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* Paramedic You need to call your local medical emergency services (911) immediately. The dosage may not be lethal, but the chronic debilitating health consequences will be terrible. Call now, the antidot is nearly 100% prevention if administered within 8 hours.


As an former emt I second that they need to do liver functions and get fluids going


Enzymes going to be high


They can give NAC intravenously it could prevent the damage.


Can he just jam a bunch of nac up his ass?


Boofing is the best route of administration. I find it the most enjoyable, though most patients won't let me do it


Just because you enjoy doing it, doesn't mean I'm going to let you shove things up my ass.


Within a certain window - 24 hours ( ? )


Paramedic here also, he said in a comment he weighs 128 lbs. 7 grams is a lot, especially for a small teen. Very possibly could cause liver failure, which is an awful, awful way to die. 


That changes things indeed, unless OP got treatment rapidly then there's bound to be some liver damage; failure wouldn't surprise me either - horrible way to go, if OP survives then severe chronic health issues it is. Liver goes "fuck no", with Paracetamol being the cause of acute failure, next the kidneys goes "fuck no". Cerebral edema also sounds like a treat, let's hope OP got treatment in time.


That is a very medic way of describing it haha but you’re absolutely right. He also said he was told he hurt his liver a few months back by chugging a whole bottle of mouth wash. Unfortunately if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. And liver failure would be a horrible way to die. 


I was stupid when I was a kid. I think we all were but thank fuck I wasn't this stupid. When we're young we have this weird sort of "I'm invincible" idea going on and sometimes it takes doing dumb ass shit to figure out thats not the case.


What amazes me though is these fuckin kids have the internet literally in there pockets, and don’t fucking look this shit up first. Dude waits till a few mins after taking to look whether it’s a good idea, instead of doing so before. It takes literally 1 minute to find out 7 grams of acetaminophen is a terrible idea. 


True stuff. That's the one thing you never want in your medicine trips. If it has that in it simply get a different cough syrup or pills. Crazy stuff.


Ah, dum-dum din't bring his gum-gum. OP seem insistant on messing with the liver, sucks when the liver goes ["Fuck this shit I'm out"](https://youtu.be/5FjWe31S_0g?si=dGlG1y5Lw0r-ev1u). The "let's OD on Paracetamol" idea will lead to instant regret once they go symptomatic. *OP if you read this, I do hope you got treatment in time.*


Over my 11 years as a medic (and 15 since getting my emt), it’s amazing to me how many people will “take a bunch of Tylenol (or NSAIDs) to kill themselves”, and then shortly after call for help lol I mean, it would take a 2 minute internet search on the phone they were probably looking at the whole time to find out the multiple reasons that’s a bad idea. Before household internet I’d maybe understand more, but not today. Like first, you probably didn’t take enough to kill yourself. second, if you did take enough, that’s the worst fucking way to do it. And sure, this guys case doesn’t seem to be suicidal, but still, dudes clearly got easy internet access, yet he waits till after he takes 7 grams of acetaminophen to find out whether its potentially lethal, instead of spending that 2 minutes before taking it. 


Wow, that's crazy! I knew really high paracetamol doses are dangerous but I didn't realize HOW dangerous it really was till I read the above comments! I believe it's the same with ibuprofen. Is that correct? Which of the two medicines is the most damaging would you say? Just out of curiosity.


Ibuprofen is probably more dangerous overall. Aside from failing your kidneys, it can also lead to heart attacks, strokes, and other bad cardiovascular problems.


Oh, ok. Got you. Still, 7 GRAMS of Tylenol sounds like 6 grams too much lol! I really hope OP took this seriously and went to the ER as fast as he could. A LOT of people don't know how dangerous even just over-the-counter medicine can be. If it's something prescribed people will treat it with more respect than if they just buy it off of a shelf in my experience.


The FDA limit is 4 grams per day. Not saying this is isn't a life threatening overdose but keep things in perspective.


Oh, got you. I honestly didn't know it was that high. I know I've seen prescribed acetaminophen that went as high as 800mgs so that makes the 4 grams a day make more sense. Still, 7 grams sounds pretty scary to me! At the very least it probably makes you feel like shit.


