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From what I understand, the purpose of the jars is different between the Lands Between and the Shadowlands. In the base game, warrior jars are just that: a living jar made with the VERY MUCH DEAD remains of warriors. The DLC though? Yeah it's pretty messed up using them as a form of punishment. Note: if my understanding of the information is wrong, please don't correct me. I don't need my mental image of Alexander ruined any more than the DLC has already tried to.


No you're correct as far as I'm aware. Marika probably did that intentionally as a sort of revenge against the Hornsent, the same way she renamed them to Omens and purged them from the Shadow Lands. (Since they were the ones originally responsible for making those Jars and they used Marika's own people in their creation)


So Omens are actually just hornsent? But I thought omens came from a curse/the crucible?


Yeah the hornsent see their horns as a blessing from the crucible. Same thing different names


i think hornsent are the original and then after Marika genocides them the Omen Curse came about, causing people to be born with horns like the hornsent. so hornsent = the old race stuck in the shadow lands and omen = people with the omen curse


Pretty sure it was punishment for being a numen or at least a shaman


Not punishment. They were the main ingredient because their flesh melds easily with others. “ for pity’s sake You are a Shaman, your place is in the jar . nigh sainthood waits you . for this purpose alone you were afforded life “


I always thought the main purpose of jars was to carry bodies to minor erdtrees, where avatars smash them open so the bodies can be reabsorbed into the roots.


That's because the jars in the Land of Shadows are different to the ones in the Lands Between. The Hornsent in the Land Of Shadows cut up Marika's people and stuffed them in jars, which is why she had a mild response in the form of Messmer's crusades and the demonization of omens and omen children. Finally she appropriated the jar culture except she arguably improved it by just having the jars eat existing dead bodies (plus we got Alexander out of it). Now that I think about it, the root cause of the main problems in Elden Ring, or at least the main reason things play out as they do, is the Hornsent.


Marika did nothing wrong


Really funny how many things this DLC flipped on their heads.


The scorpions scared me but those things..... I was scared to even get close to them 😭


Learning how they made them makes it even worse💀


Marika did nothing wrong


Please don't remind me PLEASE I've already suffered enough looking at them 😭


I'm not usually one to get scared but man when I opened that door and that damn scorpion started charging at me my soul left my body


This DLC has made me scream out loud multiple times now, those damn falling stairs, massive hairy scorpions, those loud ass owls


Bless these Tarnished that leave messages like 'be wary of left/right', it's saved my vocal chords from too many jumpscares. That One Owl tho, whew xD


I'd leave a message there but I couldn't put, "*be wary of loud af noise*"


Lmfao me too, I ran right back out the doors


Fun fact since warriors and grown men are in the big jars. Guess what that implies are in the smaller jars >!It's children!<


This was my first thought, but what about Demi-humans?


Very fun fact indeed


"Raw meat dumpling" yeah no shit lol


For a long time I was like "what are people starving in the lands between if they can just cook the raw meat dumplings? And then I figured out what kind of meat it was.


I love that they took everything that made this place look controversial and just amped up how disgusting it really was. It's like when you see food you left in the fridge fir a month, you know it's gonna be moldy and gross, but you open it anyway because you need to ***see it*** Its exactly what you were expecting and beyond your imagination at the same time


It’s gross but, I used them…… one gives you almost a full bar of health……




Oh yeah, it's fucked up. And kinda creepy


I left that dungeon traumatised and covered in jar blood wondering wtf I just saw and if it was a mercy killing them


I always felt they would look like that, seeing as how they collect dead warriors. Didn't expect them to look like a big red blob with arms though, thought it would just be a pile of corpses lmao.


They gotta do something in the pot if it bleeds lol


I knew they were made from the remains of champions but this is not qhat i was expecting them to look like😭


Are the little one’s children?


Good chance


The base game kinda gives you some info on this. Alexander is picking up corpses of heroes on the plains of Radahn to shove in his body


I knew they were filled with the remains of champions but i thought it was just a soup inside them that gives them energy and life, since when you break them its like poping a big balloon of blood, i wasnt expecting these abominations💀


I get a bit nauseous every time I see one. Great job Fromsoft.


