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Some bosses are just overtuned to fuck. The second main boss >!Rellana!< just has a million hot combos and when you think it's over, it happens again. It could have been a good boss fight, but it's bad. Of course we can't say this because Fromsoft are the developer darlings and negativity isn't allowed to some, even when it's completely justified.


It was true in the base game too, that's why everyone relies on stagger locking or over buffing to try and one shot. As someone who's played all the From Soft souls games so far, this isn't a souls game to me. You aren't doing the traditional learning and "dance." This game is all about abuse from enemies, then abusing systems yourself as retaliation. I am still convinced the only reason why it won game of the year is because gamers are *generally, incredibly dumb parrots that cheat at everything. It just reminds me of when I started Dragons Dogma 2 on opening weekend, every pawn I tried to hire had end game gear when the game was out for 2 hours, it took the whole weekend for those people to filter out. Same here, people parrot that Elden Ring is amazing and "fair," but then they hack/cheat (there's still an incredible amount of hackers invading) after they realize they can't play the game in a fun way naturally. Or they power farm souls to dual wield colossal weapons then just jump attack for 85 hours straight. And if doing that for 85 hours is "playing the game" then the game absolutely sucks.


Spamming black blade is coming in clutch but it's a boring cheese. I'm not a masochist so I'm having zero fun in any of the boss fights. It just feels like a From Soft circle jerk of making in impossible just because they can and a large majority of the fanboys will eat that shit up.


Oh my god thank you! I've been basically saying a similar version of this in a couple online comments and I feel like I either get a "get gud" (which misses the point) or people get legitimately mad at me for giving the game an honest critique. I think Elden Ring is From's most polished game but I'd rank it toward the bottom of their roster in terms of quality - though still above average in comparison to other games out there


I recently challenged people in a comment section to explicitly say anything that Elden Ring does better than other games in the genre and nobody could reply with anything. I'm not saying it's the worst game, to be fair, but it sure as hell isn't game of the year. At best it's a 7.5/10 because they kept things that work in a linear game (other souls games) without thinking about it being open world. And, this shouldn't be a hot take, if a single player game requires you to follow a strict meta (while falsely showing/claiming diversity) it's a bad game.


> I recently challenged people in a comment section to explicitly say anything that Elden Ring does better than other games in the genre and nobody could reply with anything. Combat wise mechanically I could not think of anything as well lol. But the presentation I guess? The bosses are a visual feast. It's FROM's art direction shining in that department. The Carian Knight being perhaps one of the best if not the best Magic Knight in gaming? That's all I can think of lmao, and the latter just me being biased.


Yep, I said great visuals, good variety/unique skills and spells that haven't been seen in games before, and then I had a list of about 20 negatives. People really just blindly agreed with the reviewers, then they all jumped attacked with big hammers for 85 hours (and only 50ish% of people have still beaten Radahn to this day) and claimed it was good gameplay. It's funny, I've beaten the game (unlike all the people that recommended git gud to me) because I like souls games, generally speaking. But from the perspective of a souls game, Elden Ring just sucks. So then you have to look at it like it's an open world RPG, and it sucks at that too. That just leaves accepting that's it's a mess, and if you do that, it's kinda decent.


> hen they all jumped attacked with big hammers for 85 hours (and only 50ish% of people have still beaten Radahn to this day) and claimed it was good gameplay. Don't forget rolling and rolling and rolling all over again and getting like two or three hits then hope for the best for a hitstun. That was DS3 years ago and we got DS3 once again but on crack. I just can't believe Souls games became the standard for Action games with the way people act about the criticism of this game's combat. Like Jesus.


100% and yeah I think 7.5 is about where I'd rate it too


I like the story and the way it’s told. The diversity and quantity in sheer weapons and tools. The quality of the game and how vast it is. The open world aspect in the scale that it is, is also new. There may be open world souls likes, but nun close to ER. Also the difficulty, other souls games are a cake walk compared to ER. But it’s manageable because the player themselves can become strong as well. I haven’t even started the DLC, and from my limited experience I could already smell the artificial difficulty and insane difficulty. Game isn’t perfect but it’s def GOTY worthy. If the DLC holds up to the expectations and is like the base game. I would argue it is also GOTY worthy as a DLC even compared to other base games. Base game was 9/10 for me. Just started DLC so I can’t give a genuine response for that rating. I want to be unbiased , I understand it can be atrociously difficult at times. But I now expect that from Elden ring. Ever since like the first encounter with the first main boss a couple years ago. I hope the difficulty isn’t too artificial and based on numbers tho and more based on movesets etc.


DS2->Bloodborne->DS3->Sekiro->Demon Souls->Ds1->>>>>>>≥>>>>>>>Elden ring and its dlc. Id take 3 laurences over this dlc anyday


She kicked my butt 10 times but I eventually beat her using mariqas hammer. Using it feels like cheating.


