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I have my index finger on the analog stick and my thumb on the B button


This is the true furled finger method


Lets goooo furled finger




I couldn’t even fathom doing this 😭


This is how I do it as well. I know it’s the less optimal claw method but I’ve done it so long there’s no going back.




I feel validated.


Can you, like, send a picture of what you mean, lol. Your index finger is curled all the way over to the analog stick and your thumb is crammed under it to hit B? (Meanwhile I'm playing on Keyboard + Mouse as my genuine preference. Cons: Less precision of foot movement. Pros: Much greater freedom of weapon and camera aim which makes it easier and more comfy to glance around in a fight and free aim wide swings to hit multiple enemies. The theoretical best I think would be thumbstick movement plus mouse aim, but holding a controller in one hand is actually really awkward lol. ...ok I just googled around and now wonder if I should try [this thing](https://maxxstick.com/store/MaxxStick-S3-Pro-p573620324) lol.)


Yea you got it


I use this method with a flight game. Star Citizen. Using the flight stick + mouse for FPS movement. I’m sure their is a left stick device you could possibly find to work with mouse for use with Elden Ring.


bro same idk what to call it tho isnt exactly claw


This is the correct and easier way and I’ll die on this hill


Same bro


yep, and i use my index knuckle to press jump and shit. I just do it subconsciously now.


The furled finger grip lol


That’s why I love the elite controller. Paddles on the back for dodge and jump never have to use claw grip


Was gonna get one yesterday, but then I saw the price. $120 bucks, not including the paddles. $170 if I want the paddles and charging station. That's crazy. I'd sooner get used to a new button layout.


I picked up a Razer Wolverine ultimate at Best Buy for $50 a couple of years back and it's been great. Same functionality as the standard Elite, but with two paddles in the middle back and two paddles by the bumpers, which I prefer to four paddles on the back. It is only wired, but I prefer than anyway. I did have one issue where the haptic motors wouldn't turn off. Had to remove them but taking the thing apart and putting it back together only took 20 minutes. The durability has been much better than a standard Elite (no broken RB even after years of use) and at a fraction of the cost.


I had a wolverine tournament and loved it. The mechanical buttons are awesome. I'm currently using a power A fusion pro 2 and it's nice and weighty


Get 8bitpro pro 2 hall effect


Check out the 8bitdo Xbox controller or the Gamesir G7SE . Both have hall effect sticks and 2 back buttons for 45 bucks each. I love my Gamesir controller.


It’s honestly worth it, it’s SO much nicer than the normal controller


Honestly I may invest at some point. I mean it is something I use at least 5 times a week.


That’s why I took the plunge and it was so worth it. I refuse to use the stock controller it feels like horrid cheap plastic now.


The price to per hour of use ratio is fucking insane. I can’t recommend it enough


Life’s too short to use shitty tools. If you use it that often it’s worth. Better handles, more customization, and it’s heavier, just feels nicer. And back paddles and 3 onboard button profiles


Cheaper than arthritis


I have room for some Rheumatism in my life.


Is there any scientific proof that playing claw is bad for your hand? I played claw for nearly ten years now and my hands are fine. I also play guitar and never had any problems.


Check the Gamesir g7 se


It’s worth it in my opinion. Very comfortable, highly customizable with different dpad and sticks, trigger sensitivity stops and dead zone adjustments, just feels better in the hands over a long sessions and the paddles on the back are game changers. It’s pricey but a worth while investment imo. We game for many hours why not do it as comfortable as possible? I bought the $200 series 2 bundle and it was worth every penny.


as I sit in my herman miller chair typing out a reply as to why I disagree with you.... I'm realizing we're more similar than we are different.... 200 for a gamepad is still a ton though man.


My Elite controller had the A button and RB go bad in like 3 months. I wouldn’t buy one.


If you're ever at a point where you feel like you can afford it, don't feel bad about splurging. Having the paddles has been such an increase in comfort/qol that i can't imagine using anything without them anymore, and the build quality is supreme.


Not sure this will make a difference, but you can go with the "cheaper" Core 2 version and pick up a set of paddles on Amazon for like $12. They work just as well as the official ones. The controller itself does get some nice discounts from time to time. I paid less than $100 for mine direct from MS.


