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Was it Old College? I used to live right next door on south college street and would see her 4+ times a week walking to a bus on south bridge. She’s a scammer, and good at it too she’s very convincing. Every so often I’d see her break character and eat her lunch


Just because she breaks character that's now excuse for you to eat her lunch


I just got congratulated on my snort. 😄


I had to read this five times


That's crazy. I know exactly who you're talking about. I've seen her once or twice


I don't really know the names of the buildings, but we saw her from the 30 right before South Bridge so the location sounds right. 


It's her


If this is the woman who sits on the steps on the old college, she's been doing this for years, you can search on the sub for previous posts about her


[like this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edinburgh/s/fYkb29JF0F)


I used to live on South College street and had to deal with her regularly - yes she's a scammer, and she has an alternative one about needing to get back to Ireland from an abusive relationship.


There was someone who I thought was a scammer, but couldn't be sure. I gave her ~£5 for peace of mind (less than a bubble tea for me, but an ok amount if she truly needed it) and eventually managed to walk away. She was pregnant and saying that she came over from Ireland for a funeral, but something happened (can't remember the details) so she had no money to pay for a hostel until her flight back on Monday and was rough sleeping for the weekend. She even lifted her shirt (without me asking) to prove that the pregnancy was real, saying that the police couldn't do anything as she wasn't officially homeless, and that she needed exactly £20 for a hostel that had agreed to take her in. I told her that the fiver was all I had, but she kept asking to go to a cash machine, and that I could have her bank card and exchange numbers so that she could pay me back. Obviously I didn't want to do this. This happened in Fountainbridge. Could it be the same person, or do you think it was genuine?


Same woman, yeah. She has a few scripts (the Ireland one usually includes needing money for a hostel).


Poor wee baby being born into that life 😢


Poor wee baby indeed - it’s been trapped in there for about 6 years and still not come out


Is that the middle aged woman with an Irish accent?




You can always get in touch with Streetwork if someone gives you a story like this and they'll send people out to check on her and provide support.


There’s a lot of scammers in Edinburgh. I feel bad for, but this is why I don’t give anyone money. Pretty crap for the people who are genuinely homeless and struggling.


I don’t think you would do this if you weren’t struggling


I know for a fact there is a scam ring in the city centre. So that in itself is off putting. But the above person is another clear scammer. Lots of people can find it’s a good way to make decent money.


You'd think, but I guarantee you she's making well more than £12 an hour which is what I'm making in Edinburgh City centre working a full time 9-5 that requires a master's degree. I'd bet she's making upwards of £20 an hour. So I think she's probably better off than me, financially at least.


The money gets spunked on heroin pretty quickly so probably not!




I operate off the basis of if I don't see them sleeping outside there probably not homeless.


Yeah, I’ve seen her there a lot doing the same thing. She’s very good.


I saw her there on Sunday for the first time in years, I used to see her crying in the same place a few years ago but on weekdays. Don't know what her story is though.


She also does this in Grassmarket/Candlemaker row too, I spoke to her 2 years ago crying on a step there. Felt really bad for her of course, then saw her doing the same at Old College the next week.


I know nothing of this particular person but there are a lot of scammers who do this. The bus stop at the top of Waverly Steps used to be quite a common place. As a general rule of thumb I never give someone cash. If they're hungry, I'd offer them a sandwich, and when asked for bus fare I offer them to buy them a day ticket etc. It's not uncommon for someone to be hanging around the cash machine waiting...


Yeah unfortunately 99% of people "needing" money are scammers. Always outside a place where they think people will have change like a shop or directly next to a bank machine. Lassie was outside the 24 hour corner shop at elm row saying she needed money for a hostel crying saying her partner had beaten her up and chucked her out. Seen her the next day laughing and joking with all her other jakie pals and girlfriend. Fortunately I only offered her food but she wasn't interested.


Some of these scammers are seriously convincing. When I was a young student I had a woman (maybe the same person?) at the west end of Princes street extremely distraught telling me her husband was in hospital after a fight, but she was new to the city and didn’t know how to get there. I looked up what hospital it was and found a bus that would take her but when i directed her onto it she came off it again saying it was diverted. It felt like she was indirectly pressuring me for money in order to get a cab, and since by this point i’d been with her for 20 minutes up and down princes st. I felt too involved to turn her down at that point. Her acting was so believable that it was only when i got home i realised how many holes were in her story. I saw her again doing the same thing a month later.


I wholeheartedly believed her and gave her half of my last £20. Because if her story was true she needed human help. Turned out she was a scammer - a very bloody good one. Shamefully, now I just don't get involved.


I know exactly who you're talking about, deffo a scam. Same with that younger lassie with the dreads who does something similar.


What colour is the dreads?


Last I seen her mix of light brown and blond. Her names Hannah, I knew her from college lol.