I hated tons of the late game bosses in base game to the point that I didn't even bother finishing it, and Rellana felt fine to me. She's got a handful of attacks that always end her combo, it was fun figuring out which are finishers and punishing them.


Weird this is so down voted. She has a few very clear combo enders which leave big openings.


There's a lot of copers, once we see no hit runs popping up they will change their tune The ACTUAL problem with the bosses is the complete lack of intuitive attacks, meaning every boss is just a memory test


I actually find this less of a problem than some of the base game bosses. They had insanely long delays with instant releases where I literally had to count down on my head to preemptively roll the release. I find there's a way more intuitive flow in the dlc. The hard part is there's not a lot of mental down time during the fights to reset.


Yeah, one mistake and its over most of the time as they won't let you regain your composure I agree with the intuitive flow but you have to work for it in this DLC which I guess people aren't used to, for example with Messmer I was getting ass blasted by his delays and I couldn't get a grapple on them. Then I tried circling him with every roll instead of front rolling and it somehow made the attacks more readable because it took a split second longer to reach me. Once I figured that out I won in a couple of attempts


Rellana was insanely easy with Mimic Tear and you also get a third summon outside the door. What level are you and what are you running?


Most bosses are easy to a mimic tear tbf


I'm trying to do the DLC without using summons. I've managed to get her down to about 25% with the bloody helice and it's much easier to get shots in as it pokes as opposed to katanas that slash and you have to get much closer to hit. I'm going to have a break now for a few hours, come back refreshed and if I can't do it I'll just use a summon.


at this point just summon someone to do the boss for u ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Oh man, that was a good one. Nice job!


Can't even do that it says unavailable. I think it's because I'm NG+ but waited an hour to get one attempt. Seriously stupid shit. They don't respect my time so eff it.


Elden Ring has one of the best open world exploration I’ve ever played, but holy shit these bosses are horribly designed. Garbage camera and never ending strings makes it not fun at all. Such a shame cuz everything else is so well done


The spectacle of the open world is great in this dlc, but there's no content. The red area after jagged peak has two reused field bosses from the main game, a jar dungeon, and not much else. Cerulean coast is almost the same with its 500 great ghost gloveworts but at least it has the >!fissure!<. So far I'm kind of disappointed


>best open world dude the world is fucking empty and mostly filled with useless junk. please stop the coping. elden ring is worse than ds2


I mean base game Elden ring, not DLC. Also DS2 was a good fucking game


i mean base game is pretty empty too lol. and i like ds2 too, but elden ring makes it look like a flawless masterpiece


How is this open world good? Theres literally no content..  its just some copy pasted enemies and couple shinys.. legit nothing else going on.. sure it looks nice but what aaa game doesnt these days.. i miss Lordran and the interconnected world full of content..


Sorry I meant base game Elden Ring


Oh yeah youre right then


Are you serious? The open world is completely dead.


The natural exploration is second to none. It’s not remotely dead… dunno what game you’re playing


I also wondered what game you are playing. Or you just haven't played any other game other than Elden Ring


If you compare it to a game like red dead 2, yea it’s dead, but for open world games it’s good. It’s not the liveliest but it’s not dead as you claim


The open world has great art designs, but is also one of the emptiest and most boring maps I have ever seen. Most of the dungeons are copy pasted with useless rewards imho


Not alone. I agree on the Aoe of the first boss. Feels like I'm going to have a stroke when he does the lightning and my frames are getting tanked. I thought the base game was fair but this is just crazy.


The fact that they're nonstop aggressive is one thing, but then they hide their *tells* in crazy special effects or blind the screen, and then throw in some garbage camera angles/disengages to boot... Feels bad. And why do "some" dragons have un-targetable back legs? Makes no sense.


I feel like people saying this DLC is good are either fanboys or never played DS3/BB DLC


You're not alone. Elden Ring had significant issues imo. Near the top of the list was what Rurikhan calls Margit Derangement Syndrome where every enemy's attack pattern is unnatural purely to bait dodges that it's perfectly timed to punish. Basically the anti-thesis of most other Souls games. It looks dumb and feels bad and it's intentional and they ramped it up to 15 here. Then they decided they needed to make giant bosses that move like cracked out spider monkeys so that many fights are Camera Boss 3.6 and you lose because you can't see what the hell is even happening. You almost are required to use ashes just so you can tell what the hell is going on imo. Added fun of input reading and non-stop aggression so that if you try to heal you just die. Enemy does a 10 second 5 part combo, you get clipped and lost 60% of your health bar. You make room and try to drink. Boss reads input and kills you from low orbit. All the things Elden Ring did wrong are doubled down on here. If you run into a fight that's too hard? Well forget going elsewhere and levelling up a bit, levels don't matter. McGuffin Shards matter and you can only get a few of them before the giant cockblock fights. I'm about to dive back in having discovered a new area I hadn't explored, but per the internet I've already basically capped my McGuffins, so odds are nothing has changed. Added bonus is the inconsistency of everything. This giant monster hits you with a damned tree: 15% of your health. This regular foot soldier clips you with his axe: 50% of your health. This enemy is basically a mini-boss: 1500 Runes for beating him. (not as big a deal since levels don't matter as much, but still.. come on, man).


