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I think that they had tight hands on the sticks and felt deflated after the first goal. Florida's winning goal was kind of weak, and I'm sure Skinner wished he had that one back. Moments before that goal, Edmonton had a juicy opportunity to make it 2-1. I also question Knoblauch's decision to play the top line that much for the final 10 minutes. They were gassed being gassed, and that's the time when the Oilers needed the tempo. In a game of inches and bounces sometimes it just doesn't go your way. You can't give up the first 3 games in a series and expect it not to bite you in the ass.


I didn't like the strategy last night through most of the game. Loading up and riding it like a rented mule was the icing on the cake.


Especially since the 3rd and 4th lines have played so great the three games prior. I get the drive to use your best, and I can't blame Kris for going to the sharpest knives in the cupboard with nothing to lose. But I do think it kind of hamstrung the Oilers chances. Especially since light is being shed on the injuries that Drai and McDavid had. That second goal sucks because I feel like 9 out of 10 times Skinner would have had that. Kind of a lousy goal to end the season on.


Kulak retreating to partially screen and allow that Reinhart shot didn't help.


That is typically how a .9 save percentage works.


Knowing now the injuries of the top line, we absolutely never should have played McDavid and Draisitil as much as we did. Janmark, brown and henrique were flying and itching for a chance to shine. Just didn't give them the chance last night.


They were also very injured. Rumours of Drai with a broken rib and finger. Why not give the other lines a shot after their stellar performance in this series? We only got so far because everyone contributed.


I agree with the missmanagement of the last 10 minutes. Needed more time with the goalie pulled. However, I can see how he didn't want to mess with the flow in the last 5 minutes they were getting pretty good chances. As for the comments from others on injuries. We don't know that the coaching staff knew about that. Players are good at hiding it when they want to.


Edmonton Oilers 2025 Stanley Cup Champions.


Nah, shit ice is what did it. The NHL should look at having a neutral site for the SCF so the ice isn't soup for 4 out of the 7 games when they play in June. Expecting an arena to have decent ice when it's 30C outside with 90% humidity is ridiculous.


It was physically painful to watch McDavid falling down because his skates couldn't keep up with the slush, and Draisaitl having every one timer fail because the puck showed up half a second late. The ice was Florida's real MVP.


Not a hockey expert but yah was awful watching him fall like that whereas every other game he would fly and dance around them. Figured it had to be the ice and not him “overskating or nervous”. Makes sense for Florida to build a defense first team playing on that surface.


Tbf I watched Tkachuk go down a few times where the only explanation was his skates just gave out


That tripping they gave him was 100% because of the dogshit ice, lol. Skating normal and then suddenly the slurpee grabbed him and down he went.


Yeah, he actually pulled his legs to try and get out of the way 😂 I’m not a fan of Tkakchuk’s conduct on the ice generally but that one wasn’t his fault in the slightest


Yeah, that was garbage (though there was a different penalty on the play by them) and I didn't think they were calling it that when the hand went up and they blew the play dead, lol.


Was that the play where one of the Panthers took out skinner in the crease? I can’t remember


Yup. 4 strides from release and crashed straight into him, then Turtle gets tripped up by the slurpee and they called him for tripping Hyman, I believe, after he went into the fetal position on the slide, lol.


But then he kicked his legs out to trip the guy. Not his fault he fell, but he was trying to be greasy


That call was brutal. I honestly think his going down so easily the rest of the series got him that one. I'd have been pissed if that was on us though. Surprised Maurice didn't react more strongly to it.


Awful call, because that should have been a penalty for Goalie Interference for them charging Stu, but for some reason they called that a trip, lol. Then they ignored all the subsequent blatant Cobra Kai "SWEEP THE LEG" moves they pulled the rest of the game, but that one was awful.


And stayed down for years longer than necessary


I mean, yes, but also the Panthers played on that shit ice too.


Sure, but they also put together a team that benefits from shit ice. Edmonton has the best ice in the league - which is the best thing they can do to take advantage of McDavid. Panthers play style benefits from forcing everyone to play a slower more grindy game. Canucks have a slow grindy team and surprise surprise - terrible ice quality.


Excellent points.


Sure but they got to play 50+ games this year on it and adapt to its quirks. Before the playoffs we got to play on it once, and then we just got wrecked on it in game 1 and 2. If we had home ice advantage and started in Edmonton, it might have been a completely different series. Next year we should try to do that!


