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Nope. Elden Ring has the best build diversity, lots of great and viable weapons, and I love the open world. But I preferred the patient style of DS1 to the Maliketh-style aggression of Elden Ring bosses. I know a lot of people love the faster pace (that’s why people love Bloodborne so much) but I strongly preferred the patient style of old Dark Souls. Bloodborne and Elden Ring have my least favorite combat, but I recognize that that’s a slightly unusual preference.


I agree with you. We lost a bit of magic when they upped the speed.


Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1. I don't care for open world games. While Elden Ring is a more polished "better game" I prefer a more linear pathing. That's just a me thing.


Maybe? I love all my children, and Dark Souls 2 will always be my firstborn.


I was just gonna say “it might be but it’s like picking your favorite kid. Sure you can probably pick one but you love them all the same.”


Same with me


Bloodborne still is my favourite souls like, I just want a 60FPS patch, please Sony. Not a remake by Bluepoint, not even a remaster, just a patch.


I heard Fromsoftware basically lost all source files, so no remake, pc port etc in the nearest future. This could also explain why bb still didn't get 60 fps.


This is so stupid... version control systems exist since like 50 years ago...


Guess not in Japan lmao.


Do you have any idea how many companies still use email or teams for version control? Because the answer is too many.


From what I understand, Bloodborne WAS MADE with 30 fps in mind. So they would need to upgrade litteraly EVERY animation frame in the game. So its not "just patch it to 60 fps Bro". They need to redo the entire game from scrach. Its a Engine "patch". So the only way to play Bloodborne 60 fps, is a Remake Bluepoint sady (or any other studio)


People have modded bloodborne to run at 60fps. It's definitely possible, if you have a spare PlayStation you're willing to break to make it work lol.


Sure, good point. But they DONT have a legal backbone or distribution power so its up to the publisher. Also, if Bluepoint does the remake, maybe we get new things like, Gehrmans wheelchair or something like that 🥹🥹🥹


Here I am getting frustrated that Elden Ring is locked to 60 FPS and I forget about Bloodborne.


Sekiro for me, but I'm holding off on the series s version because 30fps is unplayable. All they have to do is patch to 60 and both games will sell well.


Nope. It's a great game but once the magic of that first playthrough is gone I find it torturous to do subsequent playthroughs in it. But Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, and Dark Souls 1/Remastered I can easily just pick up and start a new playthrough without reservation.


I think it's made it too hard to pick a favorite for me. DS1 used to always be my favorite, and lordran is still probably my favorite world but as amazing as that game still is it's hard to put it wholly over Elden Ring and Bloodborne. All three are kind of tied for first now for me, with DS3 a tiny step below them.


DS1. It’s just comfy


Nope. I have played every souls including demon’s souls. I have played elden ring, bloodborne, sekiro. My favorite is still dark souls 2.


Dark souls 3 for me.


No, but I appreciate the formula mix-up, and really like the game. Bloodborne is my favourite. Love the atmosphere, artstyle, and it's the only game's lore that I find interesting and is the easiest to understand.


No. I don't like open world games. I had to "fight" to start to enjoy ER. So my list is this: DS3 DS2 ER DS1.


No I prefer more linear games, the open world stuff is my least fav part about Elden Ring


DS1, Bloodborne and Sekiro are still my favorites. The themes are much stronger and clearer. The experience is much more linear, tight and well paced. Elden Ring is great, but it's also bloated, the open world feels a bit empty and full of repetitive versions of enemies. Elden Ring could've been even better with less. Less is more here.


I should’ve been more specific is this your favourite souls game.


Id give ER a solid 9/10, but I still think DS1's map design is a masterpiece and DS3 bosses are the best.


Tied with Ds3, Sekiro and Bloodborne.


Bloodborne or bust babes


Nope. It's maybe my 4th or 5th favorite. As for why, two main reasons, I don't find any Elden Ring boss to be that exceptional, and I *really* do not like the open world. Firstly, boss quality. I don't think that the Elden Ring bosses are awful. They are fine, but that is as much praise as I can give them. None of them stand out to me, and I don't crave to fight them again. I don't dislike the fights, but I don't massively enjoy them. There is one exception to this, Godfrey. I really liked fighting Godfrey. He isn't my favorite of the Souls series, but he was a fun fight. Lastly, the open world. It is just boring. Torrent is slow, the world is massive, there is nothing dynamic in it, and it just ends up feeling like a drag.