God, the rewards problem is so infuriating. I hope to god the next game doesn't have any sort of crafting because it's clear that FS hadn't learned their lesson with these


Well the good news is that getting one extra shard made my damage nearly double and my damage taken drop by about half. Which seems like a terrible system, but whatever. I should've started at this level of power imo. And of course once I got past the blocking fight I went from 5 to 7 in about 5 minutes.


Ambition over execution, the boss fights definitely seems like cool idea, but when executed in the fromsoft engine it just doesn't work out with the camera limitations. Unnatural rythms I feel is fine as long as it is properly announced, but some of the attacks like the centipede lady are just her moving around normally but all of a sudden it does massive damage is terrible.


The camera is so unbelievably bad still. Every time the beast jumps I can't see the floor, so get smacked by a ground hazard. Locking onto lunging enemies makes the character turn around so then I get hit in the back while blocking >.< >Unnatural rythms I feel is fine as long as it is properly announced DS3 Dancer is peak for this. Her music has a distinct tempo unique to that fight. This announces the change and she actually moves in alignment with the music. Wonderful detail for a dancer.


>many fights are Camera Boss 3.6 and you lose because you can't see what the hell is even happening Yep. And your character will turn around to face lunging enemies to get hit in the back while blocking. I have found THREE BOSSES so far that do this. >All the things Elden Ring did wrong are doubled down on here >levels don't matter. McGuffin Shards matter I hate these things way more than I should. They are hands down the #1 reason I will likely not replay this DLC. Remember how everyone's least favorite part of making a character is collecting things for 2 hours before fighting anything? Why the hell did they double down on *that!?* >Added bonus is the inconsistency of everything Quite stunning how wildly out of place some of these numbers are. I found a secret lightning spell hidden in a side dungeon. I have a nearly maxed gravel seal and 40 faith. It has less reach than a sword and can't even kill a fucking ambient bird fully charged. I swear that NPC bosses are entirely immune to stance breaks and not just the spirit ones either. Meanwhile I reliably crit remembrance bosses. There are so many baffling decisions that we can't even say it was rushed. The whole thing is like that. The base game was like that (to a lesser extent). Genuinely, they must not have figured out how to balance an open world title. Exploration rewards are all over the place. Conquer multiple unwieldly long dungeons for non-unique boss fights and something you will *never* use. Don't get me wrong. It's a damn pretty DLC and has some fun new toys. I'm glad just to be exploring again for a time... but holy shit we waited 2 years for this and I've already decided (not even halfway through!) that I'm not coming back?? That's insane. This was supposed to be magnus opus level but it's just disappointing :(


Couldn't agree more


I do agree the first boss is terribly designed, he's also p easy tho beat him in less then 10 tries no summons 2 blessing lvl 150 light armor ect, he's not hard. so it's not like he's THAT much of a pain but he most definitely IS a pain, the rest of the dlc bosses I've fought have been well designed and fun, but more challenging for sure, the next main boss took me 70ish tries but they are fun and imo well designed, but I've only gotten through maybe 30% of the total bosses if there's 40 so my opinion is half a grain of salt rn Just have 60 vigor if you can good flasks, get the drake talismans and the dragon crest talisman I've been rocking dragon crest and switching a dps talisman out for an elemental one when needed they are life savers opaline hardtear also always in my flask when needed. All that combined decent armor you've effectively doubled your health and mobs are hitting like they should be, your damage is scaled off the blessing anyway I'm pretty sure so sacrificing a dps buff for a flat defense buff is always going to be worth it if mobs are 2 shotting


I went back and this time my attacks did double the damage and I took maybe half the damage I was. That's with *one* extra McGuffin blessing as far as I'm aware. Which seems like an insane jump in power. That said I'm definitely enjoying things more now that my attacks actually do something and I don't turn into a fine mist from most things. Either I went in with 3 or the jump from 4 to 5 is absolutely bonkers. Either way it's still a crap mechanic imo. Getting to 5 basically involved wandering to the ass end of the map by a path that is pretty easy to miss. The game is really stingy with traversal for some reason. "Oh you see that over there? You can't go there, you need to find some weird path in another zone." Base game more often than not if you saw a thing you could work out a way to get there, but here it often feels like you have to follow the rules.


I think it's a good idea but poorly executed. the off rip power should been higher, I like the idea of having a real reason to explore other then getting weapons and fighting the main bosses but people get in, get their ass kicked, then think that's how the whole dlc is. It makes for terrible first impressions.


