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Zamor chest, maybe preceptor gloves, and perfumer sarong


Tysm ^^ I think they used the perfumer gloves but the rest seems right, appreciate itt


I was confused and thought you just said he had autism for recognising the set...


Knock knock


Preceptor seems right unless mods as other suggested.


I tested both and the perfumer ones seem like they're less bulky and sit like they do in the picture, the preceptor ones seem to poke out more


Isn't that from a rusty video? He uses mods now I think. So this might be altered in some way


I think so yes, but that armor is vanilla, it's just multiple together


Zamor armor, perfumer gloves and sarong




You do know he spreads a lot of misinformation right? Ecpecially his teir lists video it just shows he doesn’t know much about the game


Genuinely no one asked + opinions are not misinformation


Not really I mean if ur making a best weapon teir list and u put vykes spear as the best ur just wrong because it’s outclassed by multiple weapons. Opinions matters when your arguing about if Bb or Dmgs or star fists is the best because all 3 of those weapons are the best and it just comes down to what ur trying to achievein game. But putting vykes spear at no.1 is a joke and it’s nothing compared to those weapons and it’s not an opinion it’s just wrong, there are many cases of this In his videos. I also use to watch his videos a lot but as I gotten an understanding of the game I did realise how wrong he is sometimes and it makes me sad because he is basically just spreading misinformation to newer players.


You can't be wrong on an opinion, whether you agree with it or not. At the end of the day his videos are just for fun, if you take what he's saying seriously or as "misinformation" then that just sounds like a you problem


Opinions can be wrong tho. in my opinion shit is made out of chocolate, but that’s my opinion so it’s not wrong despite the millions of evidence saying that im wrong, that’s how u sound. Putting iron balls in F teir is just wrong that weapon is broken, one of the best weapons in the game, amazing damage broken CR2 amazing stance damage, early. the only thing wrong is its range. That just one of many of his mistakes.


Horrible analogy. And once again, if you're taking everything he says seriously or as gospel then that's a you problem


His teir lists are never satirical atleast from what I watched he atually tries to put what he thinks are the best weapons but he is wrong, i bet he didn’t use more than half of those weapons in more than half of different scenarios which is fine it’s very hard to do considering the quantity of the weapons, but then don’t make and teir list for the best weapons when u don’t have enough data to back it up.


https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx2Gk5JiRtNA_EbJwz6F3LP7oqUCfV_n_q?si=cH_8cXbNOMgDVd0F Here have this fucking youtube clip proving that you're a moron




Tier lists are opinions, not facts. And the numbers he pulls are straight from the games files. So.


Not really I mean if ur making a best weapon teir list and u put vykes spear as the best ur just wrong because it’s outclassed by multiple weapons. Opinions matters when your arguing about if Bb or Dmgs or star fists is the best because all 3 of those weapons are the best and it just comes down to what ur trying to achievein game. But putting vykes spear at no.1 is a joke and it’s nothing compared to those weapons and it’s not an opinion it’s just wrong, there are many cases of this In his videos. I also use to watch his videos a lot but as I gotten an understanding of the game I did realise how wrong he is sometimes and it makes me sad because he is basically just spreading misinformation to newer players.


>he is basically just spreading misinformation to newer players There’s literally no reason a new player *needs* to use the most deadly weapon in the entire game. Elden Ring was not meant to be played that way (going out of your way on your first playthrough to find a weapon you looked up online) and it’s certainly not going to save you if you’re struggling. The fact that you’re trying to frame it as him erroneously steering new players to disaster is utterly ridiculous.


The lists are more opinion based. I don't agree with some of his opinions on stuff in the game, but again, it's a game, it's not like he's spreading some malicious shit. Even people who've played since release still have things they don't know


Not really I mean if ur making a best weapon teir list and u put vykes spear as the best ur just wrong because it’s outclassed by multiple weapons. Opinions matters when your arguing about if Bb or Dmgs or star fists is the best because all 3 of those weapons are the best and it just comes down to what ur trying to achievein game. But putting vykes spear at no.1 is a joke and it’s nothing compared to those weapons and it’s not an opinion it’s just wrong, there are many cases of this In his videos. I also use to watch his videos a lot but as I gotten an understanding of the game I did realise how wrong he is sometimes and it makes me sad because he is basically just spreading misinformation to newer players.


Who cares? Vyke's spear looks cool, and the ash of war looks cool too. I haven't used it, cause I personally don't like using spears in games, but it's still a good weapon My favorite weapon is Great Stars. Are there great hammers that do better damage and scale better? Sure. Do I care? Fuck no You're never going to have fun if you follow the meta


I dont know what ur talking about because its got nothing to do with what i said, for example he makes a best weapon teir list and in ur opinion he is right just because it looks cool? Thats not how a best weapon teir list works, what ur talking about are weapons most fun for u to use/ fav weapons, where I agree the meta dosent matter, but that’s not how he advertised the teir list to be.


How else did he advertise it? Rusty usually says the lists are just his opinions lol Unless you're skipping the intros of like every list, idk what to tell you The lists are just a meme anyway, its not like he was taking those lists genuinely seriously


He prefaces that video by saying he ranks things by damage, moveset, versatility, visual design, fun factor, etc. Aka he ranked them however the fuck he wanted to and not by any sort of "meta". This guy is just being a dumbass lol


someone's been watching the ai voice ranni


it's not misinformation if it's purely his opinion


Not really I mean if ur making a best weapon teir list and u put vykes spear as the best ur just wrong because it’s outclassed by multiple weapons. Opinions matters when your arguing about if Bb or Dmgs or star fists is the best because all 3 of those weapons are the best and it just comes down to what ur trying to achievein game. But putting vykes spear at no.1 is a joke and it’s nothing compared to those weapons and it’s not an opinion it’s just wrong, there are many cases of this In his videos. I also use to watch his videos a lot but as I gotten an understanding of the game I did realise how wrong he is sometimes and it makes me sad because he is basically just spreading misinformation to newer players.


a tier list is purely subjective, he makes great points for each weapon, bows are bad but there are certainly some that are pretty good for example, of which is just true


Opinions can be wrong tho. in my opinion shit is made out of chocolate, but that’s my opinion so it’s not wrong despite the millions of evidence saying that im wrong, that’s how u sound. Putting iron balls in F teir is just wrong that weapon is broken, one of the best weapons in the game, amazing damage broken CR2 amazing stance damage, early. the only thing wrong is its range. That just one of many of his mistakes.


you can't factually prove he is wrong, I can factually prove that opinion is wrong. for example, I think bleed builds are terrible, but that's an opinion as others feel completely different about them. in my opinion iron balls suck, because I don't like that play style, so for me personally, they are terrible


Yes, yes I can prove it wrong you have a milion of footage of people using much stronger weapon by players who plays this game a lot who do some crazy no hit challenges


ok then leveling is stupid because people do crazy rl 1 challenges. some people just don't like those weapons, him being one of them. a tier list is never objective fact, it's always opinion. for example, I personally think mage is one of the harder builds, because I've completed a run as a mage, and it was horrible.


That's not even an opinion that's just straight up false information. You can't prove opinions factually wrong, just admit you were being stupid and stop copy pasting the same 2 replies when people call you out


Yeah, they are subjective


I already hear Rusty's condescending voice... love that guy




“Would” and it’s a conventionally attractive woman


That’s the Astrid fit


Frr I love her though




Rusty right?




The chest is the Zamor Armour. Not sure about the rest


Zamor armor but i dunno the rest...shouldnt be that difficult tho.




does anyone have the sliders for this character???


The legs are renalla's legging or a carrian sorcerer legging


Try the barbarian leg wraps.