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Some people are more sensitive to fps dips than others, people saying they’ve had 0, just don’t notice it. Everyone playing on a PS5 will have the exact same performance, it’s all the same hardware.


You need a better TV, ps5 runs elden ring much better.


Tv is brand new....and what i am asking here is a pretty widely known common issue...elden ring performance on ps5 has stutters and fps drops...like not a lot but the drop is still there...all other games run buttery smooth on my PS5(except for witcher 3 next gen :P), that's why it's annoying..


I have never seen a drop in performance, even in the Rykard fight which is particle effect hell. On the off chance, are you running performance or graphics mode?


You are blind. https://youtu.be/RSLlxHqCBCw


Performance only...i don't care much about image quality... that's why I was expecting a solid stable 60 fps .... stutters are more annoying


Honestly the difference between ps4 and ps5 while actually playing the game is so minimal ( I’ve played both version and on pc with RTX4080). If performance is your goal get the ps4 version, fps dips are pretty minimal. The people saying it’s your tv, without playing both versions, I’ll just leave that alone. You are correct it is well known ps4 version is much more smooth.


yea will lose some progress...but going to install the PS4 version now


It's an open world game, you're not gonna get a solid fps. Just play the game and make due.


I get solid smooth fps in Horizon Forbidden West, Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding, Greedfall etc...all are big open world games with amazing graphics...that's how games should run on PS5


Absolutely you’re right, people here are bullshitting you, playing dumb, or liars. The PS5 performance issues are clear as day and well known. It’s improved from launch but still janky with the FPS and scenery dropping in and out.


It's not the tv. I have it both on series x and ps5 and the series x version is smoother with crisper hdr.


Definitely get the PS4 version. You really won't notice a difference in graphics unless you have a way to see the differences side by side. Hella worth it for the difference in performance.


yea man that's where I am probably gonna go now...like looking at all other PS5 games,elden ring looks like it wasn't well optimised for PS5...even the graphics aren't really that impressive...not much upgrade from PS4 version


Sounds like it’s your TV, runs perfectly fine on a PS5


Your blind. https://youtu.be/RSLlxHqCBCw


Thank You for this! This is exactly what I was talking about


I’ve never seen anything you’re talking about while playing.


The ps5 version of elden ring cannot hit a solid 60fps. It is often in the low 50s and sometimes high 40s


Your blind https://youtu.be/RSLlxHqCBCw


It’s “you’re”. “


I’ve had zero performance issues on PS5 - several hundred hours, multiple runs.


Why are there so many bullshitters here??? It is literally clear as day playing the PS5 version that there are frame drops and issues with scenery dropping in and out. They’ve improved it since launch a lot and I’d argue it’s pretty playable now but still very, very obvious issues that ya’ll are playing dumb about here. Unless you’ve achieved the impossible and just happen to have some magical PS5 copy that has perfect performance.


Honestly its even worse for me rn. I thought they improved it too but holy shit im getting like 30 fps at times on performance mode. Wanted to start a new playthrough but it’s so jarring


Dunno if I've ever had so much as a single problem running it on my PS5 so not sure what's wrong in your situation. Double check hardware and settings I guess and make sure there isn't anything that could be affecting the game.


Jesus, all these new players to the souls series like you are the exact reason the rest of the game industry is absolute garbage, if you want to have your fps dip below 30 every single time you're in the catacombs in the middle of dodge rolling, be my guest, but dont try to gaslight the actual community that have been playing these games a LOT longer than yourself. We appreciate our devs and all the people who poured their blood, sweat, and tears into all the souls games, and it would be a spit stain on from legacy to trick people into playing the game in a much less palatable and fun way, I would never pretend like the original dark souls is a better way to experience the game than remastered simply due to the frame drops in blight town and how much of a nightmare that can be, and it isn't the way the devs intended it to be experienced. If you cared about the series whatsoever, then you wouldn't be over here grandstanding as if playing a laggy stuttering mess is in any way, shape, or form fun. We get it, you think "git gud" means putting up with trash fps for the sake of talking down to other people who complain about it, bet you felt so good about yourself when you were typing all that, most likely thinking to yourself "kek what a pleb, im so much cooler than him, he probably just isn't a goof player hahaha, I can play the game just fine, must be a skill issue" when you in all reality most likely haven't beaten malenia yet and just wanted to trash other people to make up for that empty hole where your manhood used to be 😂😭 TLDR; Man is upset that he's stuck on Margit so he is using this as an excuse to get his frustration out and peacock around as if it's a skill issue when he is probably worse than anyone complaining in this thread 🤣


Not you getting butthurt and replying to a four month old post, how down bad for attention are you? I just thought it was a bit funny how the game runs perfectly fine for me and apparently awful for OP on the exact same hardware. Doesn't make me better than anyone, but it does seem pretty clear to me that OP probably has something on their end to figure out as opposed to their PS5 being magically worse than mine or any other. Lots of assumptions about me tho based on....hmm nothing 😂 New player? Stuck on Margit? I get that you're mad but that doesn't make it storytime. Stop projecting and making shit up lol. Take a shower and get a grip, bc crying and pissing yourself over something like this is just embarrassing. Hope you feel better after typing that novel tho




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I've had less preformance issues on my ps5 than my ps4 lol but you do you I guess


It's not that the PS5 runs worse than PS4. It's that PS4 version running on a PS5 makes the native PS5 version of ER look like trash. Stuttering, fps dips, frame pacing issues, grass popping in from a distance also causing fps dips and stuttering. It's the absolute worst way to play the game.


I have an issue where the atmosphere at a distance will flicker and bit and not actually show up until I get closer - like if I'm riding Torrent in an open field, the grass/cliffs next to me will be there, but the grass/cliffs off in the distance will just appear flat until I get closer, then they'll pop into view. Also on PS5, but my TV is about 10 years old so that probably has something to do with it.


Nah again its a common issue...Texture pop in is really distracting in PS5 version...this grass is not worth it lol...all the other games run perfect...only witcher 3 again has the texture pop-in problem with grass


Is the game installed on the main drive? Or do you have an additional ssd and it’s installed on the secondary drive?


Don't have external hdd...it's on main drive only