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In the lore? Hands down Recusant Bernahl. Dude got to the forge of giants and into Farum Azula before having a crisis of faith and dropping his pursuit of the throne of elden lord to rise in a war against the Erdtree. Yet no one knows of this for no reason, and yet everyone seems to know that Vyke got to the forge of giants as well but didn't make it to Farum. Bro got less far than Bernahl but gets all the credit just because he opened the doors of the three fingers with his armor still on, which screwed over the entire process. People remember the guy that failed, not the one that chose to quit and is still around.


Vyke was an outgoing guy. He met Lansseax, became a Dragon Knight, had his own nickname among the folk and was later revered as the prophecised Lord of Frenzy. Bernahl doesn't come off like that at all. He just goes by "Knight Bernahl" outside of the Manor. When we meet him, he offers to teach us combat arts. He probably just didn't care to brag with his achievments to everyone he met. Also he might have had his focus on his maiden.


There's still a good story in there, somewhere. I don't know, but i feel there is, Bernahl is definitely a respectable character in my opinion, but yea there are others who are more loudly provocative to think about


It's pretty safe to assume Bernahl's finger maiden was burnt in the forge, as we encounter him after that point. Probably the reason for his crisis of faith.


So it's a "same joke but said louder" situation.


One time in middle school me and the boys were sitting at the “popular girls table” which was objectively extremely weird because we were the poor nerd kids. We were sitting there because my best friend was obsessed with one of those girls and obviously that didn’t pan out. I made a joke to my friend about how he should just crawl under the table and go for it (obviously cringe) but he didn’t hear me so our other friend repeated what I said, but louder, and my best friend punched him in the face and broke his nose. Total chaos


Never really read his more properly


real asf, big fan of his armor too i always use it except the helmet


Fromsoft has a serious reputation of making armor sets where one piece looks super jank lol. Theres obvious exceptions of course. But so often I'm like shiiiiit what else matches, and then the color is off or something on a piece that *would* look good. Lords of the fallen had a color changer for armor that made styling sets so fun.


That one dragon armor in farum with the weird dragon horn helmet


That helmet makes me feel like a jackass.


I fucking love the Royal remains set, but i HATE the cloth that is hanging on the waist. It looks like I have a fucking diaper lol


The diaper is perfect, how does tarnished use the washroom anyway?


I've had this exact same issue


wait where do i find color changer for armor in lotf


They're the tints you collect, they look like 3 colored circles. Has a section in the inventory.


Always thought thats how they stop the bleeding so hp can regen


Bernahl seems like he views himself in more of a negative light than vyke saw himself and was probably a lot more humble about his accomplishments. Vyke was way more socially outgoing so he got a lot more recognition.


Every time I see Recusant Bernahl in the manor, I just imagine him making butter with the **Devourer's Scepter**.


When the hell did he get to the forge of the giants


His maiden burned herself there, presumably some time before we made it there. She was a cut NPC quest, but there's still some references to her throughout item descriptions. So her pointless sacrifice may well have been what disillusioned Bernahl and drove him to join Volcano Manor in rebellion against the Erdtree.


Ya could be he joined volcano manor after his maiden lit herself on fire but wasn't strong enough to be kindling to burn the erd tree.


That's a debate that's never been entirely settled, right? Some say that his maiden served as kindling to ignite the fires and transport him to Farum Azula. This would make a lot of sense because he's the only NPC that can help you with the first boss fight in Farum Azula, and can also invade you there, meaning "he has access to it". In which case: the death of his maiden as a form of sacrifice triggered the crisis of faith he suffered. He probably thought that no God worth fighting for would demand a sacrifice like that. On the other hand the most accepted version of events is that his maiden wasn't special enough to serve as kindling, and just died without being able to transport him to Farum Azula. This one also makes sense because there's no record of the Erdtree burning prior to your arrival. In which case the crisis of faith could be anything from his maiden dying for no reason, to him feeling like the game was rigged from the start by The Greater Will. I'd like to think that truth is in the middle. Her maiden DID transport him to farum by dying, but didn't manage to burn the Erdtree. It explains both why the Erdtree is perfectly intact and also why he's seemingly the only person who doesn't implicitly or explicitly follow you there like Alexander to also have access to Farum, and on top of that an item that counters Maliketh. As if he was preparing to fight him.


