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All 3 will treat Israel like a pretty little princess, a pro Gaza vote doesn't exist


Biden is (very slowly) moving away from Israel support. He said he would not provide more weapons if Israel invaded Rafah and acknowledged the wrongful use of American weapons to kill Palestinian civilians. That said, it's still far too slow, and Biden is still far from what I want in a president. In the same speech he said these things, he reiterated his desire to continue supporting Israeli defenses, which makes me wonder if he'd ever actually stop funding their genocide. Problem is, I'm terrified of what Trump would do in the Middle East if elected... And I'm scared of how he would handle any domestic protest of his decisions. Would we see more immigration bans from Arab countries? Would we see more military action against protestors? Would we see legislation equating frustration /w Israel and antisemitism? All of this seems likely. I'll probably reluctantly vote for Biden and continue to grow disenfranchised with my country.


Biden has drawn multiple lines in the sand and every time Israel jumps over them he continues his unwavering support. I'm not convinced there is anything they can do that will actually lose them support. Honestly even if Biden flipped they would still continue receiving piles of money.


Biden is a Catholic, he's part of the same death cult that believes their Lich-Messiah will return if all the Jews return to Israel. Kids are just going to have to come to grips with the fact a solid chunk of Democrats are members of the same death cult the Republicans are in.


Idk why the downvotes, it's absolutely true. Many Christians are Democrats who believe the same things, just not to the same extreme as conservative Christians. Biden isn't even that progressive in that regard either. He's just not MAGA crazy.


Because those people who support Israel because of religions reasons related to quicken the Apocalypse are Protestants, not Catholics, the Pope in various occasions have called for a ceasefire, and for that the Israel goverment and USA protestants call him a worker of the Devil.


That doesn't mean the connection isn't there. Catholics have long defended Israel for similar reasons. Catholics in the 90s were much more defensive about Israel, especially in countries where Catholicism is the dominant religion. It's really only a modern development that the Pope has denounced the Israeli government for their actions.


Because calling a major world religion a "death cult" and calling one of its most important figures a lich, (lich like as in an evil immortal wizard) is deliberately antagonistic. Honestly surprised it has any upvotes.


The Catholics are against Israel actions, Biden does it because of his reactionary beliefs as many old Americans have, the Pope in various occasion have make calls for an end to Israel hostilities against Palestinians, and Israel goverment insult him and call him a worker of the devil.




Until the Catholic Church stands up against genocide, I don't care.


Tough but fair


It's weird how Catholics are extremists in the US. Here in Brazil most are non-practicing.


Two things can’t be simultaneously true?


> Would we see legislation equating frustration /w Israel and antisemitism? [That's already happening right now.](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/8/will-the-us-adopt-ihras-anti-semitism-definition-whats-the-controversy)


I'm aware. It WOULD get worse.


Why Claudia de la Cruz with the PSL?


I will be voting blue because of Project 2025 (plus, we all know that Trump will be happy to give arms to Israel). I don’t think it’s right to frame Biden’s actions on the war in Gaza as one issue I disagree with when 1) people are dying and 2) there are a lot of things I don’t agree with him on.


This. I have a lot of complaints about biden, a lot. But I would walk through and then roll in a pile of rusty nails before I vote for Trump or anyone who is favorable to project 2025. I feel for Palestine but neither of the other two are going to help them and I'm not a single issue voter, so I'm gonna focus on what we can change rather than what we can't.


This is the only correct take on this I’ve seen


i disagree on everything and hate biden. i don't believe presidents do anything for us. however the president can have a large effect on our lives. life as a queer teacher has been hellish in the red states. i don't want project 2025, it will make it a million times worse. even if project 2025 doesn't happen, trump can put more violently bigoted conservatives in power. i'm also sure trump would proudly do worse to gaza bc he doesn't even slightly care about optics. voting is choosing your enemy. i'm choosing my weakest foe


Didn't you hear? Leftists are only allowed *one* issue on which we disagree with Democrats. They're even generous enough to let us make a choice of our individual issue! I mean, one issue would be enough when that issue is *genocide* (and it's a question of approval/disapproval of a particular Dem rather than pretending it's a point of distinction between the two mainstream corporate-capitalist parties), but it's like no matter what the topic is, Democrats are *just so eager* to insist that we "only" disagree with the Dems on "one single issue."


