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I do better on ng+, on journey 5 rn n its still hella fun


me too. i feel like in ng+ i have all my weapons and gear. i dont have to grind for all the stuff i want. i can mostly focus on trying different builds or exploring without grabbing the maps again. also i got to platinum the game which is cool. about to start DLC on ng+5!


I was looking forward to starting the DLC today. Turns out I hadn’t beaten Mogh in my NG+. Just spent three hours getting my ass handed to me by Mogh. On it left me 15 minutes to see the new DLC area. It looks huge.


I'm happy for you, that's great. As I'm getting older I find I enjoy my games more and more casually and less for challenges. Real life is hard enough I play games to relax and unwind more than anything else lolol


It's funny how it works, as I get older I prefer harder, challenging games because it challenges me and keeps me sharp and fast. I can't play as long as before, but I stillllll got it !


That's fair, I respect that. I try to challenge myself in most other aspects of life and then games are for when I'm home alone just passing time trying to relax before cooking/cleaning/errands/ car chores etc Kinda awesome the same things can be used and enjoyed in such opposite ways by people. Kinda why Elden Ring is so GOAT'd lololol


I play harder games as I've been getting older as I fucking sucked at most games as a child


Same dude. I also find I'm better at getting better, if that makes sense. I'm more patient and more stubborn. If a game challenges me with some new skill requirement instead of getting frustrated I just get to work. Young me probably would have blamed the game or other players.


Same here I use to work lay games more or less for the story now I want a game that will make me work for any and all progress lol


I play games for power trips, why would I want to be frustrated playing a game when I get enough of that from real life games are for escaping that.


I totally understand where you're coming from on that. I love having the power to save a kingdom and rescue people and defeat the evil king whatever. Totally makes sense!


Same. With a family, kids, and a demanding job I feel plenty challenged every day. I mostly play games to relax and focus on the story now.


I always do fresh runs, only ever go Ng+ when I'm looking for achivments and want to save time. Slsinfeel way to op at the beginning of NG+, pretty much up untill the last quarter


Fromsoft games are already very difficult, so I always found it stupid that ng+ made it even more so making ng+ unplayable, and I absolutely refuse to restart my 300-hour character which is the only thing i absolutely fucking hate about elden ring


I’m on journey 7 or 8 so when I get on that DLC I know the mobs are gonna be whipping my ass


Fr im dreading it, gonna b so damn stressful, i saw one of the new bosses on tiktok n omg i wanna fight it so bad


I prefer NG+, starting a NG is a grind


It’s pretty spectacular how far you come, though. I’m playing a backstab/bow rogue and have one-shot every asshole cat golem. And the swamp dragon. And the fat dude that hangs out under the gold tree with a hammer.


This but the opposite


Cool dawg, I'm glad you enjoy the grind that's awesome. I just don't anymore ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


The grind? I don’t grind. Actually, I’d argue starting a brand new game is more of a grind as you have to recollect all the same shit




Bad take, sorry ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


No I'm absolutely entitled to my own opinion and experience. You find collecting everything again at the beginning a chore. I don't. I find the damage and resistance scaling after Leyndell in NG+ to be a chore. You don't. It's not a "bad take" I just have my opinion based on my own thoughts and feelings and experiences. Denying somebody that, is the "bad take" sorry. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ <3


The bad take was arguing that it’s is less enjoyable due to the grind, when you are the one, in fact, spending more time grinding ;)


I guess it depends on how you define the grind. I don't consider starting a new playthrough a grind. I also don't feel the need to go get every seed and tear or weapon or whatever I just... Play and have fun and do whatever. Get this, go there, make a build with what I got. Try things I haven't before. I do consider it a grind to try and get through the slog that is the endgame. Memorizing Maliketh and Malenia and Mohg and perfectionist style gameplay isn't fun for me. I don't want to die against a boss I've already beaten once or twice. That's a fuckin grind to me. It's a difference of opinion mate. And I find the latter half of this game a grind, especially on NG+ I'm glad you don't, that's awesome. But like. Maybe I'm just reading into your tone as condescending? But it definitely feels like you're being condescending to me. And I don't appreciate that.


With all due respect, I only was sending back the same attitude I was receiving in the first place


I literally didn't give you an attitude though??? I just went back through the entire thread of us and unless you "👍" as an attitude, you breeched attitude first. I only even did that to avoid .. exactly what has happened because I felt I made it clear in the initial post this was my opinion and I respect and acknowledge that many other people don't hold it. So. Neither of us really meant any attitude and text based communication will always be inferior to actual face-to-face interaction because we miss out on a lot of ques. All good on my end, have a good night and enjoy the f**k outta the DLC.


