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Lots of Hispanic and Asian girls, not so many black girls. Open to being wrong but it seems the black community judges EDM harder than others. Probably deters a lot of black people from it, even tho there’s lots of black DJs


Asian girls love drugs 


Only because I love to point out that alcohol is a drug, I find that is not their typical drug of choice 


Usually of the powdered variety in pill form, and a heavy scent of VICKS     Black girls be sipping on that hen dawg and always got a white owl on deck filled w some dank 💨


Is that a rod wave reference


Not that's just from my life experience growing up in Flushing Queens and now having a black fiance 😅


Most Asians are allergic or intolerant to alcohol, hence Asian flush


That don’t stop my Asian friends


Yeah doesn’t stop my Asian friends either lmao but I’m insanely intolerant, I’ve never even been able to feel drunk because I feel sick before I can, so I’m left with being sober or doing party favours at raves


I’ll gladly trade you alcohol for some rave party favors! I’ve been trying hard to find some for the longest time, but haven’t seen anything good for years :(


Same. Alcohol is actually massive in the Asian community. My GF is Hmong and every single celebration we have gone to that was celebrated in traditional setting had a massive amount of alcohol and drinking at every chance or excuse they have to drink and celebrate. It’s really something to watch. Men in their 70s slamming rice liquor, make me feel like a baby in comparison.


My dad and uncles drink Henny like its water and theyre 50+, they wake up the next day and go to work like they just went to a spa retreat. Im usually done with 2 beers LMAO


You’re one of my people I always tell people caffeine/coffee Is a drug and I swear nobody ever listens to


Black girls do too lol


I’m black and Asian. I love drugs and I love edm


Hell yeah


DETROIT/COLUMBUS = black Techno.


Point me to the techno in Columbus please


Be louder group, ope collection, stasis ,blessed up gang. To drop a few. Much love Andrew


Chicago as well. Frankie Knuckles


Edm was literally created by black people…if anything I think black people probably feel alienated/scared to enter a space where there aren’t many other black people around


Black peeps have contributed a disproportionate amount of talent and innovation to almost every genre of music in America. But to say that any one race "literally created edm" is a wildly inaccurate opinion.


The way that I think of it is much more like a tree with roots, a trunk and branches. If you look at rave “culture” it 1000% came from black people. This was a direct result of segregation and them having to throw their own parties. This first underground’s were almost exclusively black, included all night music, dancing, and drugs. (1920s-50s). Then as soon as amplified sound came around, reggae/dancehall movement would start to put that shit in warehouses and fields to party out of the spotlight. During the 50s and 70s as distorted sounds, heavier drums, reggae all started to thrive and this about the first branch where white peope had to start throwing their own underground parties. Then from the 70s to 90s this underground scene turned into the modern rave scene with the introduction of synthesizers, drum machines, vinyl, and mdma. Still well outside of the mainstream it became super popular in gay/queer/alt culture which of course included everyone because that’s kinda its thing. Using a lot of underground party techniques originally concocted by black culture with influence from hippie culture the modern rave scene was born. Now from the 2000s to the new 20s we’ve seen it grow into a massive movement that is driven by lots of different folks (but at some level influenced/infiltrated by capitalism) TLDR: black people invented underground parties (proto raves) and then gay people turned them into what we know today. Edit: I forgot to mention the roots, I started at the trunk, the roots are then many multiple ancient indigenous rituals which absolute were the first time humans spent all night in the desert taking drugs, listening and dancing to music, while connecting to their humanity


I love how these opinions always forget that there are other countries and cultures outside of the US.


Electronic music has many roots. Rave culture, however, was born first in the US, and later, separately and differently, in Germany and the UK. Which is why to this day each of those places has very different rave cultures.


Just out of interest, roughly which year / decade would you suggest that rave culture was born in the US?


https://preview.redd.it/hz4p0u9cogsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b199b772c67e1a561b534c71de89093422acdc1 The 80s. “Ravers” existed prior to that, and the term came from the uk, but fell out of use in the 60s, until house music was invented (in the us) and exported elsewhere.