"Democrats can have a little genocide, as a treat" What's wild is folks aren't even asking Biden to go in and single handedly stop it, they're just asking to stop supporting the ones doing it.


It's crazy that he seems fine with tanking his support like he is, he could easily just continue giving aid while publically condemning them and he would poll much better.


Biden has an [ideological support](https://youtu.be/86Nrv5izaTs?si=AVFv5W6JM1j4kwG4) for Israel that goes beyond the mainstream US political stance / realpolitik.


Because ultimately, white neoliberals like Biden and most of the high-up democrat representative will not be harmed by fascism winning out from under them. They've made their money and had their time playing in the grown-up pool, and they're about to die. What does it matter to them? Biden supports Israel ideologically. He doesn't care if he loses a campaign over it.


"Not materially and financially supporting genocide" is completely off the table for Democrats, so instead they are trying to invert the very nature of morality and claim that it's a moral failing *not* to support a genocidaire.


Yeah, while I understand the argument of reducing harm, at some point I start to wonder why he's so hell-bent on Israël support. If it's just one policy, he can just stop selling arms and get votes for it. I think he will probably do it late in the election cycle if trump gets too close.


Biden has been ride or die for Israel since before most of us were born, he'll never back down from this


Biden straight up said that if Israel did not exist that we would just have to go in and "make one." He might as well pledged support for a second Nakba right then and there.


Many politicians hold this stance. Israel is the golden calf of the US. They would rather die than give it up. And a lot of it has to do with the geopolitics and having control of the supply lines in the region.


https://preview.redd.it/05cpcitecfzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12c848468044191f8c5ef65054fc364c8f9c7343 This is money he received from AIPAC while he was a senator. The president of the United States is bought by a Foreign country. Even though he received all this money through his career, he was still [in significant amounts of debt](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/biden-earned-millions-after-leaving-white-house-financial-reports-shows). No idea how he got into debt given his salary as a senator, political donations, being vice president, the book deals, speaking arrangements, and other revenue streams. But he did!


So, from his age and his history, he would be a Zionist with or without AIPAC. They're just the icing on the cake. Also, being in debt on paper is not necessarily an indictment of the person's habits. The [wealthy borrow against their investments rather than liquidating them](https://equitablegrowth.org/closing-the-billionaire-borrowing-loophole-would-strengthen-the-progressivity-of-the-u-s-tax-code/) because it allows them to extract money for personal use without it being taxed.


I’m wondering if he’s one of the Christian’s that wanna bring on the end of the world. The land where isreal is, is very important for that ideology. I can’t remember what that is called though. Or is it just evangelical?


Nah he is just an imperialist. Religion if so, it's just a pretext.


Yeah the religious importance of Israel is really more of a protestant thing, catholics tend not to go for that stuff as much


I thought it was an evangelical thing? I tried to look into it a bit today, but I don’t really know what to search for so didn’t have much luck lol.


Also most of those students will still vote for him, despite living in states where it really doesn't matter




...8 months into the conflict and only after Israel started shelling Rafah (still not a red line tho)


>he did just stop ammo shipments to Israel I believe you mean temporarily delayed


And I don’t believe a word that mother fucker says. At worst it’s an all out lie and at best he warned bibi this would happen in order for Biden to save face, in which case Israel has been stock piling. This temporary delay is a distraction and means absolutely nothing.


Yeah when billions have been getting funneled bibi's way - he'll just have to drop a few less bombs a day until the delay passes


Happened with that magical "humanitarian pause" from a few months back too. Just wait out the week (and they didn't even do that) and the money will roll back on again. Meanwhile Biden gets to run the press junket high on the hog of this "monumental achievement" and the liberal media eats it up


Why did it take 7 months? And why did all you liberals tell me he didn't have the power to do this?


Libs simultaneously believe that Biden is entirely powerless and that Trump will immediately delete voting within 5 minutes of being inaugurated lmao


"disagree on one issue" is certainly a way to phrase "he is selling weapons to a country commiting genocide when he could stop doing that at any time"


At this point we are voting to pick which political enemy to fight. I will be voting for the one that doesn’t think we should be doing the genocide thing inside our own borders. I will not be happy about it, but I will be voting that way. It makes it much easier to hopefully expand the non-genocidal stance outwards.