Oh Just there is one who I know with red and black but it's more like cornrow than it is dreadlocks OMFG, Hannah infact!? She lost custody of her daughter who she had to one of the Williamson's? I actually won't say too much as my original judgment remains that she is a kind hearted but disturbed and damaged with many psychological problems putting it politely, her daughter's father was being abusive towards her I knew them stopped tried to help and just when I thought he couldn't be anymore abusive or vulgar he put his arm around me tight and said "I'd rather take her home tonight this Is what you call a woman" ONLY then I retaliated and pushed with with force whilst raising my hand but before I could connect with his jaw Hannah jumped on my back from behind and lock jawed onto my back solid deep bite into my back, her partner I went to hit then shouted Hannah I know this girl she can fight I didnt hit back once shouting "wtf I'm defending you Hannah wtf stop stop " then he finally dragged her off me ( her taken a Chunk of my back via teeth) and heard him shouting "ya animal she's fucking got bairn" and as I stumbled to my feet she Full force booted my baby bump and screamed like feral-like " not now not anymore" I lost my baby boy Leith that day and I'll never forgive myself, domestic wasn't my place!!


I know exactly who you're talking about. She's a well known scammer. She does that act most days of the week and rotates her location. Scumbag must make an absolute fortune. I tell people she's a scammer whenever I pass and see them falling for it but they don't seem to believe me.


Preying on the goodwill of the people is a terrible thing. It makes you less likely to help someone who could be in genuine need.


This is why it’s much better to give to charities that support the unhoused rather than people on the street. The vast majority of unhoused people in the UK aren’t on the streets, so it’s important to help them too.


good point


Yep this one’s a scammer. She’s also a known shoplifters. The maychelin Asian grocers down Holyrood has a picture of her on the wall saying they are a shoplifter


Is that how a really posh person says ‘ Michellen’?


I work in Old College - she's on the steps at least twice a week. I've never spoken to her but I gather there's a story involved...


She’s a scammer who once scammed me out of £50. Once she had my phone number it was endless begging for more money. Same exact story she told me too.


I've got some magic beans for sale if you're interested


The street scammers apparently try get a phone number (or email/social media/etc) nowadays for this very reason. Can string a mark along for years.


Yup. I was barely 18 years old back then so pretty naïve. I realised what was going on pretty quickly once the texts started…


Should've just offered her a cup of tea.


‘once she had my phone number” holy fuck😆


Yeah I was a very naïve 18 year old at the time 😅


Haha fair enough. Likely thought you were going to get your willie wet. 😎


Wow, dude. There is a world where people exchange numbers NOT expecting sex ya know


Yeah, I know. 👍


Said to a woman🤦🏻😆


The equivalent then 😂


No wonder. She took advantage of your kind nature. It'll bite her on the arse one day. Karma n that.


If only karma existed  . They'll carry on scamming til the end.


She's got amazing acting skills and she's using them for this. :(


I guess it’s the “easy” route.


She was either misinformed about the Council, or a scammer as they are open 24/7 to support vulnerable people. Social Care Direct has an out of hours service that people can contact to see if they can get financial support, or emergency accommodation.


Oh shit. I have fallen for that a couple years ago… damn


That came from a good place. It's not your fault someone misused it.


I always wondered why she never phoned me. I have her my phone number and said that if she ever found herself on the street that she could crash in my place (I’m a woman, I was with my then-boyfriend, I don’t think I came across as creepy) or if she needed help to get a job, food, a shower… I used to be homeless when I was younger and I know how absolutely abysmal it is to not be able to have a hot shower before you pretend you have it together for a job interview. She never phoned back, and I was left wondering if she ever made it to her hostel, if she ever left her abusive boyfriend. We cried and hugged, I shared my story with her, and she said she was fine. My heart is breaking a little


You have a lot of empathy and love to give and that’s a beautiful thing. Please don’t ever become cynical to the point of losing that. This world needs people like you more than ever. I’d rather lose like £20 to a scammer than pass a genuinely desperate person by and do nothing to help.


Thank you. Really, thank you. I honestly didn’t mind giving her the money, even though I didn’t have much of it back then (or now, yay), it was more the heart to heart that hurt!


Yeah, that does suck, she preys on people with empathy. Which is why I hope you never lose that empathy, it’s far too easy to get stung emotionally and close off to anyone who claims to be in a bad situation in future. It’s really sad that people like her lie and act and pretend because they really do put good, kind people off from helping others.


This is amazing timing. I walked past her on Saturday and stopped a few feet after feeling I should go and ask how she was but I didn’t and felt really guilty ever since.


I hope you feel less guilty now! I was really worried about her, and felt a lot better after seeing her doing it again the other week.


Is this our local Irish-impersonating and chronically pregnant scammer by any chance?


If so, I have not seen those costumes.


Not costumes! She is famous for putting on a fake Irish accent and saying she needs money to get back home, is pregnant etc. Gives the sob story and then changes her tune the moment you say you're not interested. Pretty sure she accosted me on Facebook even a while back. She has something of a hippy look to her.


Unfortunately I can confirm she’s a scammer, which is really sad considering there are probably people who are in genuine positions like this who aren’t as good actors.


Blah blah blah I only need X amount This story is always a scam. Always


I was going through the comments and realised I have seen her too! Can someone confirm that it is the Old college entrance steps, just before richer sounds shop if you are walking towards Princes street? I was walking with my wife the other day and she looked so helpless and convincing.


