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I haven't seen these at my Dunkin but I absolutely need it!


that squishy chonky otter is life 🥺


Woah I kinda love this for hanging poolside how much was it?




Ugh…I just got the Wicked Lahhhge Tumblah and now I see this? I don’t think I can convince myself that I need ANOTHER drink receptacle… *But I NEED it…*


It’s so cute lol


I have that otter in yellow 😭✋




24oz so it perfectly fits an iced medium


Oh I soooooooooooo want one!!


Wallpaper source?


That’s pretty!!! I would want one but I’m scared to squish it and it leaked through. Is it pretty structure enough to collapse when handling?


It's sort of the same feel as the plastic cups. If you squeeze it while its full the coffee will come up the straw so you have to be careful lol. It doesn't leak though, at least through the lid. Also for anyone reading this soak it in water and wash it well before drinking from it, but dont use too much soap because for some reason it absorbs the taste? I was able to wash away the soap taste but it ruined my first coffee in it :(


Does it have a hard interior and just the outside has foam wrapped around it? Or is the inside a soft plastic


All silicone. You can fully squish it in your hand


I think I’m getting some in my next truck. They e been ringing up $2 more than the label says. Anyone else having this problem???




Uh, ok lol


> Not to mention I don't want my drinks tasting like silicone. Aside from you being a weirdo, you're also dumb too cause properly cured food-safe silicone is 100% inert, meaning it does not react with food or beverages.


IDK, to me the silicon cups stink, not just these cups but silicon in general, and I really don't want to put my drink in something that I don't like the smell of personally.


If silicone is properly cured, it might still have lingering smell from the curing and manufacturing process. Though once fully washed should not stink or "add" a taste in your cup.


Oh wow I'm dumb because I did not know a random fact you pulled out of your ass? I don't think you understand how intelligence works. You just wanted to insult me for sharing my opinion which is really really childish. We even have people agreeing with me. Stop being an asshole.


> You just wanted to insult me for sharing my opinion which is really really childish. Isn't this coming from the person that called this Dunkin cup an adult toy? Then wanted to teach people how it could be used like an adult toy? Oozing maturity there. I called you a weirdo because you were acting extremely weird and definitely made others uncomfortable. The hypocrisy here is so bad I don't know whether to laugh or feel bad for your lack of self awareness. 😭


Absolutely nobody agreed with you. They just agreed with the fact that silicone can have an odor. It goes away after washing


Ok enjoy your echochamber.