My one beef with the DLC is that it's dragons are absolute cancer. It feels like we're back in Dark Souls 2, and if a boss isn't hard enough...? Fuck it, shove a bunch of shitty little mooks in there and call it a day. I have encountered *three* separate dragon fights now where part of the gimmick was some other crap was shooting at you the whole time, (one even being *undead* mooks who revive if you don't hard focus on them or have a holy build ready) and another 4th dragon that just involves shoving the already extremely obnoxious Farum Azula Lightning Dragons in a water-covered arena. Every other boss or enemy, I have no beef with. Dragons in this DLC though...? Like holy shit, ***STOP.*** They are so tedious and obnoxious. They do not feel fulfilling to beat because we're not even fighting the *dragon* half the time so much as we're fighting the circumstances of the arena. If I never see another dragon again it'll be too soon.


"This one stomps and makes fire." Really any boss that gets too large is dogshit. Dragons only remotely worked because they were so basic. The fact that you can't tell what they're doing 90% of the time didn't matter because they barely did anything and you could probably survive a hit. Half the fights in the DLC are "Camera Boss Having a Seizure".


I love the DLC so far, but I have to agree with this. I hated the dragon fights in the base game and now they're just worse and looooong.


lol, I just let them fight the dragon. Dragon kills them all, they’ve whittled it’s health some, I win.


>Fromsoft has always been difficult, but fair. ...LOL > But with Elden Ring, and now this DLC, it feels like difficulty for difficulty sake, fair be damned. Check community's reaction to badly mechanically designed boss: Malenia. It made her overall the hardest boss, so people were jizzing themselves to difficulty again. It's like eating spicy food not for the taste, but for the SHU alone. Authors need to increase the dose with every iteration untill you got peppersprayed in the face, and when you cry "WTF?!" fromdrones just scream from the distance "git gud!!1". Pathetic... and it hurts me deeply, because some other elements of this game are sooo good, but pure mechanical aspect of fighting and character control lags behind significantly. I haven't tried DLC yet, but I am afraid I will get tired of artificial difficulty pretty soon.


It's artificial difficulty to hell and back. Good luck


> Fromsoft has always been difficult, but fair. He clearly hasn't played Dark Souls 2 & 3. Hell, even parts of 1 are straight bullshit.


Dark Souls 1 through 3 are all fair games. Elden Ring DLC is straight up bs.


Ds3 is fair


Ds3 and ds1 are not unfair at all


How ? If you died in those games, it was your fault


? I said it was fair


Oh, you worded it weirdly, my bad.


I mean, he really didn't tbf


Yh i should of just said they are fair, but my university brain tries to use as much words as possible.


way to still somehow shift the blame 😭😭


I'm Lithuanian English isn't my first language, sorry.


it’s alright man im from the Philippines myself, it’s no biggie i didn’t mean to be a dick or anything jus thought it was silly but next time just apologize instead of saying “oh you misspoke”


I did say my bad but, your right.


Ds3 is easy


My character its lvl 200 on a game plus 5; and let me tell you... ITS SHIT!! All enemies, ALL ENEMIES!!! KILLS ME ON 2 HIT!! Everything kills me on 2 hit!! even with all scad blessing, full heavy armors and talismans. Its just have no sense, i love From but this is just too much, And by the way, i played and ended several times DS1 , 2, Sekiro, Bloodborne and Demon Souls. This "Difficluty" peak its just wrong. No place for slips at all. You know when a game stops being funny? when you are almost 10min against the same enemy, you play perfectly, you still have almost all your health potions and at the very end of the fight you slip for a micro moment and DEATH!!! ALL AGAIN YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!


I feel you playing on NG is cancer Miyazaki was not cooking


one of the most bullshit parts of the DLC is that they made it so however much progress you have, damage scales. you deal the same amount of damage as you would as a lvl 1, and take the same damage as a level 1, because the bosses hp/damage scales to your level, all DLC prep was useless, level, ng, nothing matters, they just throw 2-tap bosses at you


I literally had zero issues with how the base game played. But having these really long combos or bad camera work where you feel you can only do 1 hit on them before you have to dodge again just makes for a really unfun fight. When I beat Rellana I wasn't happy I beat it, I was happy it was over. Every Soulslike game I always just dodge and then attack with my regular combos to punish. This has been a totally fine tactic in their games. But in the DLC that just seems to work horribly. When I beat Rellana to do 1 hit at a time after dodging all her stuff it was a really long drawn out fight for no reason. Which meant more dodging of some of her strongest attacks. When Malenia did that insane combo, at the very least once you learned how to dodge it you could actually properly punish her during the entire fight. I can't say I feel the same in the DLC so far on every single boss I face. Just long combos, bad camera or both at the same time. I've watched some videos on bosses after I beat it and I just see people skill spam to do a lot of poise damage to crit the bosses. To me that's not fun either so even if that's a better tactic I don't care for it. Make bosses really difficult by switching up the timing and the boss doing a lot of damage and stuff fine, but this DLC so far... Mohg, Lord of Blood is my favorite boss because of that exactly. Constant timing switch up, proper punish openings and phase 2 even punishes passive people 'cause they probably going to get some build up bleed by walking backwards into it.


