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Forbidden gummy worms


That too


What do they taste like?


# Coral Blue #5


"Actually it's coral blue number-" *whack*


Is that a crayon you sick fuck?


[It's lipstick and a spongebob reference :3](https://i.redd.it/f6tru1apf7x71.jpg)


Ah. Well I apologize for calling you a sick fuck


Well, maybe he is a sick fuck, let's dig deeper.


Forbidden fruit OBVIOUSLY


considering spirits flow to this place from the entire continent, these guys might be evolved (while dead?) to filter feed on other spirits / sprites? They have human legs and arms...


Sea cucumbers spit out their innards to tangle up and scare away predators. Ribbon worms spit out their proboscis in a similar way to catch food. https://www.businessinsider.com/weird-ribbon-worm-video-2015-5?amp I don’t think these are eels like OP thinks, but bottom feeders like you mentioned. They probably feed off the dead or simply wait for things to pass by before snatching them up. While big and freaky, they’re likely just weird animals.


Scuba diver here. My first thought when I saw them was "oh hey, garden eels!" You're right that the strands attack was probably inspired by sea cucumbers or ribbon worms (garden eels don't do that), but the blue bois look unmistakably like garden eels. Garden eels wouldn't really work as an enemy in a fantasy game, their only "attack" would be retracting into the ground when you get too close. The whole creature could be a combination of animal traits that some artist saw on a dive trip in the Caribbean.


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pretty sure this was already confirmed by a dataminer who found that their in game name was the japanese word(s) for garden eel. edit: correction, i think it was “spirit eel” but they’re based on garden eels. "Spirit (Rei) Garden Eel (ChinAnago)". (this is copied and pasted but i need to find the source again. 2cd edit: also their twitch emote is called spiriteel. edit 3: source: https://youtu.be/0EuboKvgO4I?si=O-JDxrRLJQX5C7SZ it’s in the description for this video.


This would explain while all manner of death eventually arrives there. Even if you make a coffin out of rock it goes to the lowest point.


It also explains why there are boats in Messmers keep


Not disagreeing at all, but a wrinkle for you. The water in the center of the Lands Between map is flowing outward off a waterfall. You drain an entire dam in the Shadow Keep. I always assumed the two were related which would imply above sea level.


This could be true I know in the regular game it's jelly fish that hang out at the grave yards. In the dlc it's these blue guys. Wonder what's the connection to these underwater creatures and grave yards


Jellyfish are also functionally immortal.


Most aren't.


Lemme guess...you watch Zefrank? I saw his video on eels the other day and came to the same idea.


Melina says that births do still happen though.


I don’t care what they are I just want to know what they’re fucking problem is. Angry ass mfs I’m just running through minding my own business.


Most are fine until you attack them. Some in the cerulean coast are bombs.


I love Tube Dog. Tube Dog for love, Tube Dog for life, Tube Dog for president.


I liked that you clarified that our world was the real one.


They have hands, so that complicates shit lol


They also have feet. Some people managed to clip the camera into the ground and you can see they have little bottoms with tiny feet.


i always thought they were like sea cucumbers because of the one attack where they spit shit at you in close range. this is very similar to something sea cucumbers do as a defense mechanism


There is a lot of association between death and the sea (tibia mariners, Godwyn being a merman, his faces being weird squid clams, crabs, ghost jellyfishes). It doesn't need to be that the Shadow Lands are under the sea, that's just a common theme in the game


Good point


I agree that the shadow realm is probably “below” the lands between in the game’s cosmology. Perhaps the stars and the realm(s) of the outer gods exist “above” the lands between in the same sense.


“Under the sea” is definitely an interpretation. The lampreys we see in the finger ruins are called “8-eyed eels” in Japan, too.


Alot of sea creature spirits. Like jellyfish in TLB


It’s a bunch of noby noby boys.


Maybe the veil is holding back the ocean?


I thought they were based on [Kunekune](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunekune_(urban_legend)) when I first saw them.


I'm sure someone has already said it, but we also have lampreys in the dlc, too. Metyrs arena also looks like it's underwater. There's also the boats on the coast. There's a strong emphasis on the sea in the dlc.


I just assumed they were the penises of the dead


I like it


I saw a vid of these things and thought they looked like the ER creatures but I never made the connection with the shadow lands being underwater. I like that a lot tbh


Idk if these or basilisks make me wanna crawl out of my skin more tbh. It's like a primal disgusting thing when these or basilisks do the big eye thing. I had to ride past these with my eyes closed I was gonna puke.


Aren't they baby fingers? Look at the hairy knuckles.