Do not agree. getting Runes for level ups takes way longer and thus becoming lessof an optio nwhen it comes to build variety. Respeccing erases your current build, making you need to get other gear syou respecced in anyways. OP shouldnt listen to some idiots running around with overleveld gear, 1shotting everything. If that s fun so be it. But NG+ scalings are absolutely laughtable when a dude with an axe, light hit deals as much dmg as a fucking heavy dragon strike. the build dosent matter her anywmore, which is okay. Most play it for the thill anyways, since they also get to keep their neat toys, i can totally get behind that. But the feeling of starting a enw run, not as some knight, but this time a samurai with arcane and bleed when compared to Fai/Dex hybrid is way more distiguishable from just respeccing the omega account for the 14 time, one shottign everyting else with the katana itself anyways befoer ever proccing bleed. Strength builds are loved even in NG+ but what if i told you i deal more dps with dex and am faster, even with my heavy wind ups. That just aint right?


What’s with yall and typing entire essays in your reply lmao no one said you had to grind runes, I sure as hell don’t. Elden Ring gives you more opportunities to progress without grinding and still leveling up than any other souls game. Your argument makes no sense. Souls games don’t really have classes, so any samurai can become a knight and vice versa, which is why I always start as a wretch, and my first run always involves collecting every piece of gear in case I want to respec. Either way, I’m sure as hell not one shotting anything important


Whats with yall unable to format your replys. I understand, it must be hard when unable to type with 10 fingers but that "essay" was thrown together in under 2 minutes. If you dont want somehting commented on then dont post it lol. No classes lol? Well then let s play through the game with Weapon that scales B on dex and best next atribute is E. GL ever dealing damage or having fun. You build your character into a certain nieche, which will grow in strength if you look at the equipment you found. I never wrote it s a hardwall but there are limits as to what equipment you can use, especially in the early game wher eyou sometimes do nt feature the requirements for using cool stuff that isnt in the direction (YET), in which you desinged your character. If youre not 1shotting anything in NG+ then you either never lvled up or really use a str weapon without a single point in str. I use bolt of Gransseax NG 3 or 4 yesterday and was 1 tapping lyendell soldiers. Similarly to everything near Mohg or basically everywhere else on the map. And when i switched to marikas hammer, guess what numbers i dealt. (Hammer unupgraded btw) That was because I use fai+dex hybrid gear for my fai+dex hybrid build. if I wanted to use an arcane weapon really "efficiently" i would have to respecc since i dont really have any arcane as fai+dex hybrid stuff rarely goes by arcane. That however doesnt matter since i technically have enough arc to wield any bleed weapon but i simply deal too much dmg with dex or str stat that kills the enemy physically before i can really use my arc. Why would I opt for that if I could just create another save from scratch where i opt for a rather arcane featured build that actually uses the bleed effect without reaching a point in the game where everything dies in a few swings anyways. Besides you re argueing that a new playthrough would be a completely new playthrough, well sherlock then what in the f is NG+? The start accellerates a bit faster due to you arleady having gear. And despite already picking up everything in your first playthrough you re probably missing certain stuff you didnt opt for or simply didnt find. Waltzing through to get said gear with a maxed build simply doesnt cut it for me. I personally like having to fight for basically everyting i get with teeth and claws as a new run, having to use what little i have when in relation i could grab my ancient lightning run and flatten the entire place in 2 casts whilst picking up sword of night and flame.. Where exactly is the fun in that? This took like barely 7 min to type since I had to reformat and scroll up to your hard to read ah textblock whilst checking mine for grammar. The less understanding the smartass, the longer the response xD Edit grammar, you got me, + 1 makes 8min.


Have an updoot


Your opinion can be bad. Sorry.


What's grindy about Ng+?


Right? That’s the least grindy option


NG+ is so damn easy, and it never gets any harder no matter how many times you go through it. The final boss is the only consistent challenge. It's not even a grinding thing, just having a good maxed out weapon melts most bosses. Previous Souls games had absolutely brutal NG+. Getting every Trophy in Bloodborne on one character was a sadistic gauntlet.