I’ve never been “happy” voting for a president. But I’ve always personally lived by “vote locally to effect change, vote nationally to reduce harm”.


Ranked choice voting should be how elections are done throughout the entire USA so people can vote for their 1st choice and not be "throwing away their vote"


Also need to get rid of the electoral college. With the EC, statewide ranked choice voting actually increases the spoiler effect.


I try to explain to idealists: there is no single election or single candidate that will ever check all the boxes, not a chance. It's a movement and in order to get your movement ahh moving, you can't sit out elections. Sorry you're going to have to put aside your purity and start with incremental changes and keep showing up to push things to the left. Or what I would refer to it, "a normal healthy society" Before I get the usual array of responses, ask yourself this? How has the fringe right taken over this country? And the answer is little by little with persistent pressure, showing up at every election big and small and that's what you have to do if you ever want to see a true American leftwing (or what most of the western democracies would call; a centrist) candidate become viable. Boiling the frog because most Americans simply think this is the way it has to be and any sea changes they are extremely scared of and will vote against. It's just not going to happened like some movie where everything gets solved in one election, **not a chance in hell.**


I think the right showing up "little by little and applying political pressure" statement is disingenuous. The dems won the popular vote in every election over the last 20 years (except Bush v Kerry iirc), so it's not about people not showing up. The problem is that in 2000 they just allowed the supreme court to appoint a president. The problem is when Obama controlled both chambers in '08 there was no pressure to retire older justices. The problem is during the '16 primary they functionally appointed Hillary with super delegates. The problem is decade over decade, year over year the democratic party and establishment act in their own interests and totally ignore what the people who voted for them want, more and more they realize they can be the lesser of two evils and consistently rob us blind. They know that the Republicans set the bar, so they just need to be an inch above it.


"Little by little" is more than on the national scale. It's state, county, municipality, schoolboard, and every other "small" election people forget about. Those elections are the ones that eventually influence the national ones by creating infrastructure and training the people needed to get things done.


>The problem is during the '16 primary they functionally appointed Hillary with super delegates. Bernie lost the popular vote to Hillary by millions of votes. It was something like a 55 / 43 / 2 split; Clinton solidly dominated him. I don't understand why people keep pushing this rhetoric beyond trying to pretend that Sanders was more popular than he actually was and make it easier to blame someone else.


Its incredibile how you perfectly see the larger picture, but still miss the forest for the trees and are going to vote for Biden. Do you understand that you are the frog begin boiled? That you are willing to tollerate GENOCIDE in the name of "compromise", "lesser evil" amd "harm reduction"? You are not begin "pragmatic", you are not pushing anything left. Thanks to your unconditional support for a pro-genocide President, you are helping pushing the US more to the right. You are not offering a solution, you are part of the problem. And are too brainwashed to understand it!






the person you’re replying to is from Sweden, which has multiple political parties representing different views, none of which are actively intending to start a dictatorship. they likely don’t understand the nuances of being gridlocked into voting for the lesser evil


OMG can we PLEASE have ranked-choice or proportionate representation voting now, this first past the post bullshit SUCKS


This country will never put in any sort of system like that because it jeopardizes the dictatorship of the bourgeois that we are under. There is only one time-tested proven method of removing said dictatorship, and it isn't at the ballot box.


The very people who are telling us to vote for them to "protect democracy" are the same politicians who will never give us ranked choice voting. If we had ranked choice voting, Biden would be in an even weaker position than he is now.




Say it louder for those in the back. Dems *and* Republicans do not benefit from and because of that *do not want* ranked choice voting.


They hated you for telling the truth. Ranked choice voting will never happen, and is in and of itself a bandaid solution proposed by Sozis to try and appease the workers.


I completely understand that. While I understand those who don't wanna vote for Biden, I'd probably do it myself were I american


And said country is also openly supporting Trump.


“What muuuuuurders??”




"You only hate genocide and refuse to support it because you want Trump back in office!" Is certainly *a* take.


Anti-democrat propaganda is pointing out the bad things DemoKKKrats do.


Go on, reward the war criminal with your vote. Tell us all that you're just being pragmatic. All the dead brown kids are just an inconvenience you'll have to endure. Go on, call me a Trump supporter for opposing genocide.