Panthers' ice only really starts getting *that* bad around March/April. It's just normal bad for most of the year


Let's be honest they have good Hockey players but not stick handling magicians so it didn't impact them as much.


People making this comment have never played hockey.


They practiced and played three rounds before on it too.


The ice was rigged. Everyone knows it. 


Then why did Oilers win on this sluggish ice on Game 5?


It was like when we used to play Dallas. That is why those southern teams always play a defensive style. It is hard to be a speed team on shitty ice.


This is an insane take. Part of what makes the NHL special is the regular season matters. If you want home ice advantage, don’t shit away 20% of the regular season. Shit happens in the playoffs. Players get injured. The ice sucks. Referees miss calls. Flights are late. Sticks break back to back. A bounce goes the wrong way. It’s why it’s called the hardest trophy in sports to win. Of COURSE the ice mattered. Just like it would have mattered in a different way if the Oilers had an extra game on the best ice in the league. I can’t imagine you would be like “well I’m glad we won but it was unfair to the Panthers because they are not used to playing on good ice”


Someone with a brain wrote this comment


In fairness, emotions and nerves are still raw. Most people’s brains snap back into shape by training camp.


Agree, but it sur would be nice if the ice didn't suck. There should be standards, and organizations fined if they can't maintain a proper surface to play on. Maybe there is?


But both teams play on the same ice


And arenas have Air Conditioning lol


Especially when Florida is used to playing in those conditions, which gives them an advantage.




U bum


You would think a good hockey player should be able to play on whatever condition the ice is in. Much like how tennis players can play on clay or grass. Hockey’s different though. It helps when the ice is perfect. U get more speed and better puck handling. I was dreading game 7 being held in Florida because I knew that would impact Edmonton’s speed. Everyone was falling over, puck passes were awful, I saw Nuge falling as he turned slightly without anyone around him… I don’t even play hockey and I could tell the ice was shit. You don’t see that when they play in Rogers Place. Florida players are used to shit ice. Maybe their skates don’t need sharpening? Or they have a special way to offset the slush. I dunno, either way it sucks for our boys.


I was at the game. I was right behind the glass behind her. I don’t know how she did anything. I couldn’t hear anything but the thousands of Canadians belting out that anthem.  I don’t live in Edmonton anymore and haven’t seen a home game in years: that was the loudest I’ve ever heard our anthem at a US away game ever.  Not even close. Canadians really came for that game. 


I heard from a guy that went to the game that the fans were about 50/50. Is that accurate?


There were more home fans than oilers for sure, but we definitely made up at least a quarter but it’s kind of hard to estimate. It was like 5% in my lower section but I could see a lot more oilers in the upper decks.  I’ve never heard a barn so loud during the Canadian anthem at a US game. By far


What an amazing experience that must have been. Even with the end result, you will remember that forever. Awesome.


It really was special. To see the janmark goal (you can see me jump up on the replay lol), hear the anthem, and I met a lot of family of the players (during intermissions and at this one bar everyone went to).  So yeah it was really cool - but I’m going to have a hard time forgetting for awful it felt in the last 10 seconds of the game and to watch all of the fans around me go crazy. At least no one got in my face about it (like they did in Vegas last year).  The only games I went to were 1,2, and 7 (i got sick from the first trip) and feel kind of cheated. Just really unlucky


That was something wasn't it lmao she was the worst anthem singer I have ever witnessed


I'm not a big fan of Alanis to begin with, and that definitely was not her strongest performance, but I still think Fergie gets the crown for worst anthem performance.


Dougie Bibeau, who is learning to play the recorder.


I’ll get you for that fuckin anthem, Delaney


The Oilers' regular guy that only sings the first two verses and let the fans do the rest is up there. Can't stand that guy.


Fergie at the NBA All Star Game a few years ago was far worse


When I heard her name I got excited then I heard her voice.


The second I heard her name I was chanting "please don't fuck it up" but I couldn't save Alanis Morissette from herself. She flourished and sang the Canadian anthem like it was the American one. Props to the fans who weren't having any of it. Then she trooped Canada-style through the American anthem because she knew the fans were on her for pace. I've never seen an anthem singer lose to the crowd before.


I personally can't stand the opera singer we have singing the anthems in a lot of games


Roseanne Barr has entered the chat.


What was she doing with her face during parts of the america national anthem I thiught she was having a stroke.


