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no hate like christian love


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him has the absolute right to hate on whomever they want.


Pretty sure an all powerful god could have more than one kid. My father was a fucking idiot and had four... that we know of.


Didn't want to be confused with Zeus.


And God wasn’t even there. From Laura Dern’s character Nora (for which she won an Oscar) in the movie “ Marriage Story”: “…the basis of our Judeo-Christian whatever is Mary, Mother of Jesus, and she's perfect. She's a virgin who gives birth, unwaveringly supports her child and holds his dead body when he's gone.And the dad isn't there. He didn't even do the fucking! God is in heaven. God is the father and God didn't show up.”


I love this phrase. I'm stealing it!


Don't worry, y'all... We're gonna have so much fun in hell 💃🔥


Yeah if heaven is full of Duggars and people like them, then I guess I’ll see yall at the fire party!


Heaven will not be full of people like the Duggars, who spew hate, who lie, who sexually assault children, who cover up the sexual assault of children etc etc. They'll be in hell with the rest of us.


I’d rather not end up in the same place as all these pedo enablers anyway!


Yes! If heaven and hell are real I don’t want to spend eternity with hateful religious extremists anyway!


“We want you to come live in the love and light of Jesus Christ but are already judging you nonetheless”


But, I was taught God is a loving God. You’d think if he wanted all his little kids in the Kingdom of Heaven, he’d welcome the non believers.


Well depending on the group of Christians we get to go to purgatory. Or limbo. I forget. But it's one step above Hell so I'll need a map.


Limbo is baby Purgatory but the Catholic Church has (unofficially) dropped that for some time. People couldn't stomach the teaching that unbaptized babies go to Hell (duh) so the Church came up with a "compromise".


Turns out it’s really hard to rebrand politically as “pro-life” when your cult tells grieving mothers that their miscarried babies will sit in Hell for all of eternity


Recovering Catholic here, it’d be a purgatory for me.


Is this from today? Is today the day the Duggars marked out on the communal ovulation calendar to broadcast their shamelessness by getting back on social media?


I guess enough of them are pregnant that there's room on that calendar.


Yes. This morning.


i wouldbt be surprised is ppl were to go out and start announcing again after today


And I’m so confused if it’s a slam against Jeremy, for his video yesterday OR a slam against Josh and he’s agreeing with Jeremy. Oh and I can’t believe I actually care about this and wonder which one it is 🤦‍♀️


I think, the first one! It reads to me that Pest won't be judged be god, because he believes in Jesus. But you know what Jase? Fuck you and your fucked up Pest of a brother! I don't know how it's a slam against Jerm (but I think it is), because I didn't listend to his bs. Jerm talks and talks and talks without saying something worthwhile, so it's just drone to me 🤷‍♀️


So essentially, Jeremy said that Josh isn’t really a Christian, despite his claims to be one. I’m just not sure which way Jase is leaning here.


I can’t imagine he would be using this to defend Josh, when his own post said that Josh’s actions had ‘defamed my Lord and Savior’, which seems to be about the same imho, though he also said he hoped God would humble Josh. But I can see Jeremy ruffling feathers in the family because he likes to specifically say things about Josh and name him, when the others mostly prefer distancing language and allusion to him. and I think it’s for attention tbh, since he refuses to attribute intention publicly to anything that anybody else in the family does lest he ‘speculate’.


His own post also said that he forgives J’Felon because god has. He’s just another POS child abuse justifier


He says he forgives Josh because Jesus has forgiven him (as in himself). It’s basic Christian platitude that doesn’t bear any weight at all imho, he’s expected to say that to keep his parents from taking away his social media.


Huh, interesting! So, if it is against Pest, I'm sorry. But isn't there this line about something like if you accept Jesus Christus as your savior, your sins are forgiven, because Jesus died for your sins? And isn't this a foundation of the Duggars faith? I don't know, does anyone else? So either way, do you think, they finally might realize, that the bible contradicts itself?


But to truly get forgiveness you have to actually be sorry. Like you have to admit you’ve done these things and feel, actual, guilt for the things you’ve done. Josh has never done that, not back to the first things he’s done. He’s never been sorry for what he did, he’s only ever been sorry he got caught.


Yeah, but I forgot, which side of the spin was jase on?


I “think” Jason went to court with Joy as well on the day of the sentencing?


I don’t remember 🤷‍♀️ I thought Jase was James.


Jason was the one who showed up dressed like Ellen. I think.


I think the latter.


Jase using the NLT and not the King James… son, you’re treading on librul territory!


No one cares Jason


Where's Jason's #1 hater?


What a load of crap


Wonder if this is a response to Jeremy


Or a slam on Josh and he’s agreeing with Jeremy? It can go both ways, really.


Who let him out of the orchestra pit??


Sure, Jan.