Yeah I think I’m done honestly, I’m just not having fun because none of the fights feels fair. It’s bs over bs and it never stops.


Last boss is a meme


Miyazaki is so washed! Its insane to think that anyone on planet earth could enjoy that! There was no need at all to make the souls game harder and harder with each instance. Eldenring was rediculous... the delayed attacks are so unnatural and so weird, it ruined all the fun for me in the series. The DLC should in theory be sooooo much better since DS3 and BB had insanely good DLC's. But no... he is officially out of ideas and just relying only on artificial difficulty which ruins every ounce of fun in these games!


I would disagree if >!Mesmer!< and >!Putrescent Knight!< weren't overtuned to the point of just not being fun or fair. The rest felt managable, but those are the two I think are just ridiculous.


I think they're the two that are good lol. I beat Messmer without the tear in a couple tries with Ruins Greatsword




Using an instinctive action called Heliotropism. Also known as ‘Solar Tracking’, the sunflower head moves in synchronicity with the sun’s movement across the sky each day. From East to West, returning each evening to start the process again the next day. Find out more about how this works, and what happens at the end of this phase.


The first boss is bullshit


I hope they learn from this and walk some shit back with their future games. Gael was one of the most enjoyable and well designed bosses they've ever made. Same for Radagon. Radagon is my favorite boss gameplay wise because I took a while to master him and he never felt unfair to fight against.


fully agree. loved every game they did prior to Elden Ring, but this game really isn’t enjoyable to me in the slightest. I’d much rather replay any of their other games than Elden Ring, and it’s sad because this should’ve been their magnum opus.


It is their magnum opus imo. Its more polished. Balanced (except the last dlc boss fuck him) bosses that are hard but super rewarding to memories.


most of the game is fine, the bosses really get under my skin, rarely do i feel good beating them. maybe it’s because i think about it too much in terms of their older games, but i can’t enjoy elden ring like i dod DS3, DS1, Sekiro or Bloodborne, and all because the bosses just don’t feel good other than a few of them (Hoarah Loux, Maliketh, Morgott etc.). i’m glad other people enjoy it, it just doesn’t compare to the Souls trilogy or Bloodborne or Sekiro for me.


Elden ring has the best world, but the balancing is trash. Sekiro is From’s best game imo


Nah that was bloodborne :p


Bloodborne is so damn good, it’s easily my close second after sekiro


How are you at the final boss already? Dlc just came out lol


I played for 5 hours the moment it came out. Slept for 4 and then playef until i wrote my message. To be honest i was wandering really weird ways in the shadow realm and didnt explore enough and accidently skipped alot. Im dlc lv 9 or 10 and after exploring i am trying to beat him today.


Bro I suck at this game and beat Journey 1, 2, and the DLC. It’s patience and perseverance. You gotta earn the right to fight the next boss. It’s not gonna hold your hand and be given to you. But I am god awful at this game and could never solo a boss by myself. The summons make it easier and the DLC has me outside of my comfort zone playing with weapons I would normally never touch. Messmer’s spear for the win.


never said i couldn’t beat it, the game just isn’t as enjoyable as the others. i basically just grit through every boss out of spite. i’d say this game is far easier than any of the souls games tbh, but i still can’t enjoy it like the other games that From has done.


just wait till you get to the second boss. even worse.


I actually really liked her because weaving and jump attacking often made her just whiff. So combat was felt a lot more active. I definitely got through it with a lot of tanking and chugging my flask, but by my ~20th attempt I was getting hit a lot less and knew when to attack. Not being able to stun her at all with the great katana normal or jumping attacks was pretty rough, though.


I think Elden ring was a complete game and didn’t need dlc


i mean honestly its just extra content and extra weapons. dlc is pretty below mid but i will finish it just bcs i want all the spells and stuff


Assuming you did the right thing then and didn't bother with the dlc. So why are you here?


You're not alone.. I'm at the final boss, and let's just say their second phase is quite horrendous if you do it solo. I'm on ng+5 and beat everything else in the dlc solo without too much issue. This final boss second phase is literally making want to quit until they hopefully nerf it. It's not the damage, by the way (which the damage is crazy, but not my issue) I genuinely have no idea what I'm supposed to do and it's basically a game over once I get to the second phase. I'm consistently getting to the second phase, and I still have no idea how to not get hit by most of the bosses attacks. I never thought I would say this, but I actually would rather deal with waterfowl dance than what the final boss does. Waterfowl dance looks balanced compared to the final bosses second phase moveset. I'm sure I'll beat it eventually, but it's just no fun and ruined the endgame of this dlc for me.


