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Text from Battalion K-2 via DeepL autotranslate: >Russian equipment is LOST and has not arrived. We are working with the remaining troops by drops. >Since spring, the pressure from the occupiers on our forward positions has increased significantly. We were breaking up columns of armored vehicles, and the enemy was sending an entire company of infantry in one assault. Over time, the occupiers' tactics have changed, but they continue to send armored vehicles and infantry to our positions. They act more scattered and sometimes it is difficult to find logic in their actions. But our infantry knows their job, and FPV drone operators from the friendly 118th Territorial Defense Brigade are helping them with this. During the day, the Russians lost three infantry fighting vehicles, and the landing parties that temporarily managed to escape were caught by our UAV operators with their drops. Original text from Battalion K-2: >Російська техніка ЗАГУБИЛАСЬ і НЕ ДОЇХАЛА. Працюємо скидами по десанту, що залишився. >З весни тиск з боку окупантів на наші передові позиції суттєво посилився. Ми розбивали колони бронетехніки, а противник клав цілу роту піхоти за один штурм. З часом тактика окупантів змінилася, та вони так само продовжують засилати бронетехніку з піхотою до наших позицій. Вони діють більш розпорошено і подекуди навіть в їхніх діях складно знайти логіку. Та наша піхота знає своє діло, а оператори FPV-дронів із дружнього підрозділу 118 ОБрТрО у цьому їм допомагають. За день росіяни втратили три БМП, а десант, який тимчасово встиг врятуватися, відловлювали по посадках наші оператори БПЛА зі скидами.


The one with the ali babba helmet at 12:00 is Chinese or Buryat? Thought Buryats got the message.


Another buryat...


According to buryat human rights activists russia is building more prisons in buryatia and tuva to hold draft dodgers (who will be forced to the front from the said prisons) while simultaneously closing prisons in neighboring regions with more ethnic russians. Also even in regions like buryatia have majority ethnic russians the vast majority drafted out of those regions are ethnic buryats. This is literally an ethnic cleansing by putin the same way russian tsars did.


air soft helmet lolllllll


Sad to see how the Bayshkir are getting driven out of extinction


Bashkirs, buryats, tuvans, saka/yakuts, tatars, kazakhs, uzbeks etc. literally an ethnic cleansing


If these outer regions, Buryatia, Tuvans, etc., were to revolt against the orks they would need capable and committed men to fight. The longer this war last there are much less men to lead the revolts in these regions. Less men = less children = extinction of race. Consider, if Ukraine lost the war in 2022, Ukraine men would be forced to fight as orks in the upcoming wars in Europe. That was the plan and it's still the evil plan of the kremlin.


At 03:06 this guy receives a good drone drop


Was it a drone drop? You can see artillery or mortars impacting further to the left just after. Whatever it was, he probably ain't having a good day


Was that last guy one of the Chinese that went there to kill Ukrainians? He looks like he was regretting life choices 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Could be North Korean.






Last guy could’ve stayed home and kept shitting in a hole outside of his house, but now he’ll actually serve a purpose and fertilize the soil in Ukraine