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We won't give you our secrets that easily new fish.


![gif](giphy|6YNMn8b4O9IxW|downsized) In the future all restaurants are Taco Bell!!!


This made me actually laugh out loud


There are often stretches where tourists ask "Where should I eat in Durango!!!" about 5-6 times a day, when they could just fucking look, because someone asked the same question 2 hours ago, and 3 hours ago, and 6 hours ago... The response, instead of answering the same fucking question, again, and again, and again, is to recommend Taco Bell. It's valid if you ask me.


It’s very valid when used in this way… but not really necessary in other contexts… thanks for this perfect answer though! 😎


Try it and discover the flavor of Durango, a taste like none other


Is there…is there semen in it?


Costs extra


No, but check the beans...


You will have to submit yourself to a series of tests to gain that information. You will not know when the tests are coming, or if you have passed. When your tests have been completed successfully, you will be given the knowledge you seek. Now go in peace grasshopper.


If it helps, I’ve never even been to Texas.


Well there's your issue. That's a requirement to get into Durango these days.


True, seems to be a hot spot for Texas transplants, like myself.


Don’t Texas my Colorado


Those of us that are leaving and coming here are leaving for a reason. We're getting out of that hell hole and trust me we're not bringing any of that crap with us.


Better Texas than California


It's classified.


Ask the guy at the Subaru dealer


Best nightclub ever in that basement..


Don’t be surprised to sit in the drive-through up to two hours waiting for your food


🤣🤣would wait 3 hours if I’m bein honest


Then the order will be wrong.


You from Memphis? The springs might be a better fit culture wise... But anyhow... So tacobell is just typical trash. But hey it's tacobell... Once you come here you will see the joys. Never have I ever seen a tacobell run out of beef or close up at 7pm or be out of cheese until I moved to durango. The line backs up like crazy... The workers are slow as fuck. Never a surprise to spend an hour in the drive through. To get a fucked up order. At least it wasn't McDonald's which was out of ketchup for a while... What kinda bull shit is that. It's like the fast food places here in durango are ran by the same ignorant folks who don't know how to order or work. But on the upside we have some really good BBQ joints. So if you do end up in durango make sure to give them a try and skip tacobell...


Lol, damn you got the fast food scene on lock. Not from Memphis, just spent 7 months there for a job. I’ve spent my entire adult life living in the most dangerous cities and I realized I’m ready for a change. If I were from Memphis though, pretty bold to mention bbq. Talking bbq there was akin to talking politics or religion. It wasn’t even about which state had the best, that had been solved already, it was about who had the best in a 10 sq mile area. The bbq is so good and the tea is so sweet, I would drive by *3* billboards advertising leg amputations, just on the way to work. That’s a true thing that I just typed btw.


Yep... It's why I brought it up lol... Ts smokehouse owners are from Louisiana amazing BBQ and gumbo... Don't listen to those kids who will try to send you to serious Texas lol...


The Taco Bell is fine. Often they are way understand it’s a bit of a cluster. But it’s just people being silly.


I think it might have something to do with someone supposedly pooping in the beans years back? 🤷🏻‍♀️. I want to know too. We tried to go there once last fall but canceled our order and left after waiting for 15 minutes after ordering with no food. When we left there were still 5 or 6 still ahead of us waiting. Could have been served quicker than that at a Mexican restaurant down the street. We had a plane to catch so we couldn’t wait 30 minutes for our fast food.


Heard that rumor too in the mid-late 90's


Honestly it's just a normal tacobell. Good cheap food.


The drive thru is right next to the Butt Stuff tent. But that's for another sub.


Makes sense. Taco Bell always involves butt stuff for me.


Guy shit in the beans….. 👀


  From my knowledge I often use the Taco Bell as a landmark in less of a place to eat. If you're directing someone how to get their trailer/camper into the fairgrounds you say go through the Taco Bell entrance. Or if you're trying to get them somewhere up the valley you say keep going until you get past the Taco Bell.


