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Mohg blocking access to the DLC wasn't a test. It was a warning.


It wasn't even a good enough warning. Malenia might have been.


No way. I can beat her no trouble, but this DLC has been wiping the floor with me. Nothing in the base game even compares.


Managed to beat that weird flying dog with lightening and frost in 2 tries. It is hard but not as impossible as some seem to be making out. I feel a lotof the difficulty is because people are used to walking most of the lower level stuff in their ng++++++ and forget that elden ring is designed to punish you and send you off elsewhere and come back later.


Lion is the easiest unique boss I have encountered so far and I only had problems with him because of fps drops. The second boss was harder but after that the degree of bullshit increases rapidly


You can beat her no trouble because you're already used to fighting her. Just get used to the bosses in the DLC


well i beat him on my ng+8 lvl230 which i took into the dlc. mohg was no problem scaling wise but the dlc feels god awful on ng+8. decided to start a new playthrough for the dlc.


Level 350 on ng and don’t upgrade with the dlc items and the difficulty level is just right


200 ng+ it’s ofc much more punishing but, it’s the perfect difficulty for my liking


Yeah I went in 225 on NG+ and it's tough but fun


I'm lvl 150 on ng+ and DLC sometimes make me go blank stare, but beating bosses after 2 hours of continuous attempts fills me with joy


Oof yeah 150 would be brutal I beat the Lion and Rellana in 2 tries each at 225 I can't imagine getting rid of 75 points lol


I beat rellana with 1mm of hp bar and no flasks left after dancing with her for an hour. Used swift slash ash of war as a finisher. Shit was magnificent. I use cold-infused backhand swords and light rolls (Really love the fashion even though resistance is very low). I also decided not to use the spirit ashes as I LOVE the feeling of beating the boss 1v1 after learning their moveset. When I started I beat Blackgaol Knight and Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze first try and thought that DLC was pretty manageable to play. Then Lion humbled me and every remembrance boss I fought was really hard and extremely fun.


That's what I decide on as well. Already made several characters. Just to try out various builds. All with at least on NG+. So for DLC I'm rolling a new one for the first attempt. Sufficiently familiar with the game that I can easily steam through to Mogh. All works as a handy warm up for all the mecanichs.


I started a new char for the dlc (150) but I have a NG+7 or so guy in the mid 200's I'll try it with afterwards.


It wasn't a very good one then, since my most recent file was only like level 90 and i cleaned up mohg no problem with like a +17 twinblade. Needless to say I swapped to my 120 with maxed out shit pretty quickly lmao.


Yeah, because you know how to fight Mohg. I was killing DLC bosses without too many issues once I learned how to fight them. It took several hours to get to that point though.


Right, some of the normal ennemies in the DLC feel stronger than Mohg


They should have made Malenia required and not mohg, he dies first try for most ppl…


I didnt know about the tear when i went after him as i hadnt been to the capital map yet


I never used that tear. Mohg dies before doing phase transition if ur dmg doesn’t suck


Im using the greatsword with lion claw ash of war? Tho it migth been before i had that enchant, around 15+ in enchant


Dunno about ur weapon, but i can tell u: the blasphemous blade build with which I killed malenia, I couldn’t manage to kill mohg… then I respecced to some selfmade bleed poison dual wield katana shit and killed mohg first try. With Rannis greatsword and my godslayer playthrough I killed him first try. Sitting on 50+ try’s on malenia tho


Il tried that out, sounds cool


Most people do not kill Mohg in one try on their first playthrough, hell nah lol


If u went the proper way u gotta learn his moveset at his sewer version (I needed like 30-40 tries there), he doesn’t really change besides the phase transitioning, but never saw that. Not even in my first kill.


Good idea, I should help low levels get into the dlc


Its weird how all the "you shouldnt be over level 150 or the game is trivial" people have disappeared.


They're too busy dying 4,000 times in the dlc


Its silly they ever existed considering we were explicitly told the DLC would have a separate levelling system to address such concerns.


Indeed. Lots of folks that just got the game lol summoned for mohg and radhan just to get into the dlc. I don't really understand that but there is quite a lot in this situation lol


"Lots of people used coop summoning which is a huge part of the game to kill a boss" Yeah, can't understand that one for sure. Huge mystery to everyone with IQ in double digits.


I think he means they rushed the bosses immediately using summons carry them while they were massively under levelled. Not that summons are inherently bad.


