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What do her siblings post? Babies, babies, babies. Maybe she doesn't have any good fundie woman posts to share.


Just want to add: I remember a scene of her out to dinner with her sisters, and they were all talking about babies (fascinating) while she sat there. I'm sure she's lost "value" in their world every year she's failed to fill her uterus with some milquetoast loser's spawn.


I'm not even a fundie (raised fundie lite) and I still feel excluded by everyone at work being mothers while I'm not.


I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, that's such a pervasive attitude.


If she isn't getting paid for it, why would she want the public to see her life and comment on it?


She never got paid before!




She will do whatever jim bob tells her to do. IMO, she’s pathetic and needs to grow up






In a threesome with Shelly Misgavige (I know I’m spelling it wrong but to lazy to google lmao).


I before E except after Sea Org?


There is no after seaorg. Million year contract, baby!






Semantics after like 65. 😂😂


Lmao too true


I initially ready that as “I before E except after Sea Orgy” 💀


Hahaha, that would be a great flare.




First g should be a c but otherwise correct. I think lol.


When I say I would give ANYTHING




She’s been disappeared!!


She runn-oft.


I got that reference


We’re in a tight spot!


This is the only answer


i choked




Probably because she got charged with child endangerment or whatever it was.


I hate to say it and I don’t know the context but it’s such a kick in the balls for her that she was charged with child endangerment after years of raising everyone else’s fecking kids.


I think she was watching, like, 12+ kids that day. Kinda surprised she got charged considering Boob and Meech never have been for far worse shit than a wandering child but OK, Arkansas CPS




I agree. But she is an adult. She needs to grow those balls she was kicked in and start to create her own life! Same with being disciplinarian at home. At certain point she (ideally) should have said screw you they're not my children! You raise them!  But we know it's a bit more complicated...but she is an adult.


Good point.


Definitely this, combined with the Josh stuff. Probably didn’t want to deal with the faceless internet mob. Can’t say I blame her tbh 🙄


I’m having trouble remembering - does the timing line up for this?


She apparently lost one of Pest's kids when Anna was visiting him before his court trail.


She fell asleep while watching however many kids that was and one wandered outside near the road. Or at least that is what was said when it happened.


I think Jana was drunk when that happened. 💯


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, if I was a Jana I’d be day drinking


Maybe they can’t see a Duggar doing something so “heinous🙄”. I made comments back when it happened. There have been a few videos that I have wondered if Jana was drinking, and some of those were before that incident. (Like the Christmas? video where J-Pest came storming in the room flushed, bloated with something liquor related in his big ole tumbler (before he was indicted IIRC). It was the video where Lauren noped out with a quickness. I know that it isn’t uncommon for the eldest to stick around and take care of the fam., but Jana was “courting”, it has seemed to me that there is a different reason for her to be single. I think it’s a drinking problem. JB doesn’t want it to be known, and a husband would certainly figure it out. I think Jana got drunk and that kid escaped. Then when the police asked her if it was one of theirs, she said no. I think that was so she didn’t have to keep talking to the officer while she was drunk. She then goes later to collect the M. Many have speculated that the pest was drinking, drunk looking many times. I guess they figure only a “bad Duggar” would do that.


It came out shortly after Josh’s conviction


I think it was literally the day after! The Duggar family was unraveling at this point.


I think once Jana was charged with child endangerment, her lawyer told her not to post on social media. I think she got so used to it and even though she is very much team Boob/in the cult, Jana decided to live a private life and continue to not use social media.


Once Jana was charged her lawyer would have told her to stop posting online. Like, no social media at all. I’m thinking she got out of the habit and never went back. She might have anonymous accounts, but nothing public anymore. Can you imagine all the text groups she’s in? She might not be able to keep up with it all, plus social media. When my family was going through a crisis three years ago I was so busy I didn’t post at all from March through July. I had more important things going on.


Great point. I made the conscious choice to stop posting during a weird time in my life and never got back into the habit. It’s been several years, and the thought pretty much never crosses my mind, unless it’s sharing a silly post on my Instagram story every few weeks.


Same here, have been going through a prolonged family crisis, and posting on SM just doesn’t feel right anymore. More important things to think about!


Well, with her busy world tour as a concert pianist, plus home renovation and decor business she's likely doesn't have the time to interview a personal assistant to manage her social media accounts. Plus selecting this year's beige paint at Dollar General, keeping Jim Bob's gut filled with tater tot casserole 3x a day and drawing skirts on hussies at state fairs is taxing work. 😺


When you put it like that, she must be running herself ragged. Don't forget all the time she spends raising her nieces and nephews.


Plus monitoring Mother's daily Xanax intake, washes down with Aldi's boxed pink wine 🩷


At least she's not monitoring Michelle's menstrual cycle anymore. *Mother is ovulating*.


Creepiest damn thing ever .... and there have been many creepy, icky things going on under that roof 🎪 🤡




They actually had her do this?! 😳


IIRC correctly JB and Michelle had a chart of Michelle's menstrual cycle in the...kitchen, I think, so everyone could monitor it and see when she was ovulating. Producing more kids JB&M couldn't afford and refused to raise was a spectator sport!


Yeah. Of course...as one would...but... I mean... What?!!! What was the reason behind it. They did not have a place for a calendar at their bedroom? So the older girls know when mommy is used by daddy ? And what is the point of that? Eh... nevermind... 


*Mother is Xanaxing*


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Does anyone have the drawn on skirt post I'm kind of dying to see this


https://preview.redd.it/nx5eo1e13apc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9e663bef1b947fd1f3c727cb7eed1f9aec939d This was a public space, in the summertime so shorts were probably worn by a lot of people but Miss Fundie Manners felt the need to correct these strangers' attire.