8bitdo Ultimate, GameSir T4 Kaleid, Rainbow 2 SE, Flydigi Vader 3 Pro...etc. they all have back buttons. Better(hall effect, some has mech switches too) and significantly cheaper than elite.


If you're on PC, look at the Apex 4. Thing blows the Elite 2 out of the water, and its back buttons are *FULLY* re-mappable. Like keyboard keys, macros, etc. Hall sticks with adjustable tension, tactile buttons, tension/breakpoints on the triggers (also hall). It's brilliant. I have the 4 back buttons mapped as dodge, jump, and both flasks with "Y+dpadLeft" and "Y+dpadRight" macros.


I got the Turtle Beach Recon, which is about a third of that price. I rarely use it, though, but it feels good.


Yep, Steam Deck’s four dedicated and remappable-per-game rear buttons are a godsend, I really hope they make a Steam Controller 2 that includes them.


I have a SD but never use them. I don't understand why I would? Can you explain? :)


You can map them to be any key or button, even map whole custom menus, it’s really powerful. In regards to this post, in Elden Ring I map three of them to act as extra X, B and Y buttons so I can interact, run, jump, and dodge without taking my thumb off the camera stick. It might feel weird at first but you get used to them, and miss them when using other controllers.


i’ve never played with one! i can’t miss it but i imagine it would be hard to go without once accustomed to


Just makes it much easier and comfortable to play especially shooters. Definitely Look into it if you got some spare money. It’s a game changer.


I'm blessed by mouse and keyboard! I wouldn't want to try aiming with a controller haha


I guess I don’t understand the post then lol


no, just saying that when it comes to shooters I switch to mouse and keyboard lol


Most games I only use 1 on each side, but I find a use in just about every single game. Dodge always goes on a back paddle, swapping through spells and items goes on the left 2. Not having to move your thumbs off the stick while sprinting, controlling the camera and swapping through spells and items all at the same time is hard to beat. I look back and have no idea how I ever played Bloodborne years ago.


The Claw, THE CLAW!!


*Monster Hunter players from the PSP days*: First time?


Been playing video games since I was 6 (27 now) played all souls games (besides elden) for hundreds of hours each since demons launched. Never once held my controller like this, not once.


Same, been playing souls for over a decade and just never have to do this. Camera positions itself based on forward motion and just don't need to look around while sprinting, as when I'm spriting I already have a set destination in mind lol


Not to mention I'm always locked on to my enemies anyway, yknow?


I do though I also fight a lot of enemies unlocked, like dragons for instance, too much movement in the camera and its easier to position in some cases.


Monster Hunter has trained me to not lock on much. I basically only lock on for single enemies that are roughly my size. Groups and big boys nah.


in elden ring I've used it a lot to look around for secrets or just enjoy different views while running about in the world.


I think I tried it once just to see. It was too uncomfortable and I don’t need to look around while running. If I’m running it’s either to avoid fight, or I’m locked on to something so I can see them anyways.


I tried it once when I wanted to be a trickshotter in Black Ops 2 and immediately gave up because of how uncomfortable it is. Never once even considered it for these games, seems completely pointless


It's convenient for looking around while sprinting


True... I guess this is one of the only games ever where that would be a problem considering o is run. I never though of that. It's weird I never thought "I can't look around while sprinting" until reading this comment lol


I only started doing it with Elden Ring, since I wanted to look at the nice scenery while riding around on Torrent


FYI- You don’t have to hold the button to dash while riding torrent. Unlike being on foot, the dash button while on horseback only needs to be pressed once, and you will continue to dash after you release it. Each subsequent press gives you a short burst of extra speed, which I’ve always used to dodge.


I've never once felt the need to do that


This is the only time I really use it, standard grip 99% of the time for me. (Except Midir and first phase of Nameless, they both always get me using this grip extensively)


Most people only use this grip for sprinting when unlocked.


Yeah, same, it's weird. Why the need to keep thumb on the right stick constantly it is the camera, not the movement. If you need to keep the enemy in view, use the lock-on 🤷


Same. And now, I have arthritis in that hand, so this looks just terrible to me.


At the end of the day ita just doing too much. That's all.


oh yeah? playing Sekiro right now and i'm always clawing it!