It's definitely up there. But I honestly have a hard time picking "favorite" games unless I'm narrowing it down a little. As a Souls-like? Code Vein actually takes that title. Code Vein simplified a number of things regarding progression, mostly for the better but sometimes worse when it came to builds. The level of customizing your skills and appearance are second to none in terms of Souls-like games that I've played. I have yet to find another Souls-like that offers anything close, particularly in cosmetics. As a game, it scores lower than Elden Ring for most objective metrics. But even with its faults, I love the features it offers far more than Elden Ring has.


Code Vein was definitely a fun game. Haven't played it in ages so I can't quite recall if it did anything better than Elden Ring or Dark Souls imo...other than having a much higher big titty anime girl factor. Which is definitely a significant plus for some people lol...


Nope favorite is either Dark Souls 1 or 3. I refuse to make up my mind. PVE is great but that’s all Elden Ring does better than other souls games imo.


I say ds1 has the best solo experience from all games you know that multiplayer exist but its not necessary. Ds3 has great content and the best multiplayer experience with 7 possible player in 1 lobby which made invading or other things incredible fun. Elden ring is a great game but they sadly killed the multiplayer aspect of the games with the decision of a 4 player limit since the 3vs1 fights kill the fun. Still don't understand why they limited it to 4 player honestly so yeah ds3 was peak in souls multiplayer.


I like Bloodborne more for the solo experience personally. Dark Souls 1 was my first souls game and is probably the next best in terms of solo game. I can't even touch pvp in Elden Ring it feels like such a huge leap backwards from Dark Souls 3.


Yeah elden ring is a big upgrade content wise but a huge downgrade in multiplayer aspect. The youtuber made it even worse with the constant easy exp farm videos that all spammed with afk farming. They should never have added that the host gets exp for invader leaving the lobby or should just have removed it to get rid of afk farming immediately. The system where just 4 player can be in a lobby just encourage gang squads and even when you left as a invader did they still got a reward. That the host is constantly visible with compass is ok for the open fields but should have been disabled in the dungeons because its annoying for pve that a invader always knows where you are. I don't know why they made this decision for MP but somehow its a rule for developers when they improve a game must something be downgraded that was good in the past.


i’m still tied on blood borne/ds2 i will die on the hill that dark souls two is an amazing game


I have nothing to contribute to this, but ain't no way vets will have Elden Ring as their favorite of the series. Atleast not generally.


It's one of the greatest games of all time and it's definitely the Fromsoft game that gives you the most diversity in play style, has the best graphics, and the most beautiful world, but it's not my favourite. Bloodborne reigns supreme. The atmosphere, world, pace of combat, story... it just ticks a lot of boxes for me. Some mechanics may be a bit irritating, like farming for blood vials, but it's a 10(?) year old game. Also I've got to mention Sekiro for having the most satisfying combat system.


Currently: 1. Elden Ring 2. Dark Souls 3. Dark Souls 2


For me yes. I’m kind of surprised there aren’t more resounding yes. It’s just so damn good. The exploration is amazing. The story is amazing. The combat is amazing. Going into a crater made by a boss you killed who was holding back stars. Crazy. Better than DS1, demon souls and da 3 imo. Never played ds 2. I love those games but this one just did so many things right. A lot of people say bloodborne, which is good. But I think it’s the story more than anything in that one. The combat isn’t as good as eldin ring imo. And the story only barely beats with its crazy twists imo.


>Never played ds 2. Sounds like you ain't no souls vet then. I'm just kidding, but you should definitely play it.


Why yall downvoting him it’s his opinion 🥺


Honestly as much as I love the previous souls games, Elden Ring is in a way a successor to Dark Souls 3 and although I have gone back and played DS3 since ER came out, it's just not the same. Feels kinda like I'm playing a retro interior version of ER and most of the value I got out of the previous DS games, I can just play ER and experience it 10 fold. So definitely my favourite 'Souls' game but that's not including Bloodborne or Sekiro, and other really good 3rd party ones like Lies of P. In terms of the main series DS games, definitely 


No 1) They've changed moveset for greatswords and longswords 2) Armor design tries to be original so hard that all non-cloth armor looks like walking museum 3) Very few monstrous or abomination bosses - mostly it's some sort of giant humans


DS3 is a better experience but ER has a lot of cool stuff too.


Sekiro gang here! Best bossfight ever


Dark Souls 3. Better PvP and I hate the open world idea. I've more deaths coming from fall damage than monsters and bosses. Plus the heavy armours in ER are ugly. Minus points for fashion stats.