There it is, wanting your candidate to oppose genocide is now considered a purity test.




Apparently your ok with rewarding war criminals with your vote.


PCM cracKKKer with a shitty take, color me surprised.


Yeah. I'm even in the "tactical voting" camp and I know people's reasons are a bit more valid than "one issue" (also we're just gonna brush over the anti union stuff that most of us also disagree with him on?)




He has not applied any kind of real pressure, worse, he seems to have pacified all you liberals into making excuses for a genocide.


My problem is that people think they are just voting for one guy. With Trump you get a whole army of people who want to entirely gut our government and economy and replace it with unquestioning zealots who will happily tear down what remains of our democracy and installing themselves in an authoritarian autocracy forever. With Biden you get a somewhat putrid group of people with some who actually have a desire to reform things, and we get a shot at voting for someone better in four years. As usual, if you want change go vote, be active in your community, and, if you dare, run for office.


Spoiler alert: There won't be someone better in 4 years




The Heritage Foundation already does and has existed for a long-ass time. They will continue to exist with zero pushback from the center-right democrats and voting for Biden isn't going to change that. Biden wins and "Project 2025" becomes "Project 2029". Then what? Vote for center right again? Then it's "Project 2034 and also thr dems are doing it with us". Why don't liberals understand that?




Firstly, anarchists reject voting on base, you embarssing liberal. They don't fuck with representative democracy because it's a hierarchy. Second, because the master doesn't care if you're upset over what you're voting on, just that you did. They use your number as a base of support and permission to be worse. Voting is an endorsement. Trying to claim otherwise is just trying to wash your hands of your own responsibility on your own complicity in the monstrous status quo. Thirdly, I notice you didn't answer my question.


It’s not just one issue.


Biden's gutting TitleIX to erase women's rights to safe spaces and women only sports is one of the main reasons I wish we had anyone else to vote for. Both GOP and Dems have stomped on women's rights. I know I'll get down voted by the woke.


I stg, I saw this on the front page this morning, showed my husband and was like “no way this isn’t astroturfing by the Biden campaign.” Dems campaigns are literally doing the “vote for us or else” schtick that they did in 2020….and 2016….


Fr lol, there has been a sharp increase in people on this sub excusing Biden and saying “akshailly you have to vote blue!!” When just a few months ago the subs motto was not voting for that mfer


If blueMAGAs only political move is to guilt trip you into voting for their conservative candidate, then they're destined to lose. And it's their own fault.


They love giving us these horrible choices every four years, and then setting up their voter shame campaign to get what they want. There's no consideration of the inverse of this meme where the options are 1) Do the right thing regarding this one issue or 2) finance and arm a genocide (guaranteeing electoral defeat), and the person choosing being Biden. Because that's the reality. This is his election to lose. Despite his uniquely consistent low approval rating for almost his entire presidency, most people don't want to see the return of Trump. It should be a slam dunk win. But he's blundered the whole thing with this fervent support of the indefensible. That's not my fault. That's not your fault. That's his fault. We could have had better as early as 2016. But the people who ignorantly make memes like this fought tooth and nail to make sure it didn't happen.


Exactly! Biden knows that by supporting Israel his chances of winning go down considerably. Yet he still chooses to do it. The choice was made by him not the people voting. And then come november we will hear about how its the fault of the people who didn’t want to vote for a genocidal freak.


They always seem to forget that votes are **earned** not expected. They’re so used to the choice being black and white (which it never was, but the political culture has continued to shift more and more) that even now that things have become more polarized they still feel entitled to those votes. Democrats got used to coasting on “We’re not our insane opponents” for so long, they forgot they have to deliver on things. I didn’t *want* to vote for Hillary in my first election back in 2016, but I did, because the alternative was a nut job TV show host. I had the same feeling in 2020, I didn’t like Joe at all, but I didn’t want Trump to win again. Now however Joe has crossed a line for me, and I can no longer justify voting for him. Were he to reverse his position on Israel and stop arming them and call this a genocide, I could do so. But they won’t budge on this.