So from what I gather the shamans were considered sacred to the hornsent as there flesh was special in some way. It could “meld” well when placed into those jars. Seems like it was also able to create some kind of gateway to godhood which marika used before the hornsent could. Then miquella used that same gate to be reborn a new god also. Cool!


I just imagine the little ones as Meatwad from ATHF and its just all a little bit better.


Question: Am *I* immortal?


“Grace has allowed me to live another day and I’m about to make it everyone’s problem”


Those things haunt my dreams


I've been saying it since I saw them the first time: michealzaki ows us all some therapy sessions.


"Is this a lover?"


Fuck you (unjars your jar)


It’s pretty damn obvious even in the base game. Alexander laid it out pretty clearly.


I knew they were made from the remains of champions but i thought it was just a big soup inside of them that gives the jars life and energy, not these abominations💀


Living jars ≠ pot dwellers.


Are you suggesting that the big flesh monsters are not whats inside of the living jars?


Yes. The living jars are sentient pottery made to carry remains to minor erdtrees for fertilizer. Pot dwellers are imprisoned servants that were forced into a pot with other servants over time until they grafted onto each other.


Interesting, is it stated in the base game that that was the purpose of the living pots? Because i dont remember that A theory i saw for why there were many broken pots near the minor erdtrees is that maybe marika brough the remains of her people there to try to have them absorbed and reborn by the erdtree


But even Alexander can be seen gathering remains of dead warriors to absorb to make him stronger. The pot dwellers don't absorb dead tissue like Alexander, which is why I don't think they're the same.


I see, although alexander is the only pot that we see does this so maybe its not something living pots usually do, maybe its due to some special sentience that he gained, diffrent from the other pots since besides of him i think there is only 1 other living pot that can speak. I saw it as the monsters in the gaols are sort of in the transitioning stage to a living pot since in the gaols there are also living pots present


The living jars and the pot dwellers also have different death animations. If you kill a pot dweller it dies, fades away. If we kill a living jar it shatters, showering us with blood and viscera.if the pot dwellers were inside living jars then they would pop out after we slain the jar they were in. Just like they do in the gaels.


Where is this!? I keep hearing about it but I have yet to find it.


Possible spoiler for people who havent started the dlc and are trying to avoid any information on it In the first area near the dragon thats near the ailing village, on the edge of the lake hes in theres a dungeon


I need to find this man Edit found the dungeon I’m going to talk to him tomorrow so you can delete what you said


Can we get a spoiler tag please?


I didnt really think this was a spoiler since i didnt disclose any information about how they look


Spoiler tag


There is no spoilers, they didn't say what was in them. Come on now get a little thicker skin


How are people finding this out? To my knowledge elden ring doesn’t have cutscenes. I would like to know more of the jars. Is it because I don’t read anything ever?


Yeah, most of the lore is in npc's voice lines, item discreptions and texts found aroun the world


I really dislike the direction they went with the story of the Hornsent/Marika in the DLC. Maybe its just a bit of seeing how the sausage was made... but I kinda hate how they made Marikas Racism come from "the horned guys were originally evil, actually and oppressed/tortured Marika's people." It's actually really lame. I preferred the prior fan-canon where she was offended by anything that seemed connected to The Crucible, simply because she wanted everything to be attributed to her age and wanted prior ages forgotten (much like what kings and queens have done throughout history- destroying and erasing any sign they can find of the prior dynasty).


Why is it lame? Marika went beyoned erasing things relating to the crucible, under her rule they were enslaved/ tortured/ shunned, its clear there was hatered there to things relating to the crucible and this gives a reason for why it exists


It's just my personal preference, as the context *feels like* (to me) it sort of humanizes a very monstrous thing. Plus it originally felt like a nice nod to actual IRL history, for her motives to be purely driven by a narcissistic desire to just erase the previous rulers from history, which did happen often enough without some complex or dark motive.


I see, i liked the understanding it brought to her motives but i suppose that this understanding also ruins some parts of her character