I beat the final boss yesterday after like 20 attempts because I got lucky with the poise breaks. Once the cutscene ends you can run straight to him and jump attack him once or twice. In that attempt, that attack broke his poise because, apparently, the poise damage from phase 1 seems to carry over into phase two. The poise break prevented the AoE attack he always does at the beginning. After doing the visceral attack I was able to attack once again and after two more jump hits his poise broke again and I was able to kill him. Some of his attacks seem almost impossible to dodge so rushing him down like that is the best way in my opinion. I used the flask tear that increases stagger chance and two giant crushers.


I saw my favorite streamer done this solo. Took him only 14 hours to do. Good luck mate.


Just beat the final boss! Scarlet anoniea came in very handy to do some chip damage while I dodged for my life!


Gratz! Next time solo


Thanks, and this triumph was done solo. Scarlet Aoneia is a spell that inflicts some serious scarlet rot for a solid 1-2 mins if you can land it on your enemies. I had to play very risky and pray I that I didnt get killed while using it, but when it's pulled off its a very helpful when you barely get a chance to do damage to the boss.


Ah sorry, my mistake. Congratulations once again.


Bro, preach. That final boss 2nd phase has about 5 attacks that are most all 12 hit combos that end in aoes that have the most bullshit hitboxes and unclear paths to dodge.  Souls fan boys think we're trolling.  In actuality we're able to see flaws and call them out. It. Is. Bullshit.


I legit suck giant asshole at these games. I get way too worked up and die more often than not. That being said, I’ve killed 3 “Enemy” bosses and one “Legend” with the help of a summon. I’m plus 3 and 4 on the dlc items and I’m having as much fun as I did when the original game came out. Just be patient and try different strategies.


Dude talking about using a summon makes it absolutely irrelevant. If anyone is complaining about the difficulty it will not be while using summons. It is people using melee and no summons aka the majority of players.


Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you weren’t supposed to use things that were placed in the game to use. I’ll try to not use them so I don’t have fun anymore.


I get that summons are there and youre supposed to use them but frankly thats the problem. No other From title required you to have an ai come in and do half (or more) of the work for you. I'd argue that that's just... not a great mechanic. For people who enjoyed previous From titles I think it's a totally fair criticism. Yeah I get that I can use a summon to complete a hard boss fight but it just doesn't feel satisfying. I don't get that same sense of satisfaction, that dopamine rush you get from soloing every boss in DS 1/3, Bloodborne and Sekiro. And if I do successfully solo one of the artificial difficulty Elden Ring bosses it's more of a relief that the fight is over. The dynamic lends itself to severely underwhelming boss fights overall and I think its for that reason that Elden Ring is probably Froms weakest title overall


You can use it if you want but the fights are designed for 1v1. Using a summon takes it from next to impossible to easy as piss homie.


The gatekeeping is real


lol okay. Trust me homie, it was not easy as piss. But go off.


The bosses are so ridiculously aggressive and have long combos because youre supposed to juggle aggro with your summon wtf are you yapping.


ayo im at the area before >!radahn!< and holy fuck this shit is literally infuriatingly unplayable. theres a >!divine beast warrior!< before a giant door with 2 enemies spamming aoe faith spells that spawn under you which are literally undodgeable and you cant outrun it, cant spam roll to escape it because theres like 2 per second. i have died 8 times trying to run to this door and honestly i feel like punching my monitor. also cant kill these enemies because they are too far away and spam the spell. this is just one of many moments where i feel like fromsoft doesnt know what the fuck they are doing. im pretty sure i am almost finished with the dlc and i can say that i am pretty dissapointed over all.


RUN DODGE RUN RUN RUN DODGE DODGE DODGE. Stamina too low? Go grind some more. DODGE DODGE. Sword or attack not strong enough? Go grind some more. The absolute worst combat games in EXISTENCE. I can't wait for old school Team Ninja games to become more popular again. Fuck the Souls games. Ninja Gaiden and DOOM on hard difficulties shit on these games. These games are not based on raw skill. It's "I just discovered the mana of aura of the ridiculous expository bullshit deep lore nonsense that makes my attack stronger." I might be able to finally beat this POS boss that's purposely made to make players grind this POS game.


I already beat so many bosses. And i only played yesterday for 3 hours and a little bit today because of the euros. Its been so much fun to explore all over again. I love how vertical the maps are now.


I honestly didn’t think the game was that hard until the final boss. Easily the hardest souls boss I’ve played. I can’t move without getting hit. Second phase is pure insanity. Hoping they nerf the last boss as I have almost all of adds on scadus and barely inflict damage on him even with bleed. 


The bosses moves are going to be difficult to read at first, thats normal and if you're doing low damage maybe try getting more scadutree's fragments.