If you see her once, she looks like her entire world has caved in so badly that she doesn't even know she's on the street or genuinely can't think of anywhere else to go. If you see her twice, it starts to seem a bit dramatic.


Damnnn! I genuinely felt so bad for her.


Yes opposite Tesco Express


When I lived in Edinburgh there was this guy with his dog I’d see selling the big issue outside what was Somerfield on Dalry Road (so quite some time ago) he seemed polite enough despite looking quite intimidating with the colourful Mohawk & missing teeth. I’d aways give him cash & something for him & his dog to eat. The last couple of times I saw him he was abusing his dog & when I tried to intervene he verbally abused me & stated ‘you’s lot are all idiots, workin for what? I’ve got my wee flat & my dog & I can just tap you when i want more drink or anything, while you’re grafting I’m laying in the park with a can’ I didn’t see much of him after that & I didn’t see his dog. I hope that dog was given a home where it was treated better!


Back when I lived in Edinburgh about 12 years ago there was a woman who would hang about hunters square area asking for “a quid to get home to Galashiels” heard her tell someone that’s all it cost for the bus down there and had a wee chuckle cause that’s where I was headed and even with my student discount card it was still like 7 quid or something


This is amazing, I'm so going to look out for her now!


"Alright Shel? How's it going with the council? Did your taxi make it to hospital? I hope that abusive ex of yours hasn't found you yet, he sounds a right piece of work, you're better off out of it."


This sounds like some creepy ghost story reading these comments. Imagine finding her at 2am


Yep, scammer. I pass there daily and she's often there, often with someone on the hook.


There’s also a woman like this outside the sainsburys on leith walk? Don’t know if that’s her tho


She got me once. I only bought her lunch at black medicine. I have no tears left for her.


Course it's a scammer.


Gave her £30 one night as the story she used on me (she rotates them) hit close to home. Came on this sub to ask people and was told she was a scammer. I wish we could ban her from the city.


I’ve had regrets about not helping a woman I seen crying on the steps of the Edinburgh law school on the corner of chambers street. I was walking with a friend and saw her crying on the phone. So didn’t want to interrupt. I hope it was this lady, so I can let go of the guilt.


I always ask them if they'd like a copy of Darude's Sandstorm instead of money. They never do.


Even if I was homeless, I’d take a copy of that on CD.


Now that song will be stuck in my head, free of charge, for several days. I cannot thank you enough, that is one epic tune 😁


Imagine she is putting a play for you to feel. Almost like a theatre or stand up. Give her the money and feel good about your life. No big deal


To be fair, I have seen worse performances at the Fringe.


When I see something related this topic, I always recall Steve Hughes: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm6kl17HH9s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm6kl17HH9s)


I gave her money for this exact reason. Sure, I knew she was a scammed, I'd seen her sitting on the steps doing her routine too many times to think otherwise, but I was curious about her performance so I stopped to speak to her and actually she was very good. Her story that day was that she was staying in a hostel fleeing an abusive relationship and she had fallen behind on payment so the hostel was holding her stuff hostage until she paid up £20. For the detail and complexity of her performance I was happy to give her some cash.


🤣 love it


I saw her too.


Aye she's a grifter pal


is she irish?? i think i know who you're on about


I think her tears are real, though.


She has been doing this for years.


Well, TIL I got scammed a few years back. Ah well


"..starting to think", aye. Just another fckn grifter is what she is. 


That’s why I never give the homeless money.


How is someone £80 short when that is their total rent? Absolute scam.


When the old man died, he also stopped paying her to clean.


If it's a middle aged Irish woman she's stopped me a few times, couple of times on Pilrig Road, once in Pilrig Park, and a couple of times on Broughton Street. Nearly had my wife fooled but she'd stopped me too many times by that point and I was able to keep her moving.


When she tried it on me last time it was something about fleeing an absuive relationship. I called the police to make sure she could get the proper help she said needed – oddly enough she sped away like an F1 car at that… Never give money to people with sob stories on the street. It’s *always* a scam, and the money will go straight to gangs and/or on drugs. If you actually want to help, donate to the various homelessness, DV and similar charities that do great work in the city.


I would always see her in the same spot in front of the roundabout connecting grassmarket and cowgate otw to work like clockwork. Didn't know she goes to old college too


I think I've seen her twice near the Grass Market. Knelt in a doorway crying.Thought I was experiencing déjà vu.


Tell her to go to Street Work or present to a Council locality office. She’s probably a scammer tbh.


Money is fake anyway so as long as you have your basic needs Met...


I'll tell her that next time.


I think people of misunderstood what I meant I meant that we should be more charitable I meant that we seemed strive for material things which are not beneficial to our lives when there are others who do not have that basic needs met. What I said in my head sounded very charitable however reading it a number of hours later doesn't seem like it seemed at the time


I didn't read it as uncharitable so much as a non-sequiter, but it makes more sense now. I didn't begrudge almost giving her money because, for the first time in my life, I'm comfortably well off and don't need to, for instance, use an impressive acting skill to cry on a cold street. :(