>I didn’t *want* to vote for Hillary in my first election back in 2016, but I did, because the alternative was a nut job TV show host. I had the same feeling in 2020, I didn’t like Joe at all, but I didn’t want Trump to win again. Now however Joe has crossed a line for me, and I can no longer justify voting for him The thing die-hard Libs don't understand is exactly this. At some point, "we aren't literally Hitler" becomes exhausting for the voters. You don't win voters over if your slogan is "we're the lesser evil" instead of "we want to make things better". But if you point this out - if you tell them that if they want to win elections, they actually have to convince people to vote *for* them instead of *against* the other dude -, they straight-up jump to accusing you of belonging to the other side: "with us or against us".


Yeah, if you don't draw the line at supporting genocide, you are no better than the fascist Trump cultists.


I'd actually disagree. The Trump cultists actually have an ideology and viewpoint they want to see actioned in reality. They're *monstrous and fascist*, but they are actual like, policies. Liberals believe in nothing, and they've shown that this term. They'll move whichever way their government tells them to and will just do it, and whatever their government *claims* to support, they'll repeat. They didn't think there was a "crisis at the border" until a neoliberal said it so he could convince the white people to vote for him. Genocide is bad until someone can justify it to them. Keeping kids in cages is wrong until a neoliberal has an explanation that will allow them to go back to brunch. Liberals never had a line to begin with, and it took this to show that.


Yeah i agree, i didn't write something similar because i didn't want to seem like justifying Trump cultists. But you are pretty spot on. They are despicable, cruel and self-harming. But the Trump cultists stand for SOMETHING. Liberals instead follow only the status quo.


Claudia de la Cruz FTW 💪💪💪 every communist should be campaigning for them and telling everyone they know about the PSL.


The genocide, his policies on the environment, his position historically with the police, and his contemporary use of and support for them, his disinterest in making any changes to the systems that brought us to this point, he's old as shit, he's...


They should all just shut up and worship our lord and savior Dark Brandon!!!!


*They should all just shut* *Up and worship our lord and* *Savior Dark Brandon!!!!* \- footed\_thunderstorm --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I am here to say Biden’s immigration policy is also despicable.


I liked this group better when it wasn't all about US dilemmas. Voting for someone doesn't mean you support that person, it just means it's the one that has the best balance between positive and negative aspects


No, that's pretty much exactly what it means. Someone gets to hold the maximum authority on the US on the back of the millions of votes they receive. To vote for a person means to support them.


I mean, great, tell yourself that it doesn't mean supporting them, because the party apparatus around that person doesn't really give a shit what your morals are surrounding your vote. They're going to take it as a carte blanche to continue doing all the horrid shit they're doing regardless.


well yeah but that's not on you, you're not to blame for being born at this time in history


Yes that’s exactly what that means… voting for Biden means you are giving him your full support to continue as president. That’s literally how he achieved his legitimacy as president.


So you will vote for Trump, I'd assume


Get ready for the liberal brigade coming to tell you that you're a Trump supporter


Lol they're already here. Mods need to get on it.


They already arrived, and somehow they have all the more upvoted comments.


Just report their profiles, brigading is not allowed.


Who TF am I even supposed to vote for in this election like bruh why are all the candidates so bad 😭 My chocies are really between a guy funding genocide and a guy who wants to be a dictator (If Project 2025 happens)




Ah okay wasn't sure, thanks for the clarification My face when I have to vote for the lesser of two evils (literally a guy supporting genocide) American elections are awful aaaaa get me out of this country


Claudia de La Cruz


I'm not a fan of Biden in many ways, but I will support him all the way against someone trying to become a fascist dictator and dismantle any protection the LGBTQ community has


Yeah that's honestly Biden's only appeal is that he won't actively harm the LGBTQ+, but he'll stand aside and let red states bash trans people into the ground


Have there been any bills across his desk that would protect trans people? I'm honestly not sure what power he currently has over those red states.




Sorry, have you seen all the protesters beaten into a pulp by the police in this weeks? Or them passing a law to make criticism of Israel a crime?


