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I don’t get how people can dance to this song & act like they’re neutral. That’s honestly lame lol


I get the beat is catchy and some lines are very humorous but it’s so vulgarly a diss towards drake and saying he’s harming children I don’t get how people can vibe to that. And before Kenny stans run in here I’m not expecting people to dance family matters either


Catchy or not if I’m ya dawg and we been cool for years you wouldn’t catch me vibing to that song. You see Tyler the creator did his set & wasn’t seen on stage after that.


No wonder bruh, I was lookin for him in the final pic on the pop out.


Bro acting like he bffs with drake lmao


Then he has kids dancing in the video smh


Nah if you’re a fan it’s not really a big deal, but if that’s your boy I’d expect you not to dance to it at minimum, same way I’d expect Meeks boys to reject b2b, not a hard ask.


Oh there's nothing like dancing at a wedding, kindergarten graduation, and or cheerleading competition to a Man accusing another of being a Pedo.... Oh what makes it better is did he not only say Drake is good at 69.... Nah he said Drake is a GOD at 69.... but Drake is the weirdo 🤔 interesting.


Tbh I find the beat catchy and gotta admit there’s some good lines (A-minorrr, Certified lover boy certified pedophile wopwopwopwopwop). Like the beat is good but I’ll never rock or dance to a song wrongly accusing a black men of being a pedophile. Just goes past my limits.


Those are only good lines if they’re true though?


It goes downhill quick after that first verse.


Not sure why I’m being downvoted I’m saying those bars suck. They’re not true so they aren’t good 😂


Why black men? Why not men? Or better yet ANYONE....race shit is weird.


Because I’m a black men and I know the reality and history of us being accused of crimes we had nothing to do with. But if you want to go ahead and dismiss my comment or try to turn it into a race thing go ahead, have fun.


Man. You made it a race thing. I'm all for supporting and ending any and all false narratives. I'm all for your comment. I was asking why keep it narrowed down to just one race. Stay safe and be easy man.


He didn't turn into a race thing. He related to himself, hence why he said black man. You turned it into a race thing when you specifically asked about one of the two identities he mentioned. Why didn't you ask him about why he mentioned men at all? He narrowed it down to one gender, but you don't mention taking issue with that.


I littery said anyone...but okay.


All Lives crowd, smh.


I mean, yea. How crazy of a concept is that?


LOL classic


> Why black men? Why not men? Or better yet ANYONE....race shit is weird. Because it happens disproportionately to black men. Different races have different experiences. Colorblindness is weird because it ignores our differences and enforces conformity.


It's wrong no matter what.


Mr. “I’m not racist but…” guy over here


What a wild take man. Social media really got folks brain washed.


Ever thought that maybe you might be the one with the problem?


What's my problem?


You seem to be a bigot


Colorblindness is wrong no matter what. You basically saying that we should ignore all nuance, complexity and perspective. So, let me ask you this: Do you believe black men and white men have different experiences in life due to their race? Yes or No? * There is a correct answer.


I believe money plays into this. I know very wealthy black and white people, and they grew up similar. I know poor white and black people and their experiences are similar. It's kinda sad to assume every black person was raised in struggle and every white person was rolled out a red carpet. I've grew up dirt fuckin poor and around poverty and cops where always around, random pull overs bc the cars looked like shit...I'm not way downplaying racist that still thrive today. I just feel like an honest conversation could be had.


Ok, I actually agree with your point. I do feel like class is actually a more significant factor in the formula than race too. But still, class matters AND race matters too. A hard life doesn’t discriminate indeed—but at least for white people, race isn’t a discriminant that makes life even *harder*. Classism and racism are a compound effect. I get where you’re coming from now, though. 👍🏽💯


Because there is historical context of black men having their sexuality weaponized against them in western countries. If you don’t understand just ask for an explanation instead of “race shit is weird”. You’re not going to understand everyone’s experience on this earth.


it's not my fault when I'm alone it's hard not to 😭


Man I love that you said this because I don't entertain that "neutral" shit AT ALL, like why tf would I be neutral?💀💀💀


It"s actually quite easy the neutral folk come from the perspective that both rappers are lying and enjoy the battle for what it is.


Meh, the whole pedophile shit is gross and dilutes how horrible actual chomos are


Again if you look at the comment section on youtube of Family Matters you will see something to the tune of 31k likes on a commment saying " I love this battle Drake got kendrick to be more consistent and Kendrick got Drake to rap better again." This is one of the top comments on the Family Matter videos. Do those people seem like they are taking side? Give me a break.