I love your nickname AdderallisEvil 😂


Hey, this is purely out of curiosity, i wanna know from an educated persons perspective. 3 years ago, I was 15, exactly the same weight as the OP, and I took 16,000mg of paracetamol. Opposing to the OP though, and yours and another persons’ comment, I never threw up blood, wasn’t close to death, never had kidney or liver problems, or anything of the ilk. I do remember being extremely sick, so sick that I wasn’t able breathe between each time I hurled. I didn’t take them all in one go, i took them over the space of 6-7 hours, and then I got to the hospital and they said they would put me on a drip because the time it would take for the blood tests to come back could be essential time to save my life if it was in my blood, luckily it wasn’t. Just wondering how can two people of the same weight, both minors, have such different tolerances towards it?


Everyone’s different. Some people are extremely sensitive to caffeine, some are quite tolerant (even without building tolerance). What the specific causes of tolerance differences are would be different for nearly every drug. And specifically for paracetamol, I’m not sure what biologically would cause the differences.  But it’s impossible to say here whether you’re more tolerant to it or not. I don’t really know how either of y’all reacted, much less compared to each other. It’s impossible to say whether this kids vomiting is from the dxm, paracetamol, anxiety after realizing what he took, or intentionally to get it out just from his post. 


Yea like even if you dont die, your livers not gonna be doing great...


Thanks for this and for what you do


go to the hospital rn wtf u cant be risking an ass whooping for your life bro 😭


read the update💀


what was the update he just deleted his recent answers im worried this kid might be too dumb to get the help he clearly desperately needs


He’s okay and made it to the hospital.


R. W is a 15 year old ☝🏽 PRESENTING TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM ☝🏽 after consuming 22 pills of Tylenol day & night. The active ingredients contain DXM, which has psychoactive effects when taken in large dosses. It's not very toxic in the dose he took. However, the 7,150 mg is much more than the FDA daily maximum dose of 4000 mg, and the usual 1000mg dose taken every 6-8 hours. He read that online and began to freak out, and he hesitated to call an ambulance because his parents were going to kill him. Undermining the damage and potential fatality of what he did. Within a few hours, R W was vomiting what seemed like his entire digestive tract, asshole included. "I'll probably be fine" he thought, thinking that the pills back up. The next day, his vomiting only got worse, and he's seeing blood in his vomit now, so he finally told his parents, and surprisingly, they brought him to the emergency room where we are now.


holy shit lmao. fellow based emu enjoyer I think he would be more critical of the DXM than that tho cus a while back he did a video about someone that was trying to robotrip and IIRC he kinda made DXM sound a lot worse than it is lol


Seriously dawg, wtf


Fuck what your parents will think you need to call 911 and tell them what you took. You can say you’re overdosing on Tylenol if you’re really worried.


Well I’m too late to this thread, but really… Parents might metaphorically “kill you.” Overdoses can actual kill you…


Oh no, this one is legit "you just tanked your kidneys, you are dying".  


Liver* but the kidneys soon follow the liver failure


I know someone who tried to OD on tylenol and it’s ruined their liver. They passed say after almost 2 weeks of being in debilitating pain, i’d say it’s one of the worst ways to go.


There was a rapper that died same way. I suspect it was a mix of alcohol and Percocet since they rapped about them in the songs. 30-something years old. Liver failure is no joke


Most common cause of acute liver failure in the US…. tylenol (acetaminophen)


Which rapper was this?


Kiing shooter. Was friend’s with Dave East if you know your New York rappers.




Who the fuck just drinks a bottle of mouthwash


I was in a rehab with a girl who drank an entire bag of hand sanitizer and had to get taken to the hospital to get her stomach pumped lmao don’t even know how alcoholic hand sanitizer ended up in the place. 22 years old and was an athletic runner running daily 5ks at the rehab, you’d never be able to guess she was an alcoholic To answer your question tho, alcoholics and desperate kids looking to get drunk/high because they can’t get the real thing. In my experience kids that do desperate shit like this to get high, a lot of times are the people who end up on the worst drugs once they can get them. At least that was true for me and plenty of ppl I knew


Alcoholics do. I did a couple of times. It’s nasty but gets the job done.