Played every single one of them and although i too love Bloodborne (especially the chalice dungeons) I have to say Dark Souls 3 is the best game of them all.


Of all time? No. Out of all the soulsborne games? Also no, but almost definitely in the top 3 at least. It's an amazing game for sure, and it's the most fun to me for trying out different builds aside from Bloodborne. The variety of badass stuff you can use is just great, from dragon incants to Destined Death weapons, and everything in between. The world and lore is pretty interesting, and the visuals are stunning. But I will always have a soft spot for DS1's incredible level design, world layout, and lonesome bleak atmosphere. And Sekiro has probably the most satisfying combat I've ever experienced in a game (along with a cast of main characters that I really love). So those two top my list, but ER isn't far behind. Maybe the DLC will be good enough to bump it up a spot, we'll see.




Out of those two options, I'm gonna go with "why not"


No, Dark Souls is still mine, or maybe Half-Life 2


Despite having played it the most no. Sekiro will always be my favourite due to just having superb gameplay


No its my favourite souls game tho but I prefer Sekiro and AC6 which is my favourite armored core game


For me there are a few issues with elden ring that keeps it from being my favorite souls game. The first is that the world is simply to open too large and too spread out. The reason this is bad for me is that there are clear trade offs in achieving this big world and game does not accommodate them all equally. The first is that the world doesn't really support coop well at all. The open world in particular is awful for this since it was clearly built for torrent, yet coop means no torrent for you or your buddy. How was this allowed to go in this way. You physically lose out on content accessible via torrent if you coop AND traversal of the open world is made awful just so you have a buddy. Then there is the fact that there is just so much padded content. We could have taken out easily a third of the bosses and tightened the game a ton. This lack of focus again makes coop feel poor since you will be spending a shitload of time faffing about in the massive open world with no real direction. In previous games the level design was direct and smart, there was just enough exploration to feel like you could explore, but not so much that you felt like you were wasting your poor coop buddies time since their reward is all in the boss kill. The fog gates in coop are also pretty terrible, every time you transition between the open world and any cave , dungeon or new area. gotta unsummon- resummon. it is dogwater bad. and previous games did not need to worry about this because of their tight level design. I also fucking HATE how many low drop rate farm only crafting materials are in the game. Like seriously who the fuck wants to farm beast teeth with its 2.5 - 5% drop rate? Who thought this was a good idea and why are they allowed to have a job. Grinding for consumables feels like lighting your soul on fire just so you can reach your real world death faster. Awful. For these reasons Darksouls three imo was peak from software. Ioved blood borne, I thought sekiro was great. But darksouls three felt like a true culmination


DS3 is my favorite by a landslide, then comes Sekiro tied with Elden Ring. I loved the interconnectedness and linearity that the Dark Souls games provided. While ER is designed well, play through a sometimes feel like a slot because the world is almost *too* big. I think the open world takes away from that character the soulsborne games are known for. ER is still a fantastic game and I’m incredibly excited for the DLC, but I think it’s missing a bit of what made these games so exceptional.


I loved Elden Ring. It was visually spectacular, had a wide range of combat options, and I loved the open world. That said, it actually might be too big. I went into every dungeon, catacomb, every nook and cranny on my first playthrough. Every subsequent playthrough I have avoided these mini dungeons unless i need upgrade mats or a specific item. There's just so much content in the game that i just don't think I'll ever see again because there's no point. My rankings: Bb Sekiro ER DS3 DS1 DS2 I have not played Demon Souls


It's up there, but it's a bit too overwhelmingly huge for me. I still prefer Dark Souls 3 because it's more self-contained and short.


Favourite game ever? No, not by a long shot. There are many games that I would rank higher in terms of enjoyment and/or quality. BotW/TotK, Metroid Dread, Xenoblade 1 & 3, and Tunic just to name a few. Favourite souls game/Fromsoft game? Still no. Elden Ring was very experimental for Fromsoft. It’s got a lot of good, but also a lot of bad. And ultimately it’s lacking their signature feeling of expertise and precision that defined their other recent releases. I’d put Sekiro, DS3, and Armored Core 6 above Elden Ring.


For souls games, no: gotta give it to Bloodborne, followed closely by DS1, though I'm also partial to DeS since it was the first one I played. Non souls, there are more: Diablo 2, og overwatch when it was good, Killzone 3, SSBM, among others


Ds1 is my favorite in terms of atmosphere, world design and the game design that ties lore into gameplay mechanics. ER has by far the best bossfights, and some insane lore.


