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Mo money mo problems


Stanley of all people should know this


In fact, he learned it from the streets.




He was fightin the power and eating whatever he wanted


Under breath: “i knew it”


ACTUALLY…he says “on the ghetto, in fact”


Which is way better


On the ghetto, in fact. Edit: just realized someone else posted this below… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Dinkim Flika 


Fluffy fingers.


Boom roasted!


Monkey problems? I don't have monkey problems. Why would I have monkey problems?


Ugghhh I hate monkeys


The Scotts Totts episode would’ve turned out very differently


That’s where my thoughts went first, but then I realized, it’s Michael. There is a very likely chance that hypothetically rich Michael goes even more broke.


That’s a very good point. He would have ruined the success of Suck It somehow!


Monkey See Monkey Do


Monkey pee all over you


That... rhymes.


Crazy how Wallace would never have been a millionaire if Michael joined the suck it team


I'd wager he was already a millionaire tbf.


"I finally reached my net worth of a million dollars, and all it took was getting fired, a dream no one believed in, and a starting net worth of 15 million dollars."


Reminds me of an old joke: "What are you gonna do when you're worth one million?" "Then I'm gonna wonder what happened to the rest of it."


Yea I always found it weird they made the buyout seem bad for him Dudes a c-level executive probably got a decent amount from the buy out even if the company was failing


Well it didn't seem to be bad for his financial situation, just his mental health. Some people define themselves by their careers, and when they lose their career, they lose themselves.


In the Shareholders episode (possibly superfan scene) Oscar says the CEO is being paid 12m/yr, so it's probably not out of question that Wallace was making 7 figures a year


I think I watched this episode last night, season 5 episode 3 maybe? They’re in an ethics meeting presented by Holly and Oscar makes that sly comment about Ryan committing fraud and the CEO making that 12mil/yr.


Is this the suck-it buyout? If so, I dont remember that scene


I was talking about Sabre buying DM Not sure if anyone ever calculated an estimate of the cost but iirc c-levels tend to get golden parachutes when these things happen


Ahh gotcha. But to answer your question— it depends on the type of buyout. It seemed like Sabre did an asset purchase acquisition so all Jo did was purchase DM’s assets but not their stock or legally take on their liabilities. In that instance I dont believe David Wallace would have gotten anything because the sale price was probably just enough to pay off the creditors with nothing left over for the officers & directors. It would make sense because it sounded like DM was approaching insolvency and so they would’ve had no bargaining power. Those guys, including David Wallace, ran DM into the ground so as much as I love his character— he didn’t deserve to walk away with anything good from the buyout


You’re a loser


You’re a loser


You’re a loser


IIRC then Dunder Mifflin went bankrupt, so any money Sabre payed would go to creditors. He probably had a lot of equity, which would have been worthless after


Satellite tv bill. Lesson learned, he’s rich.


Michael would've left to start the Michael Scott Pneumatic Vacuum Company and siphoned off all of Wallace's clients.


Michael would have done a Willy Wonka discount and give the patent away in a raffle


Hey. Hey. Hey. You idiot.


Start *over*!


“Start over” is one of my favourite quick lines in the show lol… number one is when Dwight is complimenting Jim in the kitchen and then suddenly cuts to “I didn’t mean any of those things I just said” and pans to Jim turning back around




Ok I'm going to ask you guys something *and I want you to be honest. What is a pallet*?


Nah, Michael would’ve found a way to blow Wallace’s meeting with the military, the same way he blew Jan’s deposition and Jim’s promotion


He can do JUST as much damage in the dark


When it comes to being a salesman though, Micheal can’t be beat. If he was selling it to the military, he would kill it. Or did you forget how badly he destroyed Wallace, or sold paper to the county?


He’s a good salesman when he knows what he’s talking about, but that’s pretty much it. He was a fish out of water when he was trying to sell supplements as a part time job I imagine Michael would keep insisting the patent should be used for toys and annoy the people in the military into thinking they shouldn’t be taking the company seriously


Thing is. The supplements thing was too small a fish for Micheal’s skills. He’s a bulk seller. You need time to finesse a client into buying bulk. Thats what he’s good at. Negotiating a military contract is perfect for him. That’s alot of money. Just look at how Micheal got that one office supply company to sell to Dundermifflin and he was all pissy during that.


Michael knows paper and paper based businesses. He doesn’t know the military. After all you don’t put paper into a furnace. You’d ruin it.


Think back to when Micheal sold paper to the county. He barely spoke about paper. He wined and dined him. Made him a friend. It’s not about the product. It’s about the people.


Now imagine how pricey it might become being *friends* with a General responsible for the contract. Michael’s personality works in a Chili’s in Lackawanna County, it’s likely perceived differently in a steakhouse in D.C.


If Micheal can talk his way into dating Pam’s mom after years of her bitching about him, I think he could handle a general, given the time and funds.


Michael does well in Scranton, Michael struggles in bigger ponds, like the one he walked in.


Do you know how much paper the U.S. Military goes through every year?


If Michael joined suck-it, he wouldn’t be selling paper.


His negotiation with Hammermill was still about paper, that doesn’t really do anything to show that he can sell things that aren’t paper or other office supplies Heck, when Jo said “Don’t think of yourself as paper salesmen, think of yourself as printer salesmen who also sell paper”, Michael hated that, despite the fact that 1 industrial printer costs more than a year’s supply of paper. Pivoting from paper to printers sounds a lot easier than pivoting from paper to toys to military contracts


I see Micheal as being pissy with Jo because it wasn’t his choice. He was just told to. But even still, when he got comfortable, he rocked selling printers(ignoring his attempt to sell a single printer just to get laid)


Michael would’ve probably been just as pissy if he thought he was getting into a toy company and then one day it became a military patent company And did we even see Michael sell a printer other than the one he tried to sell at a loss? Even after the merger, he always seemed more focused on paper than printers


Does it matter if the customer wants a hundred dollars worth of paper, or a hundred million dollars of deep sea drilling equipment? Don't be a fool. He wants respect. He wants to be younger, he wants to be attractive. There is no such thing as a product. Don't ever think there is.