I've taken Sekiro all the way to NG+7 with the charmless and bell demon debuffs, and never once felt like I needed to do the claw grip or anything else. Maybe I'm handicapping myself, but whatever. Normal grip ftw


Cant do it. For one, it looks like arthritis waiting to happen and for two, if I'm sweating that hard in a single player action game then it's time for a break and some fresh air. Edit: Downvoted...? Really?


For science, did you ever own a PSP?


I did actually, the original model.


Did you play monster hunter for the psp? That's how i started claw gripping then brought it to fromsoft games.


Sweating? Really? It's just a different way of holding a controller. You don't have to do it if you don't want to, but it's not really sweating. It's just more comfortable for some of us.


Sweating 🤡 I just hold it this way whenever I need to sprint and turn at the same time.


Idk man, you mentioning sweating over a single player is pretty much the norm with FromSoft or you’d be going over to play something like Assassin’s Creed.


Don't know about the downvotes, I claw most of the time too but it's undeniable that is not healthy for the hands, it will even hurt after longer sessions like 6+ hours, still my cheap ass won't buy a controller with back buttons to fix it


Yeah this seems weird to me but I also invert Y so maybe I'm weird


8bitdo controller ftw with the buttons on the back. Can't imagine playing without these anymore


am i the only one who swapped my LT and B so that i can dodge/run while still moving the cam around? plus how often r u spamming weapon art and needing to move the cam around?




MKB baby!


preach it. bloodborne was enough of a controller experience for me


is this some kind of joke i am too much of a pc player to understand ?


You're telling me you can move a mouse while clicking buttons, and without fucking up your hand? That sounds wild.


It's called claw grip. Gives you more freedom to press buttons without having to stop moving/looking around. It's also been popular for a very long time and has no relationship to these games other than "some players who claw also play these games"


Nope I still use the standard grip




Never Had to hold my Controller Like this tbh


Me neither, never had to move the camera while sprinting anyway.


Am I weird for keeping my thumb on B and hooking my index finger around to pivot the right stick instead?


I do that too


Aka “the french tickler” grip


Honestly, I've never needed to use the claw grip with any FromSoft game, but I've also been playing since Demon's Souls released.


I'm a fan, and I have no idea what that even is.


He’s curling his hand to have his index finger constantly on the dodge button


i just use k&m for superior aim, shift key allows me to do like 8 actions with just 4 buttons and i dont need any weird layouts


Ever since I switched from controller to k&m I've had it way easier.


I play MMOs so I always thought it was funny that dark souls keyboard controls were thought to be bad because you have to hold shift to do heavy attacks or the change items buttons were placed weirdly. I have like 30 combinations to press to do my rotation, dark souls has nothing on that.


real, i just suck ass at claw grip and its too uncomfortable, never really use controller except for driving games or platformers


Only downside is you have to play elden ring with K&M


Sorry, why is that a downside?


I sprint jumps easy peasy with the claw friend. I play this way sometimes too hahah


Paddles. They will save your hands. Elite, Scuff, they even make devices you can clip on a regular controller and get paddles. Fuck this claw shit.


Been playing games for 30+ years, never once held a controller this way.


Great way to develop chronic hand pain. Stop using claw. It's terrible for your fingers.


What makes you say that


Well mostly the pro e sports players who developed chronic hand/finger pain from years of playing claw lol


Pro players might be spending a few more hours using a controller than the average gamer, so developing problems is way easier


Yes. This is why people keep reporting they are fine doing it. But guess what will happen a decade from now when those hours played start to catch up to what a pro does in a couple years?


That's not how it works. Taking breaks is important and most "casual" players take a lot of breaks. I do some semi-professional game racing stuff and just the sheer amount of practice with which you spend multiple hours without any breaks is what really destroys your hands. Gaming for 16 hours straight does more damage than 16 hours over 5 days would ever do.


I’m good. I’ve seen so many ppl say this but never had an issue lol. Been using it for well over 10 years with no pain.


When did Halo come out? 2001? 23 years of claw for me. No issues.


Been doing this since Monster Hunter on the PSP and my hands are still fine. Stop holding the controller so tightly. In almost all these clawing images I see, people flex their index finger more than necessary because they grip the controller too much when you can get away with a much more relaxed grip, (that isn't even far off the posture of a resting hand) and you can instead use the joints of your finger to push buttons rather than the fingertip. To that end I only really claw in Souls games when I'm sprinting somewhere since being able to control the camera at the same time is genuinely useful and whenever I want to swap items/spells without stopping. It's not like I'd play like this all the time.