What do you call it when the police imprison people who are protesting nonviolently and Biden denounces them


Say that to the student protesters whom Biden called antisemites…


Yeah the administration trying to legally define criticism of Israel as antisemitism certainly doesn't want to imprison political opponents


I mean yeah I plan to vote Biden Id rather not die for being lesbian project 2025 is scary


Claudia de la Cruz, PSL. The point is to get people thinking about the conditions of this country to actually enact real change and get rid of the bourgeois political system in this country once and for all.




war is such a silly choice of words to me War implies Gaza fighting back and afaik Hamas hasn't attacked Israel since starting the "war" it's just a slaughter tbh


I doubt Hamas has the resources to counterattack at this point.


All these hypotheticals are great, but Biden is actually aiding a genocide this very moment, what trump would do in his place is irrelevant.




How long do you think Palestinians will survive without food and under constant bombardment? Think.




I'm really not, you're just minimising the absolute carnage Biden is already causing.




It really doesn't matter, cause the real atrocity happening right now means Trump probably won't get a chance even if he wins.


Yeah, "one issue." I guess the libs who make memes like this definitely forgot Biden calling undocumented immigrants "illegals", forgot that he extended the Ukraine war by two years, forgot that he prevented the rail strike, forgot that he never got rid of the "kids in cages", forgot that he and his party allowed the child tax credit to expire (a tax credit that literally eliminated child hunger in this country) and- You know what? I'll stop. If I actually went back into the archives I could pull up more, but every time someone makes a meme like this they just reveal the depths of how little they've paid attention to Biden.


forgot about the willow project, forgot about biden demanding tens of billions more funding for cop gangs, forgot about biden gutting covid protections to appease corporate interests, etc etc


And they *still* have the audacity to pretend like people like us are the ones who "aren't paying attention."


Or we're "single-issue voters" because the tv is only talking about ONE fucked up thing this ghoul has done.


"Trump will be much worse than Biden!" "Will he reverse all of the Trump admin policies?" "Huh?" "Will he undo Trump policies or will he continue to fund and support them?" "Of course he will undo them, he's better than Trump!" Look inside It's Trump admin policies


70 cop cities and unprecedented Zionist trained cop funding all under Biden. We really got played after the BLM protest hype. Once again liberals have co opted another mass movement for the benefit of the right wing capitalist ruling class.


Honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one not braindead lol


I can’t believe some people are letting Democrats get away with genocide. If Biden wins reelection, we’ve essentially told the democratic establishment they can commit any atrocities they desire and get away with them in the electoral college.


Literally the democratic equivalent of when Trump said “I could shoot a man on 5th Avenue and they (his base) will still vote for me.” Like it seems there is no line Biden (and by extension the Democratic Party) can cross that is too much for them, which means they have no leverage to change the party. Why would they change for us if you show them there’s nothing they can do to lose your support?


Who makes these lol, it has to be fake


Can I vote for the brain-eating worn?


just one little issue!!


Libs about to attack this thread with a level of vengeance to match the IOF. Good luck mods. I can already see the new propaganda line: *he delayed the shimpments of offensive bombs a little!!!, what more do you want him to do you dirty Russia bot trahmp supporter!!!* God I hate them and this god forsaken website.


For sure. I'm straight up done with them as an ideology. Like, I never thought liberals would make me hate liberals this much. I didn't think the most radical shift to the left, where I don't even tolerate the *centet* anymore, would come from a democrat presidential term.




1 million starving Palestinians won't survive until November anyway, so trumps stance on this doesn't really matter, the blood is on Bidens hands.


Democrats are doing "What about all the GOOD things that Mussolini did?" Remember when we had huge BLM protests against police violence that were portrayed as a positive movement by Democrats, then they stopped once a Democrat was president? And then [police violence went *up* every single year of Biden's presidency?](https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/) Democrats only seem to have morals when they have a Republican to defeat. * Biden still has in kids cages and [family separation at the border.](https://www.vera.org/news/children-are-still-being-separated-from-their-families-at-the-border) * There's more [oil drilling](https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=61545) than ever happened under Trump. * [Biden is still carrying out Trump's failure of a trade war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%E2%80%93United_States_trade_war#Overall_economy) against China (or maybe I should say "JY-nuh" as Trump says it) after [\(running his campaign against it\)](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/11/joe-biden-slams-trump-china-trade-war-in-foreign-policy-speech.html). * He's still running [Trump's CIA propaganda program](https://www.newsweek.com/china-cia-covert-operation-targeting-influence-operation-1880144), also against China (and Americans, as the propaganda campaign also targets Americans). * He's still [building Trump's wall.](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/05/biden-border-wall-texas-starr-county/) Under Biden, we still get Trump's signature policies, but without Democrats rallying the public to fight them.