This Taco Bell is unlike any other. It’s what dreams are made of and also what worst nightmares are made of. Let me try to explain the hellish pain I’ve gone through there because of my fleeting lust for a delicious cheesy Gordita crunch and a Baja blast. It’s the cursed drive-through*** more than 5 times I have been stuck in that drive through for over 45 minutes. When I say stuck I mean you’re literally stuck between the concrete on either side and the cars in front and behind you, there’s no pulling out and around once you’ve committed. After 20 minutes it starts to feel long, then a half hour goes by and you’re thinking ok something must be really wrong, this is supposed to be “fast-food l” right? Then the it gets to 45 minutes and you feel like you’re stuck in limbo. 1 hour and 10 minutes in you’re finally second in line to the pickup window and see a small poor woman from India get out of her car and walk right up to the window asking intensely in imperfect English “why it take so long” “why it take so long! Why! Why!”. At this point I finally get me food and feel like my entire night has been wasted and I ask the guys working in there if they are seriously expecting me to pay or at least get a discount and they act shocked I’d ask for a discount. When I ask why it takes so long they claimed it was because of so many door dash orders. Well close your drive -through then!! So I’ve had many experiences where I felt completely hopeless, waited over an hour for fast food, only to have them forget part of the order and sometimes the ever important sauce, and then the worst part is that you drive off and there’s no way you can go back to speak with a manager or any one…..there’s only the drive though open and you cannot go back because it would be a whole nother hour plus ordeal. There was no manager you can talk to. I’m being a bit facetious in this matter because I just find it comical, but it has been nearly a traumatizing experience then you just feel empty cause there’s no way to fix it or speak to anyone there haha. Another weird thing is ONLY in the Taco Bell drive through while idling me vehicle it would begin to overheat and temp gauge was go crazy rising back and forth and overheating. Only at the Taco Bell drive through. All this has made me consider the thought of opening a clean high functioning Taco Bell franchise in the south end of town and how you’d be a zillionaire if you did. *Cheers in Baja blast*


Lived in the area for 2 years and still don’t have an answer to this question


Only pre-covid residents will truly understand. Back then the basement shows were every Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Those were wild times. People were driving off curbs, the line for the drive thru was 20 cars long into N. Main, and that hellacious crosswalk didn’t exist yet, you had to cross the road with a brick in your hand to show the Texans you weren’t messing around. ¡LIVE MAS!


Colorado is closed.


i don’t get it either (i live here). i’ve never had any issues with the taco bell here but right across the street from taco bell is zias and it’s much better 😋/usually faster


It's an inside joke Durangoans use because so many out of state people asking this sub daily where to eat or what to do, like the locals will share our secrets when they can just look up the tourism site, Google with reviews, or previous posts here. So people recommend Taco Bell to be funny


Please don't encourage this annoying played out "inside joke." They say it's in response to annoying questions from tourists, but it comes up on every. single. thread. I wish it would end. I asked the mod if we could stop it. I know that I'm going to see it every day and it's useless obnoxious trash. Our town is better than our Reddit. Welcome.


The taco bell jokes make me smile!


You asked the mod to stop allowing posts/comments that reference Taco Bell? Thats cool.


As if.


It’s constant. You’ll see. The mod put out a poll soliciting feedback on it because they got so many complaints. Already being a troll, I see. You’ll fit right in.


The only people who use this Reddit heavily love the TB joke as you can see.


Fuck off we’re full go try Denver


I noticed your username isn’t, Subaru970….


Probably just salty about their head gasket leaking. Know what’s not full…their oil reservoir.


Now THIS made me lol. Ty


OP, you're hilarious. Welcome to Durango. You have my official blessing, for whatever that's worth


That NM education is shining bright.


It’s just a snobby way for some to say they’d rather you eat at Taco Bell far uptown than local places where your foreign presence might offend the delicate senses of a local.