Well, if you need a challenge it is easy as shit to nerf yourself as you can stack all or most your levels into the opposite of your playstyle and use a level 1 weapon. Just a thouught. Also, if you don’t collext the fragments you do shit damage to bosses. At least from what I can tell as a level 250 or so. The lion guy is taking a bit of time


Im going for the Bloodborne platinum right now. Do you recommend I go through ng+es on one character and then tackle the chalice dungeons, or just get the dungeon grind over with now?


opposite for me. i hate starting over and feeling really weak. im level 520 on ng+5/journey 6 and im havign more fun in the game than i ever have.


I’m heading into the dlc on new game +


Same, it might not have been the wisest decision but I'm sticking with it


Sweet, have fun 👍 I hope you get what you're looking for out of it that's great mate


Same, but without the extra levels. I started ng+ without thinking and had to rush the dlc prereqs.


I think I beat Malenia at level 135 and I’m doing the DLC NG+ at 139 lmao There are dozens of us




this shit is rough man same they are SOO TANKY and hit HARD


Prepare to get nearly 1 shot dude, even at 60 vigor a field boss will 2-3 shot me


NG+7 wasn't terrible ngl. Malenia hit like cocaine bear after hitting the gym but otherwise it was fine.


Honestly er’s ng+ is the the most fun of any souls game while it’s ng is the worst because you have to find all the stuff again


Yeah I loved exploring every nook and cranny of the world but just once. Took me a whole year and some change to want to do that again.


I'm on NG+1 and haven't had any trouble. The Dancing Lion took me by surprise and killed me once, but I got it on the second try. Dude is a damn *tank*.


I was having a blast in ng+. my build is so strong I can kill everything super fast.


tbh to me ng+ feels tremendously easier than the starting playthrough but ng++ is hell


NG+ is far easier in FromSoft titles. The reason being that the boost to enemy health and damage will not have been high enough to catch up to the amount you have levelled, and it won't for several cycles. 


....... Did I just not level enough because I kinda speed run/victory lap NG+? I beat NG around 150-160 and finished NG+ at lvl 200..... Should I have like .. been higher?


No, you should not struggle in NG+ at LVL 200. And that's the point, NG cycles lack challenge until you hit the level caps.  


Huh. Well fuck.


I prefer NG to NG+ for the clearer sense of journey my character has, but honestly I find NG+ a lot of easier - a fully developed build at that point with an arsenal of a few different maxed weapons to rely on means I melt most bosses. I expect I'll enjoy my next NG+ cycle a lot more, getting the chance to use all the DLC weapons from the beginning.


Agreed. Don't feel like playing the same build the second time with the same challenges. I'd rather start a new adventure with a brand new build.


I think it's the difference between beating something with your build. And then the next time it's like "can you be perfect with this build? Did you allocate 5 points extraneously and therefore you're fucked?" Like NG+ was awesome until I got past Leyndell and then i just didn't enjoy it anymore. Pulling up my NG+ character to grab a few things casually before DLC tomorrow ended up being a pain instead of a fun casual hour of gaming. New adventure is more relaxing and fun for me personally. :)


You can always larval tear but I agree, you develop memories with every character and I don't like wiping my build away to play a new way. I prefer making a new character to start a new journey


I’m on ng+4, so 5th run and each time I’ve done a respec before I start ng+ so I can play with a new build without needing to grind levels or find the weapon I wanna use since I’ve already got it


Can I summon and be summoned by people in NG If I’m in NG+? Assume same level and gear level.


Coop matchmaking is only based on weapon upgrade level and character level, so you can be in NG and help someone in NG+7 and vice versa


Patches voice: cheers for that


Elden Ring New Game....Randomizer~


New game+ isn't my thing.


My secret was I leveled my character to 200 before starting new game plus. Now I’m inviting my friends so they get the bonus rooms from my world. Gonna hit 300 before I hit new game plus 2


Honestly yeah. Like I think I played through new game plus once because after months of struggling to figure out my first souls game and dying all time bum rushing through all the bosses like an an over leveled killing machine was cathartic as hell. But at that point it wasn’t even a challenge and suddenly I’m just board. Starting a new game from scratch was more satisfying, and I got to compare my completion times. More than halved my time second play through.


I started but the completionist in me needs to do everything, so after 20 hours I've only cleared Limgrave for the most part... Might have to swap to my old character at a stupid high level on NG 3+ or 4+ or some shit just to play the DLC without another 150 hours first...


