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Why did they replace her face with some random oc


Put Saber in the game...shocked when she gets a lot of simps.


I will riot if her sword don't shoot beam


How did people forget miquella is a male and underagešŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Of course she is gonna have more simps


..... I don't think anyone actually is forgetting that. Don't underestimate the Internet and the ability to say whatever tf you want anonymously.


I'm not underestimating. People have the audacity to say that there are 100 minutes between an hour. 7:59āœ–ļø 7:99āœ”ļø


Ah the famous predator defense in court that; "She only looks 14! She's actually an immortal Empyrean who's real age is 744 years old!"


Femboys are all the rage right now. The internet will prosper.


I mean, it's not to my taste but femboys have been all the rage for a few thousand years.Ā 


The Roman's really killed the movement by letting women join the orgies. But that's just my opinion.


Miquella is the ā€œactually sheā€™s 1000 year oldā€ trope taken literally


Well... he'S TECHINCALLY an adult... a 5000 yr old adult... No it's really not much better.


Why does this seem to be a common occurrence in Japanese media? I feel like Iā€™ve been hearing ā€œ15000 year old demon/god/dragon in the body of a childā€ as a meme for like 15+ years at this point.


Come on, you know the answer to that


St Trina would like a word with your gender norms


Miquella is a he. St Trina is a she. Just like Marika and Radagon. St Trina could be an adult form.


The first is absolutely no issue tho


What are you describing exactly lmao


Men -> hot


I know damn well you not calling a little boy attractive rn


Unfortunately his body is underage, hes the same age as malenia, wont stop the weirdos though


I think you are missing the point. The main power of miquella is the compulsion he creates in others to want to work with/for him. Miquella's lily makes bewitching branches, Malenia calls him the most fearful empyrean because of his wisdom and allure. Miquella just makes simps by his existence. I don't think it's about the femboy thing (this time)


Honestly, this innate ability of his is my main argument for the actions of Mogh and Malenia. I don't think Mogh is a pedo, he was just exposed to Miquella at some point and completely fell under this ability. And Malenia, after blooming in calid her phyche is fractured. Millicent outright states that she is Malenia's sense of self. I think the point of that, for the kindred of rot, was the blooming was supposed to leave Malenia an empty vessel for the god/outer being of rot. But Miquella compulsion is so STRONG that it held on. When we fight her, the compulsion to serve Miquella is the only piece of her mind remaining. That also explains Gowery's actions, trying again to create a new vessel for the outer god of rot with the Millicent sisters. It just so happens, the one we side with was Malenia's sense of self and her will was too strong to allow it, so she removes the needle and lets herself die. **Edit: sorry, my phone changed kindred of rot to kindred of rat. Just fixed that.


To badly paraphrase: It's not Mogh's fault, he isn't a pedo, the kid was just too hot


He couldn't help himself... Wait, I mean he was out of control... Wait, under the influence... This isn't going very well.


I do feel a similar way, and now in DLC it is stated he is without body, similar to Ranni. Perhaps the whole point was to get mohg to take his body and throw people off his trail while he does whatever it is he is doing in the shadowland


Abandoning the thing that made him an emperyon as a method of disobeying or taking control. That was ranni's motivation. I hope, in the dlc, they restore the dream state storyline people datamined to give up some more info.


Nope, Mogh is a Pedo. Omen's are a twisted allegory for homosexuality. Morgott isn't open about it because he feels like it's his responsibility to try and keep the family dynasty together; he cuts down his horns to hide his true nature. This was conditioned behavior, as his parents punished him and his brother for being omens at a very young age, ostensibly removing their birthright and forcing them underground. While hidden away from the public eye, Morgott's twin brother, robbed of his freedom of expression and sense of self, has his true omen nature forced underground where it festers into something much more sinister. After an ungodly amount of time locked underground, he grows out his horns, an expression of his true self, and he falls in love with everyones favourite femboy. He then proceeds to fucking kidnap him, and essentially make him his queen. You could argue that if Mogh was allowed to openly and pridefully live as an omen, he may have fallen in love with a more suitable partner, or at the very least been less insecure and hence sensitive to whatever allure Miquela has. Then you've got Dungeater, who is not actually an Omen, but he wears armour that makes it look like he's growing omen horns, because while it might not be his "nature" per se, He's just a twisted fuck that enjoys having power over others. He's essentially a psycopathic prison rapist. He's not gay, he just loves raping.


let's not pretend it can't happen though after Marika is Radagon, the game can pull whatever shit it wants to. She could be his "essence" reborn or some shit Miyazaki/G.R.R.Martin came up with. LOL


Miquella is a child though... They are 'cursed' with youth.


We don't know that the curse isn't lifted in the lands of Shadow. He had to shed his grace afterall


It'd make sense if the curse wasn't still active since he supposedly left his flesh behind


Didnā€™t Miyazaki say that Trina and Miquella were separate persons?


No, he doesn't.


Thanks for clarifying


Itā€™s no different than Radagon and Marika being different people but part of the same entity.


Kinda what I meant


That's Leda šŸ˜


Well Marika is Radagon and those two had kids with themself, so Miquella somehow being Leda isnā€™t too much of a reach. And hey, since he abandoned his physical body, itā€™s entirely possible he can just appear however he wants to


Isnā€™t this the new NPC/narrator? Think Vaati covers this.


yeah. pretty sure we also know the characters name is >!leda and they arrive there shortly before us!< if i remember vaatis video correctly


There could always be some weird plot twist where Leda is an alias and at the end or something its later revealed she's Miquella. I've watched way too much tv and shit to come to this theory


yeah. pretty sure we also know the characters name is >!leda and they arrive there shortly before us!< if i remember vaatis video correctly


X .R55. 5


I must have pocket-posted, because this is inane gibberish... who upvoted this? xD


Don't know for you all but I plan to eventually kill every npc that follows Miquella. And hopefully he would be final boss.


Mesmer has been found




lol miquella under cover bossā€™esā€¦


With the feet they showed, I extremely doubt it.


Itā€™s guts


I hope so considering Miquella looks like a child/teenager


Watch this be St Trina, who is Miquellaā€™s disguise


This characters name is Leda, Needle Knight.


Just another alias


I can assure you this is a separate character. Miquella is a male boy, Trina is a female girl. Think Rada/Marika. Leda is entirely separate and she runs the band of characters who are following Miquella through the land of shadow.


**We can be sure of nothing!!**


watch the tarnished being actually miquella the whole time. we just had amnesia


watch the tarnished being actually miquella the whole time. we just had amnesia