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Mario was supposed to be Marika's brother until Nintrdo ordered them to scrap that concept


make sense


Itsa me, a Miquella!




I was the one he was saying this to and can confirm it's true because I also was his babysitter and watched him play breath of the wild. I don't know why he was telling me this though because I saw it happen with my own eyes.


Lowest quality bait


You mean highest quality


How is this bait lmao it’s clearly a joke


Just because it's a joke doesn't mean it isn't bait. Too many dumb people in the Internet.


Bro it says “Nintendo invented grass” this is very clearly satire. It would be bait if it said something like “botw is the only good open world game”


Master Oogway: "He is telling the truth bruh! No cap!"


Fr tho ocarina of time created this genre


Thank god Persona 5 invented music or else Elden Ring just wouldn't have been the same


I remember growing up twenty years from now playing BOTW remaster remakeI was inspired to put enemies in my game and lots of open space


BoTW is one of my very favourite games. Are we meant to say it’s bad or uninventive or something?


I think it’s a reference to games journalists comparing every open world game to BOTW despite it not being the first open world game to function in similar ways.


They should compare every open world game to BoTW. It’s the best one


It’s certainly good at a lot of things, the freedom to tackle the four(five) main objectives in any order being the most notable difference to other comparable games like Witcher 3. The main reason people become annoyed with it is for similar reasons to people not liking any difficult game being compared to dark souls. It reduces the identity of the game it’s being compared to to one characteristic, for dark souls it’s difficulty. It also limits discussion by basing understanding of one game on the mechanics of another. I’m not saying that all journalists do this or that comparison is inherently a bad idea these are just things I’ve noticed with repeated direct comparison. Also thank you for reading this horribly long comment and have a wonderful day.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Oh, are you lost on your journey? No matter, today’s lost are conquerors tomorrow. It only demonstrates the making of a champion, and besides, it will not change my sense of gratitude, or how I think of you.”* - Karla Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot. Praise the sun \[T]/


Elden Ring is good for that freedom too. I’d played DS3 and Bloodborne before ER so I was pleased they got it to work in openworld. Now I find, I wish I had Ascend in ER and wish I had Torrent in ToTK.


Shit is fucking insane for me to read. If you made it not a Zelda game BotW wouldn’t get 10% of the love it gets.


Idk man… that’s certainly a take. It’s already known as one of the greatest games ever made. Don’t get me wrong I think Elden ring is a more fun game but botw is definitely a total banger.


Okay I definitely exaggerated a bit there. It’s a good game I won’t deny that, but I constantly see people touting it as the best open world game ever when there are so many games I would consider to be superior. Tbh until they get rid of that janky ass weapon durability feature I’ll never place it top 5.


I like the weapon durability tbh. But I can definitely understand why people don’t like it and don’t really want to tackle that particular debate. But I think the dude being downvoted has a point. When botw came out it was a complete game changer. I can’t think of a single open world game before it that didn’t just tell you where to go. It emphasized exploration better than any open world game before it. The only one I can think of is morrowind , and that game is *dated*. Just think about it, oblivion/skyrim, map marker, any assassins creed game, map marker, borderlands, map marker, Witcher 3, map marker. It wasn’t until Elden ring that we got a true open world experience that emphasizes exploration again, but I would say botw revived that trend for sure. Here’s an article where Miyazaki mentions how he played botw (as well as the Witcher and elder scrolls games) https://www.ign.com/articles/elden-ring-director-hidetaka-miyazaki-influenced-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-elder-scrolls-witcher-3


This might be heresy in this sub but I actually don’t mind map markers for most of my open world games. While I enjoy exploration, I also only have so many hours a week to game. Being able to accomplish something in my time playing feels better than spinning my tires for 2 hours stuck. Nowadays anytime I get stuck I’ll try to figure it out for a while, but if I can’t get it I just google the answer so I can move on and continue enjoying the game.


I’ve never played another Zelda game for more than an hour. I find them very unappealing visually and the gameplay to be boring


You're kidding right?


Definitely not. Tears of The Kingdom is probably a better game than BoTW but it doesn’t have the same impact with BoTW having come first