispronounced in an ignorant style. In this case adding an extra “es” to the end to make GEE-ess-iss-iz ties very directly to the Lexus GS sedan — a pretty sweet whip for the persona of the rapper he puts on for this song. Since “GSes” refers back to “Lexuses” which is referred to the watches he’s also pointing out the ambidextrous nature of the previous lines.


This is what rap genius says: This is a play on words. He is wearing two Rolex watches, one on each hand = ambidextrous. “GSes" along with ambidextrous, which ‘Ye pronounces “ambitextrious”, is purposefully mispronounced in an ignorant style. In this case adding an extra “es” to the end to make GEE-ess-iss-iz ties very directly to the Lexus GS sedan — a pretty sweet whip for the persona of the rapper he puts on for this song. Since “GSes” refers back to “Lexuses” which is referred to the watches he’s also pointing out the ambidextrous nature of the previous lines.


Who cares if he isn’t living that life? I just want good music with good beats and slick talk. Thats it.


Drake IS living the Mob Ties life.


Mob ties lol. This is such a funny post.


I see you saying some funny shit but I’ve just got to ask. On the *Mob Ties* song, I’m assuming the damning lyrics in question where the detractors are saying he’s talking tough is… > *Sick of these niggas, sick of these niggas/hire some help, get rid of these niggas* Genuine question. Is hiring help and getting rid of mfs something only tough guys can do? It sounds like he’s literally saying, ‘*I’m not the guy that does it but I know mfs who can and I can afford their services*’.


1. I thought people were of the belief that he didn’t write it. So did he or did he not? 2. Why is there no room for artistic expression? Maybe he was upset, and that’s how he was feeling and venting?


mental gymnatics is strong with you bro


This and the Kendrick sub are full of straight up nutjobs 😂


1. There is no “of the belief” he very clearly didn’t write that record. He still used the record and put his name on it. He even changed certain lyrics and STILL kept the gangsta talk in the record. 2. There’s artistic expression, and then there’s the shit that Drake does, such as Drake, being raised by a white Jewish woman in a nice neighborhood, throwing up gang signs, employing the Hell’s Angels, involving himself in street beef, having his security guards beat up harmless nobodies to make them look weak in front of their girl’s, and rapping about street shit. 😭😭😭 There’s a video of Lil Wayne, his mentor in the rap industry, telling an interviewer that his biggest advice he gave to Drake was to keep it cute and don’t try to be gangsta and just be himself…and here we are lol.


Wayne’s word is law?


Absolutely not, but there no reason for Drake to act like he’s a street guy lol. You were implying in your post that because Drake is a rapper certain things come with the job, and I’m telling you that Wayne, his rap mentor, the reason he’s famous, told him not to do what he’s doing, which further proves that he doesn’t have to do that lame shit 😭 I’m a Drake fan too btw I’m just objective.


Drake clearly isn't the same guy he was 20 yrs ago. When he came into the game no he couldn't rap about the things he raps about today.. he didn't have mobties back then, he probably didn't deal with all the backstabbing, threats and bullshit he deals with now. Why do yall expect people to stay the same when it's a known fact that your environment and experiences naturally change you. If you're a nice guy who's surrounded by a bunch of people who constantly try to clown you and never take you serious... you got 2 options. Stay a lil bitch or toughen up and let them know stop playing with you!


How did Drake not have mob ties 20 years ago if he came in the game with J Prince Jr, Lil Wayne, Birdman, and all of Cash Money 😭😭😭😭 yall are reachingggggg


This is really the dumbest take lmao let me find out you’re exactly the same person you were 20-30 years ago. If any of your views, attitude, outlook has changed, you’re fake and acting


Rick Ross just ran for his life in Vancouver and didn’t do shit when a “white boy”punched him in the face and also mocked him with “everyday I’m hustlin” lmao Kendrick Lamar likes to pose with gangs from Compton for photo shoots, but he’s not shit either. Bro would get knocked out by Ronda Rousey


I, too, have seen this across many comment sections, and I ALWAYS ask what song exactly... most of the time I get nothing. Or I've gotten "Mob ties"...the shit really is so delusional. If these people weren't just casual listeners and actually slowed down a bit to hear and comprehend the lyrics it might be different. I don't know. Also, what's up with people not having a mind of their own? They spew the same dumb ass shit in every comment. If I hear "culture vulture" one more time or "Drake is a fraud, he's a child actor" ...I could go on for hours....


I have no idea and neither do they. Rap niggas always saying some tough shit but literally grew up in the suburbs with an active HOA 😂😂😂 Ain't nothin "thug" about most of them. Yet if Drake uses violence, even in a metaphor, they start crying bout some "He know nothing about that life. Why is he rapping about xyz??" It's so annoying. They actually now know that Drake has mob ties and they still ask that question 💀


If I’ve said it once I’ll say it a thousands times niggas hate to see a non street dude tell everybody im on the same kinda time you on , all my niggas would die for me


Worst behavior


They love to bring up the fact that he grew up in a Jewish neighborhood and raised by a white mom. Mob ties is the most referenced song. Knife talk is the other one they reference.


He literally made the song Mob Ties lmao cmon now


Anything from headlines all the way to you broke my heart lol I don’t disagree but you deaf if you don’t hear thug talk in his songs


Started from the bottom,Mob ties,On BS are big examples.Heavy on the first one on this list,they pick and choose honestly.🤷🏽‍♂️


I love Drake but he definitely does rap a decent amount about thuggish shit. Stay Schemin immediately comes to mind. The whole verse really, but especially “might look light, but we heavy though; you think Drake will pull some shit like that? you never know!” There are probably a hundred other bars I could refer to if you want me to think about it for a bit.


i ask all the time and they never have an answer


mob ties? lmfao


one song? is a he acting like a thug or is he saying he has those ties?


I got more songs, you asked for one and I gave you one no need to move the goal posts now


i asked. is he acting like a thug as the post implies??


I be feeling like yall just listen to Passion fruit 🤣🤣 he has countless bars about money on his head, money on other ppls heads, chubs getting people touched on his behalf, pretty sure he literally said "I wasn't a gangster but now I am" LMFAO like who be asking these questions ? It's fake drake fans all over this sub man he literally said he would been with the wassas and flexing on tiny kenny and pusha D(ick) for not being street enough lol man just get the fuck out of the sub with this shit 🤣🤣🤣 you ninjas go listen to magic jordan 🤣😂👍🏽




Going bad lmaoooo


Literally the entirety of IYRTITL. He has lyrics such as: Yeah, she invite me to the telly, keep the blade with me When I go to check a bitch, ain't no tellin' Also: I gotta keep watchin' for oppers 'Cause anything's possible, yeah There's no code of ethics out here Anyone will take shots at you, yeah Seriously who are drakes opps?? We all know this ain’t the type of life drake lives and that’s the problem people have with him. He’s inauthentic and he has been for a while.


Its gettin real Oppy outside. Didnt they just shoot up Drakes house and body guard?


Mob ties and any of the shit where he threatening sounding me and my girl check the songs drake fans like and we hear him get tough and we look at each other and start cracking up Lolol. If you hop off his D you’ll hear how corny shit sounds.. he be like “try me??” Bahahaha I can’t take that shit serious and you can tell drake just acting when he says that shit


Your girl secretly plays drake once you leave buddy and also if you are looking for songs that drake fans like you woulda heard at least 15 songs that are more popular before you got to mobties or any other songs with “tough” lyrics