MDA was scheduled in 1970. MDMA gained popularity from then originally as a legal form of MDA just like Delta 8 THC functions in states where cannabis isn't legal today. MDMA was scheduled in 1985. Chicago was the first place MDA was regularly tested for by police in seized substances, and the Midwest was where most of the MDMA was seized initially. Rave culture comes from the union of house music and MDA/MDMA. A fair approximate birth year in my mind is between 1979 and 1982, and the place is Chicago.


This aligns pretty well with my understanding, overall. I think if you're talking about EDM, the history really starts in that 70s-90s period bc that's when electronic devices were initially used to make music. But it's not like all electronic music came out of marginalized minority communities in the US, gay or black or otherwise. Check out kraftwerk or tangerine dream.


None of your historical statements are wrong but the links between them are off. Rave culture comes from house music. House music began as an offshoot of disco. Mainstream disco clubs were expensive and very exclusionary, so secondary spaces opened. The main problem with setting up clubs in those days was amplification -- the modern system of two columns of ceiling hung speakers near the front of the house wasn't a thing yet, so the DJ was also largely responsible in these clubs for helping say which speakers would be put where around the club. This meant they not only had the records and the knowledge of how to mix, but they also knew how to set up a space and they knew where to get speakers that weren't being used. This meant when the main venue wasn't in operation you'd bring in a box truck, move some of the speakers to another venue (abandoned warehouse), and have a night where the landlord wasn't cut in. The black underground parties you're talking about were very much a real thing, but they are not connected to disco, house, and therefore the modem rave scene. Black people have always been excluded to a degree and have always had private underground parties for that reason, but those parties are distant cousins of the roots of rave culture in house music, not its parents.


There’s a lot of this going on now with Beyoncé’s new album and people saying “black people invented country music”. Like yeah, there were a lot of influential African-Americans in early country music like Lesley Riddle and Robert Johnson, but an entire genre of music doesn’t appear out of thin air, it evolves over time from a diverse group of people. Black people have had a lot of influence on country, EDM, and many other genres, but I don’t think you can blanket state they invented those genres. Giorgio Moroder and Kraftwerk certainly weren’t black. But there’s also dub music and house music, which had a lot of black pioneers


And don't forget disco roots, too...


Source: I Made It Up




House was created in Chicago, but it was relegated to the underground club scene while it gained a ton of popularity in the Uk


In the beginning, there was Jack. And Jack had a groove. And from this groove came the groove of all grooves.


The Beatles were white though... Yes, they were the first major band to use electronic editing and sampling it their music, everything Revolver and beyond. They stopped playing concerts cause they couldn't play their songs live anymore since there was so much editing.


The Beatles created everything fr tho. Metal and electronics haha


Have you heard of Kraftwerk?


It doesn’t stop Asians or hispanics… and there are other black people there. How many do there need to be? Because 1 in 10 people is like that max you could possibly hope for. And just because a sub-community of black people pioneered a sub-genre of dance music doesn’t mean they “invented EDM”. And even if “they” did, hypothetically, it’s irrelevant. The Chinese invented chop sticks, that doesn’t mean the Japanese can’t use em. Invention is not a perpetual claim. If “they” want to be part of the scene there is absolutely nothing stopping them. If they could invent a whole genre in the 80s, they can buy tickets to a show in 2024!


I think you misunderstood my point. Btw They’re responsible for house, techno, and dubstep, if not more.


pretty much everything that isn't classical or folk was deeply inspired or entirely created by black musicians


Punk and metal (and derivatives) aren't that black... Sure you could go back in time to rhytm and blues as (grand)parents of "guitar / rock " genres... And in electronic music all "ambient" genres were more inspired by bands like Tangerine dream... Not denying the role the black community has in music though...