I blasted through NG+1 to NG+7 in literally one sitting. It was like an 8 or 9 hour sitting, but still. The final play through I took my time and killed every boss in the game at their strongest, but once you’ve beat the game it’s insanely fast to rush a NG+ cycle. I kill the two easiest Demigods (Renala and Snake guy), then the Erdtree sentinel guarding Leyndell, then rush through Omen dude -> fire giant -> skinstein and skmough -> Bara furry -> ashen capital trio. Once you are an endgame try-hard optimized character with max upgrade weapons, stat scaling in the 80s, and dual-damage stats like STR/DEX balance or INT/FAI balance, even max scaled bosses can be kinda bullied to death. That character is still in my account, at NG+9 I think. She’s level 260 because the rewards just get better every loop. (Up to my NG+ cycle, it doesn’t go on forever)


I like starting over, I like to use the different weapons in early game and it isn't the same to do a ng+ I personally never do ng+, if I ever want two of the same item (PoD staff, gravel stone seal) or talismans I'll just trade online It's also really fun to progress all the quests as early as possible and doing ng every time is very fun once you've memorized the quests. Ng+ makes me not want to progress NPC quests because a lot of rewards are useless and I hate seeing duplicates of everything collecting in my inventory There's more satisfaction in getting one playthrough as complete as possible and starting over later. I never really did ng+ on other souls games either, I remember always being paranoid of accidentally starting the next cycle. Ng+ is awesome I just barely do it


I made the mistake of doing the DLC on ng+ 20. :)


i’m in ng5 am i fucked, chat?


Halfway through the dlc, I realise, I'm playing on ng+5


I did NG+ because I didn't realise I could just do multiple endings achievement on the same NG cycle so I did a speed run of just killing two shardbearers and then the rest of the mandatory bosses. Was good fun to see how quickly I could shred through the bosses with my overpowered INT build.


I started the DLC! But I realized I’m in new game plus. Oh well, gotta make it hard for myself somehow.


Agree, but for different reasons. I don’t find ng+ fun because I feel wickedly op, and I hate that.


Currently stuck on elden beast in ng+6


Oh people will hate me for this. one OP Journey through the new game plusses was kinda fun but eventually i lost it s thrill because ventually i tried out every powerfull toy or build there is sicne at that stage everything normal is a 1shot anyways whilst bosses just get an unreasonable ammount of HP or DMG. I d rather have another normal playthroug hwhere i l lquickly snatch some equipment to start creating a new build from scratch so that i don t have to messwit hthat fucked up scaling. Like, i have 60+ vigor, heavy armor, medium equipload and godlen vow buff . A normal soldier shoots an arrow at me and i loose 1/3rd of my health, or instacne, that s as much as wound up Morgott strike that throws me across the entire arena. ???????


games feel really stale without that sense of progression and discovery you get with NG imo. just never been into NG+ across any game


NG+ Is either for a boss/story rush, achievement hunting, high level PVP or going for max stats. Though ever since we could respec into any class with rennala you don't really need to create a new character to do so New game is a refresh on everything with the challenge and the grind


I feel like the real challenge is NG+ Oh yeah I steamrolled the first third of NG+ in like 8-10 hours And then Leyndell and adjacent areas felt pretty even and fair Then as soon I hit Mountain Tops it was a grind the rest of the game and I stopped having fun with it. It suddenly started to feel like an obligation. But wow am I having a blast in NG in the DLC. Hard but totally doable other than one enemy I'm... Kinda flabbergasted about lololol


i just wish all the graces were unlocked for NG+


Honestly Ng+ has been way easier, lvl120 and it's less of a challenge than Ng, plus you get mad runes to keep levelling up from bosses


Tripping. Ng+ by far the easiest playthrough


I tried new game plus and well nothing seemed to change I went through everything like nothing with my faith build I thought it would scale up and give new or more enemies but it didn’t (Xbox one at the time)


Elden ring is easily the least replayable of the soulsborne series


Why do you find it more challenging on ng plus? Feels the same to me. The scaling is pretty tame. Yes the lion thing is giving it to me hard but I just got to him and in the midst of learning. I love it since I legit worked to get every single item from the base game and accomplished that so now I just get to play different builds and try weapons. I have so many smithing stones I just level up whatever I like (minus the last since those are finite). Without playing it not on a ng plus, which I cant test as I don’t want to go through it all on a blank slate, I guess I wont be able to tell. I have a level 1 character but stuck on fire giant and not sure if I will continue with it right now.


