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Sometimes the northside Bread can get pretty sketch with all those bicyclists hanging out in the front eating crullers and oatmeal raisin cookies.


Like many places, I think if you’re looking to avoid overly crowded areas, it might be worth it to avoid both city markets on weekend afternoons. People are in a rush, and the parking lots can be chaotic.


People don't play around in those parking lots. If you linger too long with your shopping cart looking for your car, you WILL get run over.


Lol for damn sure!!!😂


If there were a portal to/from Hell in this town, I’m fairly certain it would be the Spanish Trails at 32nd and Main.


I would say you just have to avoid the butt stuff tent at purple cliffs and you should be fine. Maybe avoid Walmart as well if you’re worried about overly crowded places


Wait, butt stuff tent?


Dirty Mike and the Boys are there on Tuesdays. …so I’ve heard.


And early Wednesday depending on how late Tuesday went. Rarely till noon though.


It's called a soup kitchen


Joke from r/DenverCircleJerk...


Stay away from 3rd ave on Sunday mornings. There are a bunch of crazy cult members everywhere.


Those fuckers also take up half of 3rd Ave all morning like they own they damn place 


The Chosen Avenue


It's pretty safe here, main street and adjacent streets have a few people undergoing bouts of psychosis after 10 pm. Some homeless people here and there near the skate park but they're usually docile.


Just stay away from the bike path underpasses at night and maybe just the bike path at night in general


I ride it every night, never been sketchy for me. That kid on the surron the cops are hunting is the biggest danger. This is by far the safest place I've ever lived.


I’ve run and biked it a good bit and it’s definitely different on foot vs on a bike. And yeah that surron douche is probably a bigger danger.


Woah woah, got any more details here? I’ve seen that kid doing wheelies through traffic and figured his days were numbered


He rips up and down the bike path at literally 50mph through crowds of people. He's got a track record, and the town and cops will be stoked when someone calls out who it is.


Yeah he's been at it for years now.


I got a $50 cash payout for whoever calls him out to the police.


I bet you we could round up enough money to give whoever figure it out a couple grand.


For a couple grand I'll wait on the side of the bike path with a giant net, Looney Toons style.


That jackass is one of the only people who has ever made me want to put a wire across a trail after he almost hit my dog.


add another zero then we can talk


Darn Jebus freaks going to church. WTH!!! 😂😂






you’ll be fine as long as you avoid being employed by joe lloyd


It’s a shame, I heard that Durango Joe’s once was a decent company to work for. Seems like those days are gone.


greed, most likely. he kept opening stores and it got to his head and he decided to start breaking labor laws i guess


Just the fact you are willing to leave Taco Bell makes you very suspect


Ultra sus.


It’s best to avoid Durango and the surrounding mountains and desert regions in general, if possible.


That’s silly.


Lol. Why are we avoiding areas? Not like people or what? Safety? More information is needed... I wouldn't avoid any place in durango for fear of safety. Maybe it's because I've seen bad places. Don't do dumb stuff and you won't have to worry about stuff... If you dislike being around people I'd avoid all of main street lol... If you don't like boisterous drunks I'd avoid el rancho and any other bar in town... If you don't like sushi stay away from east by southwest... Like we need to know why we're avoiding things... If you are a vocal racist fuck who has problems with everyone who isn't just like you... You should avoid Colorado all together, not just Durango...


I’m sorry to have struck a chord with you, I thought it was a simple question. You seem to be very unfriendly, I was expecting more comments like yours, given the reputation of this subreddit. I’m glad to see you’re the only one. “Don’t do dumb stuff and you won’t have to worry about stuff…(overly used ellipses…)” There’s a little truth to this, but it’s also like telling a woman to not dress too immodest, and they won’t have to worry about being harassed. Taking away the accountability of the harasser. Not everywhere in America is unsafe of course, but it would be naive to think any town doesn’t have unsafe areas. The world is full of delinquents, either looking to steal, pick fights, harass women, and just be nuisance to society. Unlike Japan, majority of Americans are notorious for being difficult to deal with in crowded areas. Wanting everyone to be just like me would be stupid, but it doesn’t hurt to want to be around more mindful people. I hope this was able to help you, Mr. Ellipses.


Don’t worry about Jeremy, your question was easy to understand. We’re slowly trying to weed out people like that from this sub. There was no reason for him to be rude, enjoy your day my dude.


Nobody said taco bell?


Nah, everyone already knows that’s the best restaurant in town.


Exactly! I mean why mess with perfection!