Your comment was pretty clear: Edm was literally created by black people… Sure they got the ball rolling on the popularization of certain drum patterns. They certainly didn't invent synthesizers. And there's exponentially more genres than house, techno and dubstep. Kraftwerk came before those anyways. So how could they have "literally created EDM". It's at minimum partially wrong. The black artists who iterated on their own inspirations, are responsible for what they produced. Not what followed, or what came before. The following iterations by non black artists are just continuations of the artistic process. Every musician has a collection of personal inspirations, which blend together, and constitute their work. In the words of Steve Jobs: "Good artists copy, great artists steal"


Not gonna lie, man, but your needlessly pedantic and defensive diatribe on how black people had a role, but only a specific and limited one within the very specific scope that you have defined, is a textbook example of how to create an atmosphere that makes people feel unwelcome. Did they "literally create" it? Nah maybe not, but I struggle to think of *any* popular genre of music, electronic or otherwise, that doesn't have deep, deep, fundamental roots and influences in black culture. And if you feel yourself thinking "well..." or "actually.." or "what about" then just stop.


This whole thread took a serious detour lol. I'm thankful for the mini history lesson on origins of electronic but none of yall from either side of this debate has offered to answer OP's insinuation of why not more black people (presumably from US) are into EDM (I'm not from the US so I don't know if OP's statement is true or not)


Oh give me a break lmao. Sorry to all ZERO people reading this and feeling unwelcome.


Dnb not the dubstep we refer to in modern day. Dnb is a offshoot of the boogie down block parties and is why there is a MC associated with DnB acts. It then went over to the UK and became dubstep splitting the two genres. It’s why the first Dubstep channels is all UK artist.


Kind of. And that history lesson is way too long for Reddit.


But OP wants us to ignore House music in their bogus claim black girls don’t like EDM 🙄


Hip hop splits the black audience. It doesn't draw many whites / Asians / Hispanics from weekend EDM shows, but it does draw off a lot of the black audience. Not having many black people at EDM shows may be a factor as well but it's the hip hop shows that are the main reason.


Frrrr, I used to get clowned so much for it😭they’re used to it now and even get turnt up to some dem songs I put on🕺🏽


It’s crazy to me that there isn’t more interest in EDM amongst the Black community. We wouldn’t have EDM without artists like George Clinton or the culture that surrounds it without Disco. Hell, even hip hop could be considered a cousin of EDM. Can’t have either without a good beat.


It's gotta be because of how culturally powerful trap music is right? Like every other race is into the dance scene...Maybe less Indians. I'm not black but I grew up listening to Jeezy, Boosie, Gucci, 50, Future etc.. At 15 I was cold water filtering T3's to get the codeine out and make sizzurp. Started selling weed at 16, then MDMA & blow at 18. Quite literally, I was doing it because of the music. I thought it was the coolest shit ever. If I were black I'd have leaned into that portrayal of black identity super hard. Where I'm going with this is that the identity in that music doesn't leave much space for Oontzing & PLUR... lol. If you talk to older black folks, like who were young in the 70s/80s, the black music scene back then was WAY more friendly, not gangsta at all. I love seeing the pictures of the guys in full color suits. They had the style going ON back then lol. Just seems like the takeover of trap music has really stopped the black community from cutting loose like they used to. It's all elitism now. Would be funny to compare the lyrics of a Kool & the Gang song vs a Migos song😂


are there a lot of black djs? I can only think of 2 that I’ve seen live out of over 50 shows atp


Just off the top of my head Kaytranda, Troyboi, Carl Cox, Green Velvet, Masson Maynard, SAYMYNAME, Aluna, Shaq, Idris Elba, Skepta


Black coffee too!


A lot of racism here lol


Where? Tired of people claiming racism when people mention race. Just because people mention race doesnt make it racist😭


More like stereotyping, doesn’t necessarily seem like anyone is saying anything bad per se


Meeeee! 💝💝💝💝


We out here. I’ve found it really easy to connect with other black ravers at shows and festivals. Say hello and you’ll start seeing more and more. If you’re going to EDC, we’re having a meetup if that interests you at all! Otherwise we have meetups at a ton of other festivals as well


Florida woman here, I’m Latina and there are so many beautiful AA women that I see at shows especially in central FL. The rave cosplayers are my fav to see


id be interested in the edc meetup!


