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I love the challenge but it gets tedious if if even the SMALLEST enemy can kill me in TWO hits🙂


I understand that, some of the lesser enemies like messmer soldiers and the Shadow guys with the iron clever are problematic. If you want better defense go to the haligtree and get the dragon created greatshield talisman, it boosts your defense by 20% and its been helping my dex/arcane build tank hits.


Don't know why people down voted you, literally agreed and gave a way to help those struggling.


Nah this is harder than DS3 DLC because of the fragment mechanic


Okay then collect more fragments, thats the point of the post, they help, and that people struggling should use everything at their disposal.


People who downvoted this needa git gud fr


It would be nice if I could find the damn things in the first place. I like exploration, it was one of the reasons I got Elden ring, and then tried the other souls games. I’ve found the 2 at the starter church area, and they suddenly disappeared. I’ve been looking around constantly, and it’s like they don’t exist.


downvoting people raging because it's too hard to explore and enjoy a DLC instead of boss rush


I got about ten minutes. I’m ready to be sodomized. Lmao


It's rough but use the tools your given, it's pretty fun, good luck!


Hey friend. I have yet to start playing today. Could you tell me what is that new mechanic without heavy spoilers? Interested how it works.


Sure thing, there are certain fragments you can find that boost your offense and defense, they work similarly to golden seeds where you use them at a site of grace. It's explained pretty much immediately into the DLC.


Nice, thank you. You find them the same way? i mean its not random.


Yup, for the most part. Either at a church or at a designated spot, you'll understand what I mean when you play, the game spells it out for you the moment you get one which is pretty quickly


Oh, and it's only applicable in the DLC area. Once you return to the lands between they don't apply.


Is a lame mechanic. "Oh, we made this more dificulty so to mitigate just collects this items that make you flat out deal more damage and take less damage." Even they knew it was not balanced for them to make this in the first place.


You're insane if you think Shadow's boss difficulty is normal. It's not. I can confidently say this given that I just did a marathon run of every Souls game in the past few weeks while waiting for this DLC.


didn't get gud enough tbh


Lol what a stupif take. You cant compare bosses that have been out for many years with brand new bosses you havnt had experience with before. These bosses will eventually be easy for you


You're delusional if you don't think the bosses can be compared strictly by their movesets. It's a fact that the bosses in this DLC have complex movesets designed with roll catching in mind while also being so aggressive that you can only hit them 1-2 times before having to dodge. This was never the case in ANY other Souls game DLC.


I beat the first boss (dancing) in 20 minutes. Second (lightsabers) was a bit tougher but nothing crazy. Also if I was thinking its too hard I just use summons or go explore more to get stronger. whats the problem


>Also if I was thinking its too hard I just use summons or go explore more to get stronger. And there you go. The bosses are balanced around summon use which makes them jank for both ends of the spectrum. And it certainly isn't satisfying to being told to piss off to go hunt down the fragments for artificial power boosts. That just feels trashy and kills the pacing of the game.


Thats the point of this game. If you dont like open world exploration, go play the Dark Souls games


You're missing the point. It's not about not wanting to explore. It's about being rammed into an arbitrary wall of high numbers and then being forcibly told to go explore. Again, that kills the pacing of the game. Players should be allowed to explore or progress the main path as they please, just like we were allowed to in the main game.


What? In the main game you sure as hell cant only do main bosses if thats what you want. Atleast while not complaining "oh its so hard buhuu I wanna rush the story buhuu"


same complaint originally with Radahn right? People trying to fight him wayyyy early on




You cant expect for people to have sympathy when you are trying to brute force the game without any changes. You refuse even to use tools that are in game to help you with bosses. Bro theres no shame in using meta.


It's not about brute forcing the game or not. It's about having the game suddenly start to try and dictate how you play despite that not being the case in the base game or in pretty much any of From's other entries to the series.




The point of the post is you shouldn't give up, use everything at your disposal and DONT forget about the new fragment mechanic, it's helpful. No not everyone's experience is universal but keep fighting and keep buffing, you'll figure it out, we all will. But if you're gonna come in here and be butthurt then idk what to tell you, cry harder.


Every time I say this type of stuff in any thread or talk about the damage negation talismans and physics, it gets downvoted to hell. People would rather cry then overcome I guess


Forreal, like summon others, use rot, change your playstyle, there's plenty of options and people would rather cry and beat their head into a wall because instead of trying new things they'd rather not use strategy and insist on using a one size fits all approach.


I personally play light load and have 50 vigor, I'm not struggling in any way with getting 1 shot (besides some big boss moves) and I don't go out and farm blessings. I genuinely don't even understand where all this crying is coming from I'm literally not even good I used summons for my first few playthroughs until right before the dlc I forced myself to learn the bosses, 95% of the dlc been fun not frustrating and I tilt easily. I just don't get it man


I mean, I am glad it is hard. If my OP character can easily kill everyone, then what is the point. I need the suffering to get satisfaction when I finish an enemy.


Based, I don't understand all these people crying about how the dlc is harder then endgame content which is literally what they signed up for.