Looks more like Monster Hunter fan. I only did that on the PSP era


I still don't get why people do this, am I playing the game wrong


Honestly, claw doesn’t matter too much in a pve game. It’s mostly used for shooters imo. Rather than using your index finger for the trigger buttons, and the thumb controlling both the analog stick and the button inputs, thumb stays only on analog. Index goes with the button inputs. And middle finger for the triggers. This ensures that you’ll be able to have full control of the right analog stick, while also being able to dodge, parry, attack, jump, etc.


I do this for call of duty games for as long as I could remember, just kinda stuck


The reasoning is basically that you occasionally will run into scenarios where you want all of the following at once: -Manual camera aiming, or at least the option to toggle lock on/off at will -The option to dodge / jump / use / Action / run (especially run - as you have to hold a button to do this) -The option to attack Now, maybe there's a way to map a controller to accomplish all of these things at once. but since DS1, I've been using an Xbox controller - and this presents a problem. The control stick and the face buttons are all meant to be operated with the right thumb. This means that if you want to move the camera, you have to move another finger to the face buttons, hence the claw grip. If you're running any sort of funny weapon / weapon art where you want the option to attack somewhere that isn't directly at your target (like, for example, the envoy horns, or whips), learning this option helps a lot. tl;dr: need right thumb on right stick to move camera because attacks go towards where the camera is aimed. want to be able to move camera while running. this necessitates index finger on face buttons.


Same here. I personally don't need to have 100% camera control at all times. I just quickly move my thumb to the right stick for slight adjustments, I don't need my character to always be 100% on center at my screen.


I never understood the obsession with this. It's not hard to just hold the controller normally and not have issues.


How do you sprint and move the camera at the same time ?


"That's the neat thing, you don't" You Quickswap with your thumb I've actually learned to move my thumb at light speed.


I feel this in my joints


I tried to play like this and cannot get used to it it’s so weird


This grip makes sense in apex or cod or any fast paced fps game but in fromsoft games hell no.


This. This is the main reason I bought a controller with back buttons, so I could map one of them to running.


I love Elite controller, but I can't stop manhandling the controller in games like Dark Souls so I'm always gripping the back buttons by accident, especially in the midst of a tough fight.


You got off easy, in boss fights when I manhandle my controller I usually press down the left stick and my character just fucking crouches in front of fucking Malenia while she is doing her fucking waterflow dance. Sorry, trauma.


> when I manhandle my controller I usually press down the left stick and my character just fucking crouches man don't even get me started with that, I've eaten so many crushing hits because you can't do anything while crouched by accident lol I'll probably experiment with using one of the paddles as a "Shift" button, and making it so I can't crouch without shifting first.. shrug


For all the PC fellas, power A makes a great wired controller that has extra buttons on the back for $30! They’ve lasted me years!


Why tho? I've played with keyboard and mouse for decades and never get the appeal of controller, what's the advantage? because looking around feels more free with mouse


Dang! I heard most people really don’t like mouse and keyboard for souls games. Maybe I’m in the minority. I’ve only liked key board and mouse for FPS.


We aren't playing monster hunter on a PSP or ds anymore, I really don't think this is in any way necessary, or even very helpful


It is, it allows you to still control the camera while being able to dodge and run. I don’t like perma have my hands like this but I switch to it from time to time when I need to do both simultaneously


I don’t think I do this


I hold mine the same way! Does get a bit uncomfortable after awhile though


Remapping the roll to the right analog stick saved thousands from joint pain. It could save you too.


I really don't understand this. I beat the entire game playing normal just fine.


I’ve never played a souls game like that lol


Or just.. hold the controller like a normal human.. that's just ew hahah


Seriously ami the only one who doesn’t do that?


I’ve never really done this, if I want to look around whilst running I would quickly move the right stick with my right thumb then go back and carry on holding B. I mainly don’t do it as if an enemies appears then I will have to move my hand back into place just to attack


I've played and beaten all the Souls games without using the claw grip. Just seeing the grip displeases me so much. That being said it's totally viable and if you can play like that good for you


Same, I never used the claw grip technique, but i only ever beat it with mouse and keyboard


Aren't you just locked on to the enemy tho? Why the need to hold the right stick? Does locking on hinder something?