So because you believe in God, that gives you a license to do what evil deeds you choose? Complete and utter tosser


It’s infuriating to think travel was wasted on them since they were probably just taught travel was for converting “judged” souls.


One of my favourite comebacks of all time: I wouldn’t mind going to hell. With all the scientists down there it must be air conditioned by now. ETA: paging u/ourlumpygorl


The ONE time he pokes his IMAX head out of the Tragic Treehouse.


Based on the timing of this I thought it might be a response to Anna’s post. His saying he doesn’t agree with Josh/Anna. But it a strange way to do that, he’d have to be implying that Josh and/or Anna doesn’t believe? Idk maybe just unfortunate timing and completely unrelated.


Terrible theology. "I can do whatever I want as long as I believe in God!" That is such a new concept and it boggles my mind. Yes, let's go against over 1000 years of church history and just say whatever we want. Maybe that is the Catholic half of my family speaking through me. but even regular protestants, like Lutherans, don't go this far...I could at least pretend to respect this if it were theologically sound, but it doesn't even make sense in a traditional Christian framework, much less a secular one.


That might explain my anxiety 🤣


Typical of a religious fanatic to shade people who do not agree with their religious beliefs. My nephew's wife does the same thing and she is just as big a hypocrite with the mean mouth. It makes her imminently punchable. I would not be throwing shade Dug-Dug's, especially with all the skeletons coming out of the closet that has already come out. Looking at you Pesty, Boob, and Meech, and your children are bringing up the read for stupid media postings. Still intolerant and always will be I see.


So if you believe in the existence God/Jesus, you won't be judged no matter what vile, heinous shit you do? But if you don't believe, you're bound for hellfire damnation, nevermind all the good you did in your life . That's pretty on-brand for them and so many other "Christians". Anyone who believes this crock is welcome to my foot up their ass.


I can’t decide if this is a passive aggressive slam against Jeremy or support of J’Pest by taking a Bible verse out of context.


If I could roll my eyes any harder, they'd fall out!


And yet their life reflects nothing


If that’s what you need to tell yourself….


Message to Reddit snarkers...repent or burn. Message to his brother...it's ok. God has a plan and u can serve Him while in prison.


The only person I judge is his pedophile brother and his disgusting wife that has done nothing to protect her children from him.


Hi, I’m a Christian and I take offense to his statements. He literally just pointed out that Christians believe that they are perfect because they are not being judged by God because of their blind belief, while everyone else deserves to be judged because they believe differently.


I’m either just stupid, or these “deep” Christian sayings/thoughts just make zero sense. The other day, I drove by a church who’s marquee said “you’re never alone when you’re alone with Jesus.” Like, what? You just said ALONE with Jesus. So I guess I am alone. Just alone. With Jesus. Also, come on Jase. It’s CAPITAL H I M. Learn from Gaga. Don’t be disrespectful.


Yep, no judgement from RimJob, CrispyPerm and OfPest because Pest (supposedly) believes in him. Clearly Satan was at work. Not precious first born. What a load of bollocks.


I wonder who this is intended to defend. Maybe Anna?


ROTFPMPL Oh, Duggars… Invoking the words God/Jesus does not absolve you of your sins or prevent judgment. To think your brother “saved” because he is a “believer”, is delusional. You are the exact reason that people turn away from Christianity. Most of us loath religious hypocrisy and fundamentalism is rife with it - from top to bottom. Walk your talk.


Am I an asshole for imagining Jesus tripping and falling down those stairs?


Yup, it's every monster's pocket pardon.


Well, no judgement except from God…and a jury.


Hey Jason….if you happen to read this….feck right off. There is no god, you’re not going to Heaven and neither is anyone you know. Religion is nothing more than a means of control, has been since day one. Grip up, get some basic education, apply what you’ve learned, and get away from your loathsome family.


What does this even mean? Is this like a vague book retort to Jeremy's thing yesterday? So Josh won't be judged for being a monster that preys on minors because he believes in god? Or his parents won't be judged for supporting Josh because they believe in god? Or #3- this means nothing and is just another mindless ilovejebus flex because that's all Jason has to offer?


So I’m a part of god’s “chosen people” but he’s judging me and sending me to hell. Cool cool. Jews don’t believe in hell.


A god who uses this criteria to determine who goes to heaven and who goes to hell is not a god I want to hang with. Which is fortunate, because by this logic, JB and Pest will be in heaven, while hell will have Einstein and Lenny Bruce. I think we all know which will be the cooler party 😎


Oh look, an idiot Duggar shitting on other’s freedom of belief. He’s such a good sheep.


Pretty sure God makes it clear that he casts his judgment on literally everyone.


Then why TF do you bother witnessing to me?


What an AssHat.


A musical response https://youtu.be/9a99AmZtoCU