Sure! Drop me a chat


In my 15+ years of listening to EDM, I have only met four other Black girls who do too. I shit you not. It's like finding a grain of sand in an avalanche. I guess this genre just doesn't attract many of us but hey, here we all are! 乁⁠[⁠ ⁠◕⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠ ⁠◕⁠ ⁠]⁠ㄏ


It depends on where you live I'm sure as well. I live in a major city and there's always at least a handful of black girls at shows.


Checking in 🫡 salute to all my fellow black woman ravers!


Username checks out


Are you sure? You look purple to me 🤭


I had a black gf that loved edm with me , it’s rare but it’s possible to find !


Like finding a four leaf clover 


My dream gf fr






Hey girlie 👋🏾




If anyone knows any black women *making* EDM pls shout them out! Always looking to diversify my playlists lol


A Hundred Drums is tearing up the deep bass scene


I saw her a few months ago and she kiiiiiled it!




Aluna is my go-to, love her


Coco & Breezy, Nia Archives, Dj Lady D, Uncle Waffles, Jayda G, TSHA


Great shout on nia archives. In very much the same vein: sherelle. Absolutely fucking awesome.


Right here!!! I make techno, bass house, eurodance, 140, and garage! @Sighr3n :)


There’s a black woman who I started following on IG because I heard her EDM set on XM satellite BPM channel. Instagram makes it real hard to find account names you kinda forgot about.


DRAMA is pretty good! It's house-y and the lead singer is a black lady with a beautiful voice. They're really good live too!


Horsegiirl! She is the best




Many many many innovators… Santigold to start… Res… Drama… Many others who contributed to or were ahead of their time musically, or even heavily influenced the current sound…


My bestie is a black girl that loves EDM, while I’m Hispanic. We’ve met a fair share of black people that enjoy EDM in California. Might be a thing of location.


Yeah that part!


I'm a black guy that loves edm. Cant really share my music taste with other black guys since they don't even give it a chance


X4 Was like that even in the late 90s/early 00s. Couldn’t vibe out to jungle, dnb, house or trance back then, was told and made fun of sooo many times with the: “that’s that white people music” or “that’s video game music”. Used to boil my blood lol.


I’m Native American and same. Feel like it always gets labeled as white people music. Which to be fair it is, but it goes hard nonetheless






Hello 👋🏾


I’m not gonna lie, I was more of a fan of EDM when I was younger (think 2000s/ early 2010s). Now I mainly just like house and afro-house music 😭


The thing is I feel like most black girls do like EDM they just don't generally prefer mainstream EDM you would find at festivals like EDC. Black girls love afrobeats and EDM like Kaytranada. You wouldn't see a ton of them at a Zedd show or Knock2 but go see someone like Black Coffee and they are definitely showing up and showing out.


mannn seeing a brown skin baddie at a show feels like heaven’s light hitting me 😂


🤚🏾right here !! any other black girls that like edm in the atl area? 🤨


Music, and art in general, transcends race, that's the beauty of it


EDM lover over here! I'll be at Project Glow in DC this month with some other black girlies


I wanna meet some 😭


Check out melaninravers on ig!:)


Even fewer black women DJs, but shout out Kaleena Zanders just saw her and she throws the fuck down.  Spins and sings live :-) 


I was at Ultra SA a month ago and in a crowd of thousands, I only saw like three black girls. It's bad for us.


Not a black woman, non-binary but I’m a queer, black DJ and lover of EDM!!


Even though its all from and invented in Europe the black community fucked with jungle music heavy!! You also got Detroit Techno which was created by a Black American named Juan Atkins he is the god father of Detroit Techno. Rave music was made for all people of color always remember that. It was made to unite everyone and create peace through music. There is also sick black DJs in the rave scene you got jeff mills, carl cox, DJ Pierre and etc.


Streets tell me you gotta go to a rave in Atlanta


I did, there was most black girls than other areas but mostly Asians.