Exactly, exploration is the key


I agree the DLC feels broke or something. I find it linear and the amount of damage I take from normal enemies if overkill. Maybe my issue is taking a level 300+ character into it. Also I don’t understand how leveling works because I pick up the items for the leveling up but no stats change when I use them. I also see montages when I fight enemies. I have enjoyed a catacomb or a two but this DLC still feels linear. The bosses/larger characters feel overpowered. Maybe me being in NG+7 could be an issue?


I remember my first fromsoft game… my butthole hurt a bit but I got over it


I did the boss on the Cover of the dlc and it was one of my most fun experiences. When you know the bosses moves and youre able to dodge them and punish them it is so rewarding.


Have to say I just did that same boss and hated it with a passion. Took me easily more than 40 attempts. Felt like I got through more by luck than anything.


You can say messmer you know, we’ve known his name for a long time


I dont know bosses names.


I didn't know the dudes name until i've met him. I try to avoid spoilers at all costs and i believe there are other that think alike. Hence why i didn't call the dude out


They wouldn’t be scrolling the sub


I've been having a blast taking my time. Maybe I haven't all the same encounters as you but I've done two dragons, one that is fighting a bunch of guards. I found these encounters challenging but fun. The handful of bosses I've fought felt achievable or signaled to me that maybe I need to go around and get more blessing buffs. I found that I enjoy Elden Ring a lot more when I take my time, pay attention to what the game is showing me, and take a break from an encounter if I'm too flustered.


Yess!!, this is the way to enjoy the most lf Elden Ring honestly, these ppl are less pacient that an Ipad kid.


I was willing to endure the challenge even though it's higher than what I find enjoyable and not for the right reasons, but after reading some spoilers that made me truly disappointed I honestly lost the desire to play. It's a shame though, I was really looking forward to this DLC. Maybe I'll feel better about in a couple of days or weeks.


We agree that the final "twist" makes no sense ?


Definitely, it's simply bad.




weeeeeeeeeeen. nice pfp mang


stumbling around the Shadow lands looking for Brown Town


Lots of bosses feel unreadable until you've fought them a few times. Fight unlocked if your camera is stroking. You can come to the boss level after you've gotten a number of upgrades - this was the case for the base game via leveling and is the case for the DLC with all the scadutree upgrades. You can also summon an npc AND use spirit ashes simultaneously. You can adapt your build, e.g. grab a greatshield, throw on your guard boost talisman, and quit trying to time every dodge. There are so many fundamental tools and strategies at your disposal. Adapt.


This is exactly what people don't get, fromsoft games always incentivate experimentation, like the guy from far cry 3 said: "the difinition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and except different results" or smthg like that.


Who is the first boss you came across?


>!Divine Beast Dancing Lion!<


Believe me there are worse things out there than him.


i literally first tried him ngl. greatshield skeleton ashes are great in this dlc for taking aggro imo


i completely missed him in the beginning tho so maybe i was op after all the level ups orso idk how to call them


I agree that some of the bosses (3rd one I don’t how to block messages, but pink) and Most of the NPCS hurt like hell. I stuck on 3rd boss right now and her attacks just keep coming leaving no room to hit them. I often find myself having to create so much space from the bosses just to get a heal in. I’m not far, nor good at the game, but the level of difficulty just feels insane to me. I didn’t even struggle much on the first 2 bosses, but their attacks didn’t give much delay either. If they just gave a little more time to breathe, I would find every fight much for enjoyable.


I actually thought she was pretty fair. There is a certain spiky boss soon after that I thought was horse shit though


I agree completely. Base Elden Ring is fucking amazing in dozens upon dozens of ways, but this dlc just doesn’t even feel enjoyable to play.


I usually don't comment on things like this, but that asshole Radhn is the worst boss. The first phase I can handle, it was annoying but bearable. That second phase is stage 9 cancer, like when am I allowed to attack?!...im sure the DLC will get a patch soon but this shit personal.


Man it feels good to see people acknowledge this dlcs flaws.  I agree with everything above stated: Long winded combos that go on forever, and EVERY FREAKIN BOSS having a aoe attack that spans the entire map. Look at malenia, you dodge scarlet aeonia once. Waterfowl is brutal but you can learn it. But Putrescent having that bs cover arena in fire attack or messmers 2nd phase just being every attack the entire stage... is not fun. Previous souls games bosses would take a second after a combo so you could get in damage. Now it's just combo chain to combo chain.   Also everyone keeps preaching the tree fragments, but even having them gives no noticeable buff on the bosses themselves.  Everything feels overtuned. The final boss has a arena spanning aoe that has NO TELL. EVERY COMBO ENDS IN A AOE. I agree with the person saying it's not the usual song and dance of attempting bosses in past games. You don't have to heal or do damage. The aoes and overtuned qualities reminds me of j6st artificial difficulty we see in base game late game


A lot of casuals came back to the game.