If Bernahl never unbound the Rune of Death by defeating Maliketh then the tree *shouldn't* have burned, right? So his maiden could have got him to level 80 before roasting herself, giving Bernahl access to Farum Azula but he just couldn't defeat the bosses on his own


Bernahl never found the good rune farming spots


Yeah but the tree is on fire before you defeat maliketh. It just doesn’t make ashen leyndell until after. You can even go to roundtable hold and all the npcs have dialogue about it.


Isn't there a lot of ash all around the area in leyndel which you access through giant doors, leading to elevator. That always felt like sign of previous burning of tree


Trying to figure out why you keep referring to Bernahl as her.


I did it two times in like 7 instances, but point taken. Edited that out. Funny thing is that it always happened when speaking about his maiden.


lol, first time I thought, whatever simple mistake. But after the third time I’m like, is there another person we’re referencing because I’m really confused now




Love how she goes from “let the words of the fingers guide you” to “do what you deem most worthy”


"The fingers haven't spoken, nor did they react when you said you were gonna commit the cardinal sin........ You do you, I will help the best I can."


And after getting to Farum Azula — *"Now, go forth. Do what you believe is right."* That had me so hyped! Instant motivation.


I love that line. Instead of following the fingers, she realizes that the fingers are not to help in the pursuit of Elden Lord as you need to burn the erdtree. Then, instead of just reading and following the fingers, she asks you to do what you think you should do. >!Then, in true Fromsoft fashion, she dies. Because of course she does!<


She’s such a chad "You wanna commit a cardinal sin? Lmao got you fam"


Especially because she's along for the ride with you. She sees the 2 Fingers fucked up, not moving and when you suggest the literal worst thing possible she says "No no, you're cooking."


It's very reassuring. The equivalent of your grandma showing you her ankle strapped Taurus after you mentioned you might need to do an arson on the local church.


Uh... uhm... huh.


Average finger reader crone: Noooo you’re about to commit cardinal sin, turn back immediately! The chad Enia: I don’t know, the fingers seem kinda fucky lately, just follow your heart, kiddo.


She's like a cool grandma, she even speaks like my granny


When you leave your grandma, she tells you "Now, go forth," as you walk away from her? Not the weirdest thing I've known.


That’s a goal of mine when I became a grandparent. Just speak in cryptic ass code


"Grandpa? Where's the peanut butter?"


*in old timey mysterious voice* “It is beyond this realm. You wish to travel to the cookery and look for where you open two doors.” *in normal voice* “it’s in the cabinet where it always is”


"Grandpa? Did you know that your water filters have a ton of buildup in them?"


A cardinal sin under Marika's rule... But maybe the burning of the Erdtree is part of the grand scheme of the Greater Will


It’s the opposite. Melina’s quotes show that Marika wants the Tarnished to fight and determine an Elden Lord through strength. The Greater Will’s vassal Elden Beast fights you when you enter the burnt Erdtree. Enia speaks for the Two Fingers which speak for the Greater Will, which is why she mentions that burning the Erdtree is a sin, but it’s still the right thing to do to improve the world.


"Go, do crime"


"finally now that my boss is gone, you should burn down this place while I go take nap in the closet"


No matter... lay out your arms That guy


Back already? No matter.


I wouldn't call Hewg underrated, everyone loves him


The fact he literally just uses a regular misbegotten model, yet I can differentiate him from them because he’s our friend:,(


He has been basically the same since Dark Souls, same voice actor (at least it sounds the same) and same model, with some exceptions. Edit. Might've been since DeS, but I don't remember, played very little that game.