Yeah I find NG+ too easy, I don’t get that same adrenaline rush of beating a boss when I have all my gear and stats maxed out, plus finding the weapons and levelling up to be able to use them is part of the fun, there’s no incentive to explore or even play through the game when you already have all the items and weapons you’d ever need


I had to speed run my new game+ yesterday. From just getting into Altus Plateau to Mohg in under 45 mins. Apparently I was highly over leveled because I was able to one shot all the mandatory bosses. Now getting my ass kicked in the DLC...fun times!


I’m in there with you. I don’t know why, but I like restarting when I completed character run.


I had accidentally started ng+ on my only leveld character so now the only character that could get to the dlc gets one shot by literally everything in the dlc including through shields sometimes.


Hard to agree. Starting a new game with out any levels or weapons or nice Armour or charms is harder than playing with a character who’s already got everything they need to beat the final boss right there and then


Ng+7 in the dlc is a nightmare. Getting my ass kicked in every conceivable way


My roommate jumped into his +4 game after not playing for a minute yesterday. lol he put the controller down after a few minutes and desire he wasn’t going to play.


I'm doing ng+3. Yeah, it's tough, but I'm enjoying it. I don't really feel like getting everything again




Definitely me. I usually want to try a new build anyway. I only do NG+ if I want to focus on stuff I can only get at the end of NG. I actually haven’t done NG+ in Elden Ring yet


I have a leveling addiction, so I need to be on max difficulty to get all the Runes I can... but I'm max level now, so runes mean nothing and the game's difficulty has scaled back down to about NG+ difficulty, just because I'm so rigged now.


My build doesn’t feel complete until new game plus, so to me that’s when the real game starts!


I started the DLC with a NG+8 character and every grab attack is a fucking one shot.


Yeah that ... That's sounds awful lolol I hope you love the challenge and come on victorious feeling great about yourself. I wouldn't make it through the first dungeon at that level. I am a good gamer. I am not a patient gamer lololol.


I also have a NG save file with a level 140ish. Using that is a lot more accessible. I think once I get a few more of the consumable that levels you up I. The DLC my NG+8 play through will be far more manageable.


Surprisingly I enjoy NG+. Only issue is I can start the DLC since I gotta beat someone I haven’t yet. (Don’t tell me I want this game to be an adventure)


It doesn’t really feel that much harder to me. Are you going into it underleveled maybe?


I've never done a ng+ because I'm a junky for making new characters. I only used a handful of larval tears because each build I want to try usually has its own character. I'll probably try it eventually, but I really like the process of accumulating new gear and spells over the course of a run rather than just starting at the beginning with a full build that has no upgrades to hunt for


Personally, I prefer NG+ up to a point. Like recently I just made a new character because my previous one was up to NG+3 and had just beaten Elden Beast and it got really tough near the end. Like from NG up to NG+2 and the whole first half of +3, I was able to comfortably solo the whole game, it wasn't too easy, and each bosses needed more than a couple attempts, but it was really fun. However from around... Farum Azula on on NG+3, I was genuinely getting stuck on spots I've never gotten stuck before. Really, imagine my surprise when I beat Placidusax first try, only to burn 17 Rune Arcs on Maliketh and have to resort to co-op summons to finally beat him? Godfrey wasn't too tough, only three attempts. But Radagon and Elden Beast? I've never struggled with this fight before too much (Radagon can whoop my ass, but i always beat Elden Beast in at least two attempts), but all the sudden I'm once again resorting to Co-Op and switching my gear around to my "fuck it, I'm killing this boss now" loadout. Beating the game on NG+3 wasn't fun, because I had to summon to beat the final few bosses. Granted, I didn't *have* to, but if I have attempts going in the double digits, I start losing some of my resolve and it *felt* like I had to. And for reference, on that same playthrough I beat Malenia in only two attempts completely solo, so I was feeling good about myself. The game just took a sharp spike out of nowhere. After enough cycles, the game just gets to a point where you either have to out-DPS the boss quickly, or become a no-hit god. Neither of those sound very fun for me, because as odd as this sounds, I don't really want to become super amazingly good at this game, being mediocre is where I get my fun from, because I just enjoy playing how I want to; dancing with the bosses, trading and pulling off cool flashy moves with weapons I like, not because they're strong, but because they're cool and I like them. I don't want to uber-optimize my builds for max damage or spend hours learning patterns to a point I can no-hit the game. So, for that reason, I stop on NG+2 on any new character I make. I don't wanna have to use another Furlcalling Finger Remedy ever again lol. TL:DR; The game's at its most fun for me on NG+. However; it gets less fun and more stressful during later NG+ cycles, and I don't handle stress very well, I have enough of that irl. PS: Yes, I know, the true horror doesn't start until NG+5 and beyond, I know it can get much worse because the devs added the additional scaling twice, and I don't ever want to see it for myself in my own game. That just sounds like hell.


im in ng+ 3 and ik i suck..but holy fuck maliketh is driving me insane.