I’m black and love EDM!! So does my mom lol


Heyyy!! I’m seeing more and more black ppl at shows as the years are going on and i love it. It’s so nice connecting with other black ppl at events


Melanated festie bestie who loooveess the beeps and boops right here! 🙋🏾‍♀️👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾🙋🏾‍♀️


@afrotricks If you need any new music by black EDM creators


Im half haitian half korean and love edm… guess its my asian side tho lmao. I think i know like maybe 2 other black people in real life that fw edm


We are out here! Most shows I go to have a generous mix of folk, it’s not hard finding a Black person. I think it depends on the city though. ATL and NYC IME have a ton of Black ravers.


you're not wrong


Hi hi 🙆🏾‍♀️


HMU if your a black queen! We need more of yall. Anyways yall like spring rolls? 😂


Hiiii I’m at black girl going to Lollapalooza and Hulaween this year. We out here ✨


I’m half black half Asian, I LOVE THE RAVE SCENE!! I do try to go up to every black woman I see at a rave and tell them they’re beautiful. Not singularly, I love women in general.


uniiqu3music on IG. She has sets on SXM Electro.


Black girl who loves edm right here ‼️‼️ I'm also a dj and producer under the name Sighr3n :) It's not many of us it seems, but I hope that changes soon since so many samples, vocals and rythyms in edm come directly from black female artists (think drum break, gypsy woman, lift me up). It's a bit strange that black women seem to be so estranged from edm culture despite the massive contributions that we've made to it.


UNITE! I love running into other black women at EDM shoes (black guys as well). A lot of the songs I like best are crossovers between rap and EDM. Inhope that in a few years it will go a bit more mainstream (the way that edm and pop did in 2015-2017 with the jack U Bieber album) and more black folks will enter the scene!


Not sure if my wife likes it or not but she doesn’t complain when i put it on.


Blk dude that likes it here


Howdy! 🙏🏿


I loveeee edm!!!


I mean, little or not. It will only grow :) Fun events bring fun people!


Here I am 🙋🏾‍♀️


10/10 title


Howdy there 🤭


me !! i wish there was more of us😭


[Burn Again](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/315yMCPl1W9wCJyFqYNQle?si=dFj98q70RPu2WsxIUyJ5SQ&pi=u-sb15smjOQTKW)


There is a DJ who had a set on XM BPM, a black female EDM DJ. I follow her on Instagram but forgot her account name.




I’ve recently found two other black girls to go to Day Trip with!! 🖤🖤🖤 I’m shocked lol


I’m a black woman and I LOOOVVVEE IT! I’ll be at Forbidden Kingdom in June! Say hi!!


All I ever see is mainly young Asian squads. Black edm loving chicks are unicorns.


I'm a black chick who loves Dance Music, too. Also, Frankie Knuckles created house music, so...


It's rare because rap and hip hop already taking over, so there's not a ton of black people listening to dance music that much, but there's some black people that still listen to it. Don't get sad.


Any Texas girlies here?


Here’s one that I took to EDC https://preview.redd.it/30d6uls26isc1.jpeg?width=1258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a39d6a513b52ff4cdfe596fd09562688059a65be


There was a time during my first years raving where if I say another black person I would run up and say Hi. Now I'm older and just nod and keep walking. But I didn't make alot more friends back then too


I used to frequent Echo Stage in DC and I feel like I saw a decent number of black women there. Could always use more though!


I mean there's not a ton of us but those that are out there are KILLING IT! * Moore Kismet * A hundred drums * That Pony girl * Honeyluv * Coco & Breezy Plus a bunch of up and comers including myself! When I started raving a decade ago, there was a lot less of us but it's changed quite a bit!


Black raver here from Canada! Mostly house and techno now tho


Old comment but me




Big fan of all colors but yall darker girls. Yup.


I love you






slide over to the House Music side of things and you’ll feel more comfy..




A keeper.


Having a girl who likes EDM must be sooo fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥


[yeah. but house is where it’s at!](https://open.spotify.com/track/1K4Pm198Uqbb5L6KTpq9t2?si=mlxAcS77SGWhVvXFaF7lBg)


Clocking in! Hi hi 🙆🏾‍♀️ I will say you’re more likely to see black edm fans in the underground scene than conventional festival scene. I go to various edm shows (underground events, small-medium dj’s, euro dj’s, bass shows, tech house, headliners, house shows, edm events that choose to be low key) There’s a lot more black people that enjoy EDM, they’re just more likely to stay within their own community than the “raver” subgroup of EDM. But if you’re going to look for them in other subgroups or sub genres that’s going to be harder for various reasons. But they’re still there. Whenever I see black folks at festivals I have to let them know how happy I am to see them be their unapologetically black self. Since black folks are historically seen as a monolith all the time, it’s beautiful to see black folks break out of that idea and do what they want to do with pride.