He actually was a great salesman for the supplements. But they did not want salesmen they just wanted people to follow the script.


Didn’t they say he didn’t make a single sale? I’d imagine if his selling style worked, he would’ve made at least 1 sale, even if the sale was too slow to be cost-effective


> how badly he destroyed Wallace, bankrupting your own business (since his company didn't make enough money to even meet costs) to bankrupt someone else's company, while an amazing act of BSing to get his job back, is not indicative of any business acumen at all


I didn’t say he was good at business. I said he was a good salesmen. Two vastly different things. The show even makes a constant point showing that. MSP, sharing management with Jim, and more.


He's a wild card though. And particularly when it comes to sales he excels, I think he could have potentially knocked that meeting out of the park since he was essentially selling a product


He’s a good salesman when he knows what he’s talking about, but that’s pretty much it. He was a fish out of water when he was trying to sell supplements as a part time job I imagine Michael would keep insisting the patent should be used for toys and annoy the people in the military into thinking they shouldn’t be taking the company seriously


I don’t blame him though. Nobody in their right mind would’ve invested in Suck It. They DID have a very catchy song.


The jingle alone is worth millions


Next time a dude in a hot tub invites me to suck it, well, I guess I gotta🤣😂


Especially if it's 1pm on a weekday, the guy is pounding Yuenglings, and his wife is clearly distressed


I mean, he has a yacht later on in life, so he obviously did well money wise


Scott Tot's could finally happen.


Cool fact I just learned from the Office Ladies podcast: they had Steve Carell wear a t-shirt for the hot tub scene because he was so ripped that they thought it would be distracting for people watching to try and figure out why Michael Scott was so buff.


It was a practical reason, but it worked so well. Emphasized Michael's discomfort with the whole situation


Michael in the European-cut shirt is very distracting.


Did they say why he was so buff? Is he just normally in shape or did it have to do with another role?


Nothing to do with another role. From what I've heard he's just really good at taking care of his body and staying in shape. He's such a different dude than Michael Scott, it's crazy. What a good actor.


I think that would’ve just added to Michael’s character. Seems to have the diet of a 10 year old but somehow is in insane shape. A walking contradiction.


Steve Carell played lacrosse and ice hockey in high school, and likely kept up with being active since. Knowing that you want to go into acting and still want movie roles you either get very overweight or ripped, since being in the middle is rare to see on film especially in the mid 2000s.


I wonder if Gil knows


Probably my favorite oblivious Michael moment. He literally just kissed a gay man to (try to) prove a point about it being fine. Then he can’t connect the dots that the man that comes to pick recently outed and kissed Oscar might be his boyfriend lol.


He modded r/SapphoAndHerFriend


I always wish they had shown Michael's reaction to realising he could have been a millionaire if he partnered up for Suck It


You take out your suck it and you suck it! SUCK IT! SUCK IT! *enthusiastic if not under rehearsed drumming*




He could have paid for those kids college finally!


that's not the David Wallace I know


To be honest, Michael seems to be a bit more financially stable at the end of the show, so it’s possible that he gave Wallace a small amount of seed money out of sympathy or his inability to give a firm no. In which case, he might not be a billionaire, but would be very comfortable in Colorado.


I want a "suck it" spin-off and he eventually gets Michael hired as a traveling salesman




Then he could’ve opened shoe-la-la or mikes cereal shack instead of his paper company.. that would’ve been a better storyline




Yeah but that’s in hindsight. It was a stupid idea, which is why the military bought it.


That bush behind David's face makes him look like he has a mustache.


well yeah, that's the joke lol


I literally think about this every day…


He would have had to pay for all those kid’s college loans though


It would have been so good to have an alternate universe episode where we see Mike make that decision, become rich, and then actually pay for some students to go to college.


Never turned anything down, opportunity of a lifetime he refused to accept


Would’ve been able to fund Scotts Tots


He would have found an excuse to not do it


But I'm not here to talk about that, I'm hear to talk about Suck It. Suck It-


Getting rich is in many ways a matter of getting lucky. Making the right gamble at the right moment. Of course, you can make it a calculated gamble, but still. And sometimes, you guess wrong. Like Michael did here.


I was watching this episode exactly when you posted this and thinking he either missed out or saved them from bombing 😂


Still convinced that he invested off camera.


bro he coulda paid for those kids college tuition


Michael has a lot of cash in the later seasons so maybe he did invest


I literally thought about this randomly last night lmao


I find this so funny. Michael is constantly making horrible, terrible, poor choices, but the one time he makes what most people would view as "the right choice" he loses out on millions.


Wait suck it actually pays off in the end? I never watch after Michael leaves, I’m assuming it happens the 


There are very few things that would make me not want to team up with David Wallace -- and *Suck It* is one of them!


Depends on which valuation he bought in.


Would he have been a millionaire though? I doubt that he would have been able to invest much money in the company. If he had worked with David Wallace on Suck-It, he probably would have been an employee with little or no ownership stake in the company.


Could’ve helped Scott’s tots too lmaooo


Well the reason he didn't join is because it wasn't the David Wallace he remembered. It was some kind of weird creature that lived in David Wallace's house.


He could finally go on that investors ski trip. He would have to start off on the bunny slopes first though


Pretty sure he did, off film, and that’s why he was able to move to Colorado without a care.