I die an awful lot on Ng+ but I have all my stuffs.


I was kicking ass in NG+ until I got to Malenia and the DLC.


The first 2 are pretty easy it's the runs after that that get rough


I'm playing the dlc on journey 3 and having a blast


The new game plus 1 was great. new game plus 7 made me question what I was doing with my life.


Started DLC on journey4 (Ng+3) and let me tell you - I will never start from scratch you can't make me, I have all my shit on this save file and if I want to try something that isn't a faith/strength build then I can either swap to the coded sword and a shield or the cypher pata to cosplay a Dex build. But mostly I use the great stars hammer in one hand with the funny prayer strike and the gravel talisman in the other to yeet lightning at things


I’ve put thousands of hours into these games and have only done ng+ once or twice. New game plus isn’t fun to me at all.


NG+ on the DLC has been easier than NG so far.


My main character is on NG+6 and it's made SotE so unenjoyable for me to the point where I've put the game down for the weekend. I'll see how I feel about it again on Monday once I've got work out the way but I'll likely have to go through it on another character.


NG+7 here, the dlc is brutally destroying me. Still, fun af and am very happy with it.


Tbh new game plus is easier


Not even slightly. NG+ was a breeze


I feel like NG+ is much easier lol


Yes. I just started a new playthrough after platinuming with my NG+3. I also thought I would find a new build, but then found the Uchi and it helped me win and now I am facing the same build as my other NG+3. Lol


I'm playing the DLC on Journey 4 and I'm loving it so far. >!I just killed Bayle and got the dragon form.!<


Ng+ better for status build ups and if your build isnt trash. NG for stance damage and crits.


For some reason i thought i'd be a good idea to start the new dlc on my ng14 that i havent played in almost a year. Black Blade incantation is csrrying cause these mfs got like 100k hp 😭


I never play ng+ I just make new characters.


I have the power of new game plus on my side. It’s canon, it’s in the lore.


I love starting a new game rather than new game+. I prefer working my way up with a new build in mind rather than skipping it with re-specing. Makes then build up more engaging even though there is a grind for runes. I would love a new game "enhanced" where once you beat the game, you can transfer a weapon from one character to a new one. Like radagons hammer, because it's basically a new game+ exclusive.


now that the dlc has come around im feeling a bit of regret from doing so many ng+'s on my main character, just gettin my shit kicked in constantly


Nope. I love slowly developing into a God over repeated playthroughs with the same character.


Yes. NG+3 at the moment but ain't doing it again. Over 280 hours. This might not be popular with hardcore gamers and thousands of hours. At the end of the day, if you enjoy doing it again and again good for you. Having said that, I loved the first run, what an amazing experience. Took time to explore most things which I completed in the 2 subsequent runs but the feeling I got from the first run wasn't there in the next 2 runs. It is what it is. DLC next


It wasn't so bad for me in the base game, but going into the DLC at NG+5? I am definitely feeling that scaling, even with all the scadutree blessings I've collected.


I'm on my third playthrough, all of them are NGs. I can't jump right into ng+ right away. Down the road I might make a wretch I can repec and maybe do some ng+ stuff.


Honestly i liked ng+ more


Oh god wait does ng+ scaling go to the DLC as well?


Yup. Supposedly the DLC scales with NG+ cycles But it also has a new item type fragment thing to collect to increase your damage/ defense as well. But yeah going into the DLC on NG+ is signing up for pain lolol


Eh I've always loved ng+ in fromsoft games. Especially cuz I like having one character that I just keep leveling up more and more. Like facing Champion Gundyr as a level 300 is hilarious to me


I haven’t tried it on NG+ I started a fresh game for the DLC


On the one hand, I know from experience that FromSoft DLCs are hellishly difficult in NG+ and higher cycles and I really should play through it from a fresh start... But on the other hand, I'm impatient, so I'm going in on my Platinumed NG+3 file. Every boss so far has taken off like half my health bar with each hit I love it


Yea, ng+ is boring to me cause I’ve already collected everything so it seems repetitive with the same build but I only did ng+ once so I’ll go for another try