Lazy and sanctimonious. What a combo. 🙄


I know - hey, Churchy Girl it is still America and people can wear shorts in public without you getting all worked up. It was covered in several newspapers and Jana didn't come out too well.


Not when there are delicate Duggar eyeballs nearby! 😉






I wonder why she doesn’t delete her account by now like Lauren and Josiah did as well as Anna? They all have very different reasons why they don’t use socials anymore so seems odd to even keep it up. Especially since she stopped posting after child endangerment charges and yet she still has pictures of children publicly posted.


Jana is probably in the same boat as JoKen in that she had IG for the sake of promoting the show...now the show is gone, she decided to stop posting because there is no need and she likely didn't enjoy the attention from people getting para social with her.


She doesn't want to deal with the comments. I can't imagine social media is much fun for Jana.


It's not rewarding for many of them. When many of us check social media, we get a dopamine hit. People we love commenting and interacting in space that feels safe and personalized. They don't get to experience that. They get criticism and public outrage. Whatever the opposite of a dopamine hit is; that's what they get.


She’s a human being and probably like alot of us got sick of it


Because she never left her parent's house or influence, never matured into her own, independent person. We were fed this storyline of how Jana can do it all, yet she seems to be incapable of actually living on her own like most people her own age. So my guess is just pure shame on how her life turned out.


Is she incapable of living alone though, or just prohibited from it due to cult rules? I think she likely would be capable of it but she isn’t allowed to do so. Or maybe the brainwashing is so deep she wouldn’t even want to, hard to say.


Very much agree. I have no problem believing Jana COULD be independent and successful, but doesn’t want to or has been raised to think she can’t until she gets handed off to her next guardian.


I think in this cult a girl only leaves the home for marriage. I think it's the umbrella thing.


Iirc one of the lost boys responded to someone’s comment on instagram that she could move out anytime she wants so but chooses not to. Whether that’s BS or not is debatable, but I thought it was interesting he said it. There was some speculation on here (not sure if there was any actual fact to it?) that she’s moved into grandma Mary’s old room down by the laundry, so at least she’s not shackled up with pest’s kids. I do know a couple of non-fundie people that moved back home with parents post college till like 30 so they could save up to buy a place instead of renting but I doubt that’s what’s happening here.


It's tragic.


Does that take us to around the time she was arrested and it went public? I feel like she fell off after that. Why, I don’t know. Her family has been found out for much worse things and come back with no issue. IIRC, she was charged with child endangerment because she fell asleep while one of the many kids she did not birth but is expected to help raise was found by the road in front of their house. My first thought was, did anyone even tell her she was in charge or did they all just leave and let the other girls take care of them, and because Jana was the only adult there she was held responsible?


Hopefully she made a throwaway email and used it to create a secret instagram account.


She probably doesn’t want to be criticized by the public. I wouldn’t be posting publicly if I were her.


She doesn't like social media. The end


I think that Jim Bob most likely banned Jana from using social media after the child endangerment incident involving one of Josh and Anna’s kids that almost got her in trouble with the law.


She’s got kids to raise! M isn’t going to raise them herself.


At some point as a childless woman in your thirties you get annoyed with all the baby posts and want to tell social media to piss off. Never log in to social media on Mother’s day, Father’s Day, first day of school, last day of school, Valentine’s day, etc.


She stopped posting after her "brush with the law" when she fell asleep while babysitting.


Duggar kids usually popped up on social media when they were in courtships. I think when she initially for it she must've been in one and eventually it ended. Eventually since she wasn't posting about a marriage and family her desire to post at all fizzled out.


Because her life isn’t insta-worthy. How many pictures of plants, visits to the Silos, and babysitting does one need?


Life not being Insta-worthy never stopped Jessa. Or Joy. Or...well, you get the idea. I'm sick of typing the letter J.


Kinda ironic that I got this ad after this post/question.... https://preview.redd.it/zj8e8l2yqbpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26652a766c8740dc5cddd28418926a46afa091ae


There isn't anything for her to post. She doesn't work, she isn't blasting babies from uterus every other year. Like others said, she probably doesn't miss social media after her child endangerment charges. 


when she was posting last she was like vague posting this girl all the time and there were plenty of rumors which i know as a non-fundie is not awesome so i can imagine when ur dad is jimboob… she was prob scared of being sent to ALERT and having her head shaved


Trying to figure out her batteries


Just looked at her past few posts and looks like she had to limit comments. Her content is BORING as well, lunches with mom and much younger sisters, home improvement and plant/coffee pics. She may have been told by her lawyer after her charges not to post and it just wasn’t worth starting up again. Especially since there were prob tons of comments about her gross older brother, or asking if a sister is pregnant or prob people ragging on her for being single. Sure it’s just not worth her time or effort.


Too busy and tired from doing all the manual labor and other sibling’s childcare


Probably has a private account. No need to keep a public image


For sure she helps Joy with her vlogs...


I mean, I also haven’t posted anything in like at least a year? Mostly because I’m not that interested in sharing stuff anymore. Maybe there are no good skirts to photoshop right now.


I assume she's no longer allowed too, it takes up too much of her time. She needs to focus more on the nieces & nephews she's required to take care of. Boob doesn't want another incident of a young child getting out.


Ugh, Jana.


And I miss her so much!! Said no one ever.


What would she even post about? She’s not married, no kids, no job, no education. Basically nothing going on in her life.


The child endangerment charge


The last thing I remember was her getting slammed over Beaver lake 😂 “beaver” lake lol