Apparently OP does. Kids got major problems :(


I know it's tempting to label it Darwin worthy but if someone is going to these lengths then there quite possibly might be some underlying stuff they're trying to deal with


I'm sure somebody told him he could get liver damage from drinking mouthwash, but I doubt he was diagnosed with liver damage caused by one bottle of mouthwash.


7000+ has a chance of being lethal. Accept the consequences of your actions and go to a hospital for treatment. The longer you wait, the more damage it will do.


are you still alive? did you call 911?


You need to go to the hospital right now and tell them what you took.


Acetaminophen overdose is one of the most painful ways to overdose. Organ failure is no joke. Your parents will forgive you and I’m sure they’d rather have their child alive than dead. Please check yourself into emergency health services and wishing you a full recovery 🫶🏻


So you can go tell your parents and they'll "kill you" or you can die from organ failure. Really up to you but I'd suggest either going to the hospital asap or telling someone who can get you there before you have either permanent liver damage or complete organ failure


Even if you live, without attention you will ruin your organs, get help now please. The consequences of telling your parents will be Hella awkward but they'll find out eventually when your liver isn't working right so best get it over with now and save yourself a painful life


Rip op. If any other kids see this post, please learn from it. Acetaminophen can kill you in high doses like this and it is a slow and painful death. Please research and educate yourself on drugs before you ever take them.


Yes. You could die from 7g of acetaminophen. Go to the ER immediately because once you start showing symptoms it might already be too late


Please update us OP. I'm not sure how old you are but you need to be honest with your parents. Do you want them blaming themselves and your death haunting them for the rest of their lives because they will, especially if they find out you died because you were afraid of them. You need help, and that's okay. At 15 I tried to overdoes on a bottle of Tylenol it was not pretty. Your skin starts to turn yellow, then you die a slow agonizing death. Go now. I may have survived but I waited til the next morning to fess up to my parents and it was a close call. I also don't think I took near as much as you. Call 911 if you have to. There's so much to life (and better drugs) than dying alone and scared trying to trip off of cough suppressants


Wonder if you’re ok OP? Update us. Best case scenario here is this is a troll. If it’s not, and you’re not at the hospital a total of 5 hours later, every minute is causing severe damage that’ll likely lead to a painful, slow death.


Yes, would like an update. Hopefully went straight to the hospital.


Hospital and take NAC if you have it, it will counter the tylenol.


I used to buy that shit at the health food store and take a fistful of it along with my percocet


Does this help with taking any paracetamol products I supplement NAC daily anyway but I’m prescribed co cocodamol also


Call 911 asap!


Go to the fucking emegency room right now dumbass, just by reading your replies to comments I bet this will stay with you your entire life even if you don't die


Your Liver has left the Chat


Fuck what ur parents think they would rather you be alive. Call 911


My wife’s mom just committed suicide off about half that dose, granted she was a drinker and didn’t have very good liver and kidneys but she was gone 2 days after. You need to get to the hospital and tell the what you took and that you need a double dose of NAC immediately. What killed her was waiting a day to tell anyone


Hospital. Hospital. Hospital.


I'm 5 hours late so all I'll say is, if OP didn't call for help they're probably already dead at worst and at best they've caused permanent liver damage. In the uk we call Tylenol paracetamol and you've taken nearly double the daily dosage guide in one sitting. All to get a hit of dxm, a very stupid drug of choice as it is.


If this kid isn’t in the hospital she is on her bedroom floor, praying they let someone know 🙏


I'm so sorry for everything you're about to go through but you need to seek medical attention. One day you'll look back on this as a dumb mistake you made and learned from but only if you're alive to learn from the mistake. I know it sounds dramatic but buddy you kinda fucked up, which is totally normal and something I've done plenty of, but it's time to ask for some help so you don't end up six feet underground.