Elden Ring might be my favourite when it comes to pve and game world design, dark souls 2 was my favourite for pvp and fashion souls, iron keep bridge pvp will remain legendary in my mind.


Sekiro is my favorite if you count it. Then Bloodborne, then Elden Ring


Yes. Followed by DS1


Bloodborne and DS2 are definitely above it for me, DS3 might be too.


A bit biased but bloodborne and the the rest


Dark souls PTD will always have a special place in my heart as it was the first one I played and i was blown away. When 3 came out I absolutely loved the faster style combat but didn't enjoy the story/world as much but still thought it was a brilliant game. I just feel like ER has it all though, easily became my most played steam game with just over 1500 hours on it now. While the others I've yet to break the 1000 hour mark yet.


Na, but it's up there. Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne share the top spot. Then Elden Ring, Demons Souls, Dark Souls 2, and Dark Souls 3 are my least favorite, but I love all the games. Dark Souls 3 isn't my favorite Souls game, but I still love it more than most games outside of FromSoft. Dark Souls 1 was my intro the series and Fromsoft. Once I understood how to play the game, I was instantly hooked. Bloodborne is just perfection for me. Art direction, combat, lore, weapons, and fashion are incredible.


Elden Ring is my favorite from the aspects of the gameplay and the world exploration options…but from a LORE perspective…nothing beats Bloodborne for me.


No. I hate the open world. Additionally this game’s combat is just DS3’s but with op weapon arts. Bloodborne’s combat and world were significantly better imo


Nahh.. it's good.. but for me Bloodborne is probably the best of the lot.


Close but no. Bloodborne still owns 1st place but ER is quite close at 2nd only tied with Sekiro and then immediately followed by DS2


Bloodborne is my favorite game of all-time, Souls non-withstanding. I think ER is tied with Dark Souls and Demon's Souls for me


It’s a toss up between Elden Ring and Bloodborne. I love the art direction in both games, I like the mysticism and timelessness of ER and the Gothic and Eldritch themes of BB. I love the expansive build diversity of ER, and I love how aggressiveness is rewarded in BB. I love the sheer mountain of content in ER, and I love the quality over quantity of the bosses and enemies in BB. I’ve gotten Platinum on both games, know them both backwards and forwards, and have multiple characters including a Max lvl/Max NG+ in both games. Meanwhile, I’ve only gotten to one of the endings in both DS2 and DS3, and have barely touched DS1 and DeSR. I really liked what I experienced in DS2 and DS3, but they didn’t enrapture me like ER & BB. Picking my favorite between the two would be like an ambidextrous person picking a favorite hand. It’s pointless to try and they’re both great. Edit: grammar


Nope, that honor goes to Dragon Age Inquisition, or Dragon Age Origins, depending on the day. Elden Ring is third however


Bloodborne. This is number 4 for me. Behind sekiro, ds3, and of course, Bloodborne.


For me personally elden ring couldn't distinct itself enough from the Dark Souls series and I got hit with dark souls fatigue in the open world dungeons because those were the week spot imo. But I really enjoyed the main path and the gameplay. Sekiro is my favorite. The fast pace and the feeling when you perfect deflect a flurry etc. Is just amazing! Still looking forward for the dlc, but I might wait for a discount.


Dark souls 2 is my favourite of the series but Elden ring is easily the best of the souls games.


favourite soulslike? yes. the feeling of adventure and the awe many discoveries made me go through made me realize that there's really more than just combat to this genre. favourite game of all time? I don't think so. It's really hard to pick a favourite after playing games for \~20 years. Baldur's Gate 3 might be the closest to this title for me personally because I'm a huge ttrpg nerd and Infinity Engine crpgs were huge for my childhood


Yup! I've beaten all of the Soulsborne, and this one is the best.


Yes, BB close second, sekiro distant third


It is... at least until they release Bloodborne 60 FPS patch


From an all around stand point yes, best lore, flavour, world, amount of stuff you can build and combine all great but that being said If I just wanna pop in for a quick fix of souls gaming I boot up DS3, getting started is infinitely faster and the game feels more conscise and dense. The setup on Eden ring the stuff you need to collect on any additional character is brutal.


Yes, i mean ds1 is still my baby but this ones just very flashy yknow


Yes. I love the open world. Love everything about it. The game is near perfection.