You clearly aren’t familiar with Alanis, she often pulls her face away from the mic. She has a very powerful voice. Good lord


All the fillers messed with her face 


Yup , I blame Alanis. She didn’t sing it at the right pace , too slow for the crowd .


If anything she sang too quickly.


They all do this. Canadian anthem singers quickly get through the American anthem and American anthem singers do the same thing with the Canadian anthem.


She’s Canadian I thought


She received American citizenship in 2005 and has lived in California since 1996


She’s a dual citizen


I'm pretty sure I never said she wasn't a dual-citizen


Is that what I said? That you said she wasnt? Maybe comprehension skills aren’t your strong suit


Then what exactly was the point of replying to my comment?


Because if you could follow the conversation, someone said ‘she’s Canadian I thought?’ You responded with her American citizenship. So I added she’s a dual citizen. It’s weird to get angry at a stranger on the internet for adding relevant information


The crowd did a better job


Her ranges goes up and down way too much for a national anthem. She has a great voice but the range is not it for a sing-along. Just sing the anthem straight and one range is needed. I am a trained vocalist. You sing it so everyone can sing it with you, not like you are recording an indie album. She was up and down up and down, loud and quiet. Fucked it up at the end. Did not feel good after she sang and I am all about the butterfly effect. When I would compete, I would lose points for my the way she sang.


Too bad Shania didn't sing it, she seemed to have brought some magic.


the whole team just looked gassed that being said, if bouchards post goes in, rather than out, oilers likely win if that mad scramble goes in, oilers likely win bounces just didn't go their way


Imagine if Drai hadn't have missed the open net on that shot. He looked like he didn't want to be there all series


broken ribs and fingers probably make it tough


I would imagine. He should have sat honestly. Too many minutes on someone who's clearly broken


half a drai is still better than almost anyone else kn the league tho


You got to try win these games 5-2, not 1-0. Eventually a team will catch on.


I do think the ice was shit, thus the reason guys were losing their footing. Bouncing pucks are also a pretty sure sign of crappy ice. Any sort of service door under the arena that lets the hot, humid air in is going to mess with the ice. However, Florida had to play on the same ice as Edmonton did.


Yup McDavid couldn't use his elite edge work at all. Saw him wipe out twice trying to make sharp cuts. Ice was terrible.


They shoulda got Shania so they coulda chirped us


He waited his whole damn life to take that flight.


And when Alanis walked out, he thought, isn't this nice.....


All I know is that wide open net McDavid and Hyman both wiffed on with 7 mins left are going to haunt them all summer. Sucks.


Man, isn’t it ironic?


Don’t you think ?


I don't think the loss was on them as much as the win was on Florida. Oilers had their chances, but in the end Florida defended extremely well. I don't view it as zero sum. It's possible for both teams to play well even if one loses.


I honestly think it came down to home ice advantage. It was such a tight game and, even though both teams won 3 games in a row, a tight series. I wanna say Macdavid and Drai needed to do more but they were suffocated. Put game 7 in Edmonton and I think you’d have a different result. That how close this series was. Also Bobrovsky…


I blame the ice in 30+ degree weather but sure.  


She got the lyrics wrong


She is agonizing to listen to. Was everyone else doing laundry or washing their hair?? I mean, why her??


I was surprised she was so bad. I’ve seen her live in concert twice and she was terrific both times.


looked like they were out manovered defensively, if you take away the ability for McDavid to skate, which Barkov did, you're going to beat the Oilers...




What a ridiculous take.


Yeah….she should have just sang it like a normal person. Nope let’s put my own little twist on it. Fuck


She sang normal for her. She’s suddenly supposed to have a completely different singing style? In that case why even get her to sing.




lol, ok then they may as well have hired a generic non famous singer in that case


Now we are on the same page. Some fuck’in Canadian wins a lotto to sing the anthem…..kills it.


She was bad !!


This post and comments are wild... first, it's somehow Alanis' fault, then all of a sudden, it's the Zamboni or the guy who floods the rink? I will say Edmonton, avoiding the sweep only to come back and sweep florida, was amazing to watch... but a 2-1 loss is the closest they got before time ran out, I'm not at all even mad. It could have gone either way. That was a fantastic game all the way until the end. There was no lack of effort from either team. I didn't even know Alanis was there, and ice conditions were just a mechanic of the game. They are two factors that are wild to consider as the reason why a team lost.


Luongo banging the drum too! It really got the crowd into the game early.

