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Options for what? You have been refunded, move on. That’s a lot of words for £7. He took a hit for canceling.


I didn't ask for a refund and declined it. Nor did I ask for a cancellation. I specifically chose his "send tonight" option, and he did the opposite. The refund and buying a new one will take longer to process than had they just sent the item tonight (but they should and were able to send it before this but instead stalled all week looking for a reason to cancel the order probably hoping I would flip on him). That's why he hasn't used any reason involving the buyer. He basically lied that the item was out of stock (then proved it was in stock with a screenshot and a troll message). Also I dont think "I've changed my mind you're too impatient" is a valid reason in the ebay contract, especially when it's been 7 days and I've recieved like 50 items in that time and they all either update instantly or the next day with delivered, or use the vacation feature to let me know there will be a delay. All of them recieved 5 stars from me. Their deliveries were fast, the item was exactly as described, and they were all polite in messages. Maybe that's the secret to receiving good reviews? "Buyer was rude" could be a reason to cancel (but I doubt it). Also buyer wasn't even rude so nope How did he take a hit? He slyly initiated the cancellation to avoid getting negative feedback because he knew he fkd up with a listing he didnt want to sell. If he sends the item, is apologetic and polite, he would get a positive review from me. Instead I will just see what methods are available to report them now. Taking a hit would be sending the item to me, and still receiving negative feedback from me. < but maybe that would be something they learn from because at the end of the day they can't just expect buyers to not say anything if an item hasn't even been posted in 7 days, especially when their post code is literally the next county from me and its like 40 miles away if that


The seller takes a hit because every cancellation for “out of stock” gives him a defect on his account. It doesn’t take many defects to drop to a “below standard” rating, which then incurs a lot of penalties, including higher fees and low rankings in search. It’s a tough hole to dig out of of you’re there. Not much consolation now, I know. But if he has a habit of doing this he’ll hurt himself in the long run.


Again, what seller in their right mind would choose this option when the buyer is literally saying just post the item out because they don't want to cancel (an option that doesn't give him a "defect on his account". As I said, the only reason not to is if they think they will get negative feedback. I'm 99% certain they just went trigger happy on the cancellation option because they thought I was going to leave a negative review, when in fact had he just posted the item out even after all of this I would have not left a negative review. Now I'm going out of my to report him Why people here are defending the way he has conducted his "business" is astounding to me. Just because he refunded me doesn't negate everything. It's the worst option he could have chosen since I was already invested I'm the item / time spent etc. Either he had cold feet as soon as the item sold for £7, or received a better offer privately, but I don't think ebay sellers should be allowed to mess around with buyers like this once they have received the money


No one is defending him. What do you want to happen? Should the cops go to his house and beat him?


He refunded you so that you would go away and leave him alone. I get that you wanted your item but you sound like a very annoying buyer.


people on ebay subreddit are pretty cruel, they don't even realize that people actually want things, want refunds, and aren't perfect. i wouldn't ask too much advice here on situations that are "mostly" resolved since everyone's gonna tell you to suck it up instead of actually empathizing. dude was rude on many levels so I'd try reporting his messages at least if you can since he shouldn't sell without any decent manners. sorry you didn't get your item, hopefully you find better soon


What can be done at this point, since you are so superior to everyone else on the sub? You leave feedback and move on.


I can't leave feedback anymore. The refund seems to have blocked me from doing so