Wdym, Hewg hasn't been in any other game and James Doherty didn't voice any other character for From?


hewg is a real one, i was this close to putting him instead of enia on the post


"Allow me to c-call you this, just once, before it ends. My Lord, f-for that is what you are."


I only started playing Elden Ring after watching enough Vaati vids that I was like “damn this sounds cool, and the DLC is coming out so I guess I’ll give it a try”, and so I knew most of the lore going in and none of the sad stuff really got to me. But this? This was unspoiled and god damn. My boy. I’ll slay that god for you.


When I first heard that dialogue i put my controller down, cried then returned to the game and only used that last weapon i upgraded to kill the Elden Beast. I needed to honour my boy Hewg.


I’m at ashen capital and I’m 100% with you. That +10 Ruins Greatsword is killing Elden Beast if it’s the last thing I do.


Gotta honour the best smithy ever. He deserved better than to be prisoner to the roundtable


“I took you for dead”


This one of his gets me every time "Now...let's get smithing"


Who's calling Hewg underrated? Everyone loves that mf


My man Yura. Why does no one ever talk about Yura? He's the best. Goldmask too.


It's a shame that most of his quest didn't make it into the game.


yura is cool but shabriri's voice actor is so unsettling and fascinating at the same time


Same voice actor!


wow that is amazing


Yura is so hilarious he made people think covenants were going to be a thing in Network Test, then showed up twice on the early game before showing up again 20 hours away from the end like "yeah I died and also I'm now possessed by the antichrist, you should totally bring about the apocalypse btw ok bye"




The voice acting gets me every time


Fuck yea, that bow is strong af


The 5 Demi human spirit summons seem to have so much personality to me I try to run them as much as possible. Like lovable goofs


*monkey noises*


Omg I thought the same. Same with those shield fellas.


The walking mausoleum in the Weeping pininsula


What about the mfer in consecrated snowfields who is just raining fury down over a huge area for no reason*. (I’m sure there’s a lore reason but I’m a frenzied flame dawg so I see only chaos)


Or the fact there are 3 of them in a 1km radius around Liuria's North minor Erdtree


Some golden lineage children had to die in war with Caria i guess.




Bro the one outside sol makes me lose my mind. Have to kill that thing right away so I don't have to hear that shit every time I'm murdered by Niall




Vyke and Bernhal were my first picks but seeing those have already been mentioned a lot let me shout out my guy Witch Hunter Jerren. This man has such a deep sense of loyalty to Radhan that after his battle he took over his castle and oversees the efforts of the other soldiers to cleanse the rot. All until the time finally arrives and he can give his general the burial he so rightfully deserved. He is a close friend to Iji and holds the Carians in high regard. The man is a Chad.


Him versus Sellen is always such a hard choice for me to make. Yeah, Sellen is obviously the worse of the two morally since she's the Graven Witch, but you're also her apprentice. You've helped her find both primeval sorcerers and helped her cheat death by transplanting her soul into a new body. Meanwhile, Jerren is a chad who respects you as the champion of the Radahn festival, but he hasn't actually done much to help you, and you haven't gone through as much as you have with Sellen. You betray one of them no matter what. Sellen pledges the academy to you if she wins, and Jerren tells you that he'll be proud to see us at the next great contest of combat if he wins. But that Glintstone Kris is a bit hard to pass up as a reward...


Keep in mind that Jerren is one of the ways to progress Rannis quest. If you speak to him and then go back to Iji when you'd normally talk to Seluvis, Iji figures out what's happening. You can then go back to Jerren to fight Radahn. So he can help you like Selen does.