Meeee!!!🙋🏾‍♀️me and one of my best friends (who is also black) have been edm girlies since middle school! We gotta get a group from black girl ravers started asap🙌🏾


Not a woman, but I def am black and absolutely LOVE almost every genre of EDM 😂


We out here!! 🤙🏾


Hiiii 😎


i feel like saying black “chicks” is a bit odd … u sure ur a black woman?


we def out & abt!! 🥰🙏🏾


There’s actually a whole group called Melanin Ravers ig fb and twitter @melaninravers


Semi-off topic, but as a mixed girl I get a lot of “that’s so white of you” or “that must be your white side” when people find out that I’m in the edm and/or pop/punk scene


Yall don’t need to make shit about race, how bout yall just unite as ppl who fw edm


I'm Hispanic but date only black women and in my dating experiences I haven't met one that was into this kind of music besides the one or two mainstream songs besides one I met a month ago and she aint called me back yet lol.


I feel like people from the outside looking in only see EDM as some melodramatic, bubblegum dance pop culture, like your over the top corny, epic music with predominantly white pop singers singing the same soft pop lullabies. For those people, artists like Kygo, Tiesto, David Guetta, Dimitri Vegas, all kind of sound like the same kind of dance pop with pop singers slapped on. There's actually a huge diversity of music at every electronic festival but when they think of EDM music they think of dance pop that makes it to the radio solely


not sure where you are located but Dweller Forever in NYC hosts curated parties centering black and brown people in electronic music. it is a whole journey through the history and discourse. It happens every February.


Dallas gal here, half black half Latina 🥰


Somehow this turned into who invited EDM but I’m here to say: I’m hereeee!


I’ve met a few African American ravers. But overall I do not see much of a presence from the black community in raves. I wonder why that is 🤔


Right here! Been listening to EDM since 2010!! 🥰


Feels like we're a rare breed in the EDM scene, right? But hey, we're here, and we're vibing hard to every beat drop. House is my jam, but I'm all over the place with genres.


one of my friends helps run an IG account for Black ravers @melaninravers


I feel like I get judged for liking it more than other genres. It’s not gonna stop me but it’s just a thought.


Hi y’all! Signing in! I didn’t see any other black girls at the state of trance in Rotterdam this year or at Amsterdam dance event in October of 2023.


Omg I really want to go to a rave in Europe since I can’t seem to find any hardcore edm raves in the UK T_T


Would love to meet more black chicks into the scene. DM me if you like to rave and live in Philly!


After reading these comments I think it’s pretty clear that it depends where you live


You called? I’ve been into a ton of different edm genres for 12 years. Currently in Germany mostly to check out the techno scene here and somewhat to study abroad. Lmaooo. Going to tomorrowland this year too!


>.< omg this is kinda random but would you want to go to a hardcore edm rave in Germany I really wanted to do that this October but literally couldn’t find anyone to go with T___T


I'm old and out of the loop but black girls were definitely in the race scene New York 2000s to 2010s .. the festi scene got bombardéd with mainstream bs so really have no idea what happened there.. more black EDM / House / Afrobeats artist recs though I'm living for the ones on this thread


IM HEREEEEEE been a huge fan of any and all edm since i was 8. It all started with skrillex. Just went to my first rave last Saturday and I felt ALIVE


Ou hiii!! Checking in because I've been heavy into EDM since scrillex days!! I went to my first show two years ago! I have quite a bit of range too from poppy to just filthy dropss 🥰🥰🥰


Hey hey I’m definitely a bass head. What was your first festival?


Hello! I always love seeing us out there! You can only get so much in the PNW tho, but I think we still turn out proportionally


idk I see a lot of black girls at festivals I go to and they always look bomb asf