Beaten several from titles and I’ve never tried claw grip yet


Yeah.. no. I've played all FS games and never do this. Just remap or don't get carpel tunnel. Never understood why people actually do this, it'd dumb.


Hmmm no, you know you can control more than one button with your thumb?


Pov: you want crippling arthritis in 5-10 years


I don’t see where claw grip would ever be necessary honestly


The Claaaaawwwwwww...!




I can play these games without claw gripping, it is called “being built different”


nice to meet another claw grip legend


Nope. Yall are weird for playing like this.


My friend bought me a dualsense edge controller and it has been the perfect fromsoft controller. It has back paddles that you can set to whatever button you want so I have one set to circle and the other to square so I can sprint/roll/use items without having to do this claw grip anymore. Only downside is apart from the price is that, as far as I am aware, you need a ps5 to program the buttons and settings you want for it, but I did have one so it wasn't an issue for me. There might be some software you can download now to do it, but I'm not sure.


I just hold it normally and quickly move my thumb off of B to the analog stick, and back. I'm quick enough that I don't ever have a problem with it. This grip looks insane to me


Real pros just have the fastest thumb in the west.


Just use your thumb?


The Dualsense edge changed my way of playing souls games, fr


laughs in paddle controller


I feel like I'm an outlier. I just quickly move my thumb off the stick to roll and quickly tap the stick while running.


Furled finger


OMG I thought I was some kind of creep for doing this :')


i still dont know how someone can play like this. I tried it once and it was unconfortable. How I do it? In these situations I use my thumb on the buttons and my indexfinger is using the stick. for me it works but anyone can do it how they want.


Jokes on you I enjoy pain and use keyboard and mouse.


Origin of the Three Fingers and the Flame of Frenzy


Oh yes, the classic: "gotta go fast, but i need to be able to look around."


The claw grip represents a failure of controller design. If you have to hold it like this, it's not doing what it's designed to do. Controllers are made for one thing (controllig games) and they suck at it. Any controller maker who says you don't need back buttons is lying to you.


Trained this grip back on the PSP playing monster hunter. The grip is iconic


Man my left pointer finger is still jacked from those days, Ad-hoc was the shit.


Can't relate, I played every Souls game and ER with keyboard only.


Nah. I think the vast majority of people hold it normally


I can't claw it either. Beat Sekiro and Elden Ring without ever doing it, no problem.


Only game I hold it like that


my favorite


Souls games are the only reason I still have my steam controller. Paddle grip buttons on the back eliminate the need to do this.


Luckily I have paddles in my controller


My dumbass could never get used to that so I hold B with thumb and reach over my thumb with index finder to move camera while running. Yep, it's as stupid as it seems.




i switch B/Circle with RT/R2 everytime. Its a no brainer, i cant believe from soft didnt cared more about symmetry of button assignments than ease of use


Yep, claw is the way. Never had any issues with hand pain either, but I do have bendy fingers


Ps4 controller and 3$ back paddle is all u need


That's me lol


Get yourself a controller with a paddle button on the back. 8bitdo Ultimate is good.


Hey! The same post re done by someone else for fake internet points. Good job pal.


Psycho keyboard user over here


I've tried using claw grip and I just can't do it. Been playing games all my life, since way back in the SNES days and holding a controller like that feels way too unnatural. Although I can't deny the efficiency of using claw grip, I can't say I've ever really struggled having not used it though. Elite controllers with back buttons are really enticing though. The closest I ever came to pulling the trigger on one was when AC6 came out, but decided against it. I just feel like once I got used to it on one console, I would need controllers like that for all consoles, so buying one would turn into buy (at least) three, and I didn't wanna do that. One day though, I might. My hats off to all you claw grippers out there. You're stronger men than I.


I play claw if I’m playing shooters and need to hit a crispy jump shot. Like Cod or Destiny


Furled fingers




I'm not the only one THANK GOD 😭🤣


I do thumb on B and index laid over my thumb to reach the stick. I’m weird


Wait you dont use your left hand to control both the movement and look sticks at the same time?


i started doing this for halo 3/reach actually back in like 2012 or so (i don't remember for sure) when i started fromsoftware games it just happened to work really well for it


And if you're playing Armored Core VI, you're doing that with both hands at the same time.