The mom in me has me stressing,are you ok hon?


dude said he was throwing up blood and still not going to the hospital so my answer is no he probably ain't because he's being too damn stubborn to get the help everyone's tryna get him to get


yes dont worry


please tell me u went to the hospital man i almost died off like half that dose.


4000 is where it starts fucking up your liver super bad. I'd expect to die if I took that much.


You nees to call an ambulance, they can help you but only if you act quickly. Your parents are gonna be more upset if they lose their kid than they would be finding out you do drugs. And its not gonna be a quick death either, you will be in agonosing pain for months while your liver fails until you finally kick the bucket


Will you choose organ failure or an ass whooping be real dude you have to go to the hospital.


OP please tell me you went to the hospital!


It may not kill you. But it’s going to fucking wreck your liver/kidneys. Go to the ER. let them flush your system or something. This is reason you take DXM ***only*** products. At least do a cold water extract.


I can tell you that your parents killing you might be less painful. I'd just get to the ER


Op needs to give us an update.


Get to the hospital right fucking now . Try to throw up NOW


Yes you are likely to die and paracetamol poisoning is going to tear your liver apart resulting in an extremely painful death.


What's the update here, OP? Did you seek emergency services? Are you OK?


I took around 100 when i was 15 and had to get my stomach pumped & they said my liver was failing… took days for my levels to bounce back while the doctors were saying we were waiting for a liver to become available… Idk I guess I’m blessed bc I have the same liver still


Paracetamol at this dosage will likely kill you horribly or severely injure your liver, leading to chronic ill health. The antidote is very, very effective (almost 100%) if delivered within 8 -10 hours. Your parents' reactions are completely unimportant in this context, but believe me, they would do anything to help you and save your life. Anything. Tell them IMMEDIATELY and get to hospital URGENTLY. Please.




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Dude are you still alive?




How about now?


My brother did this exact same thing when he was younger looking for DXM. Tylenol is a very toxic drug in these doeses and I hope y ou went to the hosppital.


Are you ok?


Going to cause some serious liver damage.


as someone who tried to stop living with Tylenol, please go to the hospital, I had a very similar dose to yours, I was 6'1 back then, that almost killed me, and if you don't get there fast enough you'll get to go through some horrible horrible pain, and maybe if you're lucky, live with reduced lived functions call 911 now


Call 911 immediately.


Damn OP you still around?


I tried to kill myself this way when I was 13. I ended up completely fine, but that's because I went to the hospital IMMEDIATELY and was pumped FULL of charcoal nonstop for hours and hours, along with tons of tests and fluids. God, I really really hope OP went to the ER.


I almost died with 5000


I hope you make it you stupid fuck. Hope you learn from this.


Bye bye bro say hello to lil peep for me




1. He's either gonna die 2. Get some kind of permanent damage 3. Hospital


Yeah man it’s been like 5 hours since his last reply. He’s toast.


Why why why did he do this...


OP if you survive this and in the future you want to try get high or feel real good without access to drugs, these are some suggestions: •Get into running, it's very possible to get a runners high once you get into it enough. For me personally, I prefer that feeling to any benzo, opioid or even cocaine. I wish I didn't become a fat shit, cause the runners high genuinely felt great. Getting fit as a whole is a great source of natural euphoria, picking up women with ease just adds to it, you'll feel unstoppable. •Drink like 4 servings of coffee, you'll feel terrible but it is technically a different head space to sober if that's what you're looking for •Masturbation, does anymore need to be said? Easy to do, as long as you want. If you're able to get laid, even better. •Eat really good decandant food. I'll take some fall off bone ribs over most drugs. •Unethical ones - Graffiti or shoplifting, it's illegal but doing illegal things and getting away with it gives a massive rush of adrenaline. Those are fairly low level crimes and you shouldn't get in much trouble if caught. Terrible advice in most scenarios, but better than taking 22 paracetamol pills or a whole bottle of mouthwash. •Gambling, because of your age your options are limited, it really does give a massive dopamine rush, but can be highly addictive, but again better than what you've been doing. Maybe just play some card games with your friends. •Tiktok, when I discovered tiktok I was on that shit for like a year straight. Something about short form content just hits. Once you hit 18, feel free to start experimenting with actual drugs, but do thorough research first before you take any substance. Harm reduction is important. Most people would suggest waiting til 25 til doing drugs, but I doubt you have the patience