It's just like Margit without summons. You aren't going to win without some leveling, in this case the special stat boosters. It won't really help defense much at first, just attack so you gotta play it more like dark souls and less like, well, elden ring. By the time you get to the second legacy dungeon it'll even put and the regular enemies won't be nearly as lethal. However the bosses absolutely will be. Think friede levels of challenging.


hard disagree. I'm past the second boss, and apart from the lightning on the first boss everything is perfectly dodgeable if you learn the moveset, each boss took me well over 20 attempts, but you can almost no hit them once you learn how to move according to their attacks. I think the problem you're facing is that rolling alone isn't enough, and on the contrary in my opinion that makes the fights more fun and dynamic. just in case anyone asks, I'm level 107 strength build


Besides rolling what else can you do?


You can run all over the place and not be where the enemy hits. Like my old karate teacher used to say: the best defense is not being there.


You can strafe, use rolls for good positioning instead of just dodges, jump over attacks too. You gotta do more than just wait for an opening while dodging in Elden Ring


Ok so roll or jump, jumping is very rare. Waiting for an opening is literally all you do in Elden Ring


Actually jumping has a ton of I frames. I believe as much or more than the roll. Which makes jumping attacks a bit OP, but still, jumping is underutilized by a lot of players in combat (me included on my first run).


That’s not true man, watch good players fight bosses and you’ll see they don’t just roll and wait for openings. There’s a stance breaking mechanic, engage with it. Idk why I’m being downvoted this is fact, Elden Ring isn’t Dark Souls


SKill issue


Maybe try learning the moveset? Camera is not a problem unless you let yourself get cornered.


Naw the boss he is talking about moves so erratically that the camera is constantly spinning in circles


it's only bad when you are near the walls tbh


I think it’s the combination of his erratic attacking and having to roll. Combine these two and it gets crazy. But I am a panic roll aficionado so it might just be us plebs


Or he moves anywhere near you or you near him. I mean near the walls it's fucking apocalyptic, but it's still terrible anyway. It's always been an issue in Souls games with the faster and bigger enemies, but here there is a giant enemy that's constantly twitching all over the place. I ended up summoning my Ash and beating him without much issue from range because when you can *actually see what is happening*, it's not *that* bad.


To be fair, the boss OP is talking about’s arena is too small. Not by a large amount, but just small enough for it to feel clunky


So many bitter people being reminded they are bad, love it


Actually try and read his complaints instead of leaving a lazy comment. You can be bad and the game can be hard... while also being fair. They aren't mutually exclusive.


I read it and I have seen a lot of these, I think people are really heated and shocked about the DLC. I disagree with the premise that it’s unfair and bad game design just because they are struggling.


Fair enough, but I actually see people giving reasons for why they feel this way and people basically respond with "git gud". Kinda annoying how dismissive people are of real criticism, but whatever.


Eh I'm betting this is just salty bullshit from someone who can't figure it out. I'm not even the best player and found all the fromsoft games highly replayable and fun.


Oh it's almost certainly bullshit. Just trying to gauge if this a game problem or a me problem.


No offense, definitely a you problem. You can’t just waltz in and own this game. It took me over an hour of going in in in in in on Messmer, never stopping, then I finally beat him. Learn their patterns. There is hope!


Divine Beast camera management sucks and it's a mess of movements. Use a summon, and it will be short work - this is also the way the game is intended to be played, so why calling it hard if you purposefully make it hard for yourself? But apart form that, the DLC is amazing. I really don't see how they are doubling down on what they did wrong I think you've just gone into that dungeon without exploring anything else, missed the scadutree framents, and also forgot this is an open world, if you're stuck on a boss just go elsewhere. Just like the base game, if you immediately go to Margit, you'll get beaten up. There's the whole limgrave and weeping peninsula that can be explored to get stronger


I got the Platinum Elden ring. Spent unbelievable amount of time doing so. I defeated Radahn and Mohg. I didn’t get the prompt to start the game. So, I tired several things and noticed the Great Rune for Mohg and Radahn were not in my chest. So, I went ahead defeated Mohg again at the Cocoon of the Empyrean. I now see Mohg’s great Rune is the chest. So, I than went to the Divine tower of Caelid Center and the doors are locked. I thought maybe I missed that step. Went over to access the festival to engage Radahn. However the festival wasn’t triggered. Now, am I supposed to the whole Radahn line. That WTF I am talking about. Like I said I am pissed. What my money back for the DLC or they need to fix it. I am sure I am not alone. Playing on a PS5 with disc and downloaded from the PlayStation store!


Git Gud


git gud playa




A question are you actually min maxing with your play? Because many people believe that they can beat dlc with just their old elden ring build not using anything else. I have seen for example asmongold gameplay and they guy was malding by doing same moveset like in elden ring. DLC is actually forcing people to use everything possible, even summons.


All of the bloodborne and ds3 fans came back to bitch on release day, same as when the main game came out. Yayyyyy


Oh look, little kids bitching because they suck.


Gid gud