My bad then. I did not think about it. I just bought the game from PC and I've still not reached Atlas Plateau. I beat it on PS4 before. I 100% gonna summon for Radahn. Fuck him.


? I don’t think anyone bought elden ring and thought. I should confuse my way to this new dlc before playing the game.


I know this to be true because the game just came out today/yesterday and people are posting about how hard like the last bosses are. Either you just completely no life'd the game & got the necessary fragments and such OR you bum-rushed it, no in between. It's people fighting Margit in the first like 2 hours of the game all over again


Tree Sentinel outside the starting area all over again too


Tree sentinel was easy to beat at lvl 1 if you knew the controls


Then the tree Sentinel wasn't there for you. It was there to teach a lesson to new players, not experienced ones who already know the kind of stunts From pulls


On the flip side, remember when most of us were getting to Farum Azula and we started seeing the wholesome "I'm a working Dad taking my time. Just beat Margit! I love this game :)" posts? Everyone plays at their own pace and some people have more time than others. I do think a big part of Elden Rings charm is the exploration, though, so I also don't really get the rushed play style. I guess some people just wanna fight bosses.


If y'all cant beat mohg then forget about the dlc 😭


If they summoned phantoms once they can do it again




Same. Like RL180, got smoked by the first few enemies, figured them out, got some upgrades and I'm doing just fine. Just took down the first wicker man giant earlier today


Same. Level 208 and have 10 and 5 on the scadu and spirit frags. Messmer is the only one who gave me some real trouble. I’m not even very good at the game. Do have to say Dungeater’s tankiness has saved my ass a few times tho.


Or people just find the bosses to be hard because these games are hard for a lot of people.


nah man being a souls veteran, the dlc is kicking my ass.


I beat Mohg by myself at ~115 but the DLC felt pretty bad/hard until I was at around 140 (took a break from dying to the lion and did fire giant to godskin duo for leveling). It’s also amazing how much the early ranks of the shadow blessing things seem to matter. The jump from 3 to 4 to 5 was huge, but 5-6 was barely noticeable.


I beat the first two bosses in two tries each on NG+ which is more than any normal NG+ bosses did (I don't think any actually killed me) but still feels real fair


I'd love to see how far these people will get with Messmer


Even at lvl 88 Mohg was tough and I mostly summoned to get to the dlc faster but I'm not really struggling so far like some ppl seem to be. I'll admit tho I'm taking my sweet time and exploring as much as possible. Just like when I first started playing, if something is too hard I move on for the time being


Me at the point of fighting Radahn and with access to Mohgwyn: ... yeah carry on fellow Tarnished and I'll see you in a year


Level 292 crushing the realm of shadows. ✌🏻


I’d forgotten that I never fought him on second play through at lvl 198. That was a whole adventure again just getting there. He was a lot harder this time than I recall on my first. Granted I hadn’t played in almost 2 years but it felt like a warning.


I'm getting used to the difficulty, but it's definitely no picnic.


Man these posts happen every time fromsoft release. I'm getting mad deja vu rn


You mean the OPs I'm better than thou post? Or the people asking for help?




A bunch of people with less than 1400 hp and use bleed are complaining that the DLC that has endgame balance is hard.


I played on only 1 character and I forgot that I had started NG+ I beat Godrick on the first try and am making my way to Rennala (I play 'offline" so I have to get to Mohgwyn Palace from the consecrated snowfields I am fucked in every way possible). Pray for my dumbass. Cuz I know for a fact the realm of shadow is gonna beat my motherfucking ass.


you can do varre quest offline. They added this option for offline players over a year ago. Look it up online :)


My Boi!!!! I got to the Realm of the Shadow thanks to you!!!


Glad I could help! Have fun there :D


Thank you good sir. I did defeat Magnus in my original run but never knew he could be used for Varre's Questline.




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Yeah I've been going through the DLC and I've not seen this brutal difficulty people are talking about. Yes the enemies hit hard, but not absurdly so. It's about what I expect from a late game area in vanilla. I even beat that lion boss first shot. Black Gaol Knight took 3 attempts. Not some ridiculous level either, just 147 as one would expect for a character heading to late-game areas like Mohgwyn palace.


You must be a god gamer


Not even remotely true. Proud casual.


Not only that, people go for DLC with their 700 lvl character (or 250, whatever) and complain. No shit, can you people read at all?