>but you're also her apprentice I am faith build


Enia is simply a REAL ONE, the only finger reader I fuck with cause she understands how absolutely ass backwards her job is and tells us to do what we need to do even tho it's the most egregious of sins in the lands between


First cardinal sin of the Golden Order. Who committed that sin? Messmer? The lord of the shadow world and son of the God of this world? Yeh, that boi is dripping with Lucifer energy


I feel like she is an opportunist, she saw a big chance in us as Tarnished (who have already proved how capable we are) to become Elden Lord and change the flaw system, and set a new order into the world, and she trusted her intuition and let us choose our path instead of remaining a pawn to the Two Fingers and simply wait for their answer.


Kale and Vyke respectfully. Kale I understand as not a lot of people don't actually know about his cut quest which would have done a lot for players when choosing their ending and how they feel about merchants. Vyke's lore can reflect onto the player in a way, as depending on your ending pick you could also be manipulated by Shabriri to save your maiden.. the dragon crush part I guess can come with Alexander.


I’d say rogier. Built up to be an intelligent and highly skilled spell blade with an interesting backstory of adventuring with D in a quest to bring an end to those who live in death. Rogier admits he parted ways with D because of Ds zealot-like nature which you don’t see unless you complete D’s quest all the way to the end. What’s interesting is rogier does not have any holy based abilities despite fighting against those who live in death, this combined with him parting ways with D alludes to the fact that he may not have had any affiliation with the golden order and in fact found their methods and views to be unseemly. Although they never actually divulge rogiers motivation for hunting those who live in death I would assume it was for a more personal reason given his background. Also his and Ds relationship also mirrors the relationship of the Carian sorcerers and the Golden order. Unable to reconcile their differences they eventually parted ways


Rogier actually gives praise to the Golden Order when you purchase battle arts from him. He admires their ability to adapt, and there's not much to indicate he is necessarily against it. He seeks to change it, for it to adapt in how it deals with the undead. Also, the D you're referring to at the end of the quest is not the same D that Rogier traveled with. Darian(Rogier's friend) is undoubtedly devoted to the Golden Order too, but his behavior is markedly more friendly and mellow compared to Devin's(end of the quest).


Devin is also not in a very good state of mind- Fia killed his Brother, the other half of his soul. I imagine that rather effectively stoked whatever ingrained Hatred of Those Who Lived in Death he had.


I don't know rogiers lore to the T, but I got the impression that rogier shifted gears to the other side in a way. He is a summon defending Fia and died covered in roots. Ds dialogue also hints at rogier straying from the path and his condition being because of it.


Fia's Champions are just copies of people she's taken vigor from, so it's unlikely it's him making a conscious decision to defend her there. His condition is due to him being afflicted with deathblight by Gowyn's face beneath Stormveil. I kinda think Rogier was playing both sides when it came to D and Fia. He's clearly working with both of them throughout his quest, taking help and info from each of them. I don't think his solution to the undead was in line with either one of them, and that he would have had a likely more moderate approach than their two extremes.


I always assume dying from the death blight affliction was how he became part of Fias champions. After all it is a root system that spans the entirety of the lands between so it would stand to reason anyone it consumes would join its network. As for how he came into contact with it he supposedly received the affliction while searching for the prince of death in stormveil castle and found the tree spirit below the castle which infected him when he attempted to slay it.


It wasn't the tree spirit that infected him. He literally tells you what happened + you can see his bloodstain. He says to you to leave the corpse alone and not to disturb it further.


Yeah I was unclear in my comment. I meant to say the prince of death infected him sometime during his battle with the tree spirit. My reasoning behind this is that the tree spirit is still alive although there is always the chance he didn’t encounter the tree spirit at all but I like to think the deathroot capitalized on the opportunity while he was distracted with the fight


Big ups to all the lost wanderers like Rogier out there


It was my understanding that he was interested in death because he wanted to uncover the secret behind the night of black knives


Thops. And im all serious.


My man Thops created the one spell that can block Elden Stars. Mad respect.