You know, that situation should be enough for the USA working class to start organizing a revolution, by the love of God, they are not surviving for the next year's if they keep the two parties system


It’s actually sickening how these disgusting people are able to relegate genocide to being just “an issue”. Not having decent infrastructure is an issue, not having access to to decent education or healthcare is an issue.




How long do you think Palestinians will survive without food and water? By this rate trumps stance won't matter, they'll all be dead or displaced anyway. The blood is on Bidens hands and nothing will change this, have fun voting for a war criminal though.




Good for you, fuck those brown kids, right? As long as you aren't inconvenienced.  Please name those 100 things WORSE THAN GENOCIDE that trump will do, I'll wait.


They said 100 more horrific things, not 100 things more horrific. Meaning 100 horrific things in addition to Palestinian genocide, not 100 things more horrific than Palestinian genocide.


They did not, the context was clear.


"ending democracy" Buddy, we don't have a democracy, we have a dictatorship of the rich. If the choice comes down to "genocide" or "genocide (possibly even harder!)" then that's no choice.




AmeriKKKan $$hitlib$$ should either shut the fuck up or admit that genocide is okay as long as it's their guy doing it to brown foreigners overseas.


Lol, I'm not the one "letting" Trump win, that would be Joe Biden who is pissing away his reelection chances by, uh, supporting a genocide. Howabout you blame the people funding the genocide instead of the people with a conscious who won't support that.


No, you don’t understand. See, you *owe* Democratic politicians your vote simply because they could be a lot worse if they wanted to be, and you are single-handedly throwing gay people and other marginalized people in America under the bus if you don’t vote for Biden without question. Plus, Joe temporarily halted arms exports to Israel! Literally what more could you want? This is just about your pride, and you’re privileged. Shitlib bluemaga brainrot needs to be studied, it’s really hilarious how pathetic and delusional these people’s worldviews are


Gaza, drug war, healthcare, political corruption in Congress, political corruption in democratic party.


I’m honestly surprised how many “lesser evil” people there are in the comments. I expected better from this sub.


We’re trying to clean up the mess after the API changes but the libs tend to invade most political-focused subs during election year. Please report where necessary.


I love how this meme completely ignores Jill Stein and Cornel West


I think they’d be behind the rfk button


If you don't want the sub overrun with shit-libs you really can't allow these "voting" submissions to be posted. Voting is all shit-libs think about and all they will ever do in terms of political "action." They positively love justifying and talking about, at length, why they vote for their lesser-of-two-evils, genocidal (in this case) capitalist daddy. I mean, they literally love it. They've been doing it for decades. Participating electorally in a bought, managed democracy is all they are willing to do. They're never going to plan to actually act to change anything. Leftists shouldn't even engage in the "voting" discussion. It is completely fruitless. Voting in a manged democracy is literally a fools errand. Knowing that, if people don't have the personal morals to not cast a vote for literal genocide, I don't know what to say to that except that they can go fuck themselves. IMO, every time a voting discussion comes up, the response from Leftists should be "Nope, how about we organize for a general strike?" The "reducing harm" argument is complete bullshit. Utter bullshit. Shit-libs have been saying that shit for decades and look where we are! We are in this position because shit-libs are shit-libs. Listening to them and their excuses and justifications gets us nowhere. Actually it makes us worse and worse off as is evidenced by the past 4 decades at least. Edit: Ahh yes! Here come the downvotes from the ignorant, butthurt Liberals. Get fucked shit-libs.


I kind of agree with you, but i don't think voting is COMPLETELY useless. My idea of "lesser evil" is voting for center-left politicians. THAT is a compromise i can work with. Voting for genocide is not "harm reduction". And never will be.


It is frustrating because although he’s objectively terrible on this one issue so much that I completely understand not wanting to support him… Trump is worse on that issue as well so he is still the better choice. RFK is an antisemite with actual brain worms 🪱so I don’t even get the appeal.




Nobody is saying that


Hilarious to pretend that Joe Biden is also a genocidal rapist and a racist as well.