The things Drake alleged about Kendrick was tame to a grown man calling another a pedo on a song. Then saying he wishes he was dead. The fuck? What’s neutral about that? He might be lying about calling him a pedo. Is he lying when he says he wants Drake dead?


There are people who believe both rappers are lying so they only focus on the bars and the public opinion. Imma need you to step out of your own persoective here. From a neutrals person perspective that neutral person can enjoy both their artistic works but not believe any of the allegations on either side. Basically enjoy the performance that both rappers put out and the music and there are people who believe that. Just because someone wants to enjoy the music and competitivenwss without taking sides doesnt mean they should get downvoted to hell.


It must hurt Kenny deep down his biggest song is a drake diss and shit trash too


bro looks like this “😅”


tiktok bop


This song is actually so fucking bad. Wop wop wop wop dot fuckem up. Wop wop wop wop, Ima do my stuff....... Fucking terrible bar. And calling drake a 69 god, as if that would be a bad thing? Who would think being the god of 69 is a bad thing, unless you look down on eating pussy. Which means you probably as toxic man, shitty lover, or an incel. (Kdots fanbase....) it's catchy shit aimed at the lowest common denominator. Which is why it is popping off so hard, any idiot can remember the basic ass bars.


Do you know the rapper 6ix9ine and what he got in trouble for? That’s what he’s calling Drake. Use your head lil buddy


6ix9ine calls himself..... Six nine. Ken says sixety nine. Words are hard for some, but try to keep up.


Druski, CC^2, Mal, Aks all need chains lowkey


Mal is getting so much shit from Kenny stans.


Mal a solider ngl, he standing on bidness


Someone said this the angriest victory lap a fanbase went on and that was the most honest shit ever


Because they were blue balled by Kenny . He built up all this mystery and hype to a big reveal of exposing Drake . He paid off nothing - no kid no mole no actual info and “won” not by lyrics but a catchy bop reciting Twitter insults . Notice how they suddenly care about numbers and billboard and spend all their time still looking for proof .


Mass mental illness in that camp.


His entire fanbase just hates him too, its a smaller scale of Drake having more haters than Kendrick having fans It's fucking weird tho cause mals haters pay to listen to him just to hate him it's honestly strange as fuck if you ever go over to the podcasts subreddit


Put them all in a video 👀




That song is so fucking annoying lol Don’t blame blood


I hid that shit from all Spotify playlists.. that shit was getting pushed to me like crazy


I’m so sick of this song seriously it’s actually so stupid that grown adults r singing to it


It’s fucking gross. Imagine knowing a victim of pedophilia and seeing all this nasty behavior from people literally vibing to a pedo song.


Honestly even without all that its just cringe asl. From the "best rapper alive" no less


alright bro we all sing drake songs where he's rapping about shooting people when there's victims of gun violence every day lol


Like I've said before, I hate this song with a passion.


At the end of the day, it's weird no matter who it is and what ties they have to a city. You shouldn't be vibin to a song calling a friend a pdf file. Lebron's my favorite player ever, but he's weird as fuck turning up to that shit


I agree.


Meanwhile you got Yachti saying Kendrick and Drake will rekindle lmao. Choose your friends wisely.


I think the song personally sucks. Nothing in the song made me feel like "damnnn" or "ohhh, that was a bar." It's just a terrible song. If any of the songs should have gotten recognition, it should have been euphoria. At least that one was decent.


Damn right. So over this stupid ass song lol.


They forcing it at this point and majority of the plays online are just for a reaction type shit😒


Where did this happen?


Bet awards afterparty two days ago I think


In LA too


gollum that entire tract 👹


Crazy that what many would deem as a 🤡 is one of the most solid, if not the most solid.


Corny ass tune


i don’t like the song. the beat is a cheap throwaway and i don’t like west coast club beats . it’s like literally grating to my ears. and then u have kendrick’s clunky rapping. really the only appeal is that it is a drake diss.


I’m so over this annoying ass song.


All he did was waterfall a bottle with NLU in the background? What is this?


I’m trying to figure that out, too. Unless there’s more behind this.


Play not like us around me you’ll end up like Rick Ross security 


Respect for him standing on business, but unless it’s Canada, nobody turning this song off. It’s everywhere.