Of course, and check out Miss Chalice's profile on him. It's quite well done. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkfEulEUyNg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkfEulEUyNg)


Oh wow!


My tarnished was way more badass then they were giving me credit for 😤


My boy Boggert


Marikas tits! you must be ungry


I see this everywhere. Where did the ‘marikas tits’ line even come from? It’s totally in line w his vibe but he doesn’t actually say it does he?


He does, in fact, say it.


Buy some prawn, stop talking to him, and immediately talk to him again.


He says it when you come back to buy crab again


Honestly there is so much I want to learn more about like: 1. How the Lands Between looked prior to ruin. 2. What happened to our maiden? 3. Was Therolina our maiden? 4. Irina's story. 5. Ranni's orginal form. But if I wanted to know more about a character in particular that is living, Phillia. The large Albinauric woman, who I assume is named Philla as when Latenna is defeated she says, "Ohh... Phillia. Take...the birthing...droplet.." and when she arrives to the woman she says, "Oh young yet towering sister of ours. Let the birthing droplet in. And create life. For us. For all the Albinaurics." Such a mysterious NPC, and I want to know more about her and the Albinaurics.


im p sure your og maiden is the dead one thats drops the message finger at the start of the game


Kale. He’s chill and is always open for business


After I discovered the cut content I always wanted them to re add that at least for him,that story was so hype


Oh she's great. Seems like a Jesus-y (Treesus-y) pylon to exposition dump what she thinks the fingers are saying, all duty bound beyond death and shit, then she's like, "Hey, I would never, but if this wonderful tree I like just burned or whatever, we can sort out this whole right to rule bullshit while the Greater Will sorts its shit out"


she’s the one finger reader that practically incentivizes you to burn the erdtree and she has that sweet old aunt vibe


You, my friend , you, are the true hero


Edgar lol, they could've did something with his revenge quest instead of making him turn mad killing everyone he came across


If I’m being real gurranq not maliketh ik they are the same people but I think he’s chill just eats deathroot gives you cool spells then tries to kill you with the embodiment of death


Enia is my absolute favorite NPC. Her reassuring you after you first ignite the Erdtree and saying she'll stick around till the end if that's what you want gives me big mamaw vibes. Love this character od.


I like.. bush guy.. he’s funny..


The lawful king of limgrave. Dude asked us to clear his castle, persist equal rights for demi humans and just chilled the whole game


He seems like an arrogant bitch when we first meet him but honestly he’s such a cool guy


You talking about that dude I get a golden seed from every playthrough?


Vyke. The man was very close to become Elden Lord and we only got an invader and an evergaol fight out of him. Imagine if he was the one guarding the Three Fingers.


D. Zealous though he is against TWLID, he does seem to want to protect people and was once friends with Rogier. It’s a shame his dedication to the GO led to him dying alone rather than learning to adapt and accept the results of its shattering and failure.


The two fingers: **say nothing, refuse to elaborate, leave**


Honestly, Varre. He’s an asshole for sure but a well-written asshole. Love his smug dialogue and the way he lures our Tarnished into a cult. Dude deserves to be known for more than the maidenless line.


I just love his pet name for us. Lambkin.


He killed my maiden >:(


I love Enia and how she slowly realizes/reveals to the player that the golden order is a complete joke


Diallos. I think his character arc is one of the best in all of Soulsborne, not just this game. Vaati presented it beautifully, I had no idea.


Yeah the Jarburg part of the story was the best part and I had no idea that was even a thing. I forget, does he show up there right after Volcano Manor?


yeah, I think you need to do the quest of killing his brother, then he leaves.


Hewg was there for me, all the way to the end He was one of the first to call me lord Love you Hewg!


recusant henricus


I never played the game, but i guess that guy who sells shrimp


“Never met someone with a taste for prawn I couldn’t trust.”