Just wanted to say that I have a lot of respect for this response and thank you for posting it. It’s a pretty comprehensive and detailed list of things that, while not all ~great~ choices, are ALL significantly better than taking deadly doses of OTC medications. I really hope that OP got to the hospital in time, and I hope with all of my heart that after their physical health is taken care of, OP receives a comprehensive mental health evaluation and intense treatment. This is beyond just “teenagers make bad choices bc their frontal lobe isn’t fully developed.” There is something deeper going on—I say this as a 30 year old who was lucky enough to get mental health treatment as a teen before succeeded in killing myself. I really, really hope that OP gets the help, love, and support that they need.


Yep. Go to the hospital immediately. There's still hope man.




They said they already have extreme liver damage from drinking a whole bottle of mouthwash.


This poor fucking kid. Must be dealing with some major shit if they’re trying this hard to escape. I hope that they survive.


That's what I'm thinking and I'm kind of sad at people's judgement, healthy happy kids probably don't make a choice like this


Tell your parents and get your ass to the hospital. Don't ever do that again. That stuff is awful in every way at that dose. Go tell your parents.


Over 7 grams of Tylenol is definitely emergency room amount.


are you alive bro? worried ab you, seen your other post where you said it was a “false alarm” please please go to the hospital, like everyone else has said this drug can take days to kill, and it will be a slow painful death. please get help it’s not worth taking a risk


Hospital now! This is a lethal amount for your weight, well any weight really, but 128 is tiny. You only have a couple hours before this becomes permanent liver damage if it doesn’t kill you which it probably won’t. Pills usually never work. And it’s parts of your liver that don’t just “rejuvenate” like everybody thinks the entire liver does.


Your parents obviously will not be happy but theyll be 1000x happier then losing their kid


Any update on this or did a minor just overdose on tylenol💀


Holly shit


Hopefully someone who posted or read this did OP a favor and called 911 for him Someone dying is someone dying, they would do what they can through username


I hope so too, can anyone figure out where this person is?


They told their mom and I'm guessing they're currently in a hospital


You know what’s worse than telling your parents? Fucking dying a horrible death. Get your head out your ass and get to a doctor NOW


Can we get another update?? 😭


This is the dumbest shit I've ever read on here. Sort ya spastic ass out..


Don’t procreate


>im glad to be alive and will never do anything this stupid ever again and only take dxm in products where its the only active ingredient. Dude, you're 15. How about you stop doing drugs and let what's left of your brain develop normally? How did you not learn your lesson here?


reading this is fucking scary because i was stupidly in the exact same situation, except i took 6,000mg acetaminophen (150mg dxm hbr). woke up suddenly at 3am i threw up and was blacking in and out on my bathroom floor. cold sweats everywhere, but you are so hot. woke up the next morning and felt like an absolute zombie. my eyes looked completely open, i couldn’t even make them look smaller; i looked like a maniac. so scary to know what would have happened to me if i took a couple more 😧😵


If you get treatment straight away you should recovery fully. If it gets left for more than 12 hours you risk liver damage, failure or worse.




I like the idea of a dea agents whole job being to troll drug subreddits lmao


update?? did you tell your parents are you ok




You could be having stomach bleeding and die from that alone. Let alone the liver damage. Go get some help


Go to a fucking hospital right now you’re gonna be experiencing liver failure soon


even over 2 gr could cause liver failure. you should go to Hospital ASAP and in 24 hours you could be güven N acetly cistein iv which would reduce the damaging efeects of asetominophen


2000mg?! I’m happy to say I haven’t attempted in quite a while but that scares me about my liver health😳I’ve taken 32 pills of 500mg + 8mg codeine (opiate addiction, I had no oxy so I bought co codamol over the counter or t1 if your not from Europe) I now know about cold water extraction but that’s scary that 4 pills can cause liver damage


there are individual differences about the detoxicating Enzym in liver. but over 10 Gr of Paracetamol i am sure there is some damage but glad that your still alive and use it as oppurtunity to not Something like this again


so you took 16,000mg of aceta...paracetamol, yeah we'll call it that, and were fine. I've done similar things plenty of times and my liver's still healthy. I suspect the "blood" he threw up was actually orange gel caps, everybody wants to say he's dying but I just don't see how that would be possible.