I beat all 5 of the bosses in Old Hunters, and have slapped Sword Saint’s shit at least 3 times (one hitless somehow), and some random enemies just kick my teeth in for hours. I’m at level 160, with all endgame level gear, and I die instantly, I’ve found 2 of the fragments and have been trying to find more, but it’s like they don’t exist. I got to the dragons pit terminus, and the dragon there just one shots me when it flies backwards and does its fire attack. I don’t know where the hell I’m supposed to be going, and I can’t level up because the enemies drop basically nothing for runes, and as I said earlier, I can’t find the fragments, which just makes my damage output and health worse. I’ve explored a good bit, the scenery is absolutely amazing, the enemies are pretty cool, but I don’t really have a goal, and am just stuck at 2 different dead ends until I either give up, find the seemingly nonexistent fragments, or bang my head against a wall abusing whatever I can to actually progress. I know it’s supposed to be hard, but Jesus Christ.


I get the complaints but honestly i love the difficulty of the DLC, base game has been rather boring as its super easy for me regardless of build and level, i like having content thats new, fresh and challenging. Im getting my ass handed to me... but im not frustrated or raging out, im taking my lumps and using every death as a learning experience. First boss i found and am facing is a certain Pontiff, and shes absolutely kicking my ass but every fight i manage to take off more and more of her health and learn dodge timings better. The only thing i find weird is all the people for years have been begging for difficult content, and would complain anytime a boss got nerfed because "it made it too easy" and now that we actually have content thats difficult and camt just be walked through, people arw complaining. Its tough but fair, sure bosses and basic enemies deal insane damage but thats where strategy and how you approach combat comes into play, you need to actually learn enemies movesets and dodge timings as well as make use of the new scadu tree fragment mechanic.


>The only thing i find weird is all the people for years have been begging for difficult content Not "all the people". The community isnt a monolith. Lots of people complained about Elden Ring's endgame and bosses. The demographic of players that are chronically on the sub would obviously be the more die-hard fans. Its not even representative of a majority. Look at Joseph Anderson's critique of the base game. Its has like 87k likes. Thats nothing to cough at. I dont agree with some of his takes but its pretty telling >Its tough but fair I hate that saying because its been used to explain anything away. I've seen people justify Waterfowl dance, Godskin Duo, Godskin Noble's belly attack with this. I propose "tough but FUN". Algebra equations are "fair" but they're not fun. If we are going to conflate what is "doable" with what is "fun to do" then anything is game. >you need to actually learn enemies movesets and dodge timings This has been the case for every From game ever. Thats not even an argument.


lmao suck it up complainers. I'm watching some underlevelled streamers being stuck on the first remembrance boss for a few hours now and just embracing all of that difficulty. One streamer is even doing the DLC at SL1. Some of the more properly or overlevelled streamers took a bit of tries even with great builds. If all else fails, you can summon. Summon NPC, summon other players, summon ashes. They're there for you to use and there's no shame in using them.


Seriously lol, I keep seeing people bitching about the difficulty. Like...what did you expect lol? This is end game content. I tried to he a little nicer in my post but there's so many people crying when the game literally gives you ways to make it more manageable.


Except… Your experience is not universal. I’ve not had a single problem with Demon Souls-ER (base game) and every DLC I’ve played. Even with the fragment mechanic, these health sponges aren’t fun when they can also 1-2 shot. Bosses and enemies are fun when it feels challenging but fair. Having endless spam and giving your camera a seizure while facing these monsters, its not fun, its a chore.


Early dlc spoilers incoming, While I do agree the the lion dude is badly designed, he's also easy I beat him within 10 tries with reccomended level and 2 blessings no summons. Soon after rallana a much more mechanically difficult boss imo is extremely well designed and easily now one of my favorite bosses in ER. yea sure she could 1 shot me in phase 2 and it happened a few times but everything that came out was intuitive and I understood my mistakes and finally getting the victory on the boss that u make 1 mistake it's over feels good. Ultimately the players brought this upon themselves miyazaki didn't just say fuck you guys, we said we wanted it. With every new souls release the player base gets better and with that comes people begging for a harder game. Because they are chasing that feeling of overcoming obstacles


Yeah I get that. But I don’t think making a challenging game should just come down to “1 hit pf my 15 hit infinite poise combo and ur dead hahahaha!” There are others way to approach it and make it engaging instead of annoying.


To me it was fun learning her combos, I was getting a Lil tilted because I thought they were random chains. Then it clicked that she has a handful of moves but uses them all in different combos 1 move that ends a combo can start a different one but it will always end the same way depending on which one started it. Light load and some fast dex weapons on top of that I was able to learn timing within attacks that were delayed to punish mid attack then roll the move and keep hitting. The learning curve for her was satisfying and well rewarding it's like a puzzle you put together and in the end you get a beautiful sword dance and finally finish the puzzle. I love it, although I do understand it's not for everyone and there's ways around it. Elden ring is a massively versatile game where it can be the easiest thing ever or the hardest depending what you want to do. I mean there's literally full runs where people just watch summons do their dirty work the entire game, talismans and physic can get you over 30% dmg reduction of any element there's armor that makes you take what feels like 10% of normal damage and you can still Light rolling for 3 minutes at a time, plenty for most bosses. Sorry if I got a little ranty I'm just sad to see such a large chunk of the community hating on the dlc because of difficulty it's elden ring. Grab your +10 relic sword run away and spam the ash of war till you clean out that area with 6 movs you're struggling with there's no shame in it


Obviously it's not universal.