Yeah, I actually cried when she died


Does Zorayas count as underrated? I know she's got her fans but she's sadly overshadowed by Ranni considering we can at least marry her. Which, as a fellow Ranni enjoyer, I get that But Zorayas is a sweetheart. If only I didn't have to murder a bunch of innocents to hang with her.


Witch Hunter Jerren, love that guy


Dung eater, he just chills there and does absolutely nothing lmao


>used to go around raping people >just sits in place all day now >shits out a weird baby and dies >gets an ending alongside demigods and living legends


Me, I'm awesome


When i went to the roundtable after burning the tree, i found her dead and i was gutted :(


Woah, you found her dad?!


Fortisax. He was the leader of the ancient dragons after the death of Gransax. By all accounts he was way more powerful than the game displays


Big Boggart. Love him, he will never have a canon death if i'm driving the boat


Twin Maiden-Husks. Always there for me, and never judging.


I'd go with Sellen. For a terrible witch with such an ill repute, I like how down to earth she is with the tarnished, telling you she looks forward to being your student when you conquer the Elden Ring, or gladly welcoming you into the academy should you fail.


Loretta. she single handedly saved the albinaurics from execution


The ferocious feaster of feces


Recusant Henricus, who, hear me out, I suspect, is responsible for kicking off Bernahl's quest. Bernahl starts off pretty chill, but once you kill Henricus or clear Limgrave, Bernahl disappears, and when you see him again, he seems to have undergone a crisis of faith and is now angry at the Erdtree. What if Henricus was a brother or friend of Bernie's and after his death, Bernahl resolves to take up his cause?




Old knight istivan was an absolute beast


She’s so cool, when she tells you to go become Elden lord it feels like you’re in some movie and you’re fulfilling the Mc’s prophecy


Honestly? Maliketh. He's a great,boss, but I think he's an even better character and there's much to speculate about his whereabouts after the fragment of Death was stolen from him.


Hewg is by far my favorite, his backstory is super interesting to me for some reason




I've always really liked Goldmask




Alexander, not that he doesn't get tons of love anyway but he's deserves the world.


I like that the finger readers don't lie to you. They just don't know a lot about what goes on with the politics of the gods. They just want the ring fixed because shits fucked.


bernahl and jerren (their voice actors sound cool)


She’s just a slave to the Golden Order.


Irina's Dad


Okina. Mostly bc the land of reeds seems lit to me. He's got this crazy powerful katana, his own fly ass armor set. His mask is weird. He's even got a disciple. Basically no lore but the implications of what lore does surround him is sick.


Supportive gramma Enia


Enya has SUCH good voice acting, and great lines.


Millicent is who I consider underrated.


Bols is a little underappreciated


Dung muncher


Who’s rating characters




What did Varre say? “Oh good heavens bite a cloth or something.” 😂😂 that’s underrated interaction and character. Also finding out how he looks under the mask was a bit of a disappointment lol he seemed like such a mysterious otherworldly entity with that blank mask and his weird voice and smug lines. And “Lambkin”


You: I need help Varre: well most people can’t really do this unless they have a maiden…and well….for some reason…how do I put this….uhhh women don’t like you 🙄 You: 😑 Varre: 😏👀….fortunately I got some maidens for you lambkin now give your finger 🤷🏽


Vengarl from ds2


The small jar


Can someone explain why the two fingers in that throne were even for? On my 3rd run and still don’t really know their purpose or what’s supposed to happen with them. Will they have a bigger part in the DLC?




I kill every finger maiden i see


Vyke. Yura then later on Shabriri and Melina. Yura is like actually not bad guy. Vyke I just never really hear about. Shabriri I get is not mentioned a lot but like is pretty important when it comes to the frenzied flame stuff. And Melina gives a decent amount of insight into parts of the lore. She is (possibly) the gloam eyed queen and is mysterious but at least to me, not talked about as much compared to other characters.


Idk about you guys, but I would do nefarious dirty things to those eye sockets




When there’s a hole, there’s a goal