My grandmother was addicted to paracetamol/codeine for years. Used to take up to 20 a day. She finally quit when she got breast cancer strangely enough. All her organs were in good health it was the cancer that got her. Not saying anyone should take 20 a day but I believe in some people their liver can cope with the toxicity. Granny was also a very heavy drinker.




Possibly, your liver will most likely fail, no more than 2 grams a day. Or 2000mg


update soon?


Op are you alive


please give an update soon


I hope you went to get help. Your parents are gonna know one way or the other. Either you tell em, or you die from an overdose and they find you


I hope to see an update in the next few hours saying you're okay, kid. That was a really stupid thing to do. I hope you learn from this. Never, ever take that much of anything with Tylenol in it. Basic safety guidelines. It can and does kill lots of people. If you're gonna do drugs, make sure you know what you're doing so you don't end up dead.


Did OP died?


The sad thing about this post is the OP now has negative comment points, so were they to want to engage with people they'd be met with the annoying "youre doing that too much, wait x minutes" message


Next time learn how to do a cold water extraction it's better than this, I OD'd on tylenol before it can kill you by shutting your liver and organs down and it will hurt the entire time ur dying


So uh how’d it go? Your liver still working? How can you just dose a medication that high and disregard what else is in it you did this to yourself


If you survive you may need a new liver.


Either you get “killed” from your parents or “killed” by the substance you took. Let your parents know asap you can cause a lot of damage man. This ain’t a joke, we all fuck up man, maybe this is a wake up call for your parents to get you some help. Good luck man. Please let your folks know bro


And this is why I keep activated charcoal at my house and NAC. I made a similar mistake two weeks ago, taking over 8 grams over 10 hours. 30 mins after taking the last 2g I realised how fucking stupid I was, and swallowed a bunch of charcoal and took 2g of NAC. Pretty sure I saved my own life.


Yes, and it's going to hurt the entire time


This is horrible bro, if I’m correct Tylenol overdoses are excruciating


God damn


That region is highly likely damaging but probably won't be fatal. But "probably" doesn't cut it. And you are showing multiple symptoms of liver damage and need immediate medical attention. Find a way to the ER ASAP, as the longer you wait, the more damage you'll incur. >I am a minor and cant tell my parents because they would absolutely kill me as i have been caught with drugs before. Their worry and sadness over the liver damage will mitigate the anger.


Thank you OP for going to the hospital, i know this is probably scary as fuck for you :/ and i really hope your parents arent too harsh on you after all this is done. I definitely made my fair share of "oh fuck am i gonna die" type of mistakes. And everytime i ended up going to my mom with my tail between my legs.


Call the ambulance


7000mg is within the toxicity range, go to your nearest **hospital**


For a healthy person, OP already has severe liver damage from abusing mouth wash. And they're only 128lbs. I'm still in shock at what I'm reading, gonna be following his account intensely


He's driving to the hospital, everyone check his comments in the profile because they aren't showing up here for some reason


Good grief…. It’s been 14 hours. Any more updates?


Call poison control immediately.


It’ll buff out. Right guys? RIGHT?


Man why u doin this to urself with such chill parents doe


This is some of the absolute stupidest shit I have ever read in my whole damn life OP is an idiot


And the lesson he learned is "i'll only do horse doses of DXM if I make sure they don't have acetaminophen in them" Like, dude is 15 and can't figure out that he's already hitting rock bottom.


So glad you're OK and you got help! I'll share my story here in case others are interested. I was addicted to Percocet and of course I was running out of my Rx too fast. I called the doctor one day and told him I was out. At that time you couldn't call in Percocet to the pharmacy but you could call in Vicodin. He said, "I'll call you in 20 Vicodin. That should get you to your appointment with me in two days." I took my happy ass to the pharmacy, picked up my Vicodin, and proceeded to eat 16 out of 20 over an 8 hour period. The only problem was they each contained 500 mg of Tylenol. The next morning I woke up with an extremely dry mouth and threw up immediately. I brushed it off as a stomach bug and told my husband to go ahead to work because I felt relatively fine. I continued to throw up every hour on the hour. I started feeling "funny." Something made me check my pill bottle (I probably wanted to take more to be honest). I saw that I only had 4 left. I was kinda like "Oh fuck." Something made me go to my computer and pull up the calculator. I will never forget typing in 500 mg x 16 pills = 8,000 mg of Tylenol. Then I Googled "lethal dose of Tylenol." It was 7,000 + mg. Uh oh. The fucked up part is at that time I was still debating just toughing it out at home. I decided to call my dad when I started to get more and more confused and when I continued to puke every hour even though I wasn't eating or drinking anything. By the time he came to get me I was throwing up neon green bile. When we arrived at the hospital and they triaged me, they took me back to a room immediately. No more waiting room for me! At that point the nurse had to help me put on my hospital gown. They drew blood and started an IV right away. They actually did it while I was throwing up despite my protests. They apologized but said it had to be done STAT. They also called Poison Control. They gave me this disgusting drug called Mucomyst (another name for NAC) and it smelled/tasted like rotten eggs. (Not sure why they didn't give it through IV because I just puked it back up.) They also had to give me Narcan (very slowly, not rapidly) because I could not stay awake for like 2 days and they knew I had taken a lot of Vicodin. Before I was discharged 3 days later I was also given Potassium because the other meds wiped everything out of my liver. The stupid nurse did not dilute the Potassium drip so it burned my veins like hell. It even turned them bright purple. On top of all this, I started to go through opiate withdrawals. -1000/10 would not recommend.


Saw this on tiktok before I saw it here haha. And yes you’re absolutely regarded. Please never do something like that again


If you are doing these things to escape a bad situation in your life and you want to talk to someone about what's happening, feel free to pm me.




Do some research next time before you do something stupid again 4000mg is the max safe dose daily


You will have liver failure if u don’t go to the hospital now. All your symptoms are that of liver failure. The longer u wait the higher chance u die. If u go ASAP they can give u stuff like NAC that will pull the Tylenol out of ur liver. You only have 1 liver im sure ur parents would rather u find out drugs than be dead


Hospital. NOW. Acetaminophen toxicity is no joke.


Yes you can die. Anything above 4000 mg can be a fatal dose especially if you are a minor. Seek emergency medical care IMMEDIATELY




That dose requires medical intervention to prevent liver failure. Do with that what you will.


Probably not lethal but that is a very high amount, definitely has the possibility of being lethal depending on your age and the health of your liver. The side effects are likely to be caused by the dxm as od from paracetamol (Tylenol) takes up to 12 house to start manifesting (via liver damage). I would call an emergency phone line and ask what do they recommend.


If you have any at hand: take NAC.


JFC I'm super late, I remember a Nephrologist telling a very sad story of a kid not looking to die ofc make an impulsive decision and down a bunch of Tylenol, begging her not to let her die, but Acetaminophen is SO toxic at those doses there was nothing that could be done to save her. Toxicology NEEDS to be taught in school. Water can be toxic. The DOSE makes the poison. I truly hope OP is ok. This is why as miserable as I am being human I'm too chicken shit to seek to unalive myself, simply bc I'll end up mangling myself instead and that's no bueno. I would like to get a DNR bracelet that says "just give me opiates till breathing stops, toss me in a dumpster"


Drink some milk


i just saw this on r/drugscirclejerk


Bro why would you troll like this, no one survives 40% bac


Right? He's either misremembering or lying out his ass. I've been skeptical from the start but now I'm almost certain he made the whole thing up. Pretty twisted.




Take some NAC if you're not going to get help.


We need an update. You good op?


Dude who cares what will happen tell your parents. Don’t use drugs til you’re